AUTHENTICATION Microlight flying is a recognised sport within the Royal Air Force and is conducted under the authority of the RAF Sports Board. The Royal Air Force Microlight Flying Association (RAFMFA) is the governing body of this sport within the RAF. This handbook contains the procedures for the operation of microlight aircraft by members of the RAFMFA. Orders contained within this handbook are to be reviewed annually by the order sponsor. This review is to be completed by October each year with amendments being passed to the Operations Member for incorporation and issue by the following December. J A Young OBE MDA MA BSc MIET FRAeS RAF Air Vice-Marshal President RAFMFA 2nd Edition February 2010 i AMENDMENT RECORD AL No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Amended By Flt Lt Waters ii Date 30 Jan 12 INDEX Orders 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Subject Sponsor Service and Other Regulations Affecting Microlight Flying Formation of Microlight Flying Clubs Operation of RAFMFA Aircraft RAFMFA Syndicate Terms of Membership Operation of Privately Owned Aircraft. Hiring of RAFMFA Aircraft Type Conversion Training Maintenance of RAFMFA Aircraft Use of 100LL Aviation Gasoline (AVGAS) in RAFMFA Aircraft RAFMFA Aircraft Rigging and De-Rigging RAFMFA Aircraft Reporting of Flying Statistics RAFMFA Aircraft Accident Reporting Procedures Monitoring of PPL Currencies Administration of Training Courses and Other Major RAFMFA Activities Iii Ops Member Ops Member Ops Member OIC Clubs Ops Member Ops Member CFI Eng Member Eng Member Eng Member Ops Member Ops Member CFI Tour/Exped Member RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.1 REGULATIONS AFFECTING MICROLIGHT FLYING Military JSP 360 Regulations for Civil Flying at MOD Airfields and Charges for Non-UK Military Aircraft Using MOD Airfields JSP 362 Encroachments (Chapter 14) MAA Regulatory Articles 2000 Series Military Flying Regulations RAF GAI 1032 RAF Flying Clubs RAF GAI 1056 RAF Microlight Flying Clubs MAA Regulatory Articles 1000 Series Flight Safety (Vol 1), Post Crash Management (Vol 2), and Risk Management (Vol 3) AP 3223 Non Public Accounting AP 3415 Sport and Recreation in the RAF Civil The Air Navigation Order CAA/BMAA Rules Governing the Operation of Microlight Aircraft in the UK CAA/BMAA Rules Governing the Licensing of Private Pilots in the UK 1.1.1 (AL1 Jan 2012) RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.2 FORMATION OF MICROLIGHT FLYING CLUBS General 1. The aim of the RAFMFA is to bring microlight flying in to the reach of as many people as possible. To do this, the Association will, whenever possible, support the formation of new clubs. However, club proposals dependent upon the allocation of RAFMFA aircraft must be fully justified. Moreover, if training is proposed, the club requirement must form a key element of the RAFMFA’s longer-term training objectives. Whatever the purpose, the club must have a good probability of continuing success. Legal Framework 2. Hitherto, the authority to form a microlight flying club was provided through GAI 5070. However, GAI 5070 is written around the requirements of light aircraft operation and does not lend itself to the flexible operations of microlight aircraft types. GAI 1056, RAF Microlight Flying Clubs, redresses this and enables the formation of two distinctly different types of club. Category 1 Club 3. Category 1 clubs may be formed to provide the facility for a group of licensed RAFMFA members to exercise their privileges as private pilots. The principle behind the formation of a Category 1 club is that the regulations governing civil flying at military airfields will apply individually to each member. Members of these clubs will only conduct recreational flying activities in accordance with local flying orders; NO instructional flying, except that required for currency check flights will be conducted from such clubs. Category 2 Club 4. Category 2 clubs will enable licensed RAFMFA members to conduct recreational flying activities and will, in addition, provide instruction towards the issue of a microlight private pilots licence. Due to the nature of flying operations in Category 2 clubs, a more rigorous approvals procedure is required which will involve specialist staffs from within MOD and Command HQs. Conditions for the formation of RAFMFA Clubs 5. The general conditions for the formation of microlight clubs are detailed within GAI 1056 and must be adhered to. Before proposing the formation of a microlight club to the RAFMFA Executive Committee, the following should also be considered: 1.2.1 a. Location. RAFMFA clubs are encouraged to form on a regional basis. When considering the location of the proposed club, due regard to the existence and operation of other flying clubs must be given. b. Membership. If proposing the operation of a RAFMFA aircraft, the potential membership of the club must be of sufficient sustainable quantity to support the viable operation of that aircraft. c. Finance. Starting capital, if required, should be sought from the host unit and other units that may contribute significant membership. If operating a RAFMFA aircraft, the starting capital will have to cover, up front, the aircraft’s annual fixed costs. 1.2.2 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.3 OPERATION OF RAFMFA AIRCRAFT General 1. RAFMFA aircraft have been purchased with grants from the RAF Sports Board, RAF Charitable Trust and Central Funds. Consequently, their use is restricted to members of the RAFMFA. 2. The aircraft may be captained by 5 categories of pilots as follows: a. Full and Assistant Flying Instructors undertaking flying instruction or currency check flights. b. Student pilots undergoing a flying training course. c. Members of the aircraft syndicate. d. Persons specially appointed by the Operations Member or the Club OIC to carry out specific tasks. e. Pilots authorised to hire the aircraft. 