Natural Horsemanship of Northern Nevada April 2008 Newsletter President: Debora Lay, 775-560-1330 Vice President: Position Open Immediate Past President: Rebekka Rhodes, 775-972-9025 Activities Coordinator: Elizabeth Stanton, 775-720-7593 Secretary: Louise Fernandes, 775-425-0778 Assistant Secretary: Position Open Newsletter Editor: Position open Treasurer: Dar Meredith, 775-972-1127 Web Master: Jann Hehn, 775-852-7261 Membership Director: Barbara Crossland, 775-852-5930 Mail membership dues to NHANN c/o Barbara Crossland 2775 Ravazza Road. Reno, NV. 89521. $25.00 individual, $35.00 family annual dues. Librarian: Cindy Salyer, 775-853-5546 March Meeting Highlights: The general meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. with a welcome and brief description of club benefits given by Debora. The members and guests introduced themselves, than the March meeting minutes were approved. Barbara announced she will have the membership roster completed soon and out to club members by email. The May meeting location and date has been changed due to a booking conflict at the current location. The May meeting will be held on May 8th, at the Round Table Pizza Parlor in the Old Town Mall, located at 4007 South Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada. The times remain the same, with the board meeting beginning at 5:15 p.m. and the general meeting beginning at 6:00 p.m. The June meeting will be changed to June 12th, again due to a scheduling conflict at the Round Table Pizza Parlor where the meetings are held. Lydia Andrews-Jones will be the speaker, and the topic is on the National Animal Identification System. Lydia Andrews-Jones has offered to host a trail ride from her home. Everyone is to bring something to grill. She will connect with Elizabeth Stanton to organize this activity. Further details will be announced in the near future. Ty Rogers is opening a western store, which will be located on Oddie Blvd. near K Mart. The store is due to open approximately one week from today. Debora announced that Ty is offering to open his lighted arena on a weeknight if anyone is interested in playing on horseback with cows. This “evening with the cows” could be a potential club event. Dar brings up possibility that the club could subsidize the fee for the event. The participant fee will be around $20 per person. The Arena is located in Spanish Springs, and per Debora is a bit rocky. Lydia suggested that e- blats be formatted without differing fonts and colors. Rebekka announced the natural hoof trimming clinic will be on May 17 and 18, and offers a beginning and advanced level depending on experience. Day 1 will be a refresher for past participants and orientation for beginners. The clinic will be open to club members first and the pubic second, after all interested club members have had a chance to sign up. The clinic fee will be $200 for participants and their horse. The audit fee will be $100. Rebekka will put together a flyer. Participant spots will be limited to 8. Mark offered to perform body work sessions on the horses at the clinic. Rebekka mentioned also that she had received a request to hold a riding clinic in the near future. The Back Country Horsemen are hosting a trail riding clinic Saturday April 26, complete with often shared trail hazards such as motorcycles, etc. Membership is required for participation. A fee of $35 covers the clinic and membership. A new feed store, S&W Feed, opened in Carson City on April 6th. The store is located just beyond the railroad tracks on the west side of Highway 395, just before the Wells Fargo Bank. Dar gave the following Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Balance Expenses Income Ending Balance $2329.45 $ 33.66 $ 69.00 $2364.79 Debora announced that there is still space available in Dr. Lafoon’s chiropractic clinic at the Lazy D Ranch. . Upcoming Events: NHANN May Meeting: Scheduled for Thursday May 8, 2008 at the Round Table Pizza, 4007 South Virginia Street, in the Old Town Mall. The board meeting begins at 5:15 p.m. with the general meeting following at 6:00 p.m. Our guest speaker is Debora Lay and the topic is equine assisted psychotherapy. Natural Hoof Trimming Clinic with Rebekka Rhodes: May 17 and 18, 2008, at 11200 Cimarron Drive, Reno, Nevada 89508. Participant cost is $200.00 and includes both days. Bring your horses and learn how to trim them properly. Evaluate other horses, and learn how to plan the trim that will work for each horse. Minimum tools required: sharp rasp; sharp nippers; sharp hoof knife; hoof stand; chaps and gloves. Auditor cost is $100.00 and includes both days. Come with a notebook, camera and questions. Watch as others trim, and learn the theory behind the trim. One day participation is not available. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited, so register early. Confirmation of your position will be given the week prior to the clinic. A 50% non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot. Refunds will be given for clinician cancellation only. Mail deposit payments to: Rebekka Rhodes, 11200 Cimarron Drive, Reno, Nevada. 