Article - I

International Science, SocialSciences, Engineering and Energy Conference
17-19 December, 2014, Prajaktra Design Hotel, UdonThani, Thailand
I-SEEC 2014
Tourism Development Guidelines for Lao Krang ‘s Weaving Villages, Srayaichi Villages
Neunpo Parish, Samngam District, Phichit Province
to be a Cultural Tourism Destination.
Phitchayaporn Prakrongjai, AkkarongPunpong, Yanyongvorakron Thongyaem
Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, ,
The objectives of this research were study the potentials of cultural tourism and analysis and presente the
development guidelines Srayaichi Villages , Neunpo Parish, Samngam District, Phichit Province to be a weaving’s
cultural tourism destination. study the format of tourism guidelines that suitable for the contexts of community.
This research applied both the qualitative and quantitative research technique for data collection. The target groups
were Community Leaders, local residents and agencies involved in local government. This study is Divided into 3
parts study the contexts and potentials of community. 2. to study the format of Srayaichi Villages ‘s tourism
guidelines to be a weaving’s cultural tourism destination. 3. To find the suitable format of cultural tourism. This
research used participant observation, in-depth interview, structure interview, focus group and questionnaire to be
used for various activities. The analysis of this research is used content analysis and then evaluation and conclusion
for the results as The objectives of this research.
Found that Srayaichi Villages had the potentials’s community in 2 aspects: 1. potential as a tourism destination was
contain the wisdom, the cultural, and the tourism attractions 2. Availability of community for developed to be the
cultural tourism destination. Srayaichi Villages have a good social costs that is the harmony and respect. Apart from
the costs of culture and identity of the outstanding weaving villages that shows Lao Krang ‘s lifestyle which
immigrated from Luang Prabang city , Lao People's Democratic Republic to be effected with this research could
continue for used the tourism development guidelines to be fact. Analysis of the study results found that the suitable
of Srayaichi Villages’s tourism development guidelines was the cultural Tourism excursions in one day trip to study
the folkway , cultural , Lao Krang ‘s weaving wisdom and wake of the history from villages learning centre. By set
tourism activities and villages management to supported many tourists that considered of convenience , comfortable
and still maintained traditional lifestyles.
Keywords : Cultural Tourism Destination, Cultural Tourism Conference
1. Main Text
The tour Essential to the establishment of policies developed country in the Economic Development Plan
Map 11 as the country focused on the supporting tour by pushing the value of local knowledge. As a
source of current domestic. Because Thailand has a rate of tourism from abroad in the country as from
2544 - 2546 with foreign tourist flow to Thailand increased to 11.2 million (TAT) and over the past year.
has supported the development of the tourism industry at large. The cause of the growth in the country
and encourage the wider distribution of income. For this reason, the tourism industry has been expanding.
In many provinces, the potential availability of cultural capital, but lack of opportunities and support the
development of the cultural tourism. To support the quality of life of the local community and have
sustainable growth. Which support the development of this nature will help you achieve atomic aspects of
awareness and appreciation of the cultural heritage of the nation, which has been passed down from
generation to generation. Kung Lao cloth The village of outdoor life grandmother Hills District FC
Phichit Phichit.
Creative tourism is based on the cultural values of local or cultural capital can be achieved by raising
stories from history. Local Arts folk music Way of the literary community and Crafts architectural beauty
of the craftsmanship and the other to handle the appeal in accordance with the values of a community or
city. This is an opportunity for visitors to get hands-on experience through learning through travel. So that
the villagers have to live with it. No representation is made or as tourists to travel and to experience the
lifestyle of the locals made with hand-woven textiles. They also have the opportunity to hand-woven with
local people still maintain a way of life. Or an open house to get better naturally. As the Ton Lao
Kung Lao was originally emigrated from Laos. Luang Prabang But why the need to relocate some
livelihood to Thailand. The people of Laos, there was a belief that is unique. Believe in the Mystery
Spontaneity The ability of agriculture to farm well. Dyeing and weaving of the time in casual clothes.
