Chemistry - California State University, East Bay

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Student Learning Outcomes for
BA-Chemistry and BS-Chemistry Degrees
It is imperative that CSUH chemistry students possess sufficient theoretical and practical
training in chemistry and biochemistry so that they will be able to assume the significant
technical responsibilities required by the chemical and biotechnology industries that will
employ them. It is important that our students are not only trained in chemistry, but will
become respected scientists and research technicians. In addition, it is important that
students planning for entrance into graduate school or pre-professional school are more
than adequately prepared for post-baccalaureate training.
General Learning Objectives:
Chemistry students should have:
(1) an understanding of the importance of and reason for course prerequisites.
(2) a solid background in advanced mathematics (calculus), physics, and computers.
(3) a solid background in the various areas of chemistry, including; general chemistry,
analytical (quantitative) chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and
(4) an ability to think critically and to analyze chemical problems.
(5) an ability to work effectively in a laboratory environment and to use modern
chemical/biochemical instrumentation and procedures.
(6) an ability to use computers in experiments, data analysis, and in communication.
(7) an ability to work with people in teams to solve chemical problems.
(8) an ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.
(9) an ability to function effectively in their chosen career.
Learning Outcome No. 1: Chemistry students should have a strong background in
lower division advanced mathematics (calculus), physics, and computers.
It is the opinion of the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry that a
consistent pattern of excellent grades is the best indicator of mastery of the subjects that
provide the foundation for the learning of chemistry. Grades provide an excellent
indicator of future mastery of chemical and biochemical information. Students should
understand the reason for course prerequisites and need to complete specific courses (and
course sequences) in the pattern indicated in the catalog.
Learning Outcome No. 2: Chemistry students should have a solid background in
the various areas of chemistry; general chemistry, analytical (quantitative)
chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. They should have a mastery
of these subjects.
The faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will utilize embedded
exam questions in chemistry lecture and laboratory courses to assess student learning in
the above areas of chemistry.
Learning Outcome No. 3: Chemistry students should have a solid background in
modern chemistry laboratory methods and procedures. They should have a
mastery of this subject.
Chemistry 3303 (Organic Chemistry) will be the capstone course for the BA-Chemistry
Degree and Chemistry 4240 (Instrumental Methods of Analysis) will be the capstone
course for the BS-Chemistry Degree. The faculty will utilized embedded exam questions
to assess student learning. Laboratory reports and/or laboratory notebooks may also be
utilized to assess student learning and performance.