Nome Completo: Ana Valéria Colnaghi Simionato

Sociedade Brasileira de Espectrometria de Massas – BrMASS
Analysis of ethanol contaminants produced from the sludge of a recycling
paper industry
Diego Rizzana1, Edinara Reis2, Franciele Staub2, Giane Oliveira2, Markus
Wilimzig3, Maria Angelica Thiele Fracassi2, Carin von Mühlen1,,,,,
Universidade Feevale, Endereço: RS 239, 2755- Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil
Universidade Feevale, Endereço: RS 239, 2755- Novo Hamburgo-RS, Brasil
WO-Projetos, Arquitetura e Meio ambiente, Rua Miguel Couto, 180,
Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil
The acceptance of recycled paper is growing, but the solid residue generated after
the recycling process of paper is still a problem that does not have an effective
solution. Although the process of ethanol production from this residue has been
described in the literature as an important energy supply¹, the evaluation of organic
contaminants in the final product has not been presented in the literature, in the best
of our knowledge. As described in previous work², several organic pollutants were
identified in the sludge used as feed for the ethanol production, which can be present
in the final ethanol produced. The present study aims to evaluate the presence of
organic contaminants in ethanol produced in laboratory scale using sludge from the
effluent threatening plant provided by a recycled paper industry. The ethanol
production process was performed in two steps: the production of glucose by
enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The first step
was to quantify the ethanol produced using headspace extraction and GC-FID analysis,
using an AOAC 5000 autosampler and a GC-17A, both from Shimadzu. After that, it
was developed an analytical methodology to characterize the organic compounds
present in ethanol produced before the distillation process, using headspace extraction
followed by gas chromatography coupled to quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/qMS)
Headspace extraction was performed using a water bath adjusted at 80 °C, and a
22 mL headspace vial with scroll cap and septum. The sample was introduced in the
vial which was equilibrated for 10 minutes. 500µL of headspace was extracted using a
1 mL headspace syringe, and directly injected in a GC/qMS system Clarus 680T from
Perkin Elmer. The chromatography column was a 5% phenyl methylsilicone, with
dimensions 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm i.d.. Analysis were performed in triplicate.
Using this methodology, it was possible to identify hydroxylamine and propanol as
ethanol contaminants. None of contaminants identified in the sludge were detected in
ethanol samples, at this stage.
[1] PENG, L; CHEN, Y, 2011. Biomass and bioenergy 2011, 35, 1600–1606.
[2] FEPAM, Relatório sobre a geração de resíduos sólidos industriais no estado do Rio Grande
do Sul. 2003.
4º Congresso BrMass – 10 a 13 de Dezembro de 2011