Maine Space Grant Consortium Fellowship and Scholarship Program at the University of Maine – Space Grant 25 Year 2015-2016 Mission The Maine Space Grant Consortium is an affiliate of NASA’s National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. The mission of the Maine Space Grant Consortium is to support NASA’s mission and four strategic enterprises by strengthening Maine’s aerospace related research and education assets, which are critical to the Agency. Purpose of the Fellowship & Scholarship Program The purpose of the Maine Space Grant Consortium Fellowship and Scholarship Programs at the University of Maine is to provide research opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students in aerospace technology, space science, earth science, and human exploration/space development, and other science or engineering related fields. These awards are limited to U.S. citizens. With Maine Space Grant Fellowships and Scholarships support, undergraduate and graduate students at affiliate institutions need to meet one or more of the following objectives: Conduct research in areas of interest to NASA, Spend time conducting research at a NASA flight center, Facilitate the development of a liaison between researchers at the University of Maine and one of NASA’s centers, and Facilitate technology transfer from the University of Maine to industry. All applications submitted to this program will be critically evaluated based on their relevance to NASA's mission for the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. Collaboration with researchers at NASA Space flight centers is highly encouraged as well as collaboration with industry, among departments within the same institution, and among institutions within the State of Maine. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to apply to this program. As part of the awardee acceptance an awardee will be expected to sign a release of information form, a release for promotional materials and agree to writing and submitting a final report in a format prescribed by MSGC. The following pages detail the intent, requirements, and awards for the Maine Space Grant Consortium Fellowship and Scholarship Programs at the University of Maine. This information is also available in electronic form on the Internet at web site: MAINE SPACE GRANT CONSORTIU UMaine Program GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP The focus of the proposed project must be aligned with the research priorities of NASA’s earth and space science strategic enterprises. The project may be an ongoing one or a new project. Proposals will be reviewed and awarded on an annual basis. The graduate research fellow and a faculty advisor shall agree to provide the end data for the project in the form of a final project summary and an informational CMIS form which will be provided by the sponsor. Eligibility For a student to be eligible for a Graduate Research Fellowship Award, the following criteria must be met: The student must be a US citizen, and The student must be enrolled or intending to enroll on a full-time basis in an approved graduate program at the University of Maine. Duration of a Graduate Research Fellowship Award Fellowships are available for a period of one year. Amount of Awards Graduate fellowships of $6,000 each are available and act as a Research Assistantship Supplement. Priority will be given to students in underrepresented groups as defined by NASA. Maximum number of awards is 2 per student. Deadline for Submission Please provide 1 original by December 7, 2015, to the address provided at the end of this document. Email submission in pdf format is highly encouraged; however hardcopies of the application will be accepted. Anticipated Project Start Date The award will be announced by Dec 21, 2015. It is anticipated that the project will start the next semester thereafter. The start date is negotiable. MAINE SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP The focus of the proposed project must be aligned with the research priorities of NASA’s earth and space science strategic enterprises. The proposed project may be an ongoing one or a new project. The scholarship will be in the form of an undergraduate research assistantship. Proposals will be reviewed and awarded on an annual basis. The undergraduate research assistant and a faculty supervisor shall agree to provide the end data for the project in the form of a final project summary and an informational CMIS form which will be provided by the sponsor. Eligibility For a student to be eligible for an Undergraduate Research Scholarship Award, the following criteria must be met: The student must be a US citizen, and The student must be enrolled on a full-time basis in an approved undergraduate program at the University of Maine. Duration of an Undergraduate Research Scholarship Award Scholarships are available for one year. A student must reapply for continuation of an award beyond the first year. The limit for any given student is two awards. Students are expected to work during the summer months and when funds permit during the semester. Amount of Awards A scholarship award for an undergraduate student is approximately $1,000 per award. . Priority will be given to students in underrepresented groups as defined by NASA. Deadline for Submission Please provide 1 original by December 7, 2015 to the address provided at the end of this