FIFE COUNCIL Policy and Resources Committee 26 June 2003 Agenda Item No THE FIFE COUNCIL (FERRYTOLL BUS PARK AND RIDE) COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER 2003 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 On 15 April 2002 the Environment and Development Committee agreed to the involvement of Fife Council in the South East Scotland Transport Partnership (SESTRAN) Public Transport Fund (PTF) Bid. The Fife element of the bid related to the expansion of the Bus Park and Ride facility at Ferrytoll. 1.2 Following approval from the Scottish Executive to proceed with the SESTRAN bid on 14 November 2002, details were noted by the Environment and Development Committee on 23 December 2002. Approval was also given to progress land acquisition and statutory procedures up to and including tender acceptance stage within the overall award budget which makes provision for £8.075 million to assist the expansion of the Ferrytoll Park and Ride. CURRENT POSITION 2.1 Transportation Services are currently producing a detailed design of the proposals following a public exhibition held at Ferrytoll on 25 and 26 June 2002. Views were also sought from residents, current users and non-users at the Forth Road Bridge Toll Booths. Following consideration of the comments received, the proposals are being finalised and a formal planning application will be made during 2003 with construction phased thereafter over a 2 year period. 2.2 The proposals will necessitate the purchase of land below and to the east of the railway viaduct. Section 40 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 provides that a local authority may purchase land compulsorily for the provision of off street parking places for the purposes of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic. 3.0 2.3 Initial discussions have been held with the affected landowners but it has not yet proved possible to acquire the land required by agreement. It is therefore considered appropriate, having regard to the limited timescale before construction work is due to start and the importance of the project, that the acquisition of the land should proceed by way of a Compulsory Purchase Order. 2.4 The promotion of a Compulsory Purchase Order would not prevent any of the land required for the project being acquired by agreement but would ensure that the Council obtain entry to all of the land at the earliest possible date. 2.5 The land required extends to 9575 square metres or thereby, as shown on the attached plan. A schedule listing the properties required, together with the names of owners and occupiers, is also attached. RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is recommended that the Committee: (a) resolve to make a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire all of the land as detailed in the attached schedule to allow Ferrytoll Bus Park and Ride to be extended. (b) authorised the Head of Law & Administration to: (i) promote a Compulsory Purchase Order for the acquisition of such land in terms of Section 40 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984; (ii) serve notice on all affected owners and occupiers of the land shown in the schedule and take all necessary action in accordance with the required statutory procedures; and (iii) in the meantime, proceed with acquisition of the properties required by negotiation where practicable. H. B. Tait Head of Law & Administration Fife House North Street Glenrothes APPENDIX PROPOSED EXPANSION TO FERRYTOLL PLOT NO 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE LAND AREA O.S. REF INTEREST OWNERS LESSEES OCCUPIERS That area of land comprising of 2227m2 Rosyth Port Access Railway cutting NT 312511 681875 Acquisition Network Rail - Owners 2 That area of land comprising of 4021m2 a scrap merchants yard NT 312568 681945 Acquisition Alexander George Watson, Belleknowes Industrial Estate, Inverkeithing, Fife. KY11 1HZ - Owners 3 That area of land comprising of 3327m2 a couriers yard NT 312577 681887 Acquisition Paul Anthony Hunt and Damien Gerard Hunt, Darrell House, 33 Ferryhills Road, Jamestown, Inverkeithing. KY11 1HD - Owners JH10406