I. Guidelines for submitting the material (scientific paper)
1. The paper is drawn up in accordance with “Guidelines for the layout of the material” (see
below) and submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal by the contributor in person.
2. The papers must be sent:
- to the e-mail of the journal
Optionally, the contributor may submit the printed manuscript:
- leaving it in the folder “Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta” in the Dean’s office
- handing it to the Executive Secretary Andrei V. Vyrkovsky (tel. +7 495 629-39-08) in the
science department (room 120).
3. When the paper arrives at the Editorial Office, the date of its arrival is registered. The papers are
placed in the respective rubrics according to this date.
4. Contributors, including PhD students and academic and researcher workers who do not belong
to Moscow University, do not pay for publication in the journal Vestnik Moskovskogo
Universiteta. Series 10. Journalism.
II. Guidelines for the layout of the material (scientific paper)
All papers published in science periodicals included in the list of the Higher Attestation
Commission are required to contain the following elements:
1. Information about the author in Russian and English: family name, first name, patronymic (in
full), academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the research or educational
institution and its structural unit (faculty, chair, department and so on), contact information
about the author (phone number and e-mail).
2. Abstract and key words in Russian and English.
The abstract (no longer than 10 lines) must briefly describe the issues raised in the paper and
the main conclusions drawn in it. The key words following the abstract (not more than 5)
reflect the main content of the text.
3. Notes in the form of footnotes (if there are any)
Footnotes are also used for bibliographic references to:
periodicals (newspapers, general interest magazines)
online sources
fiction, business and popular science literature
dictionaries, reference books, field reports
textbooks and study guides
archive materials.
Elements of bibliographic description are given, and punctuation marks are used, in accordance
GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules
of composition.
GOST R 7.05-2008. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of composition.
4. Bibliography lists (References) of all papers should be in a common format established by the
Russian Science Citation Index. The list of references is given at the end of the paper without
numbers, in the alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames.
The list of references includes:
collections of scientific works
scientific papers published in scientific journals and collections of scientific works
The list of references must contain only those sources which are referenced in footnotes and/or in
the text itself.
References in the text are enclosed in square brackets in line with the text: the author’s (authors’)
surname, the year of the publication and the page should be provided. For example: [Ivanov, 1998,
p. 125]. In the case of repeated citation: [tam zhe, s. 128] for Russian-language sources and [Ibid,
p. 123] for foreign-language sources.
The size of the manuscript should not exceed one printer’s sheet (40,000 characters with spaces),
its ideal size being in between in between 29,000 and 30,000 characters with spaces. The text
should be created in the doc format, in Times New Roman font, in font size 12, with 1.5 line
spacing. The title of the paper should be set in small letters in semi-bold type (font size 12). Note
that there is no dot at the end of the title.
The submitted paper must exhibit:
– scientific novelty of the posed problem and an innovative approach to the subject under
– scientific honesty in reviewing the existing scientific concepts;
– presence of an interdisciplinary approach;
– indications of which research techniques have been used;
– factual and historical accuracy;
– accuracy of citations;
– a good style of writing;
– a clear structure of the text and internal heading hierarchy.
III. Guidelines for structuring the material (scientific paper)
The authors who are going to publish their papers in the journal Vestnik Moskovskogo
Universiteta. Series 10. Journalism should bear in mind the following characteristics of this
scientific publication:
1. The scientific journal Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series 10. Journalism promotes the
publication of scientific papers that represent the results of an independent study organized and
conducted in the framework of scientific approach and using adequate methodology.
2. Considering the submitted papers, the Editorial Board of the journal Vestnik Moskovskogo
Universiteta. Series 10. Journalism is first and foremost guided by point III.1.
3. In accordance with point III.1 and the generally accepted world practice of publishing papers
in scientific journals, the Editorial Board thoroughly recommends the authors to take into
consideration the following typical structure of scientific papers:
A) Introduction, which opens the paper. This substantiates the topicality and scientific value of
the conducted study, describes the theoretical approaches to the problem and provides
indications to relevant text corpus. The problem posed by the author is described separately.
B) The Introduction can be supplemented by a special section providing a review of relevant
literature and theoretical rationale (this section may be titled Theory and Literature; Theory;
Literature). This section is intended to inform the reader on what is already known on the
problem under consideration and prove the scientific novelty and potential value of the submitted
material. This section is supposed to comprise the most part of references to previous studies
(including direct and indirect citation).
C) Methodology - in this section the author outlines the method of his study, proves that the
method is adequate to the posed problem, defines and substantiates the sample.
D) In the Research Findings section, the author describes the course of the research, reports its
main results, discusses the possible inaccuracies and verifies the results. It is quite common for
this section to provide basic illustrative material (tables, graphs, drawings and the like).
E) The last section in the main body of the paper is Conclusions.
F) The paper ends with References.
4. The outlined above typical structure of a scientific paper to be published in the journal Vestnik
Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series 10. Journalism is the main but not the only one: if the author
has chosen different structural decisions complying with the spirit and essence of the provisions
outlined in points III.1 and III.3, the Editorial Board may accept these after their adequacy and
reasonableness have been evaluated.
5. The Editorial Board of the journal Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Series 10. Journalism
will not accept for publication in one issue more than one paper which does not essentially
comply with the provisions formulated in points III.1 and III.3. This limitation does not apply to
the texts that can be published in the rubrics Editor’s Column, Media Law, History of Journalism
and Literature, Media Language, Scientific Life, Essay, Criticism and Bibliography, My
Bookshelf and Materials, Documents, Publications. All the other submitted papers which do not
essentially comply with the provisions formulated in points III.1 and III.3 and which are rejected
to be published in the current issue may be published only in one of the following issues.
5.1. The papers to be published in the rubrics Media Law, History of Journalism and Literature
and Media Language must comply with the provisions outlined in subpoints A), B) and F) of
point III.3. In particular, in the corresponding sections Introduction and/or Theory and
Literature (Theory; Literature) the author must prove scientific novelty and provide the most
part of references to previous studies (including direct and indirect citation).
6. In accordance with point III.1 and the generally accepted world practice of publishing papers
in scientific journals, the Editorial Board thoroughly recommends the authors to take into
account the inadmissibility of actively using the tool of direct and indirect citation: in the case of
having to turn to other works on the subject, one should use references in the text of the paper
(for example: [Ivanov, 1998, p. 125]). If the Editorial Board decides that the tool of citation is
abused, the paper is sent back to the author for revision.
7. Basic illustrative material (tables, graphs, drawings and the like) can find its place in the
Research Findings section (see point III.3., subpoint D). However, it is advisable to put
illustrative material after the text of the paper – with relevant comments and references in the
text (for example: see Table 1).