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U K Sh k o d ë r Ujësjelles Kanalizime Qytet Shkoder Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau ___________________________________________________________________ WATER & SEWERAGE PROJECT SHKODRA FEASIBILITY STUDY PROJECT CONCEPT DRAFT REPORT ANNEX No. 2 Hydraulic Modelling of the Storm Water Drainage Network June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 HYDRAULIC MODELLING OF THE STORM WATER SYSTEM ................................... 1 1.1 Generalities .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Software ................................................................................................................... 2 METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 2 2.1 2.1.1 Topographic Survey ........................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 Modelised Storm Water Drainage System .......................................................... 2 2.1.3 Sub-Systems, Main and Sub-Catchment Areas ................................................. 3 2.2 3 Preparation of the Hydraulic Model ........................................................................... 2 Design and Calculation Criteria ................................................................................ 4 2.2.1 Slope adjustment factors .................................................................................... 4 2.2.2 Surface Sealing Rate ......................................................................................... 5 2.2.3 Rainfall Intensity ................................................................................................. 5 RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Existing Storm Water Drainage System .................................................................... 7 3.1.1 Results of the Hydraulic Modelling ..................................................................... 7 3.1.2 Conclusions with Regard to the Future Storm Water Concept ............................ 8 3.2 Future Storm Water Drainage System ...................................................................... 8 3.2.1 SW0 ................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.2 SW1: (Industrial Area) ........................................................................................ 9 3.2.3 SW2 ................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.4 SW3 ..................................................................................................................10 3.2.5 SW4 ..................................................................................................................10 3.2.6 SW5 ..................................................................................................................11 3.2.7 SW6 ..................................................................................................................11 3.3 Storm Water Drainage System Extension ................................................................11 ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ ii TABLES Table 2-1: Slope classification categories according to DWA-A-118 ...................................... 5 Table 2-2: Characteristic Rainfall Intensities .......................................................................... 5 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Assessment of Surface Sealing Rate in Representative Urban Areas Appendix 2- 1: Hydraulic Calculation of the Existing Storm Water Drainage System Period of Return1 in 2 years Appendix 2- 2: Hydraulic Calculation of the Existing Storm Water Drainage System – Period of Return1 in 1 years Appendix 3: Hydraulic Calculation of the Future Storm Water Drainage System Appendix 4: Hydraulic Calculation of the Storm Water Drainage Network Extensions – ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 1 1 HYDRAULIC MODELLING OF THE STORM WATER SYSTEM In order to assess the capacity of the existing storm water drainage system for the planning horizon 2030 and to elaborate a suitable concept for the future storm water drainage system, a computerised detailed hydraulic modelling of the primary and part of the secondary storm water drainage network has been carried out. 1.1 Generalities The verification of hydraulic capacity of a storm water system can be executed with different methods. Recommended are hydrodynamic computerised models, which are in position to calculate permanently the relations between runoff and water level based on the simulation of a dynamic model rainfall. This method is capable to simulate realistically the conditions of overcharged collectors, partly submerged outlets and reversal of flow directions. The storage capacity of the sewers and manholes, which have big influence on the results, is considered within in the program. However, a reasonable application of sophisticated hydrodynamic models requires detailed knowledge on the existing secondary and tertiary sewerage network. Since these data are not available with the required level of detail in the framework of