Spelling Activities List 1. Color Words – When writing list of words, write vowels in one color and consonants with another color. 2. Rainbow Words – Write each word once in your best writing. Trace over it in another color. Trace over it with a 3rd color. 3. Silly sentences – Write 10 silly sentences using 2 spelling words in each sentence. 4. Word magic. Using your 10 spelling words, write the word once, then write it a 2nd time without the first letter, then write it without the first two letters. Repeat until the whole word disappears! Example: spell, _pell, --ell, ---ll, ----l, ----- 5. Shortest to Longest - Count the # of letters in each word. Then write the words in order from shortest to longest. 6. ABC Order – Write your spelling words in alphabetical order. Variation: Write it in reverse ABC order. 7. Picture Words – Write your spelling words and create a picture with them. Be sure to label the pictures that match your spelling words. 8. Words in Words – Write your spelling words, then write as many words as you can discover from that word. 9. Ransom Words – Write your spelling words by cutting out the letters from a newspaper or magazine and gluing them to a piece of paper. 10. Telephone Words – Write each spelling word, then translate each word into numbers from a telephone keypad. Example: spell – 77355 11. Pyramid Words – Write the first letter of the spelling word. Write the first two letters of the word below it. Then write the next three letters, etc. Example: s sp spe spel spell