Online Chapter Reports - Membership Handouts

Online Chapter Reports
Online Chapter Reports
1. Your Chapter Membership Roster: An Excel report of your current members including IREM ID#,
membership type, contact information, membership begin date, demographical information, and national
dues information.
Run this report biweekly and sort by approval date to identify new approvals. Run this report
quarterly and reconcile your chapter records. Notices of new members are emailed to IAEs daily and
dropped members are mailed to chapters weekly – use these communications to update your chapter
records accordingly.
2. Your Chapter Member Information Change Report: A pdf report of any changes to your members’
contact information including address, phone, and e-mail changes (changes are highlighted in red) – by
date range. Also shows members who have moved into or out of your chapter’s jurisdiction.
Run this report weekly and adjust your chapter records accordingly in conjunction with your
membership roster. This report will provide you with details as to why data on the membership roster
has changed.
3. Your Chapter Admissions Follow Up Report: a list of the names of your chapter members for whom
we are waiting to receive your chapter’s approval including the approval type and deadline. This list can
be exported into Excel.
Run this report weekly. Notices of experience verification forms and new member approvals forms
are emailed to IAEs and admissions contacts.
4. Your Candidates’ Status Reports: a list of the current Candidates in your chapter and their individual
Candidate Status Reports. You can view them individually or select all.
Run Candidate Status Reports as needed throughout the year. Status reports are the primary tool for
guiding Candidates through the CPM requirements and should be reviewed as needed. For example,
they are useful when preparing for a Candidate event, marketing IREM Courses, or 30 days after
finishing a course to view course results.
5. Your Chapter Course Rosters: a list of the courses your chapter is sponsoring and the corresponding
list of individuals who have registered for that course through IREM Headquarters. This information
can be exported into Excel.
Run this report frequently when you have upcoming courses.
6. Your Chapter Student/Candidate Course Report: an Excel report of Candidates in your chapter and
the CPM courses that they have completed (as denoted by a “X”). This report also includes “Students”,
non-members who live within your chapter’s jurisdiction who have completed CPM courses.
Run this report when preparing your annual course schedule and when you are marketing your
upcoming courses.