Society and Environment Teacher Plan for Year 8: Indigenous Australia: Law, Governance and Participation Timeframe and resources Teaching strategies and learning opportunities Week 1 Students use the Stepping Out (SO) Before, During and After learning strategies to introduce the topic: Traditional Indigenous Societies. Stepping Out strategies: Secondary written genres Longman Framework: Society and Environment 1, ch 6 Secondary written genres Stepping Out strategies At the Before stage, students note everything they know about the nature of the topic using a ‘concept map’. In the During stage, students read through information about different aspects of traditional Indigenous societies and record their ideas using a ‘note-taking framework’ (SO: Secondary written genres). After completing the note-taking exercise, students share their table of information with another student and compare their work, discussing the most important aspects of the content. Students complete the introductory exercise by using the information in note form to construct well-structured paragraphs about ‘Traditional Indigenous Societies’. Students follow the SO framework of paragraph writing by revising work already Outcomes focus: overarching and learning area outcomes Overarching Learning Outcome (OLO) 3: Students recognise when and what information is needed, locate and obtain it from a range of sources and evaluate, use and share it with others. Values and crosscurriculum links Assessment and monitoring Progress map: Band outcome Values: English Learning Outcome (LO) 8 Reading: BAND 5 Analyse a genre and identify generic and stylistic features. 5.1 Cultural heritage: The cultural heritage of Australia, including Aboriginal sacred and archaeological cultural heritage, should be respected and maintained. OLO 8: Students understand their cultural and historical contexts. OLO 1: Students use language to take and organise notes. English Learning Area Outcome (ELAO) 8 Reading: Informational text. SOSE Learning Area Outcome (SLAO) 4 Culture: People form groups because of shared understandings of Concept map Note-taking framework 3.6 Cooperation: Each person should strive to work cooperatively. 4.8 Responsibility and freedom: People have the right to choose their way of life, and are responsible for the impact of choices on nature and other community members. Paragraphs SOSE LO 4 Culture: BAND 5 Examine in greater depth traditional cultural characteristics of the Aboriginal people. SOSE LO 4 Culture: BAND 5 Understand that within a group the social organisation reflects beliefs and traditions, eg different roles, family structures, rituals. Reflection and response Students found the language of some of the resources difficult to understand. More 'word sort' and glossary activities needed to address this. Refer to Stepping Out strategies. Students needed modelled examples of the structured paragraphs. Reinforce the concept of the difference between the 'general' statement (topic sentence) and the completed about factual paragraphs: 1 Topic sentence; 2 Developing sentence; 3 Supporting sentence/s; 4 Concluding sentence. Examples are modelled on the board to reinforce the process of constructing paragraph text. Week 2 Stepping Out resources Teaching Reading in the Content Areas, Blackline Masters, 2nd edition Discovering Democracy Lower Secondary Units: 'Should the People Rule?' Resources from the local Aboriginal section of the school's library the world. OLO 12: Individual and collaborative reading and writing. ELAO 9 Writing: Students write for a variety of purposes: informative paragraphs. Students use a simple comparison map to record and illustrate the differences between the legal systems in traditional Indigenous and contemporary Australian societies. ELAO 8 Reading: Individual and class reading. Students read information and images about the kinship system, law and customs in traditional Indigenous societies in order to make the comparison. Their knowledge of Australian government and decision making is enhanced by their study of the Discovering Democracy unit in Term 1. SLAO 4 Culture: Members of a group have common social and legal systems. Students examine the question of leadership in different societies and explore the differences. How were leaders chosen/appointed in traditional Indigenous communities? Students are provided with a variety of texts to research this question and write two or three well-structured paragraphs on the topic. 'specific' statement (developing and supporting sentences). ELAO 9 Writing: Comparative map. ELAO 4 Processes and Strategies: Paragraph writing. SLAO 6 Natural and Social Systems: Societies have varying leadership and representative structures. 1.6 Critical reflection: Each person should be encouraged to reflect critically on both the cultural heritage and the attitudes and values underlying current social trends and institutions. 