89508. For more information contact Rebekka at (775) 972-9025, or email April Presentation Highlights: Natural Hoof Trimming by Rebekka Rhodes. Rebekka attended farrier school right out of high school. She gave us her history in shoeing horses, and how she started doing natural trimming instead of shoeing. When she came across the book “Horse Owner’s Guide to Natural Hoof Care”, by Jaime Jackson, the theory made a lot of sense to her, so she began trimming horses instead of shoeing them, as much as possible. Just yesterday Rebekka had pulled the shoes on an $80k jumper who will now go barefoot. Even though Rebekka continues to shoe, she will shoe as few horses as possible. She prefers to use hoof boots when needed, and work to develop hard, bare feet that don’t really need boots or shoes. Rebekka has studied a lot of information on barefoot horses and has sorted through the various methods currently used in trimming. For the most comprehensive collection of information and anatomy of the horse’s hoof, she has found this piece of work to be the most useful and detailed: “Inner Horseman” 2003 volume, by Dr. Deb Bennett – The Principals of Orthopedics in Horseshoeing, available by visiting An even better book than Jaime Jackson’s that is noted above is “Making Natural Hoof Care Work for You” by Pete Ramey. This book is in the club library. Rebekka mentioned an evolving awareness and increasing practice occurring around the benefits of keeping horses in a natural barefoot state. The Houston Police Department has taken 29 horses barefoot – only 7 remain in shoes, and they are going to be taken barefoot also. They saved $50,000 per year without a farrier. They have trained 3 of their officers as trimmers and will be adding a 4th officer that has been trained to trim their horse’s feet. The department utilizes hoof boots as needed. Rebekka provided a handout Natural Hoof Care by Rebekka Rhodes, to help us with our questions, such as, “Why would you need shoes on your horse?” and “Why do so many trims fail and horses are returned to shoes?” Listed below are some different types of trims that won’t allow a horse to properly transition to bare hooves: Pasture trim – Hack job – cut long stuff off Shoe trim – Short and flat so shoe fits flush Extreme/Invasive trim into live tissue Rebekka noted that even with shoes, the quality of shoeing relates to the quality of trim put on the hoof prior to the shoe. All hoof issues can be resolved if a horse is evaluated to improve hoof health. Genetically, domestic and wild horses’ hooves are the same, with the differences being caused from the environment and lifestyle. The moment a mustang is captured, his hooves begin to be “domestic” hooves with the same issues as any other domestic equine. One of the biggest causes of problems with going barefoot is that a horse is very thinned soled when the shoes are removed. They don’t develop sole depth without time and proper activity. Farriers tend to reduce the solar surface, and the hoof eventually does not put down as much sole, so shod horses can have dangerously thin soles. Sole depth is not static, but is developed according to activity and living surface. Depth of sulcuses will help indicate depth of sole. Other methods of determining bone position in the hoof capsule were discussed. Get an x-ray if there are any questions or serious concerns. There are many beliefs that perpetuate the belief for shoeing a horse, including one that says the bone will fall through the hoof if not properly supported. This is not so. The bone stays firmly attached at the end of the digit. Recent research has proven that it is the hoof wall that moves, and is mobile, and sort of slides up the limb, allowing the bone to be in a lower position relative to the ground surface. Dr. Robert Bowker, Director of the Equine Foot Lab, Michigan State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, has cutting edge research data that basically stands everything farriers are taught, and people have learned, on its ear, so to speak, because of the radical nature of some of the information. Here are some of the statements he makes. The formative years are crucial for developing the fibro cartilage in the rear portion of the foot – first five years is when it develops. The good news is that a bad-footed horse can still be developed into a good footed horse, with proper trimming and lifestyle. Horses that move enough will create the fibro cartilage that has a cushioning effect. The hoof wall is not rigid – inside it is like peanut butter, contrary to our beliefs. All hoof wall does not grow from the coronet band. There are little “grocery carts” of cells that are carried farther down the wall, where they then join the wall developing mechanism to make the bottom portion of the hoof wall larger in circumference than the top of the wall at the hairline. Movement is important because it improves perfusion of blood flow. Pea rock, sand or foam pads allow the best perfusion. Peripheral loading of hoof wall (either from standing on concrete, wearing shoes or a trim that leaves the wall too tall) causes blood flow to stop for a second with each heartbeat when standing. Sole, frog and walls are designed to hold hoof up – not the walls alone. A solar load (pressure on the sole) on the hoof encourages bone to be laid down. Peripheral load on the hoof (e.g., shoes, tall walls) encourages loss of bone Discussions around how to take certain horses barefoot successfully were encouraged. Following Rebekka’s presentation there was a brief break, than the share portion of the meeting. Member Share: Dar Meredith: Dar’s horse CJ has been barefoot for the entire three years that she has owned him. In the past Dar had tried two farriers, with the second one doing a flat trim. CJ’s was initially very tender footed when barefoot, and the veterinarian told Dar that he needed to be in shoes. After discussions with Rebekka Rhodes, Rebekka decided that she would do CJ’s trims, starting in November, 2007. Since this time, Dar notices growth of the foot and bars, and CJ is developing sole callous. CJ was a horse that could not previously walk over small patches of gravel. Now he moves freely in his limbs and has been able to leap over a log, as well as walk easily over gravel and rocks. Susan Santi: Susan has a Belgian named rowdy that is green broke. Rebekka Rhodes is training him. Susan rode her Arab for a period of forty five minutes recently. Susan believes her success with horses is due to her bonding with