> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < - What IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ?? 1 EXCESS AMBIGUITY RESOLUTION ALGORITHMS ANALYSIS IN INTERFEROMETRIC MEASURINGS OF SATELLITE RADIO NAVIGATION SYSTEMS SIGNALS K. Y. Kostyrev, A. M. Aleshechkin Abstract— This paper describes the methods and principles of objects angular data determination by interferometric measuring of Satellite Radio Navigation Systems signals. It considers the ambiguity resolution problem solving by the excess method. Use of frequency and phase shifts differences is shown to decrease time expenses and algorithm complexity for orientation definition. As a result of the study we suggest some implementation algorithms and describe their particular features. Index Terms—Satellites, radio interferometric measuring, ambiguity navigation, I. INTRODUCTION Object angular data determination by interferometric method with the signals of Satellite Radio Navigation Systems (SRNS) involves the problem of ambiguity resolution. It appears in the measured values of received signals angular phase difference. This problem can be solved by applying the excess method [1], which uses integral property of phase ambiguities. The main advantage allows us to reduce the time required to determine the angular orientation of the object Moreover algorithm may use satellite frequencies both separately and in pairs (the difference between these frequencies). This approach can increase speed and reduce hardware costs for information processing. II. EXCESS METHOD STEPS Object angular data determination by SRNS with excess method for ambiguity resolution by using frequency and phase differences consists of the following: 1. receiving signals from n SRNS satellites with two or more spaced antennas. The antennas are located along one or two axes of the measured object, 2. measuring the phase shift between received signals from each satellite; 3. calculating the difference of phase shifts in pairs for all frequencies of each satellite; 4. selecting differential integer ambiguities values in measuring the phase shift for a minimum constellation of 2 or 3 satellites. The step determines all potential values of the angular orientation; 5. possible angular orientation values exclusion that does not correspond with a priori data of the antenna system orientation and the distance between spaced antennas; 6. checking the remaining angular orientation values with the differential ambiguities ΔNi calculation for the measured phase shifts. Calculations are hold only for satellites that are not included in the minimum constellation; 7. angular orientation determination with the differential phase shifts of all received satellite signals. The step also includes the differential ambiguities oversearching procedure. At the end the value corresponding to the desired object angular orientation is determined as the maximum of likelihood function. III. GENERAL EQUATIONS A. Main System The values of the angular orientation for the minimum and the full constellation of satellites are determined by solving the system using (for example) frequencies L1 and L2: k xi X k yi Y k zi Z 12i N12i ; 2 2 2 2 X Y Z B , (1) here i 1,..., n - the current number of satellites; n total number of satellites using for angular data determination; k xi , k yi , k zi - directions-vectors cosines from the object to i satellite in the current measuring time measurement; 12i 1i 2i - measured and adjusted for systematic error value of the difference between signals phase shifts at L1 and L2 for i satellite (in cycles); N12i N1i N 2i - value of the difference between signals integer ambiguities at L1 and L2 for i satellite (in cycles), satisfying the condition: 1 1 N12i B 12i 0,5 ; , 2i , 1i - signals 2i 1i wavelengths at L1 and L2 for i satellite; B - distance between the antennas, when n 3 - known with high accuracy, when n 3 - to be specified during equation > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < - What IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ?? system solving; X , Y , Z - unknown values of the second antenna phase center relative coordinates to the first one B. Base-length and elevation criteria In common situations some values of parameters we are interested in can’t be obtained. In that situation we should remove such values with the use of specific criteria. In fact some of the objects can be oriented not accidentally, but have definite features that depend on the object type. It allows us to short the number of excesses and eliminate certainly unsuitable values. For example, the base-length is known to be: B Ba priori Bposs , (2) value, Bposs - possible error between them. Starting data input Minimum satellite constellation determination Possible angular values searching Removal of redundant solutions with base-length and elevation criteria Extra satellites ambiguity calculating for remaining possible angular values Solving equation system for all satellites Printing the solution with complies with likehood function maximim The same principle can be used for elevation or azimuth values. FINISH C. Oversearching The oversearching procedure takes place during differential ambiguities calculation process for all satellites. Here the number of excesses is increased by 2: (3) * here N12i - calculated value, N12i - alternatives. Necessity of the oversearcing procedure is caused by the presence of phase measurement error, which value increases in the use of phase difference. D. System Solving We applied least-squares method for main system (1) solving. In that way we obtain: n 2 Q kxi x k yi y kzi z Ô12i min, i1 START Likehood function computing here B - calculated value, Ba priori - a priori known N12* i N12i 1, N12i , N12i 1 , 2 Fig.1. Block diagram of main algorithm points. IV. RESULTS During this study the excess method algorithms were formed. We used such software as C + + Builder 2009, Mathcad 14 and Orbitron 3.71. Established program calculates satellites phase shifts, determines the value of ambiguity and differences for all satellites at minimum satellite constellation, computes optimal object angular orientation values and probability of correct ambiguity resolution phase measurements, provides errors calculation in determining the azimuth, elevation and the base-length. (4) here Ô12i N12i 12i - differential full phase. E. Block Diagram The block diagram presents all main calculations which are carried out at the main algorithm. The same points may be used for separate frequencies and for their pairs. Fig.2. Functional dependence between root-mean-square deviation value of azimuth and phase measuring error with differential frequency L1-L2 when base-length is variable > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < - What IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ?? REFERENCES [1] Pat. 2379700 RU, C 1. Method of object angular orientation by satellite radio navigation system signals./ A. M. Aleshechkin (RU),V. I. Kokorin (RU), J. L. Fateev (RU). - 2008131246/09, 28.07.2008. Date of publication: 20.01.2010 Bull. 2. – 17 p. Fig.3. Functional dependence between correct ambiguity resolution probability phase measuring error with differential frequencies L1-L2, L1-L3, L2-L3. Baselength equals 0.5 m. As a result, we obtained functional dependences between correct ambiguity determination probability and phase measuring error for GLONASS and GPS frequencies L1, L2, L3 and their differences; between determination errors of azimuth, elevation, base-length and phase measuring error for GLONASS and GPS frequencies L1, L2, L3 and their differences. Functional dependences were found between correct ambiguity determination probability, azimuth, elevation, baselength determination errors and the distance between the antennas. Also differential frequency algorithm was implemented. As you can see at Fig.3 correct ambiguity resolution probability values fall gradually, but such meanings reveal themselves insufficiently. Differential frequency of L2 and L3 demonstrates terrible results, because the value of its wavelength is much larger than used base-length. V. CONCLUSION Modeling results analysis showed that the developed algorithm can be used to determine the angular orientation of moving objects. Using frequencies and phases differences reduces the time required to determine the angular orientation. The oversearching procedure increases correct ambiguity determination probability. We hope to achieve better results (high accuracy and suitable correct ambiguity determination probability value) in future by improving the algorithms, combining separate satellite frequencies and differential satellite frequencies. Moreover we are going to add multi-scale measuring principles for our purposes. 3