Loan No. IBRD 8524–PL
Project ID No. P147460
The Government of the Republic of Poland has applied for financing in the amount of EUR 460 million
from the World Bank toward the cost of the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project, and it intends to apply
part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured
under this project. This project will be jointly financed by the credit from Council of Europe Development
Bank (CEB), grant funds from the EU Cohesion Fund and national budget.
The project will include the following components:
Component 1: Protection of the Middle and Lower Odra River
This component aims to enhance protection against summer floods and winter floods to the cities of
Szczecin and Słubice, to the town of Gryfino, as well as other smaller towns along the Odra river. The
works will include the reconstruction of dikes and other bank protective works (revetments, parapets, and
so on), dredging in the Odra river as well as in canals and the harbor of Szczecin, and river training works,
that is, the recalibration and (re)construction of groynes and lateral submerged dams in the river, restoration
of bends, and protection of banks. In addition, five bridges need to be raised to facilitate safe passage of
icebreakers and navigation and mooring facilities need to be expanded.
Component 2: Flood Protection of the Nysa-Kłodzka Valley
This component will protect Kłodzko town and other small valley towns, as well as the city of Bardo at the
outlet of the valley. The component will comprise the construction of four mid-sized dry polders ('active
protection'), dike rehabilitation and construction, and reconstruction of the river alignments and
embankments, as well as of bridges and other structures ('passive protection').
Component 3: Flood Protection of the Upper Vistula
This component intends to protect the Kraków and Nowa Huta conurbation and industrial area, the
Sandomierz-Tarnobrzeg industrial and agricultural area, and selected towns on tributaries in the sub-basins
of the San and Raba rivers. The works comprise of (i) the reconstruction and extension of dikes and
embankments along the Vistula to replace old unreliable dikes; (ii) bank stabilization and strengthening
with rip-rap, revetments, etc.; (iii) construction of identified dry polders and overflow areas (along the
Serafa tributary, and the Raba tributary) to increase upstream water retention; (iv) interventions for river
training; and (v) the adjustment of existing weirs and barrages to pass larger flood waves.
Component 4: Institutional Strengthening and Enhanced Forecasting
This component will selectively support the strengthening of institutional capacity in priority areas: (i)
enhancing the emergency preparedness along the main rivers and their tributaries in south and west Poland
by enhancing the forecasting and operational water management capacity; (ii) strengthening the procedures
and capacity to prepare RBMPs and investment prioritization plans that are compliant with the EU WFD
and FD; (iii) strengthening impact monitoring; and (iv) enhancing the communication capabilities.
Component 5: Project Management and Studies
This component will fund the Project Coordination Unit (PCU) operation (supporting overall project
management, reporting (periodical and annual), financial planning and monitoring, monitoring of flow of
funds, and supervision of implementation of EMPs and RAPs – including compensation measures), and
TA teams that support the PCU and PIU's operation, office equipment, and incremental operating costs.
Within this Component consulting services would be required for design and detailed design, construction
supervision, contract management and support PIU's for implementation contracts especially
implementation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP).
Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified
in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits (current edition), and is
open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines. Consulting services will be selected in accordance
with the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers
(current edition).
Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank's international competitive bidding
(ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, in
UN Development Business, World Bank external website, dgMarket and Polish Public Procurement Bulletin
and Official Journal of the EU.
Prequalification of suppliers and contractors will be required for the following contracts:
1B.1 Reconstruction of river control infrastructure on Odra River. Adaptation to the conditions of Class
III roadway. Stage II Reconstruction of river control infrastructure on Odra River. Adaptation to
the conditions of Class III roadway. Stage III (1 bridge - Krosno Odrzanskie)
1B.2 Modernization works on boundary sections of Odra River, Stage I To provide Good Condition for
Ice – breaking. Modernization works on boundary sections of Odra River, Stage II – Reconstruction
of River Control Infrastructure.
1B.5 Reconstruction of bridges to ensure a minimum clearance (4 bridges)
1B.6 Flood protection of Nowa Sol and Below Krosno Odrzanskie.
2A.1 Construction of "Boboszów" - a dry flood control reservoir on Nysa Kłodzka River and Construction
of "Roztoki Bystrzyckie" - a dry flood control reservoir on Goworówka stream.
2A.2 Construction of "Szalejów Górny" a dry flood control reservoir on Bystrzyca Dusznicka River and
Construction of "Krosnowice" - a dry flood control reservoir on Duna stream.
2B.1 Flood protection of Nysa Kłodzka River Valley Flood protection of Ścinawka River Valley.
2B.2 Flood protection of Biała Lądecka River valley and Morawka River. Flood protection of Bystrzyca
Dusznicka River Valley and Kamienny Potok River.
3B.1 Flood protection Sandomierz.
3C.1 Raba Programme. Dry Polders and other Stractures – Phase I
Interested eligible bidders/consultants requiring additional information should contact the address below:
Ms. Anna Sieradzka
Procurement Specialist
Project Coordination Unit
Al. Jaworowa 9
53 – 123 Wroclaw, Poland
Tel. 00 48 71 787 86 90
Fax. 00 48 71 787 86 95