Strengthening quality assessment of VET qualifications in secondary

NQC communication and dissemination strategy quality of assessment - validation
and moderation
In 2010 the AQTF was revised to require RTOs to systematically validate assessment (including RPL). However,
the National Quality Council (NQC) recognises that the processes of validation and moderation are not well
understood in the VET sector.
The NQC through TVET Australia has appointed Quorum QA Australia Pty Ltd to design and deliver a program
to communicate and disseminate the key elements contained in the NQC reports on validation and moderation
to RTOs nationally. The objective of the program will be to improve assessment practices within the VET sector
through the application of validation practices which support consistency in assessment outcomes in a range of
contexts. The key outcomes are anticipated as being:
 improved capabilities within the VET sector in contemporary assessment practices through the use of
validation to support consistency in assessment outcomes; and
 better understanding within the VET sector of strategies for quality assurance, quality control and
quality review as aspects of the quality management of assessment.
The program will involve 12 interactive workshops to be conducted nationally. Two workshops are scheduled for
To ensure that each session is interactive, three hours will be allocated to each session to enable sufficient time
for workshop activities. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with members from the research team
responsible for developing the NQC reports, network with trainers and assessors and engage in a professional
discussion regarding improved approaches to validation and moderation in VET.
Andrea Bateman
Andrea Bateman is one of Australia’s VET leaders in the field of assessment, specialising in providing
educational organisations with advice on complex assessment and auditing issues. She has provided clear
frameworks for both policy makers and practitioners and is an experienced auditor and VRQA curriculum
advisor. She actively researches new and challenging aspects of VET including competency based assessment,
graded assessment and professional judgement.
Andrea has extensive national experience in conducting audits including AQTF, registration audits, investigative
audits and CRICOS audits. Recently, she led a team in the development of the supplementary documents for
the AQTF 2010 including the users’ guides to the essential conditions and standards of registration for initial and
continuing registration.
Workshop Schedule:
3 June
Level 8, 35
Spring Street,
Training Room 8.4,
9:30am – 12:30pm
1:30pm – 4:30pm
Registration for the workshops is at no cost to the participant.
Nominations for registration are to be lodged by Friday, 27 May 2011 as places are limited and are on a first come basis.
Applications for registration are to be submitted to:
NQC communication and dissemination strategy quality of assessment validation and moderation
To register for a workshop complete the following fields and select the most suitable location and time.
As registration is free and places are limited please ensure that you only register if you are confident of
First Name
Surname/Family Name
Position Title
Organisation Name
Organisation Type (select one only)
 Private Provider
 Enterprise Provider
 TAFE Institute
 Secondary School
 ACFE Provider
 Other (please specify)
Email Address
Contact Phone Number
Workshop Location and Time:
Melbourne Thursday 3 June – 9:30am – 12:30pm
Melbourne Thursday 3 June – 1:30pm – 4:30pm
Submit completed registration form to: