CMSC734: Application Presentations and Web Page Visualizing NASDAQ Daily Market Trading and Velocity Robin Berthier ( Huyen Dao ( Introduction In traditional stock markets with trading floors, traders often used noise and physical activity of other traders to determine changes in direction and momentum. A trader can see where everyone is crowding and listen to who is selling what, who is buying what, what prices people are shouting, and how frantically other traders are communicating. However, the NASDAQ stock market is a purely electronic stock market (the world’s first to be in fact). Therefore, NASDAQ has tried to develop numeric measures that will provide the same information as the human buzz of a physical floor. These measures are the Market Velocity and Market Forces. Market Velocity is a numeric equivalent to floor noise and activity. To calculate velocity, NASDAQ takes the ratio of the actual volume of shares traded and the expected volume of shares traded multiplied by a factor of 1000. The expected volume of shares is a 21-day running average of trade volume for a particular time of day. Market Forces is the ratio of buy orders to sell orders. The NASDAQ Experimental Market Information site offers daily data including Market Velocity and Market Forces along with buy and sell price and volume. The data is offered to customers in relative real-time and customers can see the velocity information for particular stocks or indices of interest. Market Forces data is offered similarly but not in as varied time periods as velocity. The data is derived from a file that is essentially a log of all buy orders and sell orders sent in the system. Each order is timestamped and a running velocity and force value for that timestamp is calculated. The data analyzed in this report is the raw log of recorded buys and sells. We should note that the buy and sell orders to do not precisely correlate. Buy and sell orders are not always requests and response. Sometimes a buyer will initiate and put an order in for a certain price and quantity and if the seller agrees to the terms will place a corresponding sell order. However, a seller can also but up a sell order with an asking price for a given quantity and if a buyer wishes to buy these shares on these terms he or she will. The majority of buy and sell orders have a response but there are significant numbers of buy and sell orders that go unanswered. Unfortunately, the log does not identify corresponding buy and sell orders so we can only analyze sheer number of buy versus sell orders. In fact, this is the Market Forces ratio, but in terms of looking at which orders are actually answered, we were unable to determine this with this data. The following are the fields relevant to our analysis: Add Timestamp – time the order was added to velocity/forces ratios Ask BBO – prevailing best ask price at the time of the order Bid BBO – prevailing best bid price at the time of the order Buy Price – if the order is a buy order, this is the price of the order Buy Quantity – if the order is a buy order, this is the quantity of the order ISI – issue symbol Ratio (Forces) – ratio of buy orders to sell orders currently in the forces ratio Sell Price – if the order is a sell order, this it the price of the order Sell Quantity – if the order is a sell order, this is the quantity of the order Total Actual – Total volume in the forces/velocity calculations Robin Berthier Huyen Tue Dao Total Expected – Expected volume in forces/velocity calculations based on a 21-day running total Timestamp – timestamp placed when record is created Velocity – velocity ratio = (total actual / total expected) * 1000 The dataset we used contains buy and sell orders from Wednesday, February 7, 2007. We initially thought that the data was a time series, but in fact, it is a log of sales, and so we decided to use Spotfire, to help analyze relationships between fields. Another reason we decided on Spotfire was that we felt it smoothly handled fairly large datasets. The full dataset of over 3,000 NASDAQ stocks was over 9 million rows long. We selected a subset of 10 issues to examine. Since NASDAQ is known for being a technology-heavy exchange, we took 10 leading tech companies: : Google (GOOG), Yahoo! (YHOO), Microsoft (MSFT), Apple (AAPL), Cisco (CSCO), Intel (INTC), Nvidia (NVDA), Dell (DELL), Ebay (EBAY), and Amazon (AMZN). Our subset of 10 stocks (or issues as they are generally known and as will hence be referred) generated a data set of approximately 200,000 rows for both buy and sell orders. We wanted to make sure that we could analyze this vast number of rows smoothly with as little crashing as possible. We had hoped to perform analysis over several days but the size of the dataset and the fact that daily data is wiped at the close of the market prohibited us from doing this. We had to do significant parsing of the data. In particular, buy and sell orders are only distinguishable by the fact that a buy order has zero-valued sell price and sell quantity and sell order has zero-valued buy price and buy quantity. Also, as we mentioned we decided to parse out only those orders concerned with the above companies in order to focus our analysis and shrink our dataset size. Analysis Cisco Leading NASDAQ in Market Shares after Second-Quarter Earning Report The graph below shows total buy and sell quantities for various issues. On February 7, 2007 NASDAQ recorded 101,158 buy orders and 105,549 sell orders. The orders here were organized into 10-minute slices. It can be immediately seen that the orange and red lines of Cisco sell and buy orders have the highest peaks on this day. In fact, on February 7, 2007 Cisco announced a 40% increase in profit for its second-quarter [1]. The news pushed Cisco’s stock up 3% and the NASDAQ Composite Index up 0.8%. The graph also demonstrates the typical pattern of a day of trades