Initial Research Rubric

Research Paper – Rubric for Your Initial Research
Task: Hand in a presentation of facts you learned about your topic written in the form of
a log.
 Your log should be bullet-pointed (please use numbers instead of bullets);
complete sentences are not necessary.
 Finish with two to three sentences of your best writing to explain why you want to
research this topic.
 Attach one printed Internet article that is an informative source on your topic; it
should not be simply biographical.
 Attach this rubric at the end of the packet.
Use the following rubric to guide you through this assignment, and staple at the end of your log.
All facts are important and are central to your topic
Many facts include specific names, dates, locations, and other detailed information, but it is
not simply biographical
All points are well-developed
All writing is in your own words
Log includes a minimum of 15 separate points; points are numbered, not bulleted
Explanation reflects a personal connection to the topic and/or evidence of some reading and
initial information about the topic
All MLA format (typed) is correct. Title for the project: Initial Research Log
There are no errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or wording
The attached article has depth (it goes beyond biography), but is not too difficult to be useful
Project is stapled before coming to class and is neat and wrinkle-free with all components in
the correct order (log, explanation, article, rubric)
Most facts are important and are central to your topic
Some facts include specific names, dates, locations, and other detailed information
Points are adequately developed
All writing is in your own words
Log includes 13-14 points; points are numbered, not bulleted
Explanation either does not reflect a personal tie to the topic or evidence of initial reading
There is a minor error in MLA format (typed). Title for the project: Initial Research Log
There are occasional errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or wording
The attached article is primarily biographical
Project is stapled before coming to class and is neat and wrinkle-free (no cover, please), but
some components (log, explanation, article, rubric) are out of order
Facts are not always important or central to your topic
Few facts include specific names, dates, and locations, or it is basically biographical
Points lack depth and development
There is evidence that an article’s words have been modeled too closely
Log includes 11-12 points; points are numbered, not bulleted
Explanation is very basic and lacks commitment
There are a number of errors in MLA format (typed). The title is incorrect.
There are frequent errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or wording
The attached article is from an encyclopedia
One of the following requirements was not met: stapled before coming to class, is neat and
wrinkle-free, no cover, or some components (log, explanation, article, rubric) are missing or
out of order
Facts are not the most important ones
Facts are general and lack detailed information, or the log is a simply biography
Points are listed rather than reflecting depth and development
Wording has been taken from another source
Log includes less than 10 points; points are bulleted, not numbered
Explanation is missing
There are many errors in MLA format or the log is handwritten. The title is missing.
There are numerous errors in spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or wording – or
spell check was not run before printing.
The attached article is either inappropriate for your reading level (too hard or too easy), or too
short or basic to be of much use
More than one of the following requirements was not met: stapled before coming to class, is
neat and wrinkle-free, no cover, or some components (log, explanation, article, rubric) are
missing or out of order
Due Date _______________________
One quiz grade