Currently he was living in Thailand, Laos, about 90,000 people living with farm crops, animal husbandry
and weaving the weaving is unique and is the wise use of natural dyeing after weaving silk. The color
scheme is red hot. Makes the onlookers are impressed by the beauty of colors, patterns and textures
complex but interesting geometric pattern, gold, blue striped animals per hours per foot Sarong, etc. (most
doth Dream Ayuthaya, 2552.).
So to encourage the preservation of culture and livelihood of the Lao unique occasion. Will require the
development of systems and structures for development into a tourist attraction as a new alternative for
tourists who travel to. Housing an account grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC. It also
conforms to the policy development and promotion of tourism in Thailand to attend ASEAN with the
emergence of the social culture. Focused on strengthening the foundation for the region's citizens are
aware of the identity of the shared history and culture. The distribution of Wisdom The recognition of
each other's historical information. (Culture and Information), the researchers are interested to study the
development of cultural tourism village to village to village woven Lao Chi Kung Swimming
grandmother Hills District FC Phichit Phichit.
1.1. Structure
This study follows research.
1. To study the potential of cultural tourism village grandmother she pond Hills District spot.
Phichit Province Phichit
2. To find the model that best suits the needs of you village grandmother she pond.
3. To analyze and propose the development of a village to the village of her life.
Cultural fabric
Research Methodology
Population and sample
Population in this research is that people Category 5, a grandmother Sheen Hills District Sporting
Phichit Phichit 669 people (BMN., 2556) were used in this study is the Lao Krang and community leaders
in the village pond. Grandma Sanchez Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC 250 people.
Data collection time Research in this Was conducted to collect data from two sources as the primary
data (Primary Data) from the data collection instruments used were the folk stage. Officers interviewed
Group Chat A participatory research process. And so the locals are involved in the management style,
following the cultural context cultural tourism potential of the village, a grandmother, she spots Hills
District, Phichit Province Phichit. Participatory forms of tourism in developing village weaving Lao
Krang. Guidelines for the development of village life as a grandmother, village cultural fabric. Secondary
(Secondary Data) obtained from documents. Internet Research and Independent Study. As well as the
weaving village of Lao Krang. Housing an account grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit
FC. Including information from the Tambon Administrative Corporation. Phichit Tourist Office Phichit
Provincial Cultural Office
Tools used in the study.
The instrument used in this study. The questionnaire and interview The following questionnaire
(questionnaire) by the query will contain. Question 4 Episode 1 now includes questions about
demographic characteristics of the village pond grandmother she is the current status, sex, age. Education,
occupation and income are multiple choice questions when two questions about cultural tourism potential
of the village, a grandmother, she is what attracts tourism. Participation of the community Nature of
Participation And willing to participate in the development of her village an account to tourism in the
future. The multiple choice questions at the three questions about their attitudes toward the heritage of the
village an account grandmother. It's a question of scale (rating scale) to measure the level of the village, a
grandmother, she has evolved into a cultural fabric. The researcher has determined scoring into 5 levels,
reorder points from the comments that have been developed at a grandmother to point out is cultural
fabric as possible to the comments that have been developed at a grandmother. she is a cultural fabric is
5-4-3-2-1 at least four questions about the form of cultural tourism. The multiple choice questions
The research tools used in this research were interview (Interview) by an interview.
As follows:
1. Interview A semi-structured interview for leadership on issues.
Appropriate forms of tourism and the development of village life as a grandmother, village cultural
2. Staging people To study and listen to the Potential and in the context of community.
Cultural fabric of Lao shellac. As well as listen barriers of the past. Includes a tour of Participatory
Village Development in Lao weaving shellac.
3. The Workshop. Seminars and lectures to the development of the village.
Kung Lao weaving Housing an account grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC. To
tourism Culture to raise people's awareness. Understand the management style that relies on tourism.
