Course Syllabus – PSY 201 Academic & Career Opportunities in Psychology San Diego State University-IV Campus Barbara B. Romero, M.S.W. Office: Student Affairs #112 Fall 2013 Mon. 5:30-6:30pm Telephone: 768-5509 Psychology majors may sometimes have difficulty making the transition from college student to Psychology graduate. Some learn, too late, about the steps needed for success in a given post-baccalaureate career endeavor to implement them effectively. Many Psychology majors have no clear career goals beyond the completion of their current semester or baccalaureate degree (Oles & Cooper, 1983). Information about Psychology related careers and skills acquired early in the undergraduate experience are thus crucial to your development as a Psychology major. Course description: Information about careers in Psychology which includes identification of career-related strengths and interests and information regarding post-baccalaureate options in Psychology and related fields. Course objectives: This course has the following main objectives: 1) to increase your knowledge about careers in Psychology 2) to increase your knowledge about post-baccalaureate educational opportunities 3) to teach you job search skills. This course employs traditional lecture format via PowerPoint presentations, invited guests, written assignments, and exercises. Material: (Required) Landrum, R. E. & Davis, S. F. (2010) The Psychology Major. Career Options and Strategies for Success. Fourth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ. *PLEASE NOTE: This syllabus may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. If changes are made to the syllabus, the instructor will inform the students immediately and provide them a new updated version of the syllabus. The instructor will also submit any changes made to Administration. Assignments and Learning objectives: Students are required to complete assignments for credit. Students are encouraged to keep assignments in a portfolio for future reference. During the course of the semester you will learn about the sub-disciplines of Psychology and career paths of Psychologists. You will also learn skills and knowledge that will facilitate your progress toward your educational goals. Reading Assignments: All reading assignments which include readings from the textbook and handouts will require a completed Ticket-In form (found on blackboard). After completing the required reading or handout, you will write a summary of that reading and/or handout on your Ticket-In form. Ticket-In forms are due at the beginning of each class session. When you come to class, please submit your ticket-in forms to the instructor. Guest Speakers: Guest speaker presentations will be incorporated during the course of the semester. The course will include a minimum of 3-4 guest speaker presentations. Students will be notified in advance when a guest speaker is scheduled to appear. Policy Regarding Late Assignments: Students are expected to submit all assignments by the date that the assignment is due. If you are scheduled to be absent in advance before the next assignment is due you should get the assignment to the instructor in advance. If there is an emergency or an extreme circumstance please speak to the instructor as soon as possible to determine what arrangements can be made. Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and all students are expected to attend each class session. The instructor will keep track of attendance. Attendance is taken into consideration when considering the final grade. If you come in late, please let me know at the end of class so that I will not mark you absent. Cell Phones/Pagers/Text Messages: Please turn off or set cell phones/ pagers to silent/vibrate so that they will not ring/beep during class. Major Assignments: During the course of the semester students will be expected to complete two major assignments. These assignments include a choice between an Information Interview or a Job Shadow and the Customized Educational Plan (CEP). Please note that the Customized Educational Plan (CEP) Assignment will be an in-class assignment. Evaluation method: The evaluation for all assignments will be broken down as follows: Attendance/Ticket-IN’s ….50% Assignments………………50% SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Introduction to Psychology 201 DUE 9/2/13 ASSIGNMENTS HOLIDAY- NO ASSIGNMENT DUE 9/2/13 LABOR DAY HOLIDAYNO CLASS TODAY 9/9/13 NO ASSIGNMENT DUE 9/9/13 Special Study Courses in Psychology 9/16/13 Read Chapter 1 in text/Ticket-in Due 9/16/13 INFORMATION INTERVIEW OR JOB SHADOW –DUE 11/25/13 9/23/13 Read Chapter 2 in text/Ticket-in Due 9/23/13 Overview of career paths in psychology (Academic/research vs. Hands on/helping profession) Therapy and helping professions (Masters level): I/O and applied 9/30/13 Read Chapter 3 in text/Ticket-in Due 9/30/13 Research careers in psychology: Exploring the PhD in Psychology (non-clinical) 10/7/13 Read Chapter 4 in text/Ticket-in Due 10/7/13 Clinical & Counseling Psych. PhD 10/14/13 Read MSW and MFT handouts (on blackboard) Ticket-in of both handouts due 10/14/13 Jobs for Psychology Majors 10/21/13 Read Clinical Psychology handout (on blackboard) Ticket-in of handout due 10/21/13 CV/ résumé and Personal Statement 10/28/13 Read Chapter 5 in text-/Ticket-in Due 10/28/13 Network building/letters of reference, Personal Statement/Graduate School 11/4/13 11/4/13 Becoming involved: Service, volunteering, research experience, and internships 11/11/13 HOLIDAY- NO ASSIGNMENT DUE 11/11/13 VETERAN’S DAY HOLIDAYNO CLASS TODAY 11/18/13 Read Chapter 7 in text/Ticket-in Due 11/18/13 IN CLASS ASSIGNMENTCustomized Educational Plan (CEP) 11/25/13 INFORMATION INTERVIEW OR JOB SHADOW IS DUE 11/25/13 INFORMATION INTERVIEW OR JOB SHADOW IS DUE TODAY 12/2/13 Read Chapter 8 in text/Ticket-in Due 12/2/13 INFORMATIONAL SESSION/ PSYCHOLOGY 12/9/13 LAST DAY OF CLASS! 8/26/13 Read Chapter 6 in text/Ticket-in Due NO ASSIGNMENT DUE