3. Before flying the aircraft, all pilots are to familiarise themselves with the relevant aircraft manufacturer’s operating handbook, copies of which are held by the operating club. Moreover, all pilots are to acquaint themselves with local flying regulations for the airfield they are operating from. In both cases, it may be necessary to read and sign for the relevant orders. Flight Authorisation 4. The operation of microlight aircraft is particularly susceptible to weather conditions and pilot experience. Therefore, when authorising a flight there are many parameters that must be considered. Captains have to be sure that they are capable of undertaking the flight in the prevailing conditions; the temptation to accept that as a newly qualified pilot you can do it all must be resisted, especially when flying with a passenger. Common sense must prevail along with the adage that it is better to say 'What a lovely day, I wish I was flying not driving', rather than I wish I was driving not flying'. The following general principles should, therefore, be considered before flight: a. Pilot experience. b. Weather. c. Sortie Profile. d. Fuel. 1.3.1 (AL1 Jan 2012) e. Emergencies, including making the provision for initiating a recovery (ie carriage of mobile telephone and electing a recovery person). Pre-flight Procedures 5. Before flight, the captain is to: a. Ensure that the aircraft is serviceable and has been pre-flight inspected in accordance with the aircraft and engine handbooks. b. Ensure that the aircraft carries sufficient fuel for the intended duration of the flight plus a minimum reserve of 5 litres for local flights and 10 litres for crosscountry flights. c. Ensure that crew/fuel weight (and balance) calculations are performed and that placarded weights are not exceeded. d. Obtain a met brief relevant to the time and route of flight. This briefing may be obtained directly from a Met Officer, a recognised source of aviation meteorological information eg AIRMET, or from a written brief displayed in the club control room. e. Check all NOTAMs relevant to the flight being planned. f. Make themselves familiar with any ATC procedures pertinent to the flight including radio frequencies, taxi patterns, departure, rejoin and circuit procedures. g. Ensure that flight details are entered in the flight authorisation sheet. For flights intending to land-away and/or over-night away from the operating base, brief details are to be entered in the ‘remarks’ column of the authorisation sheet. Post- flight Procedure 6. After-flight the captain is to enter post flight details in the flight authorisation sheets. Details of any unserviceabilities are to be entered into the aircraft technical log for co-ordination by the Aircraft Member. If in doubt about recording unserviceabilities, an instructor or engineer should be consulted. 7. If leaving the aircraft outside, it is to be picketed. Moreover, if it is to be left unattended, all removable items are to be removed and placed in safe custody. Covers, if available, should also be placed in position. 8. Unless on continuous operations and there is sufficient fuel remaining for the next flight (including reserve fuel), the aircraft is to be re-fuelled. However, do not fully refuel the aircraft when the aircraft’s placarded weight limits are such that it would require de-fuelling to carry a passenger. In these circumstances refer to local refuelling procedures. 1.3.2 9. After the last flight of the day, the aircraft is to be hangared. In exceptional circumstances the aircraft may remain out overnight, picketed and with covers in-place. If the aircraft is a weightshift type it must also be de-rigged. All removable items are to be taken out and placed in safe custody. Safety and Conduct of Flights 10. When operating weightshift aircraft types, helmets are to be worn at all times whilst the engine is running, or whilst in the process of engine starting, including when rotating the propeller by hand to prime the engine. Hand-swinging a propeller in order to start the engine should only be considered as a last resort and only when appropriate guidance on the technique has been provided. 11. The captain is to self-brief and, if applicable, brief their passenger on all aspects of the flight ensuring that their passenger is familiar with fragile parts of the aircraft’s structure. The brief is also to include actions to be taken in the event of an engine failure during take-off (EFTO) and en-route. 12. For EFTOs, the options to cover should include wind effect, area available, landing straight ahead on the airfield, landing off-airfield within 30 degrees of the nose and turning back to land on the airfield. However, turn-backs can introduce an unacceptably high level of risk and should only be considered as a last resort and, only if all conditions including wind strength, height, suitable surface, pilot experience and aircraft performance are favourable. Record Attempts and Other Unusual Flights 13. Prior to considering flights in RAFMFA aircraft either to set or break a national or international record, the captain should ensure that the proposal has been vetted and approved by the RAFMFA Executive Committee. The same approvals must also be gained prior to considering a flight over large water masses where the aircraft will fly out of gliding range of land or crossing International Flight Information Regions. This action is to ensure that all the correct protocols are adhered to and that the aircraft and its captain have appropriate insurance cover in place. Operating Limits 14. The aircraft is not to be flown outside of the operating limits specified in the Manufacturers Operating Handbook. The major limitations and RAFMFA imposed limitations are: a. Aerobatic manoeuvres, which are defined as manoeuvres in excess of +/45 in pitch and 60 in roll, are forbidden. (Note stricter limits may be enforced for particular aircraft types). b. Intentional spinning is prohibited. c. Intentional stalling is permitted but the aircraft must recover to normal flight by a minimum of 1500 ft AGL. Whip stalls are prohibited. 