5.1 Cultural heritage: The cultural heritage of Australia, including Aboriginal sacred and archaeological cultural heritage, should be respected and maintained. Comparison maps SOSE LO 4 Culture: BAND 5 Examine specific aspects of cultural tensions and conflicts in Australia. Discussion Paragraphs SOSE LO 6 Natural and Social Systems: BAND 4 Recognise that membership of society carries with it certain rights and responsibilities. Some students had excellent background knowledge of and experience with 'kinship' providing a good focus for discussion. Students discussed the difference between good leadership and leadership in reality. Discussed the concept of power being potentially corruptible. Week 3 Secondary written genres Film: Alinta the Flame, Women of the Sun series, Part 1 Discovering Democracy Lower Secondary Units: ‘Law’ (pp 50-2) Students examine the impact of European invasion on the law and culture of societies in Australia. Students view the film Alinta the Flame. This film illustrates the lifestyle of a group of Indigenous people in southwestern Victoria. The language spoken throughout the film is one of the languages of Arnhem Land. ELAO 5 Processes and Strategies: Editing and drafting. The use of Indigenous language and English subtitles gives authenticity to the film. The fictitious story traces the events following the arrival of two escaped convicts who are found by members of the group. The English men are generally welcomed by the group but create fear for some members. SLAO 3 Resources: People attempt to meet their needs and wants by making use of limited resources. When one of the men breaks the law, offending the women, he meets his death under the law of the community. SLAO 5 Time, Continuity and Change: People's actions and values are shaped by their understanding and interpretation of the past. ELAO 6 Speaking: Class discussion. 4.7 Social justice: The right of each person to a fair share of society’s economic and cultural resources is recognised. 3.1 Compassion and care: Each person has a right to receive care and compassion and have a life of dignity, free from harassment and discrimination. Discussion In a class discussion of the film, students nominate the most significant scene of the film and give their reasons for their Students responded very well to Alinta the Flame. SOSE LO 2 Place and Space: BAND 5 Identify and explain the conflicts and tensions that emerge between competing users of places. Could be beneficial for students to record instances where they (or someone they know) have felt 'powerless'. 2.3 Ethical behaviour and responsibility: Each person has freedom of will, is responsible for his or her own conduct and should be encouraged to develop discernment on ethical issues and to recognise the need for truthfulness and integrity. SOSE LO 3 Resources: BAND 5 Identify how the use of resources varies according to culture and time. Good class discussion about 'land ownership' and 'law'. Plot line The film addresses the following issues: culture, marriage, rites of passage, kinship, leadership, dispossession of land, ownership, massacres and power. ELO 9 Writing: BAND 5 Develop a writing process of brainstorming, drafting, editing and proofreading. BAND 5 Use descriptive language in appropriate contexts. Discussion Develop the whole concept of powerlessness and discuss instances in the film where Alinta and her people were powerless. Week 4 Film: Alinta the Flame Discovering Democracy Lower Secondary Units: 'Law' (pp 50-8) Stories of Democracy CD-ROM Film: Mabo - The Life of an Island Man choice. Students complete character maps on four characters from the film. Students consider the notions of land and ownership as a segment of Alinta the Flame is replayed. (Europeans and Indigenous people are sitting discussing the desire of the Europeans to acquire land belonging to the group.) This scene illustrates the opposing perspectives on land and the conflict this foreshadows. Students read through information outlining the significance of land to the Indigenous people - the connection between the Spirit ancestors of the Dreaming and the sacred nature of land. Students construct a table distinguishing between the European and the Indigenous views of land. Students explore the notion of 'terra nullius' as explained by the teacher and complete a concept map on the topic. Students read some background information about Edward Koiki Mabo and highlight the events that they think would feature on a timeline of his life. Students then view Mabo - The Life of an Island Man. As students watch the documentary, they complete a character map of Eddie Mabo and discuss their SLAO 4 Culture: Cultural differences. ELAO 3 Conventions: Students use the conventions of SAE with understanding and critical awareness. SLAO 7 Active Citizenship: Behaviour and participation of individuals in accordance with the principles and values associated with the democratic process and social justice. Character maps 5.1 Cultural heritage: The cultural heritage of Australia, including Aboriginal sacred and archaeological cultural heritage, should be respected and maintained. English LAO 8: BAND 6 Examine how narrative texts are constructed, focusing on setting, character, conflict and resolution. 1.6 Critical reflection: Each person should be encouraged to reflect critically on both the cultural heritage and the attitudes and values underlying current social trends and institutions. SOSE LO 1 Investigation, Communication and Participation: BAND 5 Identify differing points of view on a topic. 