REVIEW FOR TEST 5: Molecular Biology

REVIEW FOR TEST 5: Molecular Biology
CHAPTER 16 -1406
CHAPTER 10 – 1408
1. Define: replication, leading and lagging strands, replication
fork, replication origin, template, semi-conservative method
2. List the DNA purine and pyrimidine bases.
3. In which chemical direction does replication occur?
4. Where in the cell does replication occur?
a. prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
5. DNA nucleotide: phosphate + sugar + N-base
Name the sugar used in DNA.
List the four N-bases that are used in DNA.
6. Approximately, how much time is required for replication to
occur in:
a. prokaryotes?
b. eukaryotes?
7. Typically, how many replication origins are formed in:
a. prokaryotes?
b. eukaryotes?
8. In replication, what do the following enzymes do?
a. helicases
b. single-strand binding proteins
c. DNA polymerases
d. DNA ligase
9. What are Okazaki fragments?
What is the length (# of nucleotides) of these fragments?
What enzyme joins these fragments together?
10. Understand the replication process.
11. Describe work done by:
a. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase on DNA viruses.
b. Frederick Griffith with Streptococcus pneumoniae.
c. James Watson and Francis Crick.
d. Chargaff (Chargaff's rule).
e. Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
12. Replicate: 5’ ATG 3’
CHAPTER 17 -1406
CHAPTER 10 – 1408
1. Define: transcription, reverse transcription, reverse transcriptase,
RNA polymerases, codon and anticodon, sense and nonsense
codons, terminator and promotor regions, transcription unit,
2. List the RNA purine and pyrimidine bases.
3. In which chemical direction do the following occur?
a. transcription
b. translation
4. Describe the major types of cellular RNA.
a. mRNA
b. rRNA
c. tRNA
d. snRNA (in eukaryotes only)
5. List the start codon and the amino acid it codes for.
List the three stop (nonsense) codons.
6. Where in the cell do transcription and translation occur in
a. prokaryotes
b. eukaryotes
7. RNA nucleotide: phosphate + sugar + N-base
Name the sugar used in RNA.
List the four N-bases that are used in RNA.
8. Before translation occurs in eukaryotic cells, the pre-mRNA must
be processed to form the mRNA. Understand the process. What
are introns and exons?
9. In the priming process:
a. what is a primer?
b. what function does primase serve?
10. Why are RNA polymerases considered more versatile than
DNA polymerases?
11. Understand the three stages of translation:
a. initiation
b. elongation
c. termination
12. What are the two subunits of a ribosome?
13. Explain the wobble concept.
Adenine can be modified into inosine (I) and carried by __RNA.
Inosine can bind to ____, ____, or ____.
14. Explain, :redundancy of the code."
15. Transcribe and translate: 5’ ATG 3’
16. Describe the work done by
a. Beadle and Tatum (one gene - one enzyme" hypothesis. Llater
restated to read 'one gene one polypeptide' hypothesis)
17. compare: mutation, mutagens, mutagenesis
18. Describe the following ways in which eukaryotes can acquire
new genotypes.
a. crossing-over
b. mutations
19. Describe the following ways in which prokaryotes can acquire
new genotypes.
a. mutations
b. conjugation
c. transduction
d. transformation
20. Describe the following types of mutations:
a. base substitution
1. nonsense mutation
2. missense mutation
3. neutral mutation
b. deletion and insertion
1. frameshift mutation
CHAPTER 18 -1406
CHAPTER 11 - 1408
Chapter 18: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria
a. Define: transposons, transformation, conjugation, transduction
b. Conjugation in bacteria is mediated through ____.
Does conjugation require cell-to-cell direct contact?
What are sex pili used for?
What are F+ and F- cells?
c. What carries bacterial DNA from donor to recipient in
Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that infect only ____.
CHAPTER 19 -1406
CHAPTER 10-1408
1. Define: cancer, carcinogen, tumor, benign and malignant,
metastases, transfection, proto-oncogene and oncogene, tumorsupressor genes
2. Approximately how many different types of human cancers are
3. Human cancers are caused mostly by ____ and some (15%) by
4. List some cancer-affecting voluntary and involuntary behaviors.
5. List some cancer-causing viruses.
6. Outline the two hypothesis on aging.
7. Describe the origins of the following:
a. sarcoma
b. carcinoma
c. leukemias
d. lymphomas
CHAPTER 20 -1406
CHAPTER 12 – 1408
Artificially produced genetic recombinations
1. Define: genetic engineering, restriction enzymes, recombinant
DNA technology, sticky ends and blunt ends, vector, genomic
2. Describe the stages of genetic engineering.
a. cleave DNA
b. recombinant DNA
c. clone
d. screen
e. harvest
1. gene
2. protein
3. Be familiar with uses of recombinant DNA technology.
4. Describe the Human Genome Project
5. Provide examples of organisms whose genomes have been
completely sequenced. Is there a relationship between genome
size (bp) and number of genes?