Anti-Bullying Policy - All Saints High School

“We will provide a Christian Education for all pupils based on the teachings of
Jesus and the Spirit of the Gospels. The whole life of the school will be
determined by the Gospel Values of Love and Justice. We will always value and
care for all members of the All Saints Community according to their needs, and
will affirm and nurture the development of all”
School Mission Statement
Policy Reviewed by Governing Body
Date Reviewed:
January 2016
Next Review Date:
January 2018
Designated Senior Person for Child Protection is:
Deputy Head Teacher & Child Protection Officer
Mrs Carol Murray
Designated Child Protection Governors
Mrs K Arands
Deputy Designated Persons for Child Protection are:
Assistant Head Teacher / SENCO
Mr Brian Bradley
Educational Support Manager
Miss Lynne Jackson
Anti Bullying Co-Ordinator
Mrs Linda Townley
Other members of the Safeguarding Team are:
Head Teacher
Mr Tony McGuinness
Senior Operations Manager
Mr Stuart Evans
All members of the Safeguarding Team and your childs Progress Leader can be
contacted via
All Saints High School
Telephone number: 0151 477 8740 or 0151 477 8745
We at All Saints Catholic High School are strongly focussed on ensuring that we provide a
caring, friendly, safe environment for our community. We accept that bullying is present in all
schools and acknowledge the need to ensure that incidents at All Saints Catholic High School
remain comparatively low. Therefore, the aim of this Policy is to promote a positive response by
Christians in a Catholic school, in line with the Mission Statement of the school -"We will always
value and care for all members of the community of All Saints according to their needs."
Definition of Bullying
Bullying is when individuals or groups of people REPEATEDLY deliberately hurt, harass or
intimidate someone else. It can be intentional or unintentional. It can be facilitated by person or
persons as well as through the use of technology.
E Safety:
social exclusion, tormenting, non-verbal intimidation.
pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or use of any violence.
racist taunts, graffiti, gestures associated with colour, ethnicity,
and culture or faith community.
a negative focus on religious difference or how somebody expresses their
unwanted physical contact or sexually inappropriate comments.
hostility, offensiveness, or exclusion due to sexual orientation or identity.
name-calling, spreading rumours, teasing or sarcasm, making threats
(such as money extortion).
notes or graffiti.
all areas of the internet (EG email and internet chat room misuse), mobile
phone threats by text messaging and calls, misuse of associated
technology such as camera and video facilities.
It can be both direct or indirect. Bullies may not be perpetrators or others, who by their
presence signal their support of the bully.
Its seriousness is determined more by the distress suffered by the victim than by the
intention of the bully.
The Aims of this Policy are:
To educate the school community and parents and carers so that they have a good
understanding of what bullying is
For individuals to take responsibility for their own actions.
For individuals to contribute to the ethos of the school.
To build young people’s capacity to address bullying and their emotional resilience.
To reduce and stop bullying.
To encourage the promotion and dissemination of anti-bullying information, guidance and
good practice.
To encourage children and young people, parents, carers and members of the community to
participate in the development and implementation of anti-bullying strategies.
The Objectives of this Policy are for:
Children and Young People
To increase good behaviour and positive social skills and attitudes in children and young
To make children and young people aware of situations and circumstances in which bullying
may occur and help them learn strategies that reduce the likelihood of them being bullied.
To increase the disclosure of incidents to responsible adults and / or properly trained young
people (e.g. peer mediators).
To promote organisational cultures in which bullying is unacceptable and where ‘telling’ is
the norm.
To ensure that effective and consistent intervention happens swiftly when bullying occurs.
To encourage anti-bullying approaches that are focused on generating solutions through
joint problem solving.
To ensure that appropriate emotional and practical ongoing support is available during and
after incidents of bullying and is accessible to all students.
To work pro-actively with other organisations, external agencies and members of the
community to address bullying and its impact on the community, the victim and his/her
The Role of the Informed Member of Staff:
Respond quickly and sensitively.
Deal with the immediate situation. This does not necessarily mean that the situation has to
be rectified immediately, but dealt with in some way with the next course of action being
explained to the individual.