1.3.3 d. Takeoff, landing and cross wind limits are to be taken from the specific ac Operating manual. OICs can specify lower takeoff, landing and crosswind limits dependent on pilots experience and local operating circumstances. If these limits are approached, due consideration is to be given to the employment of ‘wing-walkers’ to assist ground handling of the aircraft. e. When flying solo additional ballast may be secured in the rear or righthand seat to bring the aircraft weight up to the minimum for take off. This ballast must be secured by approved means. f. Max payload (pilot, passenger, fuel, ballast etc) is not to be exceeded at any time. g. VMC criteria are to be maintained at all times. Carriage of Passengers 15. Passengers may only be carried by captains who hold a full PPL(A) Microlight, or NPPL Microlight license and are current in accordance with Order 1.13. For pilots intending to hire a RAFMFA aircraft refer to Order 1.6 for regulations governing the carriage of passengers. 16. Special care is to be exercised when considering the carriage of ‘small’ passengers, particularly young children. If the passenger cannot be adequately restrained using the aircraft harness the flight is not to take place. Furthermore, the authorisation certificate contained in GAI 1056 must be completed in advance by a minor’s parent or guardian. Insurance 17. The RAFMFA microlight aircraft are insured for flight, taxying, transit and on the ground. Also, the RAFMFA insures for liability to Third Parties in respect of bodily injury and/or property damage and, liability to Passengers (including a student but not a student flying solo) in respect of bodily injury and/or personal articles; the insurer’s liability in respect of any one accident involving liability to Third Parties and Passengers or both combined shall not exceed £5,000,000 for fixed wing and £1,250,000 for flex wing ac in respect of that one claim including Crown Indemnity. Any insurance claim is subject to an excess of £400-£750. No personal injury cover is available under the terms of the RAFMFA policy. Whilst Service personnel may exceptionally be considered to be on duty when participating in RAFMFA activities, for example expeditions/tours and RAF Sports Board approved competitions, it is incumbent upon all RAFMFA members to obtain suitable personal injury cover (eg the PAX+ scheme available to RAF personnel). Accidents/Occurrences 18. All accidents or occurrences are to be handled in accordance with Order 1.12. The aircraft captain will be responsible for policy excesses incurred in settling any Third Party or hull insurance claims up to a maximum of £500 IF any accident damage is considered attributable to them. 1.3.4 (AL1 Jan 2012) 19. In the event of an accident, the Aircraft Member/ Club OIC is to ensure that the reporting procedures at Paras 6 - 8 of Order 1-1.12 are complied with. The Operations Member is also required to maintain a log of all Association aircraft incidents/accidents. 20. In the event of any accident or technical occurrence on the aircraft, the Logistics Member is to be informed ASAP, as he will be the point of contact for any official correspondence with the BMAA/CAA and may wish to detail remedial action to return the aircraft to service. Flying Charges 21. Flying charges will be determined by the aircraft’s operating club and ratified by the RAFMFA Executive Committee; flying fees are to be promulgated by the club. Charges will be levied on each hour, or part thereof, as recorded in the Flight Authorisation Sheets and derived from the aircraft’s hours meter (if fitted). Bills are to be settled at the end of each flying day by cheque in accordance with local club procedures. Failure to pay flying charges on time may result in membership cancellation. 1.3.5 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.4 RAFMFA SYNDICATE TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP 1. By becoming a member of a RAFMFA syndicate you will be able to enjoy the privileges of flying a microlight aircraft with a passenger and without the associated costs of ownership. 2. A telephone call may be all that is required to enable you to verify the availability of the aircraft for the period that you wish to fly. This could be a local sight seeing trip for you and a passenger, or you may wish to take the aircraft away for a number of days to a fly-in, a competition, or even a flying holiday. Whatever your plans, as long as sufficient time is given to co-ordinate bookings to avoid conflict with other syndicate members, or RAFMFA training requirements, consideration will be given to your request. 3. However, membership of a RAFMFA syndicate brings with it certain responsibilities with procedures that must be adhered to for the benefit of yourself and the Association. The following Terms and Conditions of membership are generic in nature; each operating club will issue specific regulations regarding syndicate membership to aircraft in their charge. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP 4. To be a syndicate member you must be a fully paid up member of the RAFMFA. 5. The Association aircraft are primarily for the benefit of RAF personnel. Therefore, syndicate membership may be controlled to reflect this. 6. You will pay an annual syndicate membership fee as set by the operating club and ratified by the Association Executive Committee and may apply to renew each year. 7. There will be a maximum of 20 syndicate members per aircraft, including the registered owner, at any one time. This figure may be set at a lower level by the operating club to give a degree of flexibility in managing the syndicate. 8. Your name, address and nationality will be passed to the CAA Aircraft Registrations dept by the Logistics Member for inclusion on their master authorisation list. 9. Under normal circumstances, as a syndicate member you will be expected to achieve an average flying rate of 12 hours per year on the aircraft. This is to ensure that the aircraft utilisation is maximised. 10. Noting the restrictions of Para 5 and Para 7 above, all Association members may seek syndication membership. 1.4.1 11. In the event that a syndication reaches its maximum, and an Association Full Member expresses a desire to join the syndication, the operating club will assess the current syndicate membership to identify any possible means of accommodating the new applicant. Based upon personal utilisation rates and other benefits offered to the club/Association, a current syndicate member may be required by the operating club committee to relinquish their membership at the next formal review point. This will then enable the new Full Member to join the syndicate. 