Full Details - Gurnard & Northwood 1914

Born :
28th May 1892 at 4 Westcliff Cottage Gurnard
Parents: JOHN COLENUTT a painter and plumber and EMMA
Last known address : Church Road Gurnard
Service Number : J.8788 Regiment : Corporal 1st Battalion Hampshire
Died : 1st July 1916 Battle of the Somme
Buried : Thieppval in France
The CWGC refer to Gordon as a Corporal in the Hampshgire regiment 1st
Battallion. He died on the 1st July 1916 (Battle of the Somme) and is buried
at Thiepval in France. No details were given of his surviving relatives on the
war grave record. He was probably Gordon Clarence John Colenutt born in
Cowes Isle of Wight with parents John Colenutt and Emma Susanna ( nee
Gladdis, ) Emma and John married at Holy Trinity Church in Cowes in 1885,
Gordon had two older brothers, Francis, who appears on the 1891 census but
no other census record, and an older brother Frederick William born in 1889,
it would appear that Frederick married Ida Lavinia Lindsay in 1917 at Holy
Trinity Church in Cowes, but there is no issue from this marriage, a younger
sister Sophia Kate born in 1896, and again from records checked it would
appear she did not marry and had no issue, and a younger brother Roland
George born in 1902. We can find no record of Gordon having married on the
The family appear on the 1911 census, wth Emma a 51 year old widow,
Frederick a 21 year old house plumber, and Sophia and Roland as children,
Gordons mother was born in Northwood, with the children all born at Gurnard
.In 1911 they were living at Church Road Gurnard. It would appear that
Frederick Wiliam died in Cowes in 1947, with Roland George’s death
registered in 1961 in Cowes.
The family appear on the 1891 census with father John Colenutt a plumber
born in Niton on the Island in 1857 they were living at 4 Westcliffe Gurnard .
The 1933 and 1947 electoral roll for the island shows both Frederick and
Roland living in the Cowes area.
I have a copy of the marriage of John Colenutt of Niton ( father Abraham ) and
Emma Susanna Gladdis of Gurnard (father William Gladdis) I also have the
birth certificate of Gordon
Notes :- I have 1911 census, parents marriage certificate and Gordons birth