Closely supervise students in all areas of the school (classrooms, changing rooms and play
areas) watching for signs of bullying and intervene immediately.
Speak and listen to the victim in order to ascertain the people involved and to understand
the situation.
Inform the Progress Leader / Anti bullying co-ordinator of the bullying incident or a
member of the Leadership Group (if former is not available).
Inform the Form Teacher of the victim’s name so they too are aware of the situation.
Always write an account; obtain a dated, signed account from the victim and bully.
Assign consequences for bullying based on the schools Behaviour Policy.
Try to ensure protection against retaliation against anybody who reports bullying.
All Staff, particularly Form Teachers, must be alerted to consequences of bullying e.g.
truancy, lateness and changes in behaviour patterns.
How we will meet our Objectives:
We will meet our objectives by:
Developing appropriate training to ensure that staff are equipped with the knowledge and
skills needed to address all forms of bullying effectively.
Ensuring that staff and young people are aware of organisations that can offer additional
support where necessary.
Monitoring, analysing and evaluating information gathered to enable us to identify any
trends and to support the staff in school with appropriate strategies.
Work with relevant external agencies that provide services to children and to disseminate
effective anti-bullying strategies.
Disseminating information and guidance to staff, students, parents and carers.
Encouraging the participation of students and parents/carers in the development and
implementation of anti-bullying strategies.
Working with students on projects to enable anti-bullying initiatives to be incorporated as
part of the wider curriculum.
Implement ‘restorative justice’ to ensure that all involved are fully informed and targets are
given to avoid reoccurrence of the issues.
Guidelines for Staff
Each case should be addressed on its individual circumstances and staff members should
follow the guidance in this policy and other relevant policies. See notes
In conjunction with the Progress Leaders and the Anti Bullying Coordinator
 Contact parents of both victim and bully.
 Appropriate consequences should be discussed between Progress Leader / Anti-bullying
Coordinator, SENCO or appropriate Assistant Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher or
Head Teacher
 Keep a record all incidents, Located on the Anti-Bullying Database).
 Where appropriate meet with parents / carers
Generally, the contact order would be:
Progress Leader
Leadership Group/SENCO
Directors of Learning / Head of Dept (if occurs in lessons)
Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator
Individuals have the right to choose the person in whom they confide!
Signs and Symptoms
Possible indicators that students may be bullied:
Is frightened of walking to or from school.
Doesn’t want to go on the bus to school.
Begs to be driven to school.
Changes their usual routine.
Is unwilling to go to school (school phobic).
Begins truanting.
Becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence.
Displays traits of self-harming traits
Starts stammering.
Attempts or threatens suicide or runs away.
Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares.
Feels ill in the morning.
Begins to lack focus and underachieve in schoolwork.
Comes home with clothes torn or books damaged.
Have possessions, which go "missing".
Asks for money or starts stealing money (To pay bully).
Has dinner or other monies continually "lost".
Has unexplained cuts or bruises.
Comes home hungry (money/lunch has been stolen).
Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable.
Is bullying other children or siblings.
Stops eating.
Is frightened to say what's wrong.
Gives improbable excuses for any of the above.
Loss of usual friendship groups.
Guidelines for Students
As a school community we will do the following things to prevent bullying
Treat each other with respect.
Refuse to bully others
Refuse to let others be bullied
Refuse to watch, laugh or join in when someone is being bullied
Try to include everyone in play especially those who are often left out
Report bullying to an adult.
What to do:
Either if you are "being bullied" or you know a person(s) who is or are bullying others.
You will be listened to and taken seriously.
Who can you tell?
Your Form Teacher
Progress Leader
Assistant Progress Leader
Teaching Assistants
Assistant Head Teacher
An older student
Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator
Office Staff
Lunchtime Supervisor
Deputy Head Teacher
Head Teacher
School Liaison Police Officer
Write a Note
leave a sealed message on with someone that you trust
put it under the Progress Leader’s door
give it to a member of the office staff / pass into reception
hand it into the Learning Mentors office
give it to an older brother or sister, friend, Form Teacher or parent
speak to the anti-bullying co-ordinator
Supporting the Victim - (The person being bullied)
It is recognised that a person being bullied may or may not discuss or accept the fact that
he/she is being bullied.
