MEng - Loughborough University

Programme Specification
Automotive Engineering
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of
the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning
opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found
in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and
may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;
Loughborough University
Teaching institution (if different);
Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body;
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Name of the final award;
M.Eng/M.Eng + DIS
Programme title;
Automotive Engineering
UCAS code;
Date at which the programme
specification was written or
May 2004
1. Aims of the programme:
To supply the automotive industries with graduates having a good grounding in
relevant engineering principles and the subsequent practical application to relevant
product design.
To provide a broad-based and sound education in topics of relevance to automotive
engineering via in-depth study and an understanding of selected engineering science
topics and the application of fundamental principles to the design and development of
engineering products and systems.
To maintain programme content and coverage that is up-to-date and responsive to
developments in Higher Education using close liaison with industry and the research
activities in the department.
To develop the students' sense of responsibility and competence by exposure to a
range of challenging and relevant experiences which includes the possibility of
industrial training and study abroad.
To develop the students' ability to work successfully in a group, often with students
from other disciplines, on open-ended engineering problems.
To develop the students' commitment to life long learning and enthusiasm for the
relevant engineering discipline, along with the necessary transferable skills.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal
reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
The following reference points were used in creating the programme specification:
the Engineering subject benchmarks statement; the University Learning and Teaching
Strategy; the requirements of the Engineering Council (UK-SPEC); the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers; our Industrial Advisory Committee.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of
- a significant number of mathematical methods, and the limitations and areas of
- appropriate, relevant physical scientific principles
- the role of IT and communications
- the design process and the appropriate design methodologies
- a broad range of engineering materials and components
- current management and business practices
- the professional responsibility of an engineer and the associated ethical issues
- current practices including the specific codes of practice relating to both the design
process and the requirements for safe operation
- the capabilities/limitations of computational methods and the limitations of
computer based methods.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved
and demonstrated:
Most modules use lectures (normally two hours per week) to establish the knowledge
and understanding required. Tutorials, group work or laboratories are used to develop
further the concepts introduced in lectures and to provide some feedback on the
students’ development in the module. Tutorials may also be used for feedback on
progress towards completion of the assessment(s) used in the module. Workshops and
supervised practical sessions are used in modules where practical skills are to be
developed supported by knowledge and understanding. The acquisition of knowledge,
understanding and practical skills is assessed by a combination of written
examinations, laboratory reports or written coursework reports as appropriate. In the
case of design and project modules the assessment methods include summative
posters, written reports and oral presentations.
Skills and other attributes:
a. Subject-specific cognitive skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to
- select the appropriate mathematical methods and apply them in engineering
- use scientific principles to solve unfamiliar engineering problems, model and
analyse complex engineering systems
- understand the capabilities/limitations of computational methods and assess the
limitations of computer based methods
- demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the need for analysis in the design
process and fully justify decisions made in the design process. Students should also
be to generate ideas and design new systems from existing systems
- evaluate typical commercial risks
- integrate aspects of engineering, from technical analysis to business skills, and
solve a range of challenging engineering problems. Also to be aware of both the
limitations of solution methods and the need to evaluate typical technical risks.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved
and demonstrated:
In the main, achieved through a combination of tutorial problems, examination
revision and coursework exercises but, in the case of design modules, through a
combination of group project work and individual design analysis and in the project
module, through directed individual study. Assessment is generally by a combination
of written examination and written coursework reports or in the case of design and
project modules, a written report, oral presentation and summative poster.
b. Subject-specific practical skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to
- apply effectively a wide range of mathematical methods
- select and use appropriate engineering instrumentation for experimental procedures
- collect and analyse the data and draw pertinent conclusions
- select and use appropriate computational tools to solve unfamiliar problems
- generate an innovative design for a system to fulfil new needs
- analyse the design solution and present a report recommending either acceptance or
redesign of the system
- initiate and complete searches for new information in order to evaluate and make
recommendations about an engineering system.
