Fusion Protocol: 4mol H1 --->1 mol He4 4(1.008)--->4.003 4.032--->4.003 =.029g/mol mass loss E=mc2 =.029g(3X1010cm/s2)2 =.029g(9X1020cm2/s2) =.261X1020cm2/s2 =26,100,000,000,000,000,000 Ergs/mol -or=500,000,000 kcal/mol Alternative Fusion Protocol: (Derived from Harlow Manual via Lees Lab 11/16/98) -Final Boost mice ~4 days prior-iv/retro-orbital or tail vein -Make media w/ and w/out serum (medias 1 and 2, below) -Sterilize apparatus, make sure ample supply of plates, tips, etc. -Night before Fusions, dilute Sp2 myeloma cells ~1:3 into media 3 at ~5X105cells/ml (5X106/plate) -Day of fusion, sac mouse, exanguinating by heart puncture (25 gauge needle) -Remove Spleen, trims fatty tissue as much as possible, and wash whole spleen 3 times in media w/out IFS -release spleen cells by washing and straining -Do in ~10ml media w/out serum -remove to 40 ml conical tube, leaving large debris behind -Let large tissue settle in tube 2 minutes, and take off sup. to new 40 ml tube -Add media w/out serum to 40 ml -Wash spleenocytes twice in serum-free media 1000rpm, 5 min -Second wash, also wash Sp2 cells once with media w/out seurm. Have enough cells for needed fusions -Bring cells up in media w/out serum. Count cells -Combine Sp2 to spleenocytes at a ratio of 1:3-5 in 50 ml tube. Bring media up to 40 ml total. 1000rpm 5 min -Aspirate carefully and completely -Tap tube gently at the base -Add 50% w/v PEG 3,700, 1ml in 1ml pipet slowly over 1 min -Stir consistently without crushing -Fill a 10 ml pipet with media (no serum) and add 1ml media over the next minute with stirring -Add final 9 ml over the next 2 min, with stirring -Centrifure the cells at 800 rpm for 6 min in 40 ml tube -Remove sup gently and resuspend cells in 10 ml media 1 -Transfer to 200 ml of media 1 in sterile glass bottle -Plate out in 2000 wells, 100 microliters each -Feed 4 days after fusion with further 100 microliters Media 1 Media 2 * DME DME 20%IFS P/S/F P/S/F L-gln L-gln 1XOPI (Sigma O 5003) 1XHA (Sigma A 9666) 10%HCF(Fisher/Origin 50-0615) *RPMI is recommended, DME works Media 3 DME 10%IFS P/S L-gln