this feasibility study, the hydraulic calculation of the storm water system is based on the rational method as described hereafter. An hydrodynamic calculation has been carried out to cross-check the results of the modelling based on the "Rational Method" and to investigate special conditions of the storm water drainage system such as the impact of partly flooded discharge outlet (outlet under the level of the Lake in condition of high water level). The “Rational Method” is a hydrological method, which simulates the deformation of the flood wave on its way inside the sewer pipe and takes into account the temporal coincidences of flood-overlaps of lateral influents. It cannot be used to verify the influence of overcharged sewers and submerged sewer outlets. This method is based on the assumption that the biggest storm water flow in the sewer occurs for a rainfall corresponding to the flow duration into the considered sewer section. The rainfall intensity r(D,N) is function of the duration and frequency (period of return) of the rain. On the basis of a rainfall with a duration of 15 min. and a selected frequency, the relevant rainfall intensity is determined by the time coefficient factor f.The storm water flow is calculated according to the following formula: Q (l/s) = r(D,N) * y * f * A The rational method uses “block” rains with constant intensities during the duration of the rain. In the German guideline DWA – A118 (German Sewerage Association) this method is recommended for rough verification of sewer systems as well as the dimensioning of new sewer networks. The analysis of the existing storm water system ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 2 as well as verification of the pre-designed concept is based on the results of the rational method. These results have been cross-checked later with the hydrodynamic model. 1.2 Software The hydraulic modelling of the storm water system has been carried out with the specialised programme HYSTEM-EXTRAN, developed at the University of Hanover, Germany, for the run-off simulation and their transport in the sewer system. For the verification and calculation of the storm water system according to the "rational method", the hydrological module ZEBEV has been applied. For the preparation of the hydraulic database the programme Barthauer BASYS has been applied, serving as an interface to AutoCAD and the simulation programmes. The preparation of the database as well as the hydraulic verification based on the following methodology 2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Preparation of the Hydraulic Model The computerised hydraulic modelling focuses on the analysis of the existing storm water drainage system with regard to the suitability for planning horizon 2030. The database for the hydraulic calculation has been prepared on the basis of the investigation and survey of the existing system as well as existing topographic maps, satellite photographs and the Austrian Feasibility Study from 1997. 2.1.1 Topographic Survey A topographic survey of the complete existing main storm water system has been carried out. X and Y coordinates of the manholes, as well as cover and invert levels and diameters or sections of the pipes have been registered. In the cases that manholes could not be opened, the invert level has been estimated on the basis of the average slope of the pipe between the preceding and following manhole. A total length of approximately 54 km of the existing storm water drainage network, including 583 manholes, has been surveyed. 2.1.2 Modelised Storm Water Drainage System In principle all surveyed manhole have been included into the database. In the case of two sewer running in parallel on both sides of a street, these two sewers have been replaced in the hydraulic calculation by one single sewer with the same hydraulic capacity. In some cases it was necessary for some bigger catchment areas with long flow length, in order to simulate a realistic flow duration, to add fictive sewer sections. They are ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 3 located mainly along main roads of the city and correspond to missing secondary storm water sections. Assumed top- and bottom levels of these fictive manholes have been defined on the basis of the available topographic data. These manholes are numbered with a suffix “Fi” (Example: SW1.1a_Fi). 