- work and contribute in a team
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved
and demonstrated:
Generally achieved through undertaking laboratory sessions, coursework exercises
and workshop activities and assessed by written coursework reports and, in the case of
workshop activities, by visual inspection of finished work. Design modules also
involve some group work and assessment is by written report.
c. Key/transferable skills:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:
- from a given data set, generate new data, interpret in a new form and present in
alternative graphical representations, whilst identifying some of the limitations of data
- generate and analyse data to solve complex engineering problems
- understand the functionality of common IT tools and use appropriate, but less
common, tools
- generate new ideas and develop and evaluate a range of possible solutions; assess
new information, make engineering judgements on the information and use it to solve
a design problem
- co-ordinate presentation techniques and information to maximum effect plus learn
independently new concepts, which may be outside the field of automotive
- solve some general engineering problems through systematic analysis, design and
planning, whilst learning and applying new skills in an unfamiliar situation plus work
in a team, possible as a leader, as well as critically evaluating a personal work
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be achieved
and demonstrated:
Achieved mainly through undertaking laboratories and coursework, but in the design
modules, through working in a group and undertaking group report writing and oral
presentation work and, in the project module, through planning an individual project
and the subsequent report writing and oral presentation of the completed work.
Assessment is mainly through written coursework reports but the design and project
modules include oral presentations and (project module) a summative poster.
4. Programme structures and requirements , levels, modules, credits and awards:
The programme is full time and takes four academic years with an optional year in
Each academic year, or Part, is divided into 2 semesters, and consists of modules
totalling 120 credits.
Part A Semester 1
The following modules are studied in the first semester. Next to each is its modular
weight and the percentage of the module mark which is calculated on coursework
Credit Weight
ELAl02 Electrotechnology
MAA104 Engineering Mathematics 1
TTA014 Computing*
TTA104 Mechanics of Materials 1
TTA107 Vehicle Design, Dev’t & Manu’ 10
TTA207 Vehicle Systems and Design**
Coursework %
* TTA014 runs throughout the year and has a total module weight of 10 (5+5).
** TTA207 runs throughout the year and has a total module weight of 20 (10+10).
Part A Semester 2
The following modules are studied in the second semester.
BSB580 Fundamentals of Marketing
MAA204 Engineering Mathematics 2
TTA001 Engineering Mechanics
TTA003 Fluid Mechanics
TTA005 Thermodynamics
TTA014 Computing*
TTA207 Vehicle Systems and Design**
Credit Weight
Design and Make Exercise
Students must attend and complete a two week design and make exercise before
entering Part C. The exercise is usually held during June in Year One. Previous
training may be offered in lieu of undertaking the exercise.
Part B Semester 1
The following modules are studied in the first semester.
Credit Weight
BSC506 Fundamentals of Financial Mgt
MAB104 Engineering Mathematics 3
TTB042 Engines
TTB002 Dynamics
TTB104 Mechanics of Materials 2
TTB107 Vehicle Design 1
TTB208 Structural Design Project **
Coursework %
**TTB208 runs throughout the year and has a total module weight of 10 (5+5).
Part B Semester 2
The following modules are studied in the second semester.
Credit Weight
TTB039 Ground Vehicle Aerodynamics
TTB043 Engine Design
TTB202 Control Engineering
TTB204 Mechanics of Solids
TTB207 Vehicle Design 2
TTB208 Structural Design Project **
Optional year in industry
Students undertaking the optional period in industrial undertake their placement
between the July of the year they finish Part B or C and the September of the year
they start Part C or D. Each student is assigned both an industrial mentor and a
university mentor. The university mentor visits the student twice during the industrial
period. During the second visit the student gives an oral presentation on a topic they
have worked on.
In order to be eligible for the award of the Diploma in Industrial Studies (DIS) upon
graduation, students must fulfil the following criteria
- have spent a minimum of 45 weeks in an authorised industrial placement
-returned six progress report forms which are countersigned by the industrial mentor
-written a dissertation of suitable standard which has been approved by both the
industrial mentor and the university mentor
-received positive final placement reports from both the industrial mentor and the
university mentor.
Part C Semester 1
The following compulsory modules are studied in the first semester.
TTC100 Management
TTC006 Vehicle Design*
Credit Weight
Coursework %
*TTC006 runs throughout the year and has a total module weight of 30 (15+15)
In addition students choose four of the following optional modules
Credit Weight
EULxxx Language
TTC001 CFD 1
TTC042 Automotive Noise Control
TTC053 Stress and Structural Analysis
TTC060 Signal Analysis
TTC066 Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation** 5
Coursework %
**TTC066 runs throughout the year and has a total module weight of 10 (5 + 5)
Part C Semester 2
The following compulsory modules are studied in the second semester.
TTC200 Business Strategy
TTC006 Vehicle Design*
Credit Weight
Coursework %
In addition students choose three of the following optional modules
Credit Weight
MPB013 Automotive Crash Protection
TTC002 Finite Element Methods
TTC041 Mechanical Vibration
TTC043 CFD 2
TTC054 Composite Materials
TTC064 Vehicle Engines
TTC066 Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation* 5
TTC067 Risk & Reliability Methods
Coursework %
Part D Semester 1
The following compulsory modules are studied in the first semester.
