SOILS10 Erosion Chp 7 Erosion is a natural process that takes place concurrently with soil formation. Soils accumulate when the rate of erosion is less than the rate of soil formation. Erosion is a three step process: detachment, transport and deposition. The source of energy for erosion is either wind, or rain (and subsequent runoff). Also glaciers but… From a land use standpoint agriculture produces the largest % of total sediment load but construction causes the most concentrated loads of erosion. Land under construction has an increase of erosion between 2,000 and 40,000 X the pre-construction rate. These rate are typically 10 to 20 X the rates from agricultural fields of the same size and can be as high as 100X… A study in Maryland on a construction site found sediment yields of 220 tons /acre compared to 1.7 tons per acre in a nearby stabilized urban area. Impacts of Erosion Environmental Eroded soil contains nitrogen, phosphirus, etc. which when carried into surface waters can cause blooms Erosion of streambanks destroy aquatic and riparian habitat Deposition of sediment on bottoms of streams blankets benthic life, essentially paves the bottom of the stream, destroys spawning sites Increases turbidity which reduces photosynthesis (reduced food supply) Suspended sediment abraids and coats aquatic organisms Erosion removes the smaller less dense constituents of topsoil: clay and silt, organic matter which hold nutrients and water Economic May be hard to quantify. What is value of aquatic habitat?, diminished water clarity? Excessive sedimentation requires dredging, reduces reservoir storage capacity, impacts shipping channels (dredging costs from $2.50 to $16.00 per cubic yard) Cost of replacement of reservoirs Reduced stream capacity may have flooding implications Reduced tilth or agricultural capacity of farmland TYPES OF EROSION Splash Erosion – related to drop size, splashed particles move downhill.. Sheet erosion – shallow sheets of water move across the surface, not usually the agent of detachment but an effective mechanism of transport of particles removed by splash. Rill Erosion – water rarely moves in sheets for long before it begins to concentrate in irregularities. Flow deepens as it concentrates and velocity increases. Rills are small, only a few inches deep but are well defined. Gully Erosion – gully formation is complex; some occur as rills deepen and grow wider but gullies enlarge uphill and downhill. Water flowing over the “headwall” undercuts the headwall and advances the gully uphill…large chunks can fall away in gully formation , a process called mass wasting. Once a gully has formed it is very difficult to repair and to stop it from growing. Channel Erosion – associated with stream channels where bank vegetation is disturbed…it occurs when stream volume or velocity increases. Natural streams adjust to normal range of flows, but when normal range changes channel erosion can occur… EROSION FACTORS Climate, Soil Characteristics, Topography, Ground cover. Climate – effects erosion directly and indirectly. Directly in the form of rain. Erosive power of rain is determined by rainfall intensity and droplet size. (Use Chart from Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, pg 1.8) Soil Characteristics – texture, organic matter content, structure and permeability Topography – slope length and slope steepness. Effect erosion: energy (erosive energy) of flowing water is the square of the velocity. Long continuous slopes allow the water to build up energy. As velocity increases the water tends to form channels… therefore the base of a slope is more prone to erosion than the top because water is more concentrated and has more momentum when it reaches the bottom…concave slopes erode more quickly than convex slopes. Aspect or orientation of slope: south facing slopes are hotter and drier (in northern hemisphere) more difficult to establish plants, but northern slopes tend to be cooler and moist but receive less sun… Ground Cover - principally vegetation…most effective form or erosion control…shields surface from falling rain, slows rate of runoff, holds soil in place, maintains soil’s ability to absorb water Universal Soil Loss Equation – Estimating Soil loss has 3 applications: 1. To identify erosion prone areas 2. To compare effectiveness of management techniques 3. To estimate volume of sediment storage needed in sediment basins USLE – A = R x K x LS x C x P where A= R= K= LS= C= P= soil loss in tons/ (acre)(year) rainfall erosion index in 100ft tons/acre x in/hr soil erodability, tons/acre per unit of R slope length and steepness factor (dimensionless) vegetative cover factor (dimensionless) erosion control practice factor (dimensionless) R= Rainfall Factor Measure of the erosive force of a specific rainfall – related to the quantity and intensity of rain. Rainfall factor is the product of the total kinetic energy of a storm times the 30 minute intensity of fall. Note the R-factors on page 102 of book. K= Soil erodability factor Affected by infiltration rate, permeabiltiy, water retention capacity and ability of soil aggregate to resist breaking. Factors have been determined experimentally on sort of a worst case agricultural soil (9% slope!), with bad practice )tillage up and down!) LS = Slope length and grade Remember the erosive energy of flowing water is equal to the square of the velocity, so that as grade increases the velocity of runoff increases. Increase the velocity two x and the erosive power increases four x! C= Management Factor Role of vegetation in interception, retention of rainfall. Different crops have different values P= Practice Factor Effect of conservation practices Soil Loss Tolerance Factor (T) No consensus among scientists – described in two ways – 1. the maximum soil erosion loss that is offset by the theoretical maximum rate of soil development, an equilibrium between loss and development 2. maximum average annual soil loss that will allow continuous cropping and maintain soil productivity without requiring additional management inputs (using fertilizer to overcome reduced productivity) Wind Erosion EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES Ten aspects of erosion controls 1. fit development to the terrain 2. time grading and construction to minimize exposure 3. retain existing vegetation whenever feasible 4. vegetate and mulch bare areas 5. divert runoff from exposed areas 6. minimize slope length and grade 7. keep runoff velocities low 8. design/build channels and outfalls to handle concentrated flow 9. trap sediment onsite 10. inspect and maintain controls