Health Benefits of Cycling: Cycling is good for your heart The key benefit of regular cycling is likely to be the reduction in coronary heart disease (CHD), as studies suggest that regular cyclists suffer fewer than half the deaths from CHD that inactive people do.CHD is both the single largest cause of death, and the single main cause of premature death. (4) Cycling daily reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. (1,2,3,4) One rough calculation suggests that new cyclists covering short distances can reduce their risk of death (mainly due to the reduction of heart disease) by as much as 22 per cent. (5) Cycling is good for your waistline Cycling can help you lose weight. (2) A half hour spend riding your bike every day to work (five times a week) will burn 11 pounds of fat in a year. (6) Chart of Calories Burned Activity (1 hour) 130lbs 155lbs 190lbs 225lbs Aerobics, general, low impact 354 422 518 621 Aerobics, high impact 413 493 604 715 Basketball, game 472 563 690 837 Bicycling, 10-11.9 mph, light effort 354 422 518 593 Bicycling, 12-13.9 mph, moderate effort 472 563 690 891 Bicycling, 14-15.9 mph, vigorous effort 590 704 863 1080 Bicycling, 16-19 mph, fast, racing 708 844 1035 1220 Bicycling, >20 mph, very fast, racing 944 1126 1380 1540 Bicycling, BMX or mountain Running, 6 mph (10 min mile) 502 598 733 864 590 704 863 1026 Running, 10.9 mph (5.5 min mile) 1062 1267 1553 1836 Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace 148 176 218 284 Walking, 3.0 mph, moderate pace, walking dog 207 246 343 445 Walking, 4.0 mph, very brisk pace 236 281 402 526 As you can see cycling is an excellent way to burn calories. By substituting cycling for driving you gain significant health benefits without using any more time out of your day. Cycling is good for your mood Cycling can make you feel better mentally. (2) Studies have shown that regular cyclists, compared with inactive people, have improved well-being, higher self-esteem and greater confidence in their ability to perform active tasks, along with better mental functioning. (4,5,7) Cycling is good for your muscles and bones Being strong and coordinate (something regular cyclists certainly are) can be beneficial in reducing injuries from falls, which can be seriously disabling, especially in older people.( 4,5,8,9) Physically active older people have much reduced rates of hip fracture. (10) Cycling is good for your lungs Cyclists and pedestrians actually absorb lower levels of pollutants from traffic fumes than car drivers. (4,11) Cycling is good for you! A British study found that 'even a small amount of cycling can lead to significant gains in fitness'. The study found that aerobic fitness was boosted by 11% after just six weeks of cycling 'short distances' four times a week.(8) If your daily trip is about four miles (to and from work) the aerobic benefit increased to 17 per cent. (8) According to the same study people who do not exercise, but then start cycling, move from the least fit third of the population, to the fittest top half of the population in just a few months. (8) Environmental Benefits of Cycling: Cycling helps fight global warming When a gallon of gasoline is burned it produces 19.5 pounds of CO2 (it weighs more than the original gas since it combines with oxygen in the air). Knowing that we can run the numbers for various modes of transport and see how they compare to a bicycle. All data taken from manufactures website or government sites (as noted) Vehicle 2008 Toyota Prius 2008 Honda Accord 2008 Ford F150 (2WD 6 cyl, 4.2 L, Automatic 4-spd, Regular) 2008 Human on Bicycle (12 mph weighing 155lbs) (12,13,14,15,16,17) MPG (city driving) 48 22 14 660-900! So we know how much gas each of these kinds of transport use, but how much CO2 do they produce? Vehicle Gas Burned 5/10/15 Mile Trip CO2 produced 5/10/15 miles Human on Bicycle .007/.015/.022 gallons .136/.292/.429 pounds Prius .104/.208/.312 gallons 2.02/4.05/6.08 pounds Accord .227/.454/.681 gallons 4.42/8.85/13.2 pounds F150 .333/.714/1.07 gallons 6.49/13.9/20.8 pounds As you can see the bicycle is far superior in both fuel used, and CO2 produced, making it by far better for the environment than any gas powered method of transportation. References 1. Carnall D. Cycling and health promotion. A safer, slower urban road environment is the key. BMJ 2000; 320: 888. 2. Mersy DJ. Health benefits of aerobic exercise. Postgrad Med 1991; 90: 103-7 and 110-2. 3. Kelley GA. Effects of Aerobic exercise in normotensive adults: a brief metaanalytic review of controlled clinical trials. South Med J 1995; 88: 42-46. 4. 5. Rutter H. Modal shift. Transport and health. A policy report on the health benefits of increasing levels of cycling in Oxfordshire 6. Leeds cycling action group. Cycling and Health 7. Scully D, Kremer J, Meade MM et al. Physical exercise and psychological wellbeing. In MacAuley D (Ed.) Benefits and hazards of exercise. London: BMJ Books 1999. 8. Fentem PH. ABC of sports medicine. Benefits of exercise in health and disease. BMJ 1994; 308: 1291-5. 9. Joakimsen RM, Magnus JH, Fonnebo V. Physical activity and predisposition for hip fractures: a review. Osteoporosis Int 1998; 7: 503-13. 10. Rank J, Folke J, Jespersen PH. Differences in cyclists and car drivers exposure to air pollution from traffic in the city of Copenhagen. Sci Total Environ 2001; 279: 131-6. 11. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. A new deal for transport: Better for everyone. Chapter 2 Sustainable transport. Published 20 July 1998. 12. 13. 14. 15. To figure out the equivalent in gas that a human would use per mile we have to do a bit more math. A human being on a bike (at 12mph and weighing 155lbs) burns about 560 calories an hour. Because our food is made using a lot of oil (fertilizer, tractors, shipping etc) it has been estimated that we use 1 calorie of oil for every calorie of food we create (these are 1970 numbers). (16) And we know that gasoline has about 31,000 calories in it (17) we can figure out how many gallons of gas it takes per mile by the following equation. 560 calories to go 12 miles = 1/55 of a gallon of gas (31,000 calories) Multiply 55 x 12 (how far you would go if you burned an entire gallon of gas worth of calories) and you get 660 miles per gallon. This is a conservative estimate some rank it much higher (17) 16. 17. 18.