12. Notwithstanding the statement at Para 5 above, if a ‘Full’ syndicate member is not fully utilising the aircraft they may be required to relinquish their membership in favour of a new member. 13. A pro-rata refund of membership fees paid will be returned to the departing syndicate member. This will in no way affect future applications for syndicate membership by those requested to leave. 14. In the event that syndication reaches its maximum and an Association Associate member expresses a desire to join the syndicate, he/she will have to wait until the next formal review point to establish whether a vacancy will be made available. Otherwise, the applicant will have to wait until a natural vacancy exists. CONDITIONS OF USE 15. Syndicate members are not to fly RAFMFA aircraft until their syndication has been authorised by the RAFMFA Logs Member. 16. Syndicate members must have received rigging/de-rigging training for the aircraft type in accordance with Order 1.10. 17. Instructional flights during periods of scheduled training of RAFMFA students will normally take precedence over all other flights. 18. All flights in the aircraft are to be booked in accordance with the local booking system. 19. A check flight by a RAFMFA instructor in the aircraft may be necessary. In exceptional circumstances, the club OIC in consultation with the appropriate Association CFI may waive this requirement. For further guidance regarding waiving the requirement for a check flight, refer to Order 1.6, Hiring of RAFMFA Aircraft. 20. All flights are to be carried out in accordance with current operating procedures as detailed in this handbook and the Manufacturers Operating Manual. 21. All pilots shall retain currency as detailed in Order 1.13. 1.4.2 22. The aircraft may be taken away from its main operating base for weekend or weekday periods subject to other user requirements. Charges for flying away from base will be in accordance with the operating club’s scale of fees and may require payment for at least a specified number of flying hours. 23. Landing fees, hangarage and handling charges, and any similar costs incurred during any flight shall be paid for by the captain. The captain shall ensure that accounts are not forwarded to the RAFMFA for such fees or charges. The Association reserves the right to recover from the captain the costs of repudiating such claims. 24. In the event of an air/ground incident leading to an insurance claim in which the captain was deemed negligent, the captain shall be liable to cover the insurance excess as detailed in Order 1.3, or, if an insurance claim is not made, the cost of repair up to the amount of that excess. 25. Any syndicate member committing any breach of these conditions may be removed from the pilot authorisation list and shall forfeit any fees paid for syndicate membership. 1.4.3 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.5 OPERATION OF PRIVATELY OWNED AIRCRAFT 1. Prior to routinely operating private aircraft from MOD airfields, a variety of permissions and increased insurance cover is required. Moreover, if a civilian member of a RAFMFA club wishes to operate an aircraft from an MOD airfield, additional personal security checks will need to be carried out before any flying can take place. 2. For these reasons, Annex A to this Order has been developed to guide individuals through the process of gaining permissions to fly and house their aircraft at MOD units. 1.5.1 ANNEX A TO RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.5 GUIDE TO OPERATING PRIVATE AIRCRAFT FROM MOD PROPERTY Have you operated a civilian aircraft from an MOD airfield before ? NO YES Gain approval in principle through your RAFMFA club or Directly from OC Ops and SATCO if no club present on your unit Formally write to the Station Commander (though the club OIC) requesting local authority to store and/or fly your aircraft on the uni t Contact Air Cmd ACT WM through the RAFMFA; Request application form for Civil Flying Use of MOD Airfields and security clearance (civilians only) IAW JSP 360 Complete application form and security clearance form (civilians only), and await response from ACT WM Complete indemnity form for Civil Use of MOD Airfields (JSP 360 Appendix 4) and return to ACT WM with a copy of your insurance certificate, quoting crown indemnity clause and aircraft registration Insurance waiver certificate issued by ACT WM Agree local operating procedures with OC Ops/SATCO or Abide by unit/club Flying Order Book Complete agreement for deposit of an aircraft at an MOD Station - JSP360 Appendix 2. Copy to be held by club/unit Land long NOTES 1. No flying is to take place until ALL permissions have been received. 2. Renewal of insurance fee waiver certificate is YOUR responsibility by submitting, on an annual basis, your insurance details to ACT WM, Air Cmd. However, RAFMFA clubs may offer to coordinate this centrally for their members. 1.5 A-1 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.6 HIRING OF RAFMFA AIRCRAFT 1. Type Approved Microlight aircraft can be hired for flight in accordance with regulations approved by the CAA and issued by the BMAA. RAFMFA aircraft may be permitted to be flown for hire subject to the conditions detailed below. Pilot Currency 2. Pilot currency requirements shall be as detailed in Order 1.13; however, occasions may arise when a pilot with many years or hours of experience, on a number of ac types and models, may wish to hire but is not current on that aircraft. In such circumstances, the Club OIC, in consultation with the appropriate Association CFI, may waive the requirement for a check flight. Before authorising such a waiver, consideration of factors such as airfield procedures or aircraft/engine specific handling characteristics should be made; regardless of experience, if such factors are sufficiently complex a check flight is to be mandated. 