General Assembly Meeting Minutes

Madison College Student Senate
General Assembly Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2011
I. Call to order
Jacob Weigandt called to order the regular meeting of the Student Senate at
5:10pm on January 20, 2011 in 142B.
II. Roll call
Jennifer Johnson conducted a roll call. The following persons were absent: Nate,
Clifton. The following persons were tardy: Cory, Nathan.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Jennifer Johnson shared the minutes from the last meeting. Kevin moved to
approve the minutes, Daniel seconded. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Additions to the Agenda
Jacob would like to include the swearing-in of new senators.
V. Public Comments
Jordan Less is a campus organizer for WISPIRG. Last semester, WISPIRG made
over 12,000 Get out the Vote contacts. WISPIRG is currently running four
campaigns on campus. The first campaign is the textbook affordability campaign.
This is an effort to get more affordable textbooks at Madison College. The group
is working to get statements for textbook affordability signed by students. They
have a goal of 3,000 signatures. This textbook option makes books more
affordable by making them available online and more affordable for over the
counter purchase as well. They will be collecting the signatures all semester and
presenting them at convocation this spring. Another campaign that WISPIRG is
approaching this semester is regarding sustainability. They would like to teach
students how to weatherize their homes, and educate k-12 students by visiting
WISPIRG is working on two more campaigns, including a campaign against the
Citizen’s United legislation and a campaign against hunger and homelessness.
April 29th they’ll be hosting a sponsored day of service in order to raise money as
well as to help out locally.
VI. Officer Reports
a) President: Jacob met with Keith Cornille today to discuss the upcoming SAB
meeting. A plan for budget presentations will be made. Keith will be looking
for four student representatives to participate in committees re: new
construction plans. Jacob participated in a phone conference re: textbook
affordability which he’ll be sharing with the textbook committee soon. The
executive council appointed Nathan Uibel and Nathan Savado to be co-chairs
of the Transportation Committee.
b) Vice President of State/Local: Ali wanted to thank everyone who voted for
him as officer. The WSG meeting is this weekend which Ali will be attending
with Emily and Cory. Ali passed out information about the annual Wisconsin
Student Government Seminar and asked which senators were interested in
participating. He handed out information packets about the event. Emily
added that students who attend won’t be staying in the hotel overnight but will
be going home and returning to the event in the morning.
c) Vice President of Learning: Christina discussed the Student Space
committee with Lori. None of the previous members have returned and so
new members will be needed to participate in the committee.
d) Vice President of Communications: Regarding the Student Senate 50 Year
Anniversary, Christina and Katrina will be working together to throw a
e) Advisor: Jackie revived the Student Senate sheet cheat. This was an item that
was worked on for the majority of the Spring ’10 semester. Jackie would like
to see this completed and published this year.
Jackie shared more information about the Office Manager position. This
position was discussed last semester and was linked to a new office for the
Student Senate. This person would be responsible for many office related
tasks. Jackie shared the job description. Jackie asked that students who are
interested in attending the WSG Legislative Seminar discuss the future
absences with their instructors so that they can be aware. Jackie shared more
information about the WSG Legislative Seminar, including the itinerary and
the responsibilities of those who attend.
Jackie asked that Committees not hold meetings in the Senate office. This
room is too small and being in the office with the window closed results in
upset students. Jackie also suggests that meetings not be held the hour before
the Senate meeting. Holding the meetings before the
VII. Committee Reports
a) Communications Committee: Katrina shared information with the members
of the Communications Committee about the work that they’ve been doing
thus far.
b) Food Service Committee: A student at large seems to be interested in joining
the food service committee.
c) Textbook Committee: The committee will be tabling for textbook signatures
beginning Monday. The table will be open at 9:00 am. Jacob will be giving all
members new petitions to take to their classrooms for signatures.
d) Transportation Committee: Jennifer will be sharing information about the
shuttle with the Student Activities Board tomorrow and requesting more funds
to continue the extended hours of service. The Transportation Committee has
a survey that is online for students that currently has around 500 signatures.
Jackie would like Jake and Jennifer to make sure that the SAB can afford this
commitment and that it’s reasonable for students. Last week, there were
approximately 1,400 rides on the shuttle bus. The most rides per week last
semester were 1,000 rides.
VIII. Old Business
a) Office Manager Position – Funding after February: Last semester the Senate
approved the Office Manager position. Student Life will be paying for the
Office Manager position after February. The Student Senate will be pursuing
this position.
New Business
a) Swear-in of Vice President of State and Local: Ali was sworn into the role
of Vice President of State and Local Government.
b) WSG Bill:
Student Senate Bill
Spring 2011
Date: January, 20 2011
The consent of the student senate to allocate funds for attending the
Wisconsin Student Government Legislative Seminar, from February 20-22, 2011, at
Madison Concourse Hotel, Madison.
WHEREAS Registration fees per attendee is $150 for WSG, and $40 for WACTE. The
Total amount of registration fees per person will be $190.
WHEREAS The Participation of allegation from MATC will be focused on working on
entertainment committee, and talk to legislatures to tell them the role and importance of
Madison Area Technical College in producing skilled and proficient students in different
fields to boost the state economy.
BE IT RESOLVED the student senate spent $190 per person.
Sponsored by:
Ali Channa
(VP State and local Government)
Co-Sponsored by:
Christina Bankhead
(VP Learning Committee)
Nathan moves to amend this bill to include five senators. Kevin seconds. The bill
should now read, “Be it resolved that student senate pay $190/person up to five
people.” The amendment was approved. Kevin calls the question, all in favor.
c) Peace Park: The Peace Park is a project that is being sponsored by the
Volunteer Center. The idea is to build a calm place on campus for students. This
area could be used for various purposes. The Students Activity Board has been
discussing the issue and Jennifer would like to know what thoughts the Senators
have about the project. The responses included that the Peace Park wasn’t located
in an area that would be beneficial to most students. In the referendum, the area
that is now the first parking lot becomes a courtyard. The Senate believes that this
area would be a good location for the Peace Park. There were also concerns about
price and safety. Another concern was that Madison College is in an area of the
country where it is cold 90% of the school year. The Senate questioned whether
building such a park would be a good idea if students weren’t able to use it for the
majority of their time on campus.
d) Recruitment: Jacob reminded senators that there are open seats within the
Senate. He would like Senators to stand in front of their classes and talk about the
different ways that students can become involved with the Senate.
X. Adjournment
Gloria moved to adjourn. Jacob Weigandt adjourned the meeting at 6:18pm.
Minutes submitted by: Jennifer Johnson