Credit Weight
Coursework %
BSC505 Human Resource Management
TTD012 Project Preparation
TTD003Vehicle Engineering Adv Tech’
In addition students choose 1 or 2 modules from the University’s Module Catalogue
either in semester one or two.
Part D Semester 2
The following compulsory modules are studied in the second semester
TTD010 Project
Credit Weight
Coursework %
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
2003 - 04 Entry Requirements
Must include Mathematics and Physics (not including General Studies)
A Levels (AAC or ABB)
Maths & Physics both min B + 3rd subject
or for 3rd subject 2 AS Levels
6. Information about assessment regulations:
The majority of modules are assessed by a combination of coursework and written
examination, although some modules are assessed solely on coursework, and a few
modules are assessed purely on examinations. Examinations take place at the end of
both semesters. The pass mark for an individual module is 40%.
Before the start of the next academic year there is a Special Assessment Period when
students may be reassessed in modules they have failed. Any student achieving fewer
than 60 credits will not be eligible for reassessment in the Special Assessment Period,
and will have to be re-assessed during the following academic year. Students who
pass the reassessment in a module will have the mark for that module set at 40%.
Students must achieve the minimum requirements set out in the General Regulations
for Undergraduate Awards and meet the following criteria:
In order to progress to the second year of the programme (Part B) a student must
achieve at least 40% in Part A modules of a total modular weight of l00 plus at least
30% in all other modules.
Modules TTA107 and TTA207 are not available in the Special Assessment Period. A
student needing to resit either of these modules has to undergo reassessment during
the following academic year.
In order to progress to the third year of the programme (Part C) a student must
achieve at least 40% in Part B modules of a total modular weighting of 100 and a
minimum overall average for Part B of 55% with at least 30% in all other modules.
Module TTB208 is not available in the Special Assessment Period. A student needing
to resit this module has to undergo reassessment during the following academic year.
In order to progress to the fourth year of the programme (Part D) a student must
achieve at least 40% in Part C modules of a total modular weight of 100 and a
minimum overall average for Part C of 55%.
Module TTC006 is not available in the Special Assessment Period. A student needing
to resit this module has to undergo reassessment during the following academic year.
Requirements for Award of a Degree
In order to qualify for the award of a degree a student must achieve at least 40% in
Part D modules of a total modular weight of 100. If a student fails to achieve credit in
the Project Module TTD010 and/or the VEAT Module TTD003 at the 1st attempt
he/she is not eligible for the award of the Extended Honours Degree.
Students' final degree classification will be determined on the basis of their
performance in degree level Module Assessments in Parts B, C and D in accordance
with the scheme set out in the GRUA. The average percentage marks for each Part
will be combined in the ratio Part B: 15 Part C: 40 Part D: 45 to determine the Final
Programme Mark.
The degree class boundaries are normally set as: First: 70%+, Upper Second: 60%+,
Lower Second: 50%+.
7. Indicators of quality:
The Department was awarded 23 out of 24 points during the last TQA round.
The Programme is accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and is a
Bentley Motor Cars preferred undergraduate programme.
8. Particular support for learning:
Careers Service
The Careers Service provides a continuous service for students seeking careers
guidance and help with job-search techniques, together with a library of careers
resources. Careers Service personnel visit departments to talk to student groups and
are involved with students and parents from recruitment and induction onwards. In
the UK Graduate Careers Survey, sponsored by the Times Newspaper, Loughborough
University Careers Service was rated as one of the most impressive with over 80% of
students rating it as good or excellent.
The University Library provides advanced support for student learning in a purposebuilt building and electronically via the web. It is open for upwards of 80 hours per
week during semester and holds a stock of more than half a million volumes and an
extensive serials collection. Numerous PC workstations (100+), networked printing
facilities and self-service photocopiers are also available. The Library is designated
EDC (European Documentation Centre). The Library catalogue is available on-line,
as are electronic versions of reading lists. Over 180 subject-specific electronic
databases can be accessed by users both on campus and elsewhere. The Library
organises induction sessions for first year students and librarians can provide flexible
training for students and researchers throughout their time at Loughborough. User
support is also available from the Library information desks, via printed and online
guides and through a series of ‘Lunchtime in the Library’ and other training sessions.