3. The authorisation of a waiver is to be detailed in the flight authorisation sheet and signed by the person issuing the waiver. Aircraft Requirements 4. Before an aircraft can be used for hire, certain conditions must be satisfied. These conditions are detailed in BMAA TIL 032 available for download from the BMAA’s website, or directly from their HQ. Carriage of Passengers 5. Until authorised by BMAA TIL 032, the carriage of passengers in microlight aircraft operated for hire is not permitted. Hire fees 6. Fees for hiring the aircraft will be determined by the operating club and approved by the RAFMFA Executive Committee. Period of Use 7. The period of use for the purpose of hiring a RAFMFA aircraft will normally be limited to flights conducted in one calendar day1. 1.6.1 RAFMFA 1 This limitation is intended to encourage those pilots who wish to routinely hire RAFMFA aircraft to become syndicate members. OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.7 TYPE CONVERSION TRAINING 1. Microlight pilots wishing to convert from weight-shift to 3-axis control systems, or the reverse, are to undertake adequate conversion training and pass the Additional Control System Test (ACST). The content of the ACST is detailed in the BMAA Microlight and Examiners Guide; the test will be conducted by an FI rated microlight flying instructor. 1.7.1 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.8 MAINTENANCE OF RAFMFA AIRCRAFT Maintenance Policy 1. RAFMFA owned aircraft will normally be issued with a maintenance policy determined by the aircraft manufacturer. Where this is not the case, the BMAA approved Microlight Maintenance Schedule (BMAA TIL 020) is to be used. 2. The RAFMFA Logs Member may, at his discretion, adapt the format of the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule to better suit the RAFMFA’s requirements. However, in doing so, none of the manufacturer’s recommended inspection, check, replacement or lifing periodicity’s are to be relaxed. Maintenance Activity 3. Aircraft maintenance is only to be conducted by Association members approved by the Logs Member; Association members conducting such work do not need to be named on the aircraft’s registration documents. However, certification of work carried out is only to be provided by Association members whose names do appear on the aircraft’s registration documents and who have been approved to certify such work by the Logistics Member. The only exception to this is when work is carried out by a BMAA Inspector authorised for that type of aircraft who is also a member of the Association. In this circumstance both the work carried out and its certification can be provided by the Inspector. 4. Normally, the Aircraft Member will be authorised to conduct all levels of maintenance. However, the Logs Member may determine that it is appropriate to restrict this authorisation if the Aircraft Member lacks appropriate experience or trade skills. Occasionally, it may be necessary for the Aircraft Member to call upon another individual possessing specific trade skills to assist the conduct of a maintenance task. Under such circumstances, the Aircraft Member is to provide the certifying signature that the work has been satisfactorily carried out as detailed in Para 3 above. 5. When work on primary structure, flying controls or the aircraft’s powerplant (with the exception of minor routine engine work), is required, an over-signature signifying that that work has been supervised and/or checked must be provided; ideally, the oversignature should be provided by a BMAA approved aircraft inspector. However, the oversignature may be provided by another Association member whose name appears on the aircraft’s registration documents and has been approved by the Logs Member as competent to sign for such work. 1.8.1 Tool Control 6. To ensure that hand tools do not present a FOD hazard to the safe conduct of flights, their control and management is essential. All RAFMFA clubs are, therefore, to exercise strict tool control and management procedures to ensure that no aircraft is released from maintenance with any tool unaccounted for. In general, RAF principles of tool control and management should be considered as a guide. Technical Records 7. Each RAFMFA aircraft will have a ‘working’ technical log and an ‘official’ technical log. The working log, has been specifically developed to standardise, across the Association, the presentation of material required by pilots to ascertain the serviceability state of the aircraft which they wish to fly. The official technical log will be the authoritative document recording the full service history, airframe and engine hours of the aircraft. The official log will be to a CAA/BMAA approved format and will be that record retained with the aircraft in the event of its subsequent sale to another operator. 8. Noting that it remains the captain’s responsibility to enter all the required information into the flight authorisation sheet, policy for determining who should enter post flight data, including aircraft faults, into the working technical log is the responsibility of the host club. However, the entry of data into the working log should be at a frequency so as to ensure that the aircraft does not fly with any unresolved faults or over-fly any due maintenance. 9. To ensure consistency of data entry and presentation, recording of information into the official technical log is only to be carried out by the Aircraft Member and at a frequency of no greater than 7 days. Purchase of Spares 10. For most cases, all aircraft and engine spares are to be purchased from the aircraft/engine manufacturer or their approved agents. However, when it can be shown that an item is a standard, off-the-shelf product, that has not been modified in any way by the aircraft or engine manufacturer, for example a wheel bearing or oil seal with an identifiable manufacturer’s part number, that item may be purchased from a source other than the aircraft or engine manufacturer. However, caution should be applied as the simple act of drilling a hole into a tube by the aircraft manufacturer is considered to be a manufacturing/modification process requiring that item to be purchased from the aircraft manufacturer. In all cases, for traceability purposes, receipts of purchase are to be retained with the aircraft’s documentation set. 1.8.2 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.9 USE OF 100LL AVIATION GASOLINE (AVGAS) IN RAFMFA AIRCRAFT 1. Where it can be demonstrated that running costs will be reduced, unleaded automotive gasoline (MOGAS) should be used in preference to 100LL AVGAS in RAFMFA aircraft. The exceptions to this general statement are detailed in the following paragraphs. 