1.3 Empowerment: Each person should be encouraged to develop … their creative imagination. Table Concept map ELAO 4 Processes and Strategies: Character map. Character map Discussion Museum SOSE LO 6 Natural and Social Systems: BAND 5 Identify ways in which people might influence creation and revision of laws. SOSE LO 1 Investigation, Communication and Participation: BAND 5 Integrate data from a variety of sources (print, people, It would be good to have a guest speaker come to class and speak to the students about 'Aboriginal spirituality'. Students enjoyed their visit to the Broome museum and, even though most had been before, they were all interested in local history. Week 5 Discovering Democracy Middle Secondary Units: ‘Human Rights’ (pp 67-71) Video: The Aboriginal Civil Rights Movement, VEA from the series Exploring Indigenous Australia Week 6 Discovering Democracy Lower Secondary Units: ‘Men and Women in responses. Students are given their assignment outline about the Eddie Mabo museum display. Students visit Broome museum. The Mabo decision is put into perspective with a look at other significant land rights and human rights campaigns in Australia's history. Students read about the following events: Bark Petition, Wave Hill strikes,Tent Embassy, Freedom Rides and Wik. display ELAO 9 Writing: Students write for a variety of purposes. SLAO 7 Active Citizenship: Involvement in the community and democratic processes to enact change. (The 1967 Referendum was covered in detail in the Term 1 Discovering Democracy unit and will be touched on briefly in this unit.) Students draw up a timeline of these events with boxed details of the events around the simple timeline. Students read short biographies of Indigenous leaders in government and nongovernment political organisations to learn about their participation in the political process. Students choose one person and prepare a brief summary of their OLO 2: Students select, integrate and apply numerical and spatial concepts and techniques. ELAO 8 Reading: Students read a wide range of texts with purpose and understanding. ELAO 1 Understanding Language: The 4.7 Social justice: The right of each person to a fair share of society’s economic and cultural resources is recognised. 4.1 Participation and citizenship: As a democratic society, Australia should encourage its members to participate in the political process and to contribute to community services consistent with good citizenship. 1.1 The pursuit of personal excellence: Each person should be encouraged to achieve his or her personal best in all undertakings and to respect the achievements of Report Note taking Discussion Timeline electronic). SOSE LO 4 Culture: BAND 6 Examine ways in which cultural groups are represented and protected by various bodies and organisations. SOSE LO 4 Culture: BAND 6 Recognise a range of equity and social justice issues that exist in Australia with respect to cultural groups. English LAO 8: BAND 6 Read texts that introduce unfamiliar concepts or topics. Summary With more time, students could complete a directed Internet search on the human rights campaigns in Australia's history. SOSE LO 4 Culture: It could be good to include some contemporary Aboriginal activists in the study to appeal to the students. Political Life’ (pp 129-34) contribution to Indigenous rights and present their summary to the class. Their presentations to be videotaped. framework and structure of the biography. others. Oral presentations to class OLO 12: Students are self-motivated and confident in their approach to learning and are able to work individually and collaboratively. Week 7 Teaching Reading in the Content Areas Week 8 Students listen to a local Indigenous leader speak about how she or he has been involved in community decision making. Students complete a concept map about political process and participation. ELAO 9 Writing: Students write for a variety of purposes. Students listen to speeches by members of the Kimberley Land Council and ATSIC educational officers who outline the process of making a land claim under the Native Title Act. Students participate in the 'Design a Mosaic' exercise for the Reconciliation tree competition and submit their designs for judgement. OLO 9: Students interact with people and cultures other than their own and are equipped to contribute to the global community. Identify the roles and contribution of some key individuals within some cultural groups. SOSE LO 1 Investigation, Communication and Participation: BAND 6 Ask directed questions. 3.6 Cooperation: Each person should strive to work cooperatively. Concept map 1.3 Empowerment: Each person should be encouraged to develop … their creative imagination. Questioning techniques Mosaic design Students need to revise the work completed in the Discovering Democracy unit in Term 1, in order to complete the concept map about political process and participation. SLAO 7 Active Citizenship: Role model. OLO 10: Students participate in creative activity of their own. English LO 8: BAND 7 Identify deeper layers of meaning and comment on their significance and effect. The Arts LO 1 Arts Ideas: BAND 4 Collaborate in the design of art works for a specific purpose. It was timely to be learning about Eddie Mabo as we celebrated 'Reconciliation Week' on the tenth anniversary of the Mabo High Court decision.