Vetenskapliga publikationer: Asp H., Karlen H., Alsanius B. 2009

Vetenskapliga publikationer:
Asp H., Karlen H., Alsanius B. 2009. Reflection-in-Action: a trigger for acquisition of higher
horticultural education knowledge. Acta Horticulturae, vol 832, 43-47
Löfkvist K., Englund J-E., Larsen R.U., Alsanius B. 2009. Light integral as an indicator of
water use in commercial greenhouse nurseries. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B,
Soil and Plant Science, vol 59, 326-334
Gunnarsson A., Bengtsson F., Caspersen S. 2010. Use efficiency of N from biodigested plant
material by ryegrass. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, vol 173, 113-119
Kosiba Held A., Lindqvist H., Asp H. 2010. Effect of Fertilisation on the Development of
Freezing Tolerance in Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth.) and Blue Holly (Ilex × meserveae
S.Y. Hu ‘Blue Princess’). European Journal of Horticultural Science, vol 75/2010, nr 4, 165171
Mogren L., Ekengard K., Asp H., Torstensson G. 2010. Improved Nitrogen Starter Fertilizer
Strategy (Method and Level) for Field Grown Iceberg Lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Acta
Horticulturae, vol 852, 305-310
Bergstrand K-J., Schuessler H. 2011. Prospects on LED lighting for growth regulation and
energy saving in pot plant production. Acta Horticulturae, vol 893, 269-274
Gunnarsson A., Lindén B., Gertsson U. 2011. Biodigestion of plant material can improve
nitrogen use efficiency in a red beet crop sequence. HortScience, vol 46, nr 5, 765-775
Landberg T., Jensén P.J.C., Greger M. 2011. Strategies of cadmium and zinc resistance in
willow by regulation of net accumulation. Biologia Plantarum, vol 55/2011, 133-140
Larsson Jönsson H., Asp H. 2011. Influence of nitrogen supply on cadmium accumulation in
potato tubers. Journal of Plant Nutrition, vol 34/2011, 345-360