1 Justification for a New Course in Emerging Technology Potential Objectives, Content, and Activities Tiffany A. Roberts TED 502 Fall 2003 2 Introduction It seems as though every day there is a new type of technology that we learn about. These emerging technologies range from biotech to nanotech to miniature electronics, to NASA related items, to hydrogen fueled cars and beyond. This paper will take a look at some emerging technologies and offer justification for a new course entitled “Emerging Technology”. Progressive nations depend upon technology in order to complete daily activities and thrive in today’s society. The intended effect of a technology is rarely, if ever, the only impact it has on human life. Unintended, unknown, and delayed consequences may prove even more important in the long run than the direct and intended effects. At times, different technologies can have similar unintended consequences that combine to have a serious impact undreamed of by the users of the technology. (Lauda, 1975) The purpose of this paper is to identify course objectives, course content, and activities for a course entitled “Emerging Technologies”. It will take a glimpse into four proposed major content areas and activities that support the learning objectives of the course. Potential Course Objectives Students will acquire knowledge about various emerging technologies within the present society. Students will become more aware of positive and negative outcomes that arise from changing technological cultures. Students will utilize gained knowledge to research areas of emerging technology and develop hypotheses regarding future developments. Students will learn about new processes and materials and develop a decreasing dependency upon natural materials and knowledge of uses for new materials. Students will become aware of new career opportunities that are emerging as a result of emerging technologies. Students will utilize acquired knowledge to research and develop innovative ideas by putting knowledge into practice. 3 Content There are many possibilities in regard to content area for a course about emerging technologies. Four major content areas for the course would be nanotechnology, biotechnology, miniature electronics, and NASA developments. In the following section you will find a brief overview of each major area. nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the science and technology of building electronic circuits and devices from single atoms and molecules. Nanotechnology “is used to describe many types of research where the characteristic dimensions are less than about 1,000 nanometers” (Nanotechnology). Nanotechnology deals with the molecular make-up and organization of structures. Future applications will involve manufacturing using atomic structures. biotechnology Biotechnology is the use of microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeasts, or biological substances, such as enzymes, to perform specific industrial or manufacturing processes. Applications include the production of certain drugs, synthetic hormones, and bulk foodstuffs as well as the bioconversion of organic waste and the use of genetically altered bacteria in the cleanup of oil spills. An important area of biotechnology is the area of Biometrics. Biometrics are automated methods of recognizing a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. The characteristics measured include: face, fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, and voice. Biometric technologies can be used in order to identify, authenticate, or verify the identity of a person. Biometric technologies can be used as stand alone technology or integrated with other technologies such as smart cards, encryption keys, and digital signatures. Biometrics consists of “an industry that is transitioning from emerging technologies into the necessary tool, which is part of our daily lives” (Bergman, 2003). Another key area of growth in the biotech industry is pharmacogenomics. A specific area that is increasingly growing is the Human Genome Project. It is analysis of DNA for function of discovered genes, it is designed to sequence all 24 of the human chromosomes. Similarly bioinformatics deal with annotation of genomes. The simplest tasks used in bioinformatics concern the creation and maintenance of databases of biological information. Nucleic acid sequences (and the protein sequences derived from them) comprise the majority of such databases. While the storage and organization of millions of nucleotides is far from trivial, designing a database and developing an interface whereby researchers can both access existing information and submit new entries is only the beginning.” (BioTech: Bioinformatics) 4 miniature electronics One development in miniature electronics is the RingCam. “The RingCam is an omnidirectional camera, which captures 360-degrees of video” (RingCam). The RingCam offers a panoramic view of its surroundings. There is also a RingCam that has an integrated microphone array. Either RingCam would allow distance learning and conferencing. The RingCam would be an asset to education by allowing for distance learning. It would also be an intriguing area of study within emerging technologies as it involves many integrated circuits working together to create a panoramic view achieved through different camera views. Also in the area of miniature electronics, the PIC Microcontroller is starting to catch on. It is a programmable microchip that may some day replace the function of most computers. “PIC Microcontrollers are quickly replacing computers when it comes to programming robotic devices. These microcontrollers are small and can be programmed to carry out a number of tasks and are ideal for school and industrial projects. A simple program is written using a computer, it is then downloaded to a microcontroller which in turn can control a robotic device” (Microcontrollers/Smart Cards) The PIC Microcontroller allows students to put computer programming into practice. It can be utilized in any electronics course, an engineering course, and the Project Lead the Way courses. PIC Microcontrollers are small Integrated Circuits (ICs) that can be programmed to control devices such as small robotic vehicles, alarm circuits and they can mimic almost any circuit produced in a school workshop. Many devices in the home