2. Rotax 912. Operators of RAFMFA aircraft, powered by four-stroke Rotax 912 engines, may use 100LL AVGAS in the following circumstances: a. During expeditions where there is no available supply of MOGAS within reasonable distance at the destination airfield or fuel transfer and transport facilities make procurement of MOGAS impractical. b. When on overseas expedition and the quality of available MOGAS is suspected (for example, it may have failed the alcohol content test). c. After an unplanned land-away, and there is no available supply of MOGAS within reasonable distance at the destination airfield or, fuel transfer and transport facilities make procurement of MOGAS impractical. 3. Rotax 2-Stroke Engines. Rotax 2-stroke engines may also use 100LL AVGAS. However, if AVGAS consumption exceeds 50 litres between two consecutive 12.5 hour bearing bounce checks then, as part of the bearing bounce check, a detailed inspection of the spark plug electrodes, for signs of overheating, should be carried out by an authorised person. The details of this activity are to be specifically recorded in the aircraft documentation. All anomalies are to be reported and the aircraft placed unserviceable pending further investigation. 4. HKS. The effects of 100LL AVGAS in HKS engines is still being investigated and, until further notice is given, the use of this fuel/engine combination is to be strictly restricted. A single tank of 60 litres of AVGAS may be used as a means of recovery to base when no other suitable fuel is reasonably available (refer to sub-para 2c above). Following the use of 100LL AVGAS in an HKS engine, and before further flight, an authorised person is to examine all of the spark plug electrodes for signs of overheating. The details of this activity are to be specifically recorded in the aircraft documentation. All anomalies are to be reported and the aircraft placed unserviceable pending further investigation. 5. Jabiru. Whilst the Jabiru engine is cleared for unrestricted use of 100LL AVGAS, the conditions in Para 8 of this Order should be observed. 6. 100LL AVGAS fuel uplifts, for all aircraft other than the Jabiru Thruster, must be recorded in the aircraft RAFMFA engine log. The entry should reflect the date, location and quantity of fuel uplifted. 1.9.1 7. When any RAFMFA is aircraft is using 100LL AVGAS, particular attention must be paid to all of the following, when equipped: cylinder head temperature; exhaust gas temperature; oil temperature; coolant temperature; oil pressure. Operating temperatures may be slightly higher than normal but should remain within the prescribed limits. Any abnormal temperatures or pressures must be reported and the aircraft placed unserviceable pending further investigation. 8. Where 100LL AVGAS is readily available, operating clubs must, before authorising its routine use, consider factors such as MOGAS availability and transportation and the maintenance penalties that may occur through its use. Unless it can be demonstrated that operating costs and safety are improved, RAFMFA aircraft are not normally permitted to routinely use 100LL AVGAS when engaged in home base or RAFMFA club operations. These operations should be accomplished using the approved source and grade of MOGAS. 1.9.2 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.10 RAFMFA AIRCRAFT RIGGING AND DE-RIGGING 1. To enable storage in a confined space or for ease of transport, most microlight aircraft and in particular weightshift types, are designed for quick and easy rigging/derigging. However, whilst the aircraft may have been designed in this manner, the physical act of rigging/de-rigging may require one or more people and must be conducted in a manner to avoid structural damage. 2. If not familiar with the process of rigging/de-rigging an aircraft it is quite probable that the aircraft will sustain damage that will prevent further flight until rectified. This is both costly in terms of money but also in lost flying time. Furthermore, it is entirely avoidable if adequate care is taken during the process. 3. Given the infrequent occasions that RAFMFA aircraft are rigged/de-rigged, either by students or syndicate members, it is imperative that training is provided to those people who are likely to undertake rigging/de-rigging activities. 4. This training is to be provided by a suitably qualified person within the aircraft’s host club, prior to authorising any student to fly the aircraft on solo sorties or, if licensed, as a syndicate member/hirer. The initial training should include practical demonstrations and actual hands-on opportunities to conduct the rigging/de-rigging process. Follow-on refresher training conducted at no greater than 6 monthly intervals is to be carried out; training videos designed for this purpose may be utilised. 5. Clubs are to maintain records of rigging/de-rigging training for all pilots authorised to fly aircraft in their charge, that are designed to be routinely rigged/derigged. 1.10.1 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.11 RAFMFA AIRCRAFT REPORTING OF FLYING STATISTICS Flying Hours 1. The RAFMFA Executive Committee maintains a Medium Term Plan detailing the Association’s funding requirements. This plan is submitted annually to the RAF Sports Board to secure the funds necessary to purchase new aircraft, equipment and in certain circumstances cover Association operating costs. 2. The recording and reporting of aircraft flying hours is the only means by which the Executive Committee can make fully informed decisions regarding the viability of its current fleet or the need to bid for funds to expand its fleet. Moreover, the visibility of ac flying achievement will enable aircraft to be positioned to maximise utilisation, thus ensuring their continued viability. 