document. Email submission in pdf format is highly encouraged; however hardcopies of the application will be accepted. Anticipated Project Start Date The award will be announced by Dec 21, 2015. It is anticipated that the project will start shortly thereafter. The start date is negotiable. MAINE SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP The focus of this program is to provide financial assistance to members of underrepresented groups as defined by NASA. These groups include: Native American, African American, Pacific Islanders and Hispanic persons that also must be U.S. Citizens. Eligibilit For a student to be eligible for an Minority Scholarship Award, the following criteria must be met: The student must be a US citizen, and The student must be enrolled on a full-time basis in an approved undergraduate program at the University of Maine. The student must be a member of an underrepresented group as defined by NASA. Amount of Awards A minority scholarship award for an undergraduate student is $500 per year. There are a total of 5 awards to be made in this year’s program. Deadline for Submission Please provide 1 copy and the original by December 7, 2015, to the address provided at the end of this document. Email submission in pdf format is highly encouraged; however hardcopies of the application will be accepted. For questions regarding any of these awards please contact: Dr. Vincent Caccese Dr. Ali Abedi Mechanical Eng. Electrical and Computer Eng. 581-2131 581-2231 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Each application should include the following: Standard cover page including project summary (see below) For a graduate fellowship only -- add a narrative description of the project (one to three pages). Student resume and transcript. It is strongly recommended that students contact a faculty advisor prior to writing of the application Deadline for Submission Please provide 1 original by the specified deadline. Graduate Research Fellowship Undergraduate Research Scholarship Minority Program December 7, 2015 December 7, 2015 December 7, 2015 Review Process Applications should be written so that a reviewer who is not in the same technical field can understand the goals, objectives, and scope of work, anticipated resources, and benefits to the body of knowledge or science. For an undergraduate scholarship a statement should be made in the summary regarding your motivation to pursue graduate studies. A subcommittee appointed by the MSGC University of Maine Representative will conduct the proposal selection. Proposal Selection Criteria An applicant must include evidence that the project will enhance the research areas of interest to NASA. The following criteria will be central to the evaluation of applications: Quality of the proposal summary and/or narrative. and alignment with one of NASA’s interests The qualifications of the student. Level of faculty supervision. NASA collaboration (preferred but not required) All proposals should be addressed to: (email submission in pdf format is preferred) Vincent Caccese Department of Mechanical Engineering 5711 Boardman Hall University of Maine Orono, ME 04469-5711 Tel: (207) 581-2131 Fax: (207) 581-2379 Email: MAINE SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Application Number: (leave blank) Program Name: GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM MSGC-GP-SG25 ______________ Applicant’s Name: Academic Department: Address: Phone/email: Current Program: (check one) MS UMaine Faculty Advisor: Current GPA: Ph.D. Under Represented Group* Yes No US Citizen (check one) Yes No Disabled: Yes No Title of Proposed Project: Name of NASA Collaborator (if known) Cooperating NASA Center (if known) Project Summary (use additional pages as necessary): Applicant’s Name (typed or printed) Signature/Date: *Includes: African American, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islander. MAINE SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Application Number: (leave blank) Program Name: UNDERGRADUATE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM MSGC-UG-SG25_____ Applicant’s Name: Academic Department: Address: Phone/email: Current Academic Standing: (check one) Current GPA: 1st Yr. Soph. Jr. Senior Motivation for Grad Studies: Strong Moderate Faculty Supervisor: None Under Represented Group* Yes No US Citizen (check one) Yes No Disabled: Yes No Title of Proposed Project: Name of NASA Collaborator (if known) Cooperating NASA Center (if known) Project Summary and Motivation for Graduate Studies** Applicant’s Name (typed or printed) Signature/Date: *Includes: African American, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islander. ** Additional space may be used if desired MAINE SPACE GRANT CONSORTIUM MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE Application Number: (leave blank) Program Name: MINORITY SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM MSGC-MP-SG25_____ Applicant’s Name: Academic Department: Address: Phone/email: Current Academic Standing: (check one) Current Grade Point Average: 1st Yr. Soph. Jr. Under Represented Group* Yes No Senior US Citizen (check one) Yes No Disabled: Yes Motivation for Grad Studies: (check one) Strong Moderate None Brief Statement of Interest in NASA: Applicant’s Name (typed or printed) Signature/Date: *Includes: African American, Hispanic, Native American and Pacific Islander. No