use programmable chips including; alarm systems, central heating systems, microwaves and many more. The PIC Microcontroller is reprogrammable using software called LOGICATOR and if a mistake is made while programming it can simply be reprogrammed. Alternatively, a completely new program can replace an existing program already in the PIC Microcontroller. (PIC Microcontrollers) NASA developments One of the hot topics associated with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Telescope orbits the earth and collects data about the earth and space. “Hubble gathers facts about things in space. Its computers turn the facts into long rows of numbers. The numbers travel as radio signals to a satellite. It sends them to Goddard. Then it goes to the Space Telescope Science Institute. The numbers are turned back into pictures and words” (NASA – Hubble Operations). It has many tools including cameras and spectrographs. “Hubble’s cameras do not use film. They collect light. Spectrographs break up starlight into a rainbow of colors. Astronomers study the colors. They learn something from each color. They can tell a star’s temperature. They can find out how it moves. They can tell what it is made of and how old it is” (NASA – Hubble Operations). 5 The Hubble Telescope has made leaps and bounds since it was launched in 1990. “From manufacturing to medicine, the creative designs and innovative re-uses are some of the many Hubble improvements which translate into benefits for us all” (The Hubble Project). The Hubble Telescope is constantly maintained and upgraded as technology is improved. Easy maintenance allows for more data collection. Since Hubble's modular design allows for these in-orbit instrument and equipment upgrades, the astronauts are also able to bring back the equipment that is being replaced. The ability to refurbish the returned science instruments has proven to be a cost-effective way to enhance the telescope with the latest technology. By installing the new technology in recycled modules, NASA avoids "reinventing the wheel" and reduces the overall cost of science data.”(The Hubble Project) Activities A course entitled “Emerging Technologies” would be of a nature that lends itself more naturally to research and development activities and projects. Although the course would not be limited to this area, the focus of potential activities that follow concentrate on improving knowledge and research skills. Such a course would be more adequately taught within a communications laboratory with internet access, although a laboratory setting would be equally appropriate. activity #1 Computer Related Emerging Technologies Research and develop a paper (with annotation and bibliography) that outlines one of the following topics as it concerns the newest technologies that are in the field. Choose a topic from the following list: Wireless capabilities (this is currently one of the greatest emerging technologies) Database developments Storage ability on computers (perhaps some type of external device that is under development) New software (specific type of program, no gaming) Processing chips Operating systems Altered hardware designs (how small computers are becoming) Possible alternatives: o Digital phones o Nextel’s 2 way capabilities o Fiber optic cable and wiring activity #2 Innovation upon Existing Technologies Take a traditional technology that is no older than four years. Determine how technologies from activity one are altering the technology or how they could alter it. Sources may be no older than five years. Discuss positives and 6 negatives of the alteration along with design concepts. Choose an emerging technology that has to deal with an area in the following list: Food production Food preservation Sports safety Architecture Furniture Textiles Genome project Cochlear implants activity #3 Emerging Technology Development Presentation Choose one of the four major content areas (nanotechnology, biotechnology, miniature electronics, NASA developments) and research recent developments within the field. From your research select an emerging technology and prepare a five to ten minute presentation that includes the following: Why the emerging technology fits the chosen content area What recent developments have been accomplished in regards to the emerging technology Your views on what the next step of development will be Presentation of model o Description of parts o Materials list o Major working concepts Students will have laboratory time to develop an adequate model for presentation. Funding and Continued Education A potential way to fund development of such a course would be through an Education Partnership. The Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is a military division that offers local schools, not-for-profit schools, and universities the opportunity to apply for funding. The school or university must apply for the Education Partnership and meet the necessary criteria. Under an EP arrangement, a government laboratory may loan equipment, transfer laboratory equipment determined to be surplus, make laboratory personnel available to teach or assist in the development of programs or courses, involve faculty and students in laboratory research projects, help in developing a program under which students may be given academic credit for work on laboratory research projects, and provide academic and career advice and assistance to students. The goal of an EP is to encourage and enhance the study of the scientific disciplines at all levels of education.” (AFRL/IF Educational Partnership (EP) Procedures) 7 Upon consideration from AFRL for the establishment of a partnership the school or university must complete an Educational Partnership Preparation Template to outline responsibilities. Educational Partnerships offer both faculty and students the opportunity to partake in research activities and project development. NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics (NOVA) is a program aimed at improving math, science, and technological literacy for educators. The NOVA Vision is “To prepare highly literate preservice teachers in science, mathematics, and technology by creating change in higher education” (NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics). NOVA conducts workshops, provides forums, has mentoring workshops, provides information, and conducts