2.1.3 Sub-Systems, Main and Sub-Catchment Areas Existing Storm Water System Sub-Systems of the existing storm water drainage system The existing storm water drainage system has been divided in seven separate and independent sub-systems discharging to separate outlets in Kir River or Shkodra Lake, as follow: SW0: South-eastern part of the city, drained towards Kir River; SW1: Industrial area and urban quarter between the hospital and the catholic cemetery, north-east of the city, discharging in Kir River; SW2: eastern and south-eastern part of the city discharging into the Fermes Channel; SW3: area including the northern part of the town centre and including also the area around Isa Boletini square and Kondi street. This sub-system discharges into the Fermes Channel; SW4: area including the whole town centre of Shkodra as well as the area northeast of Bishanaku street (stadium) and connected to the new Austrian Channel in Zog 1st / Vasil Shanto street, which discharges into Shkodra Lake south-west of the city; SW5: western part of the city around the stadium, south-west of Bishanaku street, discharging in Shkodra Lake; SW6: north-western part of the city around Reshit Rusi street. An overview of the existing storm water drainage situation, with the delimitation of the above mentioned sub-systems, is given in Drawing no. 002-06-00. Main and sub-catchment areas of the existing storm water drainage system In each of the above mentioned sub-systems, main catchment areas (e.g. SW1.1, SW1.2, etc…) have been defined according the to the up-dated drawing of the existing sewer network, topographic data, site investigations and information provided by local experts acquainted with the existing storm water system. For each main catchment area has been determined the surface and other main characteristics relevant for the hydraulic calculation as described in section 2.2. Each of the main catchment area is divided in single sub-catchment area (e.g. SW1.1.1. to SW1.1.5.) corresponding to a pipe section between two manholes. The ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 4 name of the sub-catchment area correspond to the number of the upper manhole. The area of each sub-catchment area is calculated according to the ratio of the length of the considered sewer section to the total length of the sewer in the main catchment area. The catchment areas have been distributed in four categories: Existing Housing Area connected to the existing storm water system Existing Housing Area, not yet connected to the existing system Industrial Area connected to the existing storm water system Future Extension Area (planning horizon 2030). The modelised storm water network and catchment areas are shown in Drawing no. 002-06-01 and 002-06-02. Storm Water System Extensions Extension areas of the storm water network have been defined according to the forecasted increase of the population and urban development in Shkodra and in the surrounding villages as well as the proposed concept for the storm water drainage of the city of Shkodra. Extension areas of the storm water network, include mainly the informal areas north and west of the city which are not equipped with a proper and functional storm water drainage system. These sub-systems are numbered with the prefix “EX” followed by the numbers of the sub-system and main catchment area (e.g. EX1.1 to EX1.7). Furthermore, extensions of the storm water system have also been considered for the village of Dobraci. For the hydraulic calculation of the sewer extension hydraulic calculation system points have been defined. The ground level of each of theses system points has been measured on the available topographic maps. The number of each sub-catchment area correspond to the number of the upper system point. An overview of the proposed concept for the future storm water drainage of the city of Shkodra, including the extension areas of the storm water system is given in Drawing no. 002-09-00. Details of the sub-systems and main catchment areas which have been considered for the hydraulic modelling of the future storm water system are shown in Drawing no. 002-09-01 until 002-09-04. 2.2 Design and Calculation Criteria 2.2.1 Slope adjustment factors To take into account that the run-off time on the surface of the drained area depends on the slope, a slope adjustment factor must be defined for each catchment area. The German guideline DWA A-118 foresees the following four different categories: ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 5 Slope classification category 1 2 3 4 Slope <1% 1%-4% 4 % - 10 % > 10 % Table 2-1: Slope classification categories according to DWA-A-118 With regard to the topographic situation, classification category 1 has been assumed for the complete city area. Only the hilly area in the south of the city has been classified in category 2. 2.2.2 Surface Sealing Rate The surface sealing rates (run-off coefficient) express the percentage of impervious (sealed) areas leading to a storm water run-off and connected to the storm water drainage network. This percentage has been assessed on the basis of the satellite photograph (scale 1:1.000) for different representative areas as shown in Appendix 1. The following rates have been found to be characteristic for the town of Prizren: A. Town centre: ...................................................................................................65 % B. Industrial area:.................................................................................................50 % C. Densely urbanised areas around the town centre with detached houses ........45 % D. Low densely urbanised sub-urban areas .........................................................35 % In reference to the expected city development, lower surface sealing rates (15%-30%) have been assumed for future extension area. The surface sealing rate of each catchment area is given in the Drawings no. 002-0901 until 002-09-04. 