post 4

Keep Being An Intelligent Person
Mengsi Jiao
126 G
Pro. Teddy
Intelligence, considered as a specific ability to common public. For individual, it belong
to genius, because only a few of people can own this kind of ability with inborn. Thus, it called
natural, which was elusive and mysterious. On other wise, people may had a chance to be an
intelligence through acquired education and targeted technology training. This way could not
promise everyone being a talent, it can improve people unknown potential at least. Therefore,
intelligence could classified as two significant definition, genius and skills. It seemed each one
had their understanding about intelligence, and found it in their own method.
Start to multiple intelligence, this idea was come form Howard Gardner, a Ph.D. from
Harvard University. His research focused on education and developmental psychology field.
This man offered main idea of multiple intelligence was about how the public found themselves
were good at some skills or got helps from others to figure out it. Cause of everyone own the
intelligence somehow, but it was too precious to share with each people. Then, how to confirm a
people have it and could as his own intelligence.
First thing, do it as your hobbit since you paid a lot attention on it. “Violinist Yehudi
Menuhin’s musical intelligence manifested itself even before he had touched a violin or received
any musical training. His powerful reaction to that particular sound and his rapid progress on the
instrument suggest he as biologically prepared in some way for that endeavor.” (Pg 290,
Gardner) Like everything under control by fate, Menuhin met music and loved it when he first
listening to Louis Persinger. Then he insisted to be Louis’s student and made his interesting to
professional. He just want it, and do it.
To mention here, another main point was came out, brave. It didn’t matter to get into
trouble with dreams, it do matter only talking a lot as an universal, however being a dwarf on
behavior. Again, Menuhin build his dreams, which was a violinist; did his goals, which was
countless times practice; faced his challenge, which was unimaginable difficulty. Consequently,
he did prove to be an international Violinist by ten years old. Interesting could be causal to help
people find their intelligence apparently. What if a people already have had intelligence. How
could he treat this ability? Either use or waste it. It will be another issue to discuss.
There was one person, Isaac Asimov, who was a well-respected writer on general
science and earned a doctorate from Columbia University. According his background, it can tell
he should be a smart man. And he think so until he found an another smart man that he usually
ignored before. Only cause of a joke, his auto-repair man asked him how to a deaf-and -dumb
people want to some nails. The answer was show it by movement. As same addition, how was a
blind man to do. Asimov gave same answer depend on first question. However, he got laughing
at all. The auto-repair man said, “How so you suppose he asked for them?” (Pg 202, Asimov)
And then this smart man, Asimov had to realize this Auto-repair man can be intelligent anyway.
Asimov turn to review his past life and thought what is intelligence. Not only himself,
but also include someone he never considered as him as an intelligent people. “ In a world where
I could not use my academic training and my verbal tal-lents but had to do something intricate or
hard, working with my hands, I would do poorly.” (Pg 201, Asimov) This summary combined
part of author’s experiences at past and his newly acquired knowledge by now.
Even Asimov was a doctorate and registered score 160. He still had weakness when did
something by manual labour instead of mental labour. Auto-repair man also gave him a fresh
understanding to recognize that there was another kind of intelligence excited. Differ form on
intelligence test, practical experiences of life was a kind of intelligence more fit in daily.
Above of all was about a man who owned intelligence by education, and he realized
there were quite several kind of intelligence, like the joke showed logical intelligence, auto-
repair man showed powerful manual skill. On the other side, talked to the genius, who was
intelligent with inborn. The natural group, how did they found the miracle, which was the gift
from god.
There was an instance from Chinese textbook for middle school student. The author was
Wang’an shi, from Song dynasty, who was a popular politician and reformer. He was hailed as
“the great reform of China’s 11th- century by Lenin” The tittle of article called “Sad for Chung
Yong”. Obviously, Chung Yong was the main role through whole essay.
As a typical model of gifted child, Yong could wrote poem without preparation, also no
limitation to the topic of poem on age five. It means he owned creativity to write a poem in
anywhere with any issue. Since his father found this talent on Yong, the child was treated as a
money machine. Because of Yong’s father was a farmer, he only interesting in benefit that his
son could earned.
A few years later, the disaster came out, Yong turn to a normal people when he was
twelve. Even though, he could wrote poem as before, but poem already lost his style as original.
Like a people lost his mind, it was not quite different to compare with animal. It was the reason,
this article named “Sad for Zhong Yong”.
Be honest, if Yong’s father not just paid attention to Yong’s intelligence, also gave him
a better education environment. The end may changed. As a gifted child, Yong’s talent was
obtained by innate. And this ability was far better than general talented people. Eventually, he
became a normal person, because there was not enough satisfied about his acquired educational
requirements. Such smart as Yong, yet to be ordinary people unfortunately. What if some normal
people, neither born smart nor accept nurture technology. Will be able to become far yet?
Basically, society consisted of huge common people, only a few groups could owned,
found and used their intelligence. If not, everyone can be president as well. There were some
examples to explain how to owned and found intelligence in front, however about how to used it
and made it specific and valuable.
The “Multiple intelligence” had the answer. Sixth ability gave a clear explanation.
Interpersonal intelligence, which was communication, convey, exchange and interaction between
people. But the character from the article was different, she was nearly disability.
“With little formal training in special education and nearly blind herself, Anne Sullivan
began the intimidating task of instructing a blind and deaf seven-year-old Helen Keller.
Sullivan’s efforts at communication were com-plicated by the child’s emotional struggle with the
world around her.” (Pg 294, Gardner) Sullivan did not obstructed by her physiological defect,
indeed she really found a specific intelligence for herself. Interpersonal intelligence relay to
education, logic, psychology such field was very complicated. Emotion had not a rule to follow
or control by anyone. Sullivan overcome those difficult and got targeted training, then owned the
intelligence finally. After then, she made this intelligence became parts of her. Like, she
educated a boy who was blind and deaf. The boy didn’t heard her order and also ignored
people’s attention at beginning.
For this unforeseen circumstances, the book was helpless. Thus, Sullivan used her
experiences to solve the issue. “The greatest problem I shall have to solve is how to discipline
and control her without breaking her spirit. I shall go rather slowly at first and try to win her
love.” (Pg 294, Gardner) Currently, Sullivan had a whole system to solve any situation and turn
to her own intelligence to compare with general intelligence. Love what you did, think about
what consume think. Based on these theory, Sullivan made her interpersonal intelligence by
individual. This talent came with nurture education and summarize from life experiences. It was
not hard to achieve, and not easy to insist on it.
To sum up, each one can be intelligent, no matter age, job, gender, even disability.
There was no limitation to set in a stationary group. It everyone will become talent. Only a thing
was different, how. How to find yourself own intelligence, how to use it after you make sure it,
how to make it have your personality within. Therefore, each person own intelligence, but not for
any one could be intelligent.
“What Is Intelligence, Anyway? Isaac Asimov
“Sad For Chung Yong” Wang an shi
“Multiple Intelligences” Howard Gardner