research. A major objective for NOVA is to “Continue development of the NASA’s preservice education model aligned with NASA’s strategic enterprises and the national standards and benchmarks for science, mathematics, and technology” (NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics). This will improve course content to include recent developments in emerging technologies (i.e. Hubble Telescope) and offer insight into emerging instructional technologies. The forums and workshops will allow for collaboration of educators about course content and curricular ideas. The National Workforce Center for Emerging Technologies (NWCET) is a division of Bellevue Community College. It receives some funding through the National Science Foundation. “NWCET offers implementation and design services for schools or districts wishing to adopt skill standards- based curriculum and performance based assessment of students” (National Workforce for Emerging Technologies). NWCET assists educators with the knowledge that is necessary for students to become successful workers in the future. The program deals primarily with information technology. Emerging Technologies for use Within the Classroom Every educator is aware of instructional technologies. Most teachers have either an overhead projector or an ELMO. Teachers that are within wealthier districts have the luxury of using projector systems and SMART boards. Some technologies that are on the rise for use in the educational setting are: satellites, desktop audio/graphics conferencing, and desktop videoconferencing. These three emerging technologies take the education outside the classroom. They allow students and instructors to communicate from remote locations and also allow the opportunity for students and educators to communicate more personally over long distances by exchanging 8 information, ideas, and experiences. Emerging technologies for instructional use will have a large impact on education for both the students and educators. The important thing to remember is that “The technology is really only serving as the intermediary between the learner and a human instructor. Human beings are the ones who decide how to teach the material—what to present and when, how to ask questions, what choices to give the learner, and so forth. The fact that these choices are encapsulated in a computer program, for example, does not change the fact that humans are real teachers.” (Ingram, 1996) Conclusion Without the emergence of technologies everything in our daily lives would take so much longer, for example surgeries are much faster and recovery times are of remarkable speed. There are new drugs that are being developed and produced all the time that may eventually lead to a cure for diseases that were once thought of as incurable. At the rate at which knowledge is growing, by the time the child born today graduates from college, the amount of knowledge in the world will be four times as great. By the time that same child is 50 years old, it will be 32 times as great, and 97 percent of everything known in the world will have been learned since the time he was born. (Lauda, 1975) A course entitled “Emerging Technologies” would be extremely beneficial to both students and educators. It would help students to become better prepared for not only today’s society, but the rapidly approaching future. Educators would gain the knowledge necessary to effectively pass on information to students and aid in helping students become informed members of society. Industrial arts teachers should realize that our society is a technological society. Technology is future oriented which means we are in an opportune position to assist students in the challenges they will have as adults. Our goal must be to provide the most realistic models of life that we can. (Lauda, 1975) Emerging technologies are the future. Ideologies that are being developed today will become the technologies used daily in our future society. A course in emerging technologies would be beneficial in that the youth of today would acquire the knowledge base that is necessary to live and understand the ever-changing highly technological society in which we live. 9 Bibliography AFRL/IF Education Partnership (EP) Procedures. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer October 8, 2003. http://www.rl.af.mil/div/IFB/techtrans/TechTrans_EP_prep.html Bergman, Christer. (2003, September). FDCH Congressional Testimony. Smart Card and Biometric Technology. BioTech: Bioinformatics: Introduction. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer October 8, 2003. http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/pages/bioinform/BIintro.html Ingram, Albert L. (1996, June). Association Management. Teaching With Technology. pp 31-38. Lauda, D., & Smalley, L. (1975). The Future: A Challenge to Industrial Arts. Monograph 5. American Council on Industrial Arts Teacher Education. Microcontrollers/Smart Cards. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer November 30, 2003. http://www.technologystudent.com/pics/picdex1.htm Nanotechnology. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer November 29, 2003. http://www.zyvex.com/nano/ NASA - Hubble Operations. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer October 3, 2003. http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/home/Hubble_feature_k4_58.html NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics. NASA Field Center Program. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer October 15, 2003. http://nova.ed.uidaho.edu/strategic_plan_00-04.asp NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics. NOVA Vision and Objectives. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer October 15, 2003. http://nova.ed.uidaho.edu/strategic_plan_00-04.asp National Workforce for Emerging Technologies. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer November 30, 2003. http://www.nwcet.org/Educators/Default.aspx PIC Microcontrollers. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer November 30, 2003. http://www.technologystudent.com/pics/pic1.htm RingCam. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer October 15, 2003. http://research.microsoft.com/~rcutler/ringcam/ringcam.htm The Hubble Project. Retrieved from internet using Internet Explorer November 30, 2003. http://hubble.gsfc.nasa.gov/technology/