3. Annex A to this order is to be completed by Aircraft Members and submitted to the Operations Member at each Executive Committee Meeting. The reporting period covered by each submission will be that period between consecutive Executive Committee Meetings. The Operations Member is to compile the flying hour statistics received and report to the Executive Committee as required and to report the annual flying rates for each aircraft to the Association’s AGM. Accidents and Occurrences 4. To enable trending and the identification of measures to reduce flight safety events, the RAFMFA Operations member is required to maintain a record of all aircraft occurrences which either led to a reportable flight safety event or were of a nature that could have lead to reportable event and from which valuable flight safety lessons could be gleaned. The categorisation of an event as reportable or non-reportable is to be made in accordance with Order 1.12. 5. As soon as reasonably practicable after an event has taken place, the Aircraft Member is to pass details of the event to the Operations Member. The Operations Member is to record the details in the format of Annex B to this order and is to report all new occurrences at the next RAFMFA Executive Committee Meeting. Additionally, a report of annual Flight Safety occurrences is to be made to the Association’s AGM. 1.11.1 ANNEX A TO RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.11 RAFMFA AIRCRAFT FLYING HOURS RETURN Period From to Aircraft Type Registration G- Location FLYING HOURS Total A/F Hours Instruction Syndication Other Notes for Compilation 1. Other flying to include air tests or miscellaneous flights not attributable to instruction or syndication. 2. Completed forms are to be returned to the Operations Member at each Executive Committee Meeting. 1.11 A-1 ANNEX B TO RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.11 RAFMFA AIRCRAFT INCIDENT LOG Cause Code 1 - weather 2 - Engine 3 - Airframe 4 - Crew Error Damage Cat 0 - Nil Damage 1 - Minor - ADF Raised 2 - Minor - Repair by Replacement 3 - Major - Repair by Replacement 4 - Repair by Return to Manufacturer 5 - BER 1.11 B-1 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.12 RAFMFA AIRCRAFT INCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES 1. Flight Safety related incidents that endanger the safety of an aircraft or its occupants or could have lead to the endangering of the aircraft or occupants can be categorised as reportable or non-reportable accidents or occurrences, depending upon their severity. Reportable Accidents and Occurrences 2. A reportable accident is any incident in which there is injury to persons, or damage to an aircraft that affects primary structure or requires a major repair. It does not include engine failures, propeller damage, wing tips, antennas, tyres, brakes, engine fairings, or small dents and punctures. 3. An occurrence is any sequence of events in the operation of an aeroplane that could have led to an accident. Occurrence reporting is not mandatory in microlight aircraft, but incidents which are reported can be published to prevent a real accident happening to some body else. For this reason, all occurrences, including nonreportable accidents, on RAFMFA aircraft shall be treat as reportable to the Operations Member. The Operations Member may, in consultation with the originator, then choose to report the event to the BMAA. 4. All RAFMFA members and, in particular Aircraft Members, are to be aware that subsequent to a reportable accident taking place, the aircraft’s Permit to Fly will be suspended. Once suspended, the aircraft is not to be flown again until the suspension of the Permit to fly has been rescinded by the BMAA. Definitions 5. Further detailed definitions of accidents, incidents and occurrences are given below: Serious Accident. a. An accident where anyone is killed or seriously injured in-flight2 whilst in the aircraft or in direct contact with it. b. The aircraft suffers damage or structural failure in-flight, which can affect its structural strength, performance or flight characteristics to the extent that it needs major repairs. c. The aircraft is missing or completely inaccessible. 1.12.1 2 In-flight is deemed to be the time from when the aircraft is boarded for the purposes of intended flight to the time when all the occupants have disembarked on completion of the flight. Minor Accident. d. An accident where the occupants of the aircraft receive very slight injuries and/or the aircraft itself is only subjected to minor damage with no injury to a third party or damage to property taking place. Minor aircraft damage is limited to engine accessories, propellers, tyres, brakes, fairings and small dents or punctures to the skin. Airprox. e. A situation in which a pilot considers that his aircraft may have been endangered by the close proximity of another aircraft (including model aircraft) to the extent that an in-flight collision risk took place. Serious Injury. f. An injury requiring hospitalisation within 7 days or absence from normal work for over 21 days. Minor Injury. g. Scratches, pulled muscles, bruising, no head or internal injury and no broken bones other than simple fractures of fingers or toes. Reporting 6. All Flight Safety related incidents on RAFMFA aircraft are to be reported to the Operations Member using the forms detailed in Para 8 below. However, the immediate point of contact following an incident should be a member of the operating club’s committee (ideally the Aircraft Member). The operating club point of contact is then to determine the appropriate course of action following the incident using this order as a guide. 7. Where the aircraft has suffered structural damage, either minor or major or, has been the subject of an engine failure whether on the ground or in the air, the Logs Member is also to be informed to detail any remedial action necessary to return the aircraft to service. 8. Reporting of accidents and occurrences is to be initiated at the earliest opportunity by the captain of the aircraft using BMAA forms BMAA/AW/020 for accidents or BMAA/AW/021 for occurrences. Copies of the completed forms are to be passed to the Aircraft Member for file and inclusion on the Association’s Flight Safety database in accordance with Order 1.11. 