2.2.3 Rainfall Intensity According to the statistical analysis of rainfall data for the city of Shkodra, the hydraulic calculation of the storm water drainage system has been carried with the following rainfall intensities: Period of Return Duration [min] Rainfall intensity [l/s/ha] 1 in 1 year 15 112,20 1 in 2 year 15 179,95 Table 2-2: Characteristic Rainfall Intensities ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 6 For the hydraulic calculation using the "Rational Method", a rainfall with constant intensity is used. For the hydrodynamic modelling a dynamic model rainfall, is used in order to see the propagation of the wave in the sewer pipes or channels. According to the German DWA guidelines a model rain from the so-called Euler-II Type is recommended. An Euler-II rainfall with a duration of 90 minutes and a period of return 1 in 2 years has been elaborated. Characteristics of this rain are as follow: Period of return: n=2a Euler-I-Regen Euler-II-Regen D HN HN D=30min. D=60min D=90min [min] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] 5 9,4 9,4 3,9 2,3 2,3 10 13,3 3,9 9,4 2,9 2,3 15 16,2 2,9 2,9 3,9 2,3 20 18,5 2,3 2,3 9,4 2,9 25 20,7 2,3 2,3 2,3 3,9 30 23,0 2,3 2,3 2,3 9,4 35 24,6 1,6 - 1,6 1,6 40 26,2 1,6 - 1,6 1,6 45 27,8 1,6 - 1,6 1,6 50 29,3 1,6 - 1,6 1,6 55 30,9 1,6 - 1,6 1,6 60 32,5 1,6 - 1,6 1,6 65 33,6 1,1 - - 1,1 70 34,8 1,1 - - 1,1 75 35,9 1,1 - - 1,1 80 37,0 1,1 - - 1,1 85 38,1 1,1 - - 1,1 90 39,3 1,1 - - 1,1 23,0 32,5 39,3 Total: 46,0 Table 2-3: Characteristics of the Euler-II-Model Rainfall ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 7 3 RESULTS 3.1 Existing Storm Water Drainage System 3.1.1 Results of the Hydraulic Modelling The results of the hydraulic calculation of the existing storm water network for the current situation are given in the attached Appendices no.1-1 (period of return 2 year), and no. 1-2 (period of return 1 year). These results are also shown in Drawing no. 002-08-01 (period of return 2 years) and Drawing no. 002-08-02 (period of return 1 year). The hydraulic modelling for the current situation shows that the existing sewer network is completely surcharged, especially with regard to the results of the return period 1 in 2 years. Main bottlenecks are as follow: SW1: The complete old collector of the existing industrial area (SW1.1 to SW1.3 and SW1.7 to SW1.10); SW2: Almost all of the existing storm water system (SW2.5 to SW2.12), due to the size of the connected catchment area and the missing secondary storm water drainage; SW3: Major parts of the “Old line” (SW3.2 to SW3.18). However most part of the “Old Line” sections show sufficient hydraulic capacity for a period of return of 1 year. Nevertheless, with regard to the general bad condition of the sewer and the fact that on its major length it is running in private areas and under existing houses, a rehabilitation is considered necessary; SW4: Nearly the complete storm water collector along the street “Buja Bishanaku” (SW4.3 to SW4.9) as well as some sections along the street “Zog the 1 st” (SW4.14 and SW4.15). SW5: Only two sections of the existing storm water collector (SW5.1) are surcharged. A verification of projected new ring road collector relate to the proposed concept, has shown some overloads near to the discharge (SW5.1 and SW5.2) SW6: The complete existing storm water drainage of the sub-system (SW6.2 to SW6.8) is surcharged in cause of small diameters. It should be further pointed out, that the designed capacities of the projected new ring road collector have absolutely insufficient capacity. For some sections, which are overloaded for the period of return 2 years, the hydrodynamic calculation shows that however no water is running out of the systems ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 8 (no flooding of the streets). The concerned sections include most of the more recently built sewer as follow: 3.1.2 SW1: Collector SW1.4 to SW1.6 (industrial area) SW3: Collector SW3.23 to SW3.25 SW4: Collector SW4.17 to SW4.18 (funded by the Austrian Government) Collector SW4.20 to SW4.21 Conclusions with Regard to the Future Storm Water Concept Main conclusions of the hydraulic modelling of the existing system for the elaboration of the future concept are as follow: 3.2 Where possible areas connected to the existing systems shall be discharged by gravity in the receiving waters by the nearest way; Collectors with are in good condition and have sufficient capacity will be maintained in future; It should be tried, as much as possible to keep existing comparatively newly built storm water collectors (e.g. Austrian channel, Industria Area, Kelmendi street) suitable for the future situation. Therefore where necessary, part of the connected areas shall be diverted to other drainage areas; In special case, existing collector which are in good condition and have adequate capacity for a rainfall intensity with a period of