them. Rebekka Rhodes: Rebekka is working a lot and riding a little. All of her horses are well; everybody is shedding like crazy. Rebekka has been riding her youngest horse Lonnie. Recently, Rebakka had plans to pony Lonnie from her older sister in the arena. However, Lonnie marched right up to the saddle, so Rebekka ended up riding her while she ponied the older sister. The older horse was unhappy because she was being lead. Lonnie did a great job ponying her older sister. She is brave and a lot of fun. Mark Rhodes: Mark had nothing to share. Lydia Andrews-Jones: Lydia has two horses, a six year old and a geriatric horse, which made it through the winter extremely well. Her geriatric horse was seized up but, is doing much better since his chiropractic appointment. Lydia’s younger horse has a heel bulb abscess that she is caring for. This horse was prone to attacking people, but now when hurt she comes right up to you, letting you take care of her. Cindy Salyer: Every one is healthy and doing great. All of her horses loved the extra hands on as Cindy is working to get them all shed out. Carol: Carol has one horse that she has owned for three years. She found out after she purchased him that he had had three previous owners, and was written off as a basket case. Carol has been working with Parelli instructor, Robby Moss. Her horse has made so much progress with his training that you would not know him as the same horse. Carol had his shoes pulled six months ago, and her trimmer follows Pete Ramey’s methods. Carol has been attending some of the events in the newsletter, has been trail riding and also is working with Don Moss. Last weekend Carol attended a trail trials event, in which she completed three out of five obstacles at the intermediate level. Rebekka asked what the obstacles were and Carol gave the following information: A lake; railroad ties and sand dunes; riding up and down hills; a log drag; figure eights and lead changes; goats; a box stall; a human horse to pony; a mail box containing a floppy material; a bucket grab; and a flag grab. Carol received an excellent score on her dismount, in which she was expected to swing a leg over the cantle and land on her feet facing the horse. Debbie Tayler: Debbie has enrolled in the Association for the Advancement of Natural Horse Care Practitioners training program to obtain certification as a natural hoof care practitioner. Kirk Tayler: Kirk had nothing to report. Lisa (guest): Lisa had her horse’s teeth floated and was surprised that they used a power floating device. Mark Rhodes explained that the power float is a lot less taxing to the veterinarian than a manual float, plus the veterinarian can do a more thorough, accurate and complete job faster. Lisa mentioned that she would like to teach her horse how to trailer load, and was informed that the club library contains some DVD’s on this subject. Carol said that she took a lesson with Rachel Jessop to learn how to load her horse. Roger (guest): Roger has enjoyed the evening at the club’s meeting. He would like to do more with his Appaloosa. Debora Lay: Debra took her horse Sassy to the girls and boys club for a function with Dick Gammett. There were 135 kids running around like banshees as well as people in costumes. Sassy was great, standing still for two hours while kids in groups of six mobbed her. Debora reports that Sassy had a badly shaped foot that Rebekka fixed, and another of her horses had contracted heels after two sets of shoes. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Classifieds: Horse Friendly Products: Timberline Saddle Company Custom Saddles: Western, Dressage, English, Trail and Endurance models. 60-90 day delivery for custom orders. Custom saddle pads, girths and cinches, bridles and accessories available. Tacky-Tack Saddle Pads – extreme comfort and non-slip security; washable and breathable. Turtle Snapsquick release ties. Skidmore’s Leather Care products. Contact Mark Rhodes, 775-972-9025 or email Equischwinger: Hand-made bamboo training sticks by Ray Henderson. These lightweight training sticks and whips are the answer for sore wrists and tired arms! These gorgeous, hand-made sticks are light but strong and can be customized to your specifications. Call Ray at 775-297-6092 or visit his web site at Lilley’s Therapeutic & Sports Massage: Long rides and sore muscles? Call me! Susan Lilley, LMT, NCTMB, at 775-233-1064. Specializing in Swedish, Injury Massage, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Sports Massage, Seated Massage. Reasonable rates, flexible hours. Gift Certificates available. Farm Fresh Eggs: Large brown eggs from cage free chickens. Basic feed, no chemical additives. $2.50 per doz. Call LayzD Ranch at 775-972-4334 or go to Horse for sale: Seven is a 16h Standard bred gelding, approximately sixteen years old. The current owner Jamie has owned him for the past ten years. He was ridden a lot up until the past two years, when Jamie began having children, and could no longer find time to ride him. Seven needs a good home where he’ll be ridden and given a job to do. Jamie’s nine year old niece has ridden him in the arena, and experienced friends have trail ridden him without any problems. She is asking $1,200.00 for Seven. If interested contact Susan at (775(425-2877, or (775) 233-1064. Horse for sale: Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse (easy gaited) mare. Fancy Face is a 16h, 13 year old, that is sound and without vices. She has a great mind per Josh Foster, who rode her daily for a month last year. This horse is being sold because as a beginner, she has proved to be too much horse for me. Contact Louise, 775-425-0778, or 775-303-6709, or e-mail Classified ads are free to members and may advertise businesses, wanted items or sale items. Send an e-mail to l8luez