There are a variety of study environments in the Library, including individual and
group study desks, private carrels and group study rooms
Computing Services:
Computing Services provides the University IT facilities and infrastructure. General
purpose computer resources across campus are open 24 hours and more specialist
computer laboratories are provided I partnership with departments. Students in halls
of residence are supported in connecting their computers to the high speed network.
The University’s virtual learning environment “LEARN” provides on and off campus
access to web-based teaching materials provided by lecturing staff.
Learning and Teaching Development:
Learning and teaching Development (L&TD) is the University’s centre for teaching
and learning innovation and the dissemination of best practice.
It provides support for teaching, learning and assessment by working with both staff
and students. It works directly with tutors who wish to develop more effective
teaching and learning and also provides support to students who need skills and
learning development.
Staff Development
Staff Development (SD) provides continuing professional development in
teaching and other skills. Probationary staff attend a full programme of SD
courses and, in the final year of probation, Quality Enhancement assesses their
teaching through direct observation and a portfolio. Accreditation for this
process has been awarded by the Institute for Learning and Teaching (ILT).
Other development opportunities are provided in institutional strategic priority
areas and in response to discussions with departments in the context of their
learning and teaching strategies.
Counselling Service and English Language Study Unit:
The Counselling Service and English Language Study Unit are able to support
individual students in resolving problems and in improving communication skills for
international students.
Faculty of Engineering Teaching and Learning Support Centre:
The Faculty of Engineering Teaching and Learning Support Centre supports the
implementation of innovative Teaching and Learning Methods into the curriculum,
within the Faculty of Engineering, via the use of appropriate technologies. The
Centre provides a focus for computer based learning and teaching activities in the
Engineering Faculty, unlimited advice on Computer aided learning/assessment and
distance learning materials, a limited amount of free software development time, and
help to secure funding and manage projects relevant to learning and teaching.
Mathematics Learning Support Centre
The Centre, which is based in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, provides a
range of services designed to support any undergraduate student in the University in
their learning of mathematics. In particular it aims to help students in the earlier
stages of their studies who might benefit from resources and tuition over and above
that normally provided as part of their course.
The Virtual Engineering mathematics Learning Support Centre provides online help
for Engineering students in mathematics. This site is an additional resource provided
by the mathematics Learning Support Centre in conjunction with the Faculty of
Engineering Teaching and Learning Support Centre, providing students with an
additional way of accessing some of the resources held within the centre – 24 hours a
Disabilities & Additional Needs Service:
The Disabilities and Additional Needs Service (DANS) offers support for students
and staff including: advice both on matters relating to the Special Educational Needs
and Disabilities Act (SENDA); adaptation of course materials into Braille/large
print/tape/disk/other formats; organising mobility training; BSL interpretation;
provision of communication support workers; note takers in lectures/tutorials;
assessment of specific support, equipment and software needs; individual/small group
tuition for students who have dyslexia; representing students’ needs to academic and
other University departments; organising adapted accommodation to meet individual
needs; helping to organise carers to meet any personal care needs; organising
appropriate support for students who have a mental health problem.
DANS has links with the RNIB Vocational College, Derby College for Deaf People
and the National Autism Society to offer effective support to students at the
University. It regularly takes advice from other national and local organisations of
and for disabled people.
Where a student has complex support or accommodation needs, contact with DANS is
strongly advised prior to application.
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning:
The University has a formal quality procedure and reporting structure laid out in its
Academic Quality Procedures handbook, available online at:
and directed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching). Each Faculty has an Associate
Dean for Teaching responsible for all learning and teaching matters. For each Faculty
there is a Directorate (responsible for the allocation of resources) and a Board
(responsible for monitoring quality issues within each department). Support is
provided by the Staff Development Unit and the Quality Assessment Unit. Student
feedback on modules and programmes is sought at regular intervals, individual
programmes are reviewed annually, and Departments review their full portfolio of
programmes as part of a Periodic Programme Review (every five years).
Minor changes to module specifications are approved by the Associate Dean
(Teaching) on behalf of the Faculty Board, and ratified by the University Curriculum
Sub-Committee in accordance with the University's quality procedures. Major
changes are formally considered by the University Curriculum Sub-Committee.
All staff participate in the University's staff appraisal scheme, which helps to identify
any needs for staff skills development. Both probationary staff and those seeking
promotion to Senior Lecturer are subject to a formal teaching evaluation scheme,
administered by the Quality Assessment Unit and accredited by the Institute for
Learning and Teaching.