Contributions from the community It could be developed as a tourist, cultural interest. They held a
brainstorming together for residents to express ideas and discuss the process of planning a tour to Lao
village pond in my life. This leads to learning. Approach to tourism development, cultural sustainability
with a participatory process.
Statistical Analysis
The data analysis of this research The researchers collected and analyzed data, divided into three parts:
the personal factors of the respondents. Cultural and tourism potential of the village. Using statistics,
percentage (Percentage) Average (mean) and standard deviation (Standard Deviation) analysis of primary
data. Analysis of the results from the public arena. The focus group (focus group) reported a description
of the analysis. And analysis of secondary data Using content analysis (content analysis) as described for
the analysis report.
The findings
The number of respondents, 250 people, mostly female, 155 people, representing 62.00 per cent were
male and 95 people representing 38.00 percent were aged between 51- 60 years were 81 people
representing 32.40 per cent respectively. are older than 60 years were 58 people representing 23.20 and
aged between 41-50 years, 47 per cent of 18.80, respectively, with most of the marital status, number 166,
representing 66.40 second single. a total of 51 people, representing 20.40 and widowed / divorced for 33
persons or 13.20 percent, respectively.
Tourism Attractions
The study found that Highlights of the attractive tourist village grandmother she pond Hills District.
FC Phichit Phichit The opinions of people in the community have commented that the strength of the
community is woven on a massive scale with an average 4.46 percent from 89.20 followed by the
traditionally high level with an average of 3.77 percent from 75.40 and. the Folk Show Livelihoods of
local people. Moderate, with an average of 3.23 percent from 64.60 respectively.
The Folk Show
Table 1. Comment on the attractiveness of the local community towards the village an account grandmother.
4.2 Style Guide Participatory Village Development in Lao weaving shellac.
The researchers conducted a study on the cultural right. The details are as follows:
Form of cultural tourism The research will be conducted in the following areas.
To determine the appropriate form of cultural tourism to the village an account grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit
FC. By linking the heritage of the communities.
From interviews with community leaders, residents and focus groups with youth in the area. Form of cultural tourism for the village
pond grandmother Sheen Hills District FC Phichit Phichit is tourism attitudes, cultural studies, namely a tour to seek knowledge
about culture consists of learned wisdom Cotton Woven Lao Krang. The woven fabric is a unique textile fabric and ground LTD.
Both woven cotton and silk. Learning local customs and the dress of woven cloth. The festival includes parade.
Lapses during 4 to 8 months of the year traditionally the day of the third lunar month, three of Rice all year festival. Songkran
Festival flags renunciation Held on the last day of the festival. Religious tradition traditional mid-sixth of the year, and traditionally
favors Mahachat mid 11's every year.
4.3 Guidelines for the development of village life as a grandmother, a village cultural fabric.
4.3.1 The development
The researchers divided the study in terms of the development is as follows. Issues in
Elements of tourism, including tourism attractions (Attraction) to reach Attractions. (Accessibility) and tourism facilities (Amenity)
There is also the issue of leadership to influence the management of the area.
Elements of tourism issues The approach developed in the following.
1. tourist attractions From interviews with community leaders and focus groups.
Youth to identify community development groups, community leaders have argued that the development follows.
- Improving the landscape within the community. By developing a community in the beautiful and tropical trees. In particular, along
the entrance to the village.
- The Psychology of weaving Jok Lao Krang. Because there are problems of production, namely personnel in woven fabric is not
enough. The cause can not meet the needs of the market fully because of this community, so the idea is to convey knowledge of
weaving. Since the beginning of the process in which the community is spun silk yarn or the fabric itself. But it buys from other
areas. We want to convey the material ideally give the young people seriously. The need for assistance from funding agencies.
