Davis, John J BJ 1251 DAV Evangelical ethics: issues facing the church today. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R Publishing, 2004 BL 65.G55 GOS The Gospel and globalization: exploring the religious roots of a globalised world. Edited by Michael W Goheen and Erin Glanville. Vancouver, B.C., Regent College Pub, 2009 Reinders, Hans S. BV 4461 REI Receiving the gift of friendship: profound disability, theological anthropology and ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008 Hauerwas, Stanley BR 121.3 HAU Christian existence today: essays on church, world and living in between. Eugene, Or.: Wipf & Stock, 2010 BJ 1251 CAM The Cambridge companion to Christian ethics. Cambridge: CUP, 2012 Gill, Robin BJ 1251 GIL A textbook of Christian ethics. London: T & T Clark, 2006 O’Donovan, Oliver BJ 1251 ODO Self, World and time: an induction. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2013 Marlow, Hilary BT 695.5 MAR Biblical Prophets and contemporary environmental ethics. New York: OUP, 2009 These books can be borrowed from: Bishop Eaton House, 30 Vanguard Street Nelson Christian Ethics Davis, John J BJ 1251 DAV Evangelical ethics: issues facing the church today. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R Publishing, 2004 Meilaender, Gilbert R 725.56 MEI Bioethics: a primer for Christians. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans. 2005 BL 65.G55 GOS The Gospel and globalization: exploring the religious roots of a globalised world. Edited by Michael W Goheen and Erin Glanville. Vancouver, B.C., Regent College Pub, 2009 in the Bishop Sutton Library BJ 1191 OXF The Oxford handbook of theological ethics. Edited by Gilbert Meilaender and William Werpehowski. Oxford, OUP, 2005 Messer, Neil BJ 1251 MES Studyguide to Christian ethics. London: SCM Press, 2006 Bishop, John BT 600.3 FAC Believing by faith: an essay in the epistemology and ethics of religious belief. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007 Interchurch Bioethics Council BT 695.5 REA Real, urgent and personal: a Christian approach to global climate change. Wellington, N.Z.: Interchurch Bioethics Council, 2008 Northcott, Michael S BT 695.5 NOR A moral climate: the ethics of global warming. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2007 McCarthy, Brendan R 726 MAC Assisted suicide: drawing a line in the sand. Cambridge : Grove Books, 2009 Wright, Christopher J.H. BS 1199.E8 WRI Old Testament ethics for the people of God. Leicester: IVP, 2004 Hauerwas, Stanley BR 121.3 HAU Christian existence today: essays on church, world and living in between. Eugene, Or.: Wipf & Stock, 2010 BJ 1251 CAM The Cambridge companion to Christian ethics. Cambridge: CUP, 2012 Gill, Robin BJ 1251 GIL A textbook of Christian ethics. London: T & T Clark, 2006 O’Donovan, Oliver BJ 1251 ODO Self, World and time: an induction. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2013 Marlow, Hilary BT 695.5 MAR Biblical Prophets and contemporary environmental ethics. New York: OUP, 2009 These books can be borrowed from: Stassen, Glen H. & Gushee, David P. BJ 1251 STA Kingdom ethics: following Jesus in contemporary context. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2003 Scott, Rae BJ 1012 RAE Moral choices: an introduction to ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 2009 Tel: 03 548 8785 email: librarian@bishopdale.ac. 106741785 17 February 2016 Reinders, Hans S. BV 4461 REI Receiving the gift of friendship: profound disability, theological anthropology and ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008 106741785 17 February 2016 Bishop Eaton House, 30 Vanguard Street Nelson Tel: 03 548 8785 email: librarian@bishopdale.ac. 106741785 17 February 2016 Christian Ethics Davis, John J BJ 1251 DAV Evangelical ethics: issues facing the church today. Phillipsburg, N.J.: P & R Publishing, 2004 Christian Ethics Meilaender, Gilbert R 725.56 MEI Bioethics: a primer for Christians. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans. 2005 BL 65.G55 GOS The Gospel and globalization: exploring the religious roots of a globalised world. Edited by Michael W Goheen and Erin Glanville. Vancouver, B.C., Regent College Pub, 2009 Meilaender, Gilbert R 725.56 MEI Bioethics: a primer for Christians. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans. 2005 in the Bishop Sutton Library BJ 1191 OXF The Oxford handbook of theological ethics. Edited by Gilbert Meilaender and William Werpehowski. Oxford, OUP, 2005 Messer, Neil BJ 1251 MES Studyguide to Christian ethics. London: SCM Press, 2006 Bishop, John BT 600.3 FAC Believing by faith: an essay in the epistemology and ethics of religious belief. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007 Interchurch Bioethics Council BT 695.5 REA Real, urgent and personal: a Christian approach to global climate change. Wellington, N.Z.: Interchurch Bioethics Council, 2008 Northcott, Michael S BT 695.5 NOR A moral climate: the ethics of global warming. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2007 McCarthy, Brendan R 726 MAC Assisted suicide: drawing a line in the sand. Cambridge : Grove Books, 2009 Wright, Christopher J.H. BS 1199.E8 WRI Old Testament ethics for the people of God. Leicester: IVP, 2004 Reinders, Hans S. BV 4461 REI Receiving the gift of friendship: profound disability, theological anthropology and ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008 Hauerwas, Stanley BR 121.3 HAU Christian existence today: essays on church, world and living in between. Eugene, Or.: Wipf & Stock, 2010 BJ 1251 CAM The Cambridge companion to Christian ethics. Cambridge: CUP, 2012 Gill, Robin BJ 1251 GIL A textbook of Christian ethics. London: T & T Clark, 2006 O’Donovan, Oliver BJ 1251 ODO Self, World and time: an induction. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2013 Marlow, Hilary BT 695.5 MAR Biblical Prophets and contemporary environmental ethics. New York: OUP, 2009 These books can be borrowed from: in the Bishop Sutton Library BJ 1191 OXF The Oxford handbook of theological ethics. Edited by Gilbert Meilaender and William Werpehowski. Oxford, OUP, 2005 Messer, Neil BJ 1251 MES Studyguide to Christian ethics. London: SCM Press, 2006 Bishop, John BT 600.3 FAC Believing by faith: an essay in the epistemology and ethics of religious belief. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2007 Interchurch Bioethics Council BT 695.5 REA Real, urgent and personal: a Christian approach to global climate change. Wellington, N.Z.: Interchurch Bioethics Council, 2008 Northcott, Michael S BT 695.5 NOR A moral climate: the ethics of global warming. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, 2007 McCarthy, Brendan R 726 MAC Assisted suicide: drawing a line in the sand. Cambridge : Grove Books, 2009 Wright, Christopher J.H. BS 1199.E8 WRI Old Testament ethics for the people of God. Leicester: IVP, 2004 Stassen, Glen H. & Gushee, David P. BJ 1251 STA Kingdom ethics: following Jesus in contemporary context. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2003 Stassen, Glen H. & Gushee, David P. BJ 1251 STA Kingdom ethics: following Jesus in contemporary context. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP, 2003 Scott, Rae BJ 1012 RAE Moral choices: an introduction to ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 2009 Scott, Rae BJ 1012 RAE Moral choices: an introduction to ethics. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan, 2009 106741785 17 February 2016 Bishop Eaton House, 30 Vanguard Street Nelson Tel: 03 548 8785 email: librarian@bishopdale.ac. 106741785 17 February 2016 106741785 17 February 2016