Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet

Report No.: AC812
Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: April 21, 2004
A. Basic Project Data
Country: Poland
Estimated Appraisal Date: Oct. 15, 2004
Managing Unit: ECSSD
Project ID: P086768
Task Team Leader: Masood Ahmad
Estimated Board Date: May 31, 2005
Lending Instrument: Specific Investment
Sector: Flood protection (80%);General
Theme: Water resource management
water, sanitation and flood protection
(P);Social risk mitigation (S);Biodiversity
sector (20%)
Safeguard Policies Specialists in the task team: Masood Ahmad, Stan Peabody, Tjaart
Schillhorn van Veen
Loan/Credit amount (€ m.):
IBRD: 306
Other financing amounts by source:
(€ m)
B. Project Objectives
The main development objective of the project is to protect the population in the Odra River Basin (ORB)
against loss of life and damage to property caused by severe flooding. This would be achieved by (i)
reducing the extreme flood peaks through storage in a dry polder on the Odra River just upstream of
Raciborz; and (ii) by increasing the flood carrying capacity of the Odra River channels through and
around Wroclaw city. The project would protect more than 2.5 million people against flooding in several
cities along the river.
The key performance indicators for ORFPP are to reduce the inundated areas for various flood return
periods (such as 10 years, 20 years, 50 years) and to protect major cities and main urban population
centers from floods at the magnitude of 1997 flood; and to improved institutional capacity in flood
management in the basin.
C. Project Description
The project intends to improve flood control and river management in the Odra River basin between the
Czech border and Brzeg Dolny. The main components of the project include: (i)development of a dry
polder along the upper Odra River, near Racibórz; (ii) improvement of the existing flood protection
structures near and in the city of Wrocław, including reconstruction of embankments in the floodplains
and overflow polders, improvement of the Odra-Widawa flood diversion channel, and an increase in the
carrying capacity of the Widawa channel; (iii) institutional capacity building in areas of flood
management and project implementation and impact monitoring and evaluation; and (iv) support in
project management.
Component A: Construction of Raciborz Dry Polder ( EURO € 230.4 million)
A dry polder would be created on the Odra River near the town of Raciborz to store flood water. Total
capacity of the reservoir would be about 185 Mm3. Main benefits from this reservoir will be (i) a
reduction in the Odra peak flows downstream of the reservoir, so that the effectiveness of the existing
flood defense system will be greatly improved; and (ii) a delay in the timing of the flood peaks at the
confluence of the Odra with the Nysa Klodzka, a major tributary of the Odra river below between
Raciborz and Wroclaw so that the adverse combination of the two floods that was so damaging in 1997
will become unlikely in the future. These two phenomena, in combination, will result in a considerable
reduction in the frequency and severity of future floods.
Component B: Modernization WFS ( € 249.7 Million).
Currently, Wroclaw is subject to inundation with floods greater than 2,200 m³/s, while flows during the
1997 flood were 3,640 m³/s. The Raciborz dry polder would offer partial protection to the city. Therefore,
full protection to the Wroclaw city is provided, by modernizing and upgrading the protection system
along the Odra channels passing through the city. These works include: (i) improvements to Odra River
dikes and embankments; (ii) improvements to the Odra River channels designed to increase the hydraulic
capacity of the Odra; and (iii) transfer of part of the flood flows to Widawa river valley which then joins
again to Odra River below the Wroclaw city where Odra river has adequate capacity.
Component C: Institutional Development, Improving Flood Management, Monitoring and
Evaluation, and Supervision of the EMP& RAP (€ 14.5 million).
The component would consist of the following sub-components: (i) institutional strengthening for
improved flood management in the Odra River basin; (ii) continued support to improve the flood
forecasting system, to ensure that the system of hydro-meteorological forecasting, currently being
installed would remain operational; and (iii) monitoring and evaluation of the project impacts, including
the implementation and monitoring of the environmental management plan, and the resettlement action
plan (RAP).
Component D: Project Management, Technical Assistance and Training (€ 5.4 million)
This component would support the Government in implementing the project, including: (a) support for
the operation of the PCU and implementing agencies, and financing of overall project management, as
well as technical assistance in such areas as detailed design, contract administration and construction
supervision, procurement, and financial management; and (b) a modest institutional strengthening
program, including technical assistance and training, would be included in the project.
D. Project location
The project area comprises the flood plains of the Odra river between the Czech Republic border to Brzeg
Dolny downstream of Wroclaw city. The length of the river within these limits is about 300 km. This
area would be the prime beneficiary of the project. Also, the Odra river basin downstream of Wroclaw
and the valleys of its tributaries would derive some benefits from the reduced water levels in the river due
to the project. Therefore, the project activities are concentrated along the Odra River, located in
southwestern Poland and covering three Vovoidships of Slaskie (Upper Silesia), Opolskie and
Dolnoslaskie (Lower Silesia) with a total population of about 4 million people. The project intends to
protect the affected 2.5 million people during the 1997 flood in several towns such as Krapkowice, Opole,
Brzeg and Wrocław and settlements in the Odra valley against flooding. Creation of an emergency flood
retention polder near the town of Raciborz may require resettlement of two villages, and other project
interventions associated with the component B, modernization of WFS project may also require some
land acquisition. In addition, the project area is part of the Odra River valley, a portion of which is
protected or proposed to be protected under the EU Habitat 2000 program.
E. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies
The institutional arrangements would build on the existing institutional structure in the country for flood
management and protection and on the implementation arrangements created under the Emergency Flood
Recovery Project (EFRP). The Chancellery of the Prime Minister (Office of Natural Disasters Recovery)
would have overall responsibility for project management and coordination through the Project
Coordination Unit established under the EFRP. However, the Ministry of Environment would be
responsible for project implementation through its Regional Authorities for Water Management in
Gliwice and Wroclaw. In addition, The Lower Silesia Board of Amelioration and Water Structures
(DZGMiUW) would be responsible for modernization of dikes in the Wraclaw area, and the Widawa
A national Project Steering Committee would be established to provide guidance and to coordinate
project activities at the highest level of Government, including the inter-ministerial level. The PSC will
also review the overall implementation of the project and resolve any implementation, and financing
issues. The PSC would be chaired by the Head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister’s office and
would have as members representatives of the Ministries of Finance and Environment, the National
Environmental and Water Management Fund, as well as the voivodes (governors of Slaskie Silesia) and
Dolonaskie (Lower Silesia), the Odra 2006 plenipotentiary, the marshals of Slaskie and Dolonaskie, the
mayors of Wroclaw and Raciborz, the director of IMGW, and the director of PCU. The director of the
Office of Natural Disasters Recovery (ONDR) would be the secretary of the PSC. The PSC would meet
at least quarterly or as necessary, and review project implementation progress and other issues that need
to be addressed.
The present project is rated as Category “A” under OP4.01 and triggers six (6) safeguard policies,
including environment assessment, involuntary resettlement, natural habitats, safety of dams, cultural
property and projects on international waterways, for which mitigation measures will be undertaken as a
part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) and the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) being prepared by
the Government.
The basic safeguard related issues in the project are:
compliance with the requirements of EU Natura 2000 of the selected habitats sites in the project
protection of forest, wetlands, and natural habitat in the flood plains; and
 social issues relating to resettlement and/or land acquisition in different parts of the project area.
In view of the above mentioned issues, the project has been classified as a “Category A project” in
accordance with the World Bank Operational Policy (OP 4.01). The project is not expected to have
significant negative irreversible environmental affects. However, transient and reversible environmental
changes are unavoidable during the construction phase, but it is expected that these affects can all be fully
mitigated. The measures proposed for mitigating of various affects could in fact enhance the environment
and as a result generate positive impacts.
Safeguard Policy
If Applicable, How Might It Apply?
Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01) Implementation of project activities on
the ORB would require assessment and analysis of its impact on the environment, and
therefore an Environmental Assessment (EA) Report that will comply with all Bank’s
environmental Safeguard policies, including OP 4.01 will be prepared.
Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04) As there are some critical natural habitats of
national significance in the project area, OP4.04 is triggered. The polder area in Racibórz
as well as some of the downstream floodplains include natural habitats that may be
proposed as protected areas in the European Union’s Natura-2000 network. The exact
locations of these areas will be known when Poland’s application is submitted to the EU
on May 1, 2004. The EMP will provide an outline of a plan to manage the potential risks
to these habitats and the necessary safeguards during construction and - where needed –
in the overall water management plan for the project area.
Pest Management (OP 4.09) Not applicable.
Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP The construction of a 2,600 ha polder, to be used
as an emergency flood water storage, would pose a risk of occasional flooding of
inhabitants that are concentrated primarily in two villages (240 families). Under Polish
regulations, this risk is unacceptable and therefore, the inhabitants are to be moved,. and
the land/property within the polder acquired by the State. The task team is in the process
of reaching an agreement with the government regarding a course of action on the
resettlement process and preparation of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) that would be
consistent with the provisions of OP 4.12 for all affected people in Racibórz. The RAP
for Racibórz would be prepared and submitted to the Bank prior to the Appraisal of the
project. The land acquisition procedures used in the Raciborz RAP will be applied to all
other project interventions in the Wroclaw Water System (where resettlement is limited
to land acquisition) once the project is under implementation and details on the design
and exact locations of the reconstruction works are known. The government will then be
required to prepare the details of the land acquisition procedures for these locations, and
submit them to the Bank for review prior to awarding any contracts for construction.
Indigenous Peoples (OD 4.20) Not applicable
Forests (OP/BP 4.36) Under the project, a few forests and tree stands are part of a
“protected natural habitat”, and these are covered under the OP4.04 listed above.
Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37) An independent Panel of Experts (IPOE) will be
established to review project detailed designs and oversee preparation and
implementation of the dam safety aspect in such a way that its recommendations will be
incorporated into the EA Report.
Cultural Property (draft OP 4.11 - OPN 11.03) A single significant historical
rampart in the WFS is to be protected by diversion of the relevant embankment. Chance
find procedures during construction activities will be carried out according to Polish
laws, which are acceptable to the Bank..
Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP/GP 7.60)* Not applicable.
Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP/GP 7.50) This project involves
works in an international waterway, and to conform with Bank policy a notification of
the proposed project will be issued to the riparian states.
Environmental Assessment Category:
[X] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD
A. Target date for the Quality Enhancement Review (QER), at which time the PAD-stage ISDS
would be prepared. 09/02/2004
B. For simple projects that will not require a QER, the target date for preparing the PAD-stage
C. Time frame for launching and completing the safeguard-related studies that may be needed.
The specific studies and their timing1 should be specified in the PAD-stage ISDS.
Signed and submitted by:
Task Team Leader:
Approved by:
Regional Safeguards Coordinator:
Sector Manager:
Masood Ahmad
Ronald Hoffer
Joseph Goldberg
By supporting the proposed project, the Bank does not intend to prejudice the final determination of the parties' claims on the
disputed areas
1 Reminder: The Bank's Disclosure Policy requires that safeguard-related documents be disclosed before appraisal (i) at the
InfoShop and (ii) in-country, at publicly accessible locations and in a form and language that are accessible to potentially affected