Including the development of standards for handicrafts for tourists as the industry. Commercial Office Provincial and
- To encourage the Lao Krang Costume Set. The Holy Days Local tradition And to encourage local authorities, such as
municipalities, hospitals, school, teachers, staff and students are required to wear hand-woven fabric of the district.
- Create community identity With the promotion of sericulture. Promotion of young folk A homestay for tourists to stay in the
village to learn the way of life.
2. Access to Travel From interviews with community leaders Youth focus groups and observed that the development of the tourism
community should be as follows.
- Proactive public relations plan to promote the community's identity is known in all the channels. The priority should be to sign up
for the village and it clearly reflects the distinctive identity of the community. Weaving Village is ideally Lao Krang. Include signs
such as billboards showing the village entrance. Label the village at large. Signs suggest local resources. Signs suggest that the craft
and the community store.
- Should link the trails to nearby provinces such as tourism.
historical Cultural Tourism View handicrafts and gold and woven province. The natural attractions such as Phu. Thailand The
natural attractions such as Phu Thap Boek to Commercial.
3. Facilities tourism. The data from the study, and interviews with community leaders. Youth focus groups find Community should
develop its facilities.
At the
- Should be added to the facility, including the provision of tourism information services to benefit cultural tourism such as history,
culture, traditions, life wisdom, Kung Lao weaving Jok. A different pattern Appears on the cloth
- Improvement of weaving a tidy gorgeous and provide space for visitors. When tourists are interested to study or visit the event for
the weaving community.
- Should set point serving drinks and toilets clean shop.
A memorial service for the tram village to study lifestyle. Weaving the wisdom of Lao weaving artifacts and natural wax with
community board administrator. Under the support of government agencies.
Issues in Leadership The guidelines developed in the following.
- Vision of interviewing villagers. Youth Group Chat And observed that leaders at all levels must look ahead to the development of
sustainable communities. By keeping local traditions and culture. Their children to realize further preservation.
However, the vision of the leader to influence the development process driven weaving village of Lao Krang. Housing an account
grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC. To cultural sites It relies on various factors, including the new ideas. In
community development Motivating or persuading the public to participate in the activities of community exposure to any other
channels. Ongoing
- As thought leaders Community leaders need to build and maintain trust, trust to be accepted by the community. Thinking and
decision-making processes Taking into account the interests of the community in terms of social, economic, and overall quality of
- Create a network of external Community leaders should learn the local customs, cultural exchange activities with the community
or other agencies outside the community in order to build good relationships at the individual and the society.
5. Discussion
5.1.1 Context of village grandmother she pond Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC by the researcher.
Consider the elements of tourism is what the tourist attraction (Attraction) to access the sites. (Accessibility) and tourism facilities
(Amenity), which is consistent with the concept of happiness happy party Phu (2545), the researchers found. An indigenous village
life grandmother. It also inherited the weaving Jok. It is woven by hand takes time and conscientiousness. And succession
traditionally practiced regularly. Relating to the way of life from birth to death. These have been passed down from their ancestors.
It was also found that the community has the potential educational value. Safety and infrastructure. Potential of the area to support
the development of tourism. However the improvement in the availability of personnel. It also requires more advanced infrastructure
capabilities such things as restaurants, souvenir. Toilets for Tourists And tourist information
Tourism attractions of the village an account grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC is Arts and Crafts and Culture.
This is consistent with the concept of Rungrat Crafts (2545) found that the tourism potential of the village an account grandmother.
To develop the cultural attractions. Based on the composition of the three elements are potential tourist attractions, community
tourism potential. But to improve the readiness of personnel to support community tourism.
Community access The road to the village is paved and concrete. With the ease of travel by personal vehicle. If traveling from
Thailand, a distance of approximately 60 kilometers by Highway 117, which can be linked to other sources of information,
including cultural tourism. Offense such as textiles, silver and gold supervisory nature tourism. Thailand, such as parks, landscape
stone, cruise dare Kang Song waterfall which is consistent with the concept of a word Walika (2545).
