Consensual and Organized Crime

Organized Crime and Consensual Crime Lecture Outline
Consensual Crime – definition & key types (Barkan ch. 15)
Role of Market/Public Demand…
& link to Organized Crime (Barkan Ch. 13)
Illegal Drug use
Racial and Ethnic group use rates vs. R&E make-up of drug prisoner population (lecture only)
How prevalent and what types more so (Bark Ch. 15 & lecture). Generally Be aware that Drug use cuts across all
classes and racial and ethnic groups, though is more problematic in some areas and with the most
disadvantaged groups
Drug Crisis? If so, where (not entire US, certain in setting)? And what types of drugs most abused in US? (Barkan
Ch. 15, and lecture)
Examples of this in Los Angeles (Leap Chs. 14, 15, 16) and Baltimore (Moskos Ch. 4)
How much of the “war on drugs” is aimed at Marijuana (% of drug arrests) the least harmful of the drugs? (Barkan,
Ch. 15)
Lethality vs. Illegality of drugs –How do legal and illegal drugs compare on lethality? What does this tell us?
(Barkan Ch. 15)
Various Pro’s / arguments in favor of drug legalization vs. Con’s/ arguments against (Barkan Ch., 15)
Police views on legalization –Los Angeles (Leap Chs. 16) vs. Moskos rep[ort of police views (Ch. 4)
Drug-Crime link? Role of drug illegality (as opposed to effects of drug themselves) in violence (see Barkan Ch.
15), and why so much violence associated with open-air drug dealing in poor neighborhoods (see Moskos ch. 4)
Explanations for illegal drug use? Key social & economic factors (poverty, peers, parents, etc.)? (Barkan, Ch. 15)
Baltimore & Los Angeles examples (Moskos Ch. 4, Leap Chs. 14, 15, 16) Again, why do people use and
sell drugs in LA, in cases Leap studies?
MD approach to sentence to treatment instead of jail for low level drug offenders. (Barkan, Ch. 15 ), VS. Balt.
Police attitudes toward drug addiction and drugs generally (Moskos, ch. 4).
California Proposition 36 law on low-level drug offenders, similar to Maryland (Leap Ch. 16)
Harm Reduction approach (public health problem rather than just criminal problem) (Barkan, Ch. 15)
Explanations for Prostitution (Barkan Ch. 15) & Pro’s of Prostitution legalization (Barkan Ch. 15) – quite similar to
drug legalization argument…
Organized Crime linked to Supply & Demand for Illegal Goods & Services
Alien Conspiracy Model of organized crime & Myth—What is this & how well does it fit reality of organized
crime? (Barkan, Ch. 13)
& Ties to immigrants of all types, lots of diversity (= opportunity, not just Italians),
& related to Economic deprivation (Barkan Ch. 13). Moskos Ch. 4 & Leap Chs. 14, 15, 16 have lots of examples of
this idea.
Orgzed crime tie to legitimate businesses (Barkan, Ch 13) and Perdue example (lecture only)…
How well and highly organized are gangs in Los Angeles (Leap Chs. 14, 15, 16) and Baltimore (Ch. 4)/
Does this fit with Barkan (Ch. 13) Organized crime not so highly organized, not as hierarchical as thought, & more
loosely organized networks among many ethnic groups …
What is the structure of drug gangs -- various jobs, murder risk, etc.? (Moskos ch. 4)
In Baltimore , Gangs not so organized in drug distribution as organized crime, less organized compared to west
coast and Chicago (Moskos ch. 4)
In Los Angeles—How much are gangs involved ni drug distribution & sales? How much do the 2 overlap? How
is selling drugs distinct from gang activity? Why do people sell drugs in cases Leap studies?
Other points to be familiar with but not covered in class, or not a lot:
Gambling – Frequency compared to other consensual crimes? Pro’s and Con’s? (Barkan Ch. 15)
Pornography and Rape (related or not?) (Barkan, Ch. 15)
Strategies to Control Organized Crime – Taking out leaders work? [Vs. other strategies] (Barkan Ch., 13)
Also, see Group Discussion Questions (lists some key issues in readings, many covered in class)
Organized Crime (Barkan. Ch. 13, 338-342)
1. When has Organized Crime been present in US history, and what drives people to be involved?
2. How is Organized Crime linked to the demand for illegal goods and services [Consensual Crime]?
3. What is the Alien Conspiracy Model (“Mafia Mystique”) and how well does it fit with reality?? How organized is
Organized Crime & who is involved in it?
4. How well do gangs in LA (Leap Chs. 14, 15, 16) & E. Baltimore street drug dealers (Mostkos, ch. 4) fit as
organized crime, as per Barkan?
5. What are most promising Ways to lessen Organized Crime (Prosecute leaders vs. other measures)
Consensual Crime (all points are Barkan ch. 15, unless noted otherwise; Moskos is Ch. 4, Leap is Chs. 14, 15, 16)
1. Why are consensual / vice crimes often called “victimless crimes”? Law enforcement do more harm than good?
2. How widespread is illegal drug use (legal and illegal) Is there a Drug Crisis? If so, where is it concentrated?
How do Baltimore and LA fit this ((Moskos Ch. 4; LeapChs. 14, 15, 16)?
3. What are the Explanations for illegal drug use? Key social & economic factors (economic, peers, family
“vicious cycle”)? Examples of these in Baltimore (Moskos Ch. 4) and Los Angeles (Leap Chs. 14, 15, 16)?
4. What is evidence for and against the Drug-Crime Connection? Structural & Social Process factors cause both?
How does drug illegality lead to other crime & violence? Examples in Baltimore (Moskos) & LA (Leap)? What is the
structure of drug gangs -- various jobs, murder risk, etc.? (Moskos, & Leap) What is role of gangs in drug problem, how
organized are gangs ((Moskos, & Leap)
5. Drug Legalization Pro’s & Con’s –
What are the Con’s / reasons against?
Pro’s / reasons for -- A. Is illegality of drugs related to their lethality? Why are some illegal?
B. What are “unintended consequences” of alcohol prohibition, related to illegal drugs as well? Effects on law
enforcement & prison system, on orgzd. crime? Baltimore & LA examples of this (Moskos, Leap)?
C. Legalization lead to more drug use? Why of why not (“forbidden fruit”?)?
6. What are Harm Reduction & Drug Courts? Maryland’s program begun in Baltimore, & the Netherlands’
approach? How do Baltimore & LA police tend to view these programs (treatment, etc.), & what is their view
of drug issue (Moskos; Leap)?
7. What are key factors explaining Prostitution? What are legalization Pro’s and Con’s ?
8. How is Pornography defined? Does Pornography lead to rape?
9. Gambling – Frequency compared to other consensual crimes? What Pro’s and Con’s of legalization?
10. How Enforceable are Vice / Consensual Crime laws? What is best way to reduce drug crime & prostitution?
How do Baltimore (Moskos) & LA (Leap) cases illustrate enforceability & types of best solutions?