1. The "Involuntary" Victim - one who will not talk about the bullying.
 Staff would monitor the situation and seek advice and help from "specialist" i.e. Form
Teacher, Progress Leader, Assistant Progress Leader, Anti-bullying co-ordinator,
Leadership Team, Learning Mentors, SENCO.
 The parents/carers of this student will be invited to discuss the situation in order to help
the student being bullied.
 Further help and advice may be provided from external services.
2. The "Voluntary" Victim -one who tells/talks about the bullying.
 The teacher should listen and discuss coping strategies. Additionally they should offer
advice after discussions with parents, Form Teacher, Progress Leader, Assistant
Progress Leader, leadership Team and/or Learning Mentors as appropriate.
 Further action may involve a referral to the Learning Mentors and / or support agencies.
3. Strategies for coping with bullying are discussed in tutor time, assembly, RE and through
PHSE and Ceop Programme.
4. Strategies to be used:
 circle time
 social skills
 one to one support
 peer mentoring
 restorative practise
 support clinics
 transition and induction yr 7
 health drop in
 cyber clinic
Consequences or Sanctions
Any behaviour that makes an individual unhappy, feel uncomfortable, intimidated or persecuted
in our school, or on the way to and from the school, will not be tolerated.
Each incident will be taken seriously and the appropriate actions, within the framework of the
Behaviour Policy will be applied. Sanctions will be applied fairly, proportionately, consistently
and reasonably taking into account any special educational needs and disabilities that pupils
may have.
A warning will be given by the informed member of staff. This teacher would notify the AntiBullying Co-ordinator or Progress Leader. Sensitivity and confidentiality will be paramount
at all stages.
The Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator / Progress Leader will re-enforce the warning and notify the
parents / carers.
Where appropriate parents / carers will be requested to attend a meeting to discuss the
incident and their responsibility for managing their childs behaviour
The school reserves the right to exclude a bully for a fixed term or perminantly if the
behaviour warrants the sanction. In this circumstance parents / carers and student would
attend a Governors Disciplinary Meeting.
The Safer Schools Police Officer will be consulted if appropriate and, in certain cases,
parents / carers will be advised to report to the Police.
Guidelines for Working with the Bullies
The school Mission Statement clearly stresses the values of the individual, based upon the
teachings of Christ; therefore, the emphasis will be placed upon reconciliation.
Bullies will be clearly told that it is their behaviour that is unacceptable, not them as individual.
The bully or bullies will discuss the incident with an adult in order using the five questions of
restorative practise to consider the feelings of the victim and, therefore aim to change their
behaviour. Parents/carers and all other appropriate adults will be involved in these
discussions, their support and co-operation is vital to achieve success.
A warning will also be given in order to ensure that there are clear sanctions for repeated
In the case of repeat offenders the Progress Leader / Anti-Bullying Co-ordinator / SENCO /
Assistant Head Teacher / Deputy Head Teacher / Headteacher will discuss with parents,
the necessity for referral to Support Agencies who have "expertise" in dealing with incidents
of bullying and the consequences of bullying either within the school environment or with
outside agencies.
Guidelines for Parents/Carers
Watch for signs of distress in your child, there could be an unwillingness to attend school, a
pattern of stomach aches or headaches, equipment missing, requests for extra money,
damaged clothing or bruising.
If you are worried that your child is being bullied, ask him / her directly. Always try to remain
calm, remember victims need rational help and advice.
Take an interest in your child's social life, including social networking and the use of
technology available to them. Discuss friendships; journeys to and from school; how they
spend their lunchtime and break-time.
Take bullying seriously and find out the facts when told about an incident. Keep a written
diary of all incidents.
Don't agree to keep the bullying a secret.
Talk with an adult within school if it is happening within school.
School must be a safe, supportive environment for its students. We can only achieve this by
working together and sharing information – teachers, support staff, all adults employed in
school, students and parents/carers.
This policy is linked to the following All Saints Catholic High School Policies
Child Protection Policy
E Safety policy
Equality Policy
HM Government
Working Together to Safeguard Children March 2015