Apr 09 - Mecca Hosting



April 09, 2009

President Ron McAtee called meeting to order at 7:03pm

Attendees: Ron McAtee

Jodell Johanson

Luz Rodriguez

Gordon Johanson

Peter Steele

Elicia Dadlow

Joyce Cook

Christine Rosario

Judith Sohocki

Domingo Rodriguez

Clara Lawrence

Previous Minutes

Motion Peter Steele, Second Jodell Johanson to approve the minutes as edited. Motion Carried

Finance Committee Jodell Johanson

4/6 $3,354.93

Bylaws Committee – see below

3/31 $20,615.90

Membership Committee - No Report

Social Committee - No Report

Old Business

1. History Research Seminar Fern Eddy Schultz to meet with Tim. Tim will try to push up the timeframe to possibly this summer.

2. Bylaws (revised) Second Reading Motion Tim Stabosz, second Gordon Johanson to approve the bylaws, Motion carried.

Discussed two year officer terms and nobody cared to propose a motion to change from the current one year term of office. Revisions were discussed to the nomination and election of officers, including email ballot submission, March elections and notice 14 days rather than 10 days prior to the meeting. Motion Gordon Johanson, Second Tim Stabosz, to approve these changes. Motion carried. Discussion to remove bonding requirement and changing language that treasurer has custody of all fiscal assets, such as securities. This needs further clarification and will be tabled until a future meeting. Discussion on Article 7.3 regarding elections, and voting in abstentia. Motion Clara Lawrence, second Judith Sohocki to approve the changes. Motion carried.

3. National Preservation Month Activities a) Suggested yard signs for designated LaPorte properties, provided by PEP. Christine presented the proposed sign layout. We need to move on this quickly to be ready by May.

Motion Approve $500 for spending on yard signs. Gordon, Second Clara Lawrence. Motion carried.

Ron will shop vendors. Discussion to include web url and larger font for PEP name. b) Potluck at Clara’s, Sunday May 31 at 3:00 pm c) Second House Preservation Party, Elicia is a possibility, but probably more exterior and windows would be the projects to be done at that time. d) Bus tour idea from Elicia to tour some historic properties, possibly at night ending when the courthouse bell rings. Possibly in conjunction with Transporte. Looking at historic factories and vacant buildings to bring awareness. Possibly Friday or Saturday nights. Possibly tour by all of designated properties.

Action : Elicia to look into Transporte costs and factory history. e) Newspaper article – would be a PEP press release encompassing some of the preservation month PEP activities. To be sent out right after the meeting in May. f) Send out letter to prospective members Regarding the membership letter, we now have

HLFI mailing list. Will probably do a maili ng using Pete’s letter. g) Local preservation awards

New Business

1) Second House Preservation Gathering during Preservation Month (see above)

2) Bus Tour (see above)

3) Local Preservation Awards – to be given at the Clara potluck.

4) Web site. Web site is no longer active. Will cost $30 to have the website re-instated. Group agreed to spend the money to do so.

5) Scholarship. In the past we have advertised our Historic Preservation scholarship opportunity.

Group consensus was this is still a valid offering.


 “Coverings” Trade Show in Chicago next week. Both sides of McCormick place. Tile, stone, etc. Starts Tuesday the 21 st .

1002 Indiana Purchased by people from Chicago. Might be good candidates for PEP members.

LaPorte City Hall will be designated as a historic site, hopefully by next month.

Northwest Indiana Earth Day event Saturday at Sunset Park in Valparaiso from 10-3. itmeanstheworld.org. Elicia is an exhibitor. She’ll take some PEP brochures if she can get some from Tim or Pam.

LaPorte First United Methodist Church stained glass windows for sale, two sizes, $60 for the smaller size and $80 for the larger size. These are steel-framed, art glass windows removed from the Chapel at the Church.

Salvage One is architectural salvage store in Chicago. Has a wide variety of architectural items salvaged from buildings such as: doors, windows, grates, bath tubs, etc. etc.

Clara mentioned group possibly going on Lafayette, IN tour that HLFI is putting on, as a group.

Ron mentioned group going to Marshall, MI to tour their concentration of Victorian homes.

Christine mentioned a concept of a workshop covering the tax incentives regarding historic preservation.

Ron mentioned attending the dinners at the Old Republic in New Carlisle as a group. Jodell said she would check to see the dinner still is given.

Some PEP members will be involved in the Symphony concert on Saturday night at


Motion Gordon Johanson Second Judith Sohocki to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm
