Medieval Projects

Read all project choices and decide on one project. Be creative, colorful, and NEAT.
Complete individually or in pairs. Projects will be displayed in Warren Hall during the
Medieval Faire, so take time and pride in your project! You may NOT use a DOG on the final
due dates.
Each person or pair will complete the following:
1. Project: Choose one of the projects from the back of this sheet. This is what you will
be researching and the topic for your summary. If in pairs, create one fantastic project.
2. Summary: Before you can write a summary, you must collect information or
evidence. Once you have collected your evidence on your 3x5 cards, you will organize it by
subtopic onto one paper with a summary at the bottom (like Cornell Notes).
This summary should answer the following question:
*How did feudalism influence or help develop __________________ (your topic)?
Your summary should have a clear topic sentence that answers this question, supporting
sentences that give main ideas to support this topic, and a final general sentence that connects
to one of the Big Ideas. If in pairs, create individual bullet notes and summary.
3. Bibliography: Each project must be turned in with a Works Cited (bibliography):
 Use at least 3 sources from our library or textbook
 You may NOT use the internet—except the online database available on the San
Diego County Library website (
Medieval Project Due Dates:
Oct. 21-29
Note Cards (at least 20):
Nov. 1
Research Notes/Summary Draft:
Nov. 2/3
(Turn in a draft AND put a copy on Project)
Research Notes/Summary Final:
Nov. 4/5
(No DOG)
Bibliography Final (typed):
Nov. 4/5
(No DOG)
Final Draft of Project
Nov. 9/10
(No DOG)
Medieval Faire:
Nov. 9/10
(Wear costume to class)
Copy your project word for word below:
Parent Signature (after project has been filled in) _________________________
1. Research clothing. Draw several pictures to identify the clothing worn by serfs, the clergy, and noblemen
and women. Be sure to label the articles.
2. Research castles. Make a diagram or model of a castle. Label all parts.
3. Research knights. Make a timeline to show the steps to knighthood. Include the duties of a page, squire, and
a knight. OR draw a diagram of a knight in armor. Label all parts and define them. What was the knights daily
life like?
4. Research manor life. Design an ideal manor with outlying farms and a small town. Make a labeled diagram.
What was the daily life like on the manor?
5. Research the major Crusades. Explain the impact of the Crusades on the world. Create a poster.
6. Research the Medieval weapons. Make a scrapbook with pictures and captions to explain the uses of a flail,
trebuchet, broadsword, hauberk, battle-ax, longbow, and crossbow.
7. Research Medieval behavior and chivalry. Make a collage of ideas, words, and pictures that apply to
8. Research Charlemagne. Draw a map of Europe (include a legend) to show the land conquered by
Charlemagne. Write a report on the effects of Charlemagne on Europe.
9. Report on an important Medieval person. Must draw a picture of person. See me for approval of historical
10. Choose your own topics. Newscast from the past: Follow the format of the evening news. Submit a typed
script for the newscast outlining all parts and props needed. You may videotape this at home or perform it live
in the classroom. See Mrs. Oehler for a sample.
11. Research medicine. Create a poster illustrating different medical techniques.
12. Choose your topic. Write 3 poems (15 line minimum) about the Medieval times include drawings.
13. Research traditional Medieval clothing. Then make a costume based on your research. This is a project that
needs to be done 2 days before the Medieval Faire so that you can present your clothing to the class: how you
made it and the historical background on the costume.
14. Research Christianity (Catholicism). Create a model of a monastery or cathedral.
15. Research Medieval music, instruments. Draw or create a model of the instruments. Play or sing a song.
16. Research Vikings. Why did they attack without establishing control over the land? Daily life? Create a
poster illustrating their life style.
17. Research daily life. Choose topic: women, families, children, serfs, guilds, life in towns. Create a poster.
18. Research social justice. What were the laws, rights? What was the Magna Carta? Punishments? Create a
poster or model illustrating social justice or the lack of it.
19. Research the Black Death. Create a poster illustrating the causes and effects on the individual and society.
20. Student created projects: Please see me for approval.