9. Fatal accidents must be reported to the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) on 01252 512299. Non-fatal, serious accidents of the nature previously described must also be notified to the AAIB and the local police. 1.12.2 Recording 10. Details of any accident must be recorded in the aircraft’s engine/airframe logbook, including a record of all repairs and inspections carried out. Until such time as any repairs have been carried out and found to be satisfactory by a BMAA approved inspector and the aeroplane found satisfactory in flight by a BMAA approved Check Pilot, the aircraft is not to be flown. Accident Investigation 11. The AAIB will conduct the investigation into a fatal accident; an AAIB team will be dispatched to the accident scene immediately on receipt of notification. It is essential that nothing is disturbed until they arrive and then only with their permission. Upon notification of an accident, the operating club’s OIC is to impound all technical and operating documents relating to the accident aircraft for future investigation by the AAIB team. 12. Although the AAIB must be informed of a non-fatal serious accident, they will invariably request the BMAA to conduct the investigation, who may in turn delegate the RAFMFA Logs or Operations Member to carry out the investigation on their behalf. 13. When conducting an accident investigation, reference may be made to AP 3207, Royal Air Force Manual - Flight Safety and the Accident Investigation Guide as published by the Defence Aviation safety Centre. 1.12.3 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.13 MONITORING OF PPL CURRENCIES 1. Fundamental to the integrity of a safe operating environment for the RAFMFA fleet of aircraft is the assurance that all pilots authorised to fly its aircraft hold appropriate licences, Certificates of Experience, medical certificates, and are in current flying practice. PPL Requirements 2. A RAFMFA aircraft shall not be captained by an individual who does not hold a valid microlight pilots licence or, microlight rating on their pilot’s licence. The exception to this will be those students currently under instruction and supervision of a flying instructor. OIC clubs are to maintain records of all pilots authorised to routinely fly RAFMFA ac. These records are to be maintained up-to-date and displayed in the club control room. Copies of these records are to be held by the RAFMFA Operations Member. Pilot Currency 3. Pilots wishing to captain a RAFMFA aircraft who have less than 50hrs P1 will be required to have a currency check flight, by a RAFMFA instructor, if they have not flown the aircraft or similar type within the past 30 days. This currency period is extended to 90 days for pilots with greater than 50 hrs P1. For licensed pilots wishing to hire RAFMFA aircraft refer to Order 1.6. 4. It is incumbent upon individuals to declare their currency when entering flight details on RAFMFA aircraft flight authorisation sheets. Individuals who deliberately flout or declare inaccurate information may be requested to relinquish their syndication membership in accordance with the conditions of syndication as detailed in Order 1.4. or may be prevented from hiring RAFMFA aircraft in accordance with Order 1.6. Certificates of Experience 5. UK CAA PPL (old style licence). There is no maximum period of validity for the UK CAA PPL although, for the holder to exercise its privileges, the licence must be renewed periodically with either a Certificate of Experience or Certificate of Test, each of which is valid for 13 months. 6. UK NPPL. The NPPL(Microlight) rating has the same currency requirements as the UK CAA PPL. Club Records 7. OIC clubs are to establish and display records of each club members’ Certificate of Experience/Test and medical validity to ensure that all flights conducted under the auspices of 1.13.1 (AL1 Jan 2012) the RAFMFA are made by correctly certificated licence holders. This requirement is mandatory for flights in RAFMFA ac and, should ideally include owners of private aircraft. It will be the duty of each member to ensure the accuracy of their own records with the OIC maintaining an oversight and, if necessary, restricting the authorisation of flights by individuals whose validity has expired. Additional Ratings 8. Members holding additional ratings, for example, FI, AFI, Inspector or Check Pilot should also declare the expiry of such ratings to the club OIC to record as per para 7. 1.13.2 RAFMFA OPERATIONS HANDBOOK ORDER 1.14 ADMINISTRATION OF TRAINING COURSES AND OTHER MAJOR RAFMFA ACTIVITIES 1. In order to secure the duty status afforded to microlight flying in the RAF, RAFMFA activities must first be authorised by the RAF Sports Board. It should be apparent, therefore that not all microlight flying activities undertaken by RAFMFA members will attract duty status; these activities include recreational flying conducted at will by RAFMFA members. However, activities such as expeditions, tours and flying training courses, properly organised and authorised, may be afforded duty status; the benefits of which include the possibility of claiming travel and subsistence costs associated with the activity. 2. Authorisation by the RAF Sports Board may be gained for specific events or for a series of events such as in-year planned flying training courses. To gain the authorisation, full details of the activities being planned should be passed to the RAF Sports Board, through the Association’s Chairman, for consideration in advance of the activity. 4. On receipt of RAF Sports Board approval, the activity organiser is then to issue joining instructions, in the form of an Admin Order, to all participants. The joining instructions are to include the RAF Sports Board approval as a Reference. Notwithstanding the above, payment of travel and subsistence claims will remain at the discretion of individual’s units. 5. Where expeditions or tours are undertaken a post expedition/tour report will be required, copies of which are to be made available to the Sports Board and RAFMFA Executive Committee. 1.14.1