return less than 2 years but more than 1 year can be considered as suitable, especially if the hydrodynamic calculation show that no flooding of the street occur or only for a very short period of time; Ongoing storm water projects, especially the one in the scope of the construction of the new ring road, will be included in the concept as planned; Future Storm Water Drainage System Drawing No. 002-09-00 to 002-09-04 show the future storm water drainage concept including rehabilitation and replacements of the existing storm water system as well as construction of main new storm water collectors, together with the main secondary sewers of developed area. Extension area are further incorporated in this drawings. The results of the hydraulic modelling for the future concept (2030) are given in Appendix no. 3. The proposed concept for the storm water drainage of the areas currently drained by the existing systems is as follow. It should be underlined that extension and new construction of missing secondary and tertiary storm water collectors is required in almost all of the areas. ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 9 3.2.1 SW0 This area covers the south eastern part of the city along railway embankment and discharges to the Kir River. No real and proper storm water drainage is available for the current situation. The proposed concept is as follow: 3.2.2 New construction of primary and secondary storm water collectors (SW0.3 to SW0.6 and SW0.10 to SW0.11) for the drainage of the developed area; Replacement of the existing storm water collector SW0.1 which will be surcharged due to the connection of additional areas. SW1: (Industrial Area) Sub System SW1 is located in the north east of Shkodra and covers the storm water disposal of the existing industrial area. In order to maximise the utilisation of existing assets it will be a benefit to separate the system into two drainage area (SW1-A and SW1-B). Approximately 85% of the total area will be covered by the new Sub-System SW1-A. Furthermore it will be pointed out, that the comparatively new constructed storm water collector (SW1.4 to SW1.6) is surcharged for a rainfall intensity of 180 l/s/ha and a period of return 1 in 2 years (see Appendix no. 3; “utilisation ratio of rational method”). The hydrodynamic model showed that this sections are surcharged, but no storm water is discharging out of the system. With regard to this aspect a further utilisation of this collector is foreseen in the future concept. Following additional measures have been proposed in the future concept. 3.2.3 The system will be separate at manhole SW1.7.7 Replacement of the old industrial collector from SW1.1.1 to SW1.6.15 Construction of the new discharge SW1-A crossing the railway embankment near the catholic cemetery. Construction of a new primary storm water collector from SW1.6 to the new discharge SW1-A. Tertiary storm water network within the area of private industrial areas will be provided by the owner. Rehabilitation measures for sub-system SW1-B will be the replacement of the existing storm water collectors SW1.9 and SW1.10. SW2 This area covers the southern and south eastern parts of the city, where the existing main drainage system is limited in both extend and capacity. Following measures have been foreseen for the improvement of the current situation. Construction of new main secondary collectors for the extension of missing storm water drainage in developed areas (SW2.2; SW2.4; SW2.6 and SW2.8). Most of the existing main collectors will be replaced with an increased capacity, especially with regard to the above mentioned extension measures. ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 10 3.2.4 Increase of capacity of the existing open channel (SW2.15 to SW2.19) as well as stabilisation measures of the embankment. SW3 Consider the hydraulic results of the current situation, sub-system SW3 is absolutely surcharged, especially the “Old Line”. This is due to the importance of the connected catchment areas. In order to maximise the utilisation of the comparatively new constructed main storm water collector (SW3.23 to SW3.24), parts of the lower area will be diverted to sub-system SW4. The benefit of this measure will be the utilisation of the capacity reserves from the Austrian funded main collector. The northern part of the existing catchment area will be add to sub-system SW6. With regard to this aspects following additional rehabilitation measures have to be implemented in the future concept. 