at the NASDAQ Stock Market. Orders are recorded from 7am to 4:30pm, but share trading really picks up around 9:30am. The last spice on the right shows high trading activity right before the close of the market. The last minute activity shows how quickly the NASDAQ Stock Market can change. Visualizing NASDAQ Daily Market Trading and Velocity Robin Berthier Huyen Tue Dao Google’s Sell Order Value Dwarfs Other Top Tech-Based Companies with Sky-High Prices The plot below shows the total dollar value of buy orders for each issue over the 10hour period from 7am to 4pm. The graph clearly shows a huge gap between the value of Google shares traded on February 7 and all of the other 9 technology companies. While most of the other companies have sell orders totaling less than $50 million, Google has a staggering $400 million in sell orders. Visualizing NASDAQ Daily Market Trading and Velocity Robin Berthier Huyen Tue Dao Examining the expected volume of each issue per hour, the expected volume of trades for Google for each hour is not maximal. In fact a major of the other companies trade more in volume than Google. However, Google’s huge sell total can be attributed to its average sell price, $471, much larger than any other company. Apple and Microsoft Distinguish Themselves on a Day of High Activity Apple and Microsoft exhibited noticeably different patterns of activity throughout February 7, 2007. The general patterns of maximum issue velocity shared by the other 7 companies in the dataset showed high activity in the morning, possibly a show of the bolstering effect that Cisco’s announcement had on most tech stocks, and a second peak towards the end of the trading day. However, Apple, showed low to moderate activity, with a few peaks, but for the most part, significantly less activity than the others. The velocity of Apple shows that shares traded at about the same volume as over the past 3 weeks. Microsoft on the other had a slow start, with little activity at the opening of the market but increasing steadily throughout the day. The line for the Dell graph below is not clustered with the other tech companies because of the fact that no sell orders were timestamped before 8am. The reason for this cannot be conclusively determined. Perhaps, the sell orders were timestamped late or perhaps there was no selling before 8am. However, it can be seen that it is similar to the first cluster with a high activity in the morning, with an early afternoon lull, and then a small peak again before the close of the market. Visualizing NASDAQ Daily Market Trading and Velocity Robin Berthier Huyen Tue Dao Spotfire Critique Spotfire overall was very polished and versatile. It handled large data sets well without a lot of deterioration in performance, although there was a definite limit to the number of rows it could reasonably handle. The controls and the design of the interface were consistent throughout, different graphs having similar specifications and controls. There could have been more shortcuts for various tasks like running through pages or adding common graphs. There was decent feedback; however, there were some instances where the feedback did not change once a new action was taken. For example, when creating a custom expression for a chart axis, Spotfire will give feedback if an erroneous display name or expression was entered and gives a description of the problem, but sometimes when the user changes the expression or display name accordingly there is no more feedback to make sure that the new expression is correct. It seems that Spotfire has a bug in re-checking the expression. The few design dialogs do give the user closure; however, there are no dialogs for some common tasks with which the user may want more assistance. There is not as much error prevention but Spotfire does offer informative error messages, but does not prevent errors from changing state. For example, if you specify erroneous columns in a graph, the graph will go blank as opposed to just rejecting the column. Spotfire does have a great undo feature that allows a user to easily remove mistakes. There is a decent degree of control given to the user, although there are certain capabilities that are missing that a user may want to accomplish. Spotfire lacks the capability to overlay graphs of different types, which may be useful for directly comparing different types of data. Also, some graphs offer relative scales but not all of the graphs do. We had wanted to do other types of comparisons in relative growth of price and volume, but because the bar graphs and the Visualizing NASDAQ Daily Market Trading and Velocity Robin Berthier Huyen Tue Dao scatter plots cannot have relative scales, it was hard to see patterns in relative growth and decrease since the price and volume magnitudes could vary greatly. Also, it was helpful to have all of the visualizations linked. The filtering capabilities were concise but powerful, although it would have been convenient to be able to specify different filters for different pages, in case the user wanted to examine different portions of the data simultaneously. Another thing that Spotfire does well is providing lots of information to user with tooltips or secondary windows. Clicking on graph lines or plot points immediately yields details and all of the graphs are linked meaning that further information is demonstrated with highlighting rather than requiring the user to remember the behavior of various rows across different visualizations. Overall, Spotfire is well-done and extremely powerful, although there is still a lack of versatility in small areas and the optimal dataset size could be increased. References [1] Russell, Frank M. "Today's Nasdaq, Tech-Stock Rally Powered by Cisco Systems." The Mercury News 07 Feb. 2007. 18 Feb. 2007 < business_update/16645542.htm> Visualizing NASDAQ Daily Market Trading and Velocity