Tourism facilities that service the camp. Indigenous or local stores. And Visitor Center Takes time and cooperation from the
community. Agencies to develop local cultural attractions.
In addition to three issues above The study further the involvement of the community. In most communities to cooperate in
activities in the community and contribute to support and abide by joining a meeting of the monitoring activities of key community
most people are willing to participate in development. Granny outdoor village life to cultural attractions in the following year. This
is consistent with the concept of a dagger Saaigg Gold (2545), which makes the development of a concrete community.
5.1.2 Style Guide Participatory Village Development in Lao weaving shellac.
The data were derived from interviews and discussion groups. Forms of tourism
Cultural village with a grandmother she is tourism excursions, cultural trip - to study the cultural life wisdom of Lao weaving
shellac. And traces the history of the village community learning centers have developed. By fixing activities and management
activities for the village. For tourists With regard to convenience, safety, and retains traditional way of life of the people in the
village are consistent with the concept of Chanwit Agriculture S. (2540) by the informant to participate in Comments to the weaving
village Lao Krang. a grandmother, she is cultural. It can be concluded that A tour that suits weaving village Lao Krang. Housing an
account grandmother Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit FC is a cultural tour excursions to - to tour the route by linking the
neighboring provinces.
5.1.3 The Development of village life as a grandmother, a village cultural fabric.
Woven from synthetic data obtained from interviews and focus groups to guide the development Granny outdoor village life woven
into the cultural side of things that attract tourism. Proposed to improve the landscape within the community. By developing a
community in the beautiful and tropical trees. In particular, along the entrance to the village and the Psychology of weaving Jok Lao
Krang. The present problem is the lack of production of weaving. It is necessary to encourage the Lao Krang Costume Set. The
Holy Days This is consistent with the concept of Mill & Morrison (1992) concluded that the suit tourist attraction. (Attractions) in
terms of aesthetics. Imposingness Facilities (Facilities) of the accommodation, restaurants, souvenir shops. Other services
As part of the attraction has offered an aggressive plan to release.
Release the identities of the weaving community is ideally Lao Chi Kung Swimming grandmother. To be known This is consistent
with the concept of Wanna archa (2545) concluded that the promotion of tourism must take into account several factors, including
the factors of journalism.
Leadership, the community leaders at all levels must be farsighted. This is consistent with the guidelines
National Economic and Social Development Plan No. 11 (2555-2559) to the development of sustainable communities. By keeping
local traditions and culture. Their children to realize the preservation of community leaders to build and maintain a reliable trust that
is acceptable to the community. Thinking and decision-making processes Taking into account the interests of the community in
terms of social, economic, and overall quality of life.
6. Conclusions and recommendations.
The results of the study were Sra her home she spots Hills District, Phichit Province Phichit. The village has a history of ethnic
immigrants from Laos. The heritage of indigenous weaving Jok Lao Krang from generation to generation. until The tradition
Culture So it is an environment conducive to the promotion of cultural attractions. And because this community is a community in
the province. The community is conveniently accessible. Safety Can travel links to other province has to offer.
There is something alluring tourism. With cultural resources include Arts and Crafts, lifestyle and culture, which is inherited and is
still continuing today. For outstanding attractions of this community is ideally weaving.
Community access Is convenient to travel by private vehicle. There are basic infrastructure facilities including roads, electricity,
water and communications networks, as well as safety of life and property. But for accommodation services. Indigenous or local
stores. And Visitor Center Currently there is no community because this community is in its development as a tourist, cultural. So
what These take time and cooperation from the community.
In addition to three issues above The study further the involvement of the community. In most communities to cooperate in
activities in the community and contribute to support and abide by contemplate meeting assessed the activities of key community
most people are willing to participate in the development of the village. she is a grandmother of cultural sites in the future because
of the attitude of the community towards a cultural village pond in my life then. Foresaw the economic and social benefits of the
public are being improved and revenue increased.
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