3.2.5 Construction of new main secondary collectors relate to the extension of missing storm water drainage in developed areas (SW3.2 and SW3.3) Some sections of existing collectors will be replaced with an increased capacity, especially parts of SW3.5 SW4 This sub-system covers the complete town centre area. Existing capacity reserves of the Austrian Collector is completely used for the connection of part of the existing subsystem SW3 as described above. For that reason and in order to reduce the storm water flow to this collector and to avoid the need to replace the Austrian Collector, parts of the north western area SW4.1 to SW4.4 (see existing situation Drawing no. 002-0600) will be diverted to sub-system SW5. Considering also the results of the hydrodynamic verification, following measures have to be implemented within the proposed concept: Re-utilisation in future of the Austrian Collector (SW4.17 to SW4.18); Replacement of some sections of the existing main collectors along street “Zog the 1st” with collectors of increased capacity (SW4.14 and SW4.15); Extension of the storm water collector along street “Zog the 1st” from SW4.15 towards north; Extension of new main secondary collectors according to the proposed development of the storm water drainage in the northern part of the city areas; Re-utilisation of the recently constructed storm water collector in the south (SW4.20 to SW4.21 Implementation of the projected new ring road collector, recommendation to increase the capacity of section SW4.24c. including the ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ 11 3.2.6 SW5 Considering the connection of part of the existing sub-system SW4 to this system, as described above, (SW5.3 to SW5.5) as well as the inadequate existing storm water drainage, following measures have been defined: 3.2.7 Implementation of the projected new ring road collector, including recommendation to increase some diameters of section SW5.1 and SW5.2. Extension of a new primary collector (SW5.3 to SW5.6), designed for the drainage of the diverted areas of sub-system SW4 the SW6 In comparison to the the existing situation, it is foreseen to connect in future the northern catchment areas of sub-system SW3 to sub-system SW6. This concerns the catchment area SW3.1 to SW3.5 (see Drawing no. 002-06-00). With regard to the insufficient capacities of the projected new ring road design following recommendations are made: 3.3 Construction of the new ring road collector with incvreased sections compard to the existing design; New construction of a primary main collector along street “Reshit Rusi” (SW6.9 to SW6.6 and SW6.6 to SW6.8) Storm Water Drainage System Extension The definition of extension areas based on the methodology described in Section2.1.3.2. The forecasted future development of city of Shkodra as well as the proposed storm water concept (2030) is shown in Drawings no. 002-09-00 to 002-0904. Forecasted extension area are mainly located in the north as well as the existing housing area along the shore of Lake Shkodra (west side of the new ring road). Additional extension area are located in the south and south east of the city, where no storm water drainage exists at the moment. Furthermore, the storm water drainage of the villages Bahcallek (South) and Dobraci (North) have been included in the future concept (horizon 2030). Fifteen additional Sub-Systems have been defined for the storm water drainage of the future extension area, which discharge directly to the Lake Shkodra or Kir River. They have been numbered with a prefix and a suffix (for example EX1.1 to EX1.7). The hydraulic calculation of the storm water flow for each of these areas is given in Appendix no. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ APPENDICES ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ Appendix 1: Assessment of Surface Sealing Rate in Representative Urban Areas Area A – Town Centre area rates [m²] [%] Green Area 50.757 65 Roof Area 35.672 45 Yard Area 4.120 5 Street Area 10.965 14 Total: 78.669 100 % Impervious Area 50.757 64,5 % A Surface Sealing Rate: 65 % ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ Area B – Industrial Area area rates [m²] [%] Green Area 57.766 65 Roof Area 33.520 29 Yard Area 8.364 7 Street Area 15.086 13 Total: 114.736 100 % Impervious Area 56.970 49,7 % B (Industrial Area) Surface Sealing Rate: 50 % ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ Area C – Densely urbanised Area with detached Houses area rates [m²] [%] Green Area 58.775 55 Roof Area Yard Area 28.894 7.798 28 7 Street Area 10.843 10 Total: 106.310 100 % Impervious Areas 47.535 44,7 % C Surface Sealing Rate: 45 % ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ Area D – Low densely urbanised Sub-urban Area area rates [m²] [%] Green Area 53.531 65 Roof Area 19.375 23 Yard Area 2.280 3 Street Area 7.738 9 Total: 82.924 100 % Impervious Areas 29.393 35,4 % D Surface Sealing Rate: 35 % ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006 _________________________________________________________________________ Appendix 2- 1: Hydraulic Calculation of the Existing Storm Water Drainage System – Period of Return1 in 2 years Appendix 2- 2: Hydraulic Calculation of the Existing Storm Water Drainage System – Period of Return1 in 1 years Appendix 2: Hydraulic Calculation of the Future Storm Water Drainage System Appendix 3: Hydraulic Calculation of the Storm Water Drainage Network Extensions ___________________________________________________________________________ Water and Sewerage Project Shkodra – Feasibility Study Project Concept Report – Annex 2: Storm Water Drainage Modelling June 2006