Aligning Resources and Developing Community and Stakeholder Relations ADSUP 721: Legal Issues, Finance, Facilities and Operations Description of Assessment: The purpose of this assessment is to provide school building leader candidates the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of how to promote success for every student through high quality instruction and support through effective use of human, fiscal, and technological resources; effective organizational management and evaluation; promotion of school-based policies and procedures; application of distributive leadership; collaboration with faculty and community; responsiveness to diverse community interests and needs; and mobilization of school and community resources. Alignment with standards: This assessment is aligned with Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) standard 3: A building-level educational leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of every student by ensuring the management of the school organization, operation and resources through monitoring and evaluating the school management and operational systems; efficiently using human, fiscal and technological resources in a school environment; promoting and protecting the welfare and safety of school students and staff; developing school capacity for distributed leadership; and ensuring that teacher and organizational time is focused to support high-quality instruction and student learning. It is also aligned with ELCC standard 4: A building-level education leader applies knowledge that promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources on behalf of the school by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to improvement of the school’s educational environment; promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the school community; building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers; and cultivating productive school relationship with community partners. Education Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) Standards being met through this performance task: 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 1 Directions to Candidates: You are a newly appointed principal at a mid-sized public school. The school serves an ethnically diverse population of students, mainly from low-income families. Very few students are making the minimum one-year of progress and the school is in danger of not meeting its AYP goals. Members of the schools’ leadership team, composed of both faculty and parents, studied this problem and discovered that the students receiving consultant teacher services (CT) and students in the Resource Room Program seem to be struggling the most. Students in their one Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) class were making significantly more progress on the state tests. As described in the district’s Continuum of Services for Students with Disabilities, Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) “ensures that students master specific skills and concepts in the general education curriculum, as well as ensuring that their special education needs are being met, including meeting alternate curriculum goals, through having both a general education and a special educator in each subject area.” The team recommended expanding the ICT model as the best way to support those students as well as all students at the school. In addition, the district is increasing per student funding for ICT classes. The district special education director and superintendent tell you that they see merit in changing to an ICT model, but it is your decision to make. After careful deliberation with the school leadership team, you have decided to move forward with expanding the ICT model as you believe it will increase student performance with both special education students as well as the entire school community. Notes: for the purposes of this assessment, identify whether you are writing as an elementary, middle or high school principal. Also for the purposes of this assessment, an elementary or middle school has approximately 500-600 students and the high school has 1,200 students. The special education population is approximately 17%. Part A: Develop a Stakeholder Plan Write an essay that (a) outlines the steps you would take to ensure you had faculty, family and community/stakeholder support (b) explains your rationale for why this strategy is likely to be effective and (c) identifies potential challenges you will need to consider as you implement these steps. In your essay be sure to address how you would assess the family and community stakeholder needs and interests, give them voice, and communicate with them. Address how this strategy sets the foundation for a sustainable partnership. Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 2 Part B: Develop an Impact Study Implementing an ICT model at the school will have an impact on many operational and management systems. In this section of the assessment, develop an impact study (a narrative or chart) that identifies the potential impact the change to ICT classrooms may have on the sub-systems listed below and how you might approach/solve these potential challenges. System Potential Impact Possible approach/solution to minimize any challenges to implementation Budget Human Resources: staffing and programming Human Resources: professional development Facilities Technological resources Safety Legal Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 3 Standard and Critical Elements Above Standard (3pts) At Standard (2pts) Below Standard Rati (1 pt) ng Candidate understands and can collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment. (ELCC 4.1) The candidate showed advanced understanding of the collaborative process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, including needs assessment data, and authentically involves families and the community in the decision making process. The candidate showed adequate understanding of the collaborative process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, including needs assessment data, and authentically involves families and the community in the decision making process. The candidate showed limited to no understanding of collaborative development articulation implementation, and stewarding a shared vision of learning for a school. The candidate showed limited to no skill in developing and formulating a comprehensive plan for communicating the school vision to appropriate school constituencies. Look for: A collaborative process to collect, analyze and interpret school, student, faculty, and community information A communication process to share information about the school within the community Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 4 Standard and Critical Elements Above Standard (3pts) At Standard (2pts) Below Standard Rati (1 pt) ng Candidate can understand and mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and use of the diverse cultural, social and intellectual resources within the school community. (4.2) The candidate showed advanced understanding of the collaborative process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, including needs assessment data, and authentically involves families and the community in the decision making process. The candidate showed adequate understanding of the collaborative process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, including needs assessment data, and authentically involves families and the community in the decision making process. The candidate showed limited to no understanding of collaborative development articulation implementation, and stewarding a shared vision of learning for a school. The candidate showed limited to no skill in developing and formulating a comprehensive plan for communicating the school vision to appropriate school constituencies. Look for: Identification of diverse community resources to improve school programs Use of diverse community resources to improve school programs Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 5 Standard and Critical Elements Above Standard (3pts) At Standard (2pts) Below Standard Rati (1 pt) ng Candidate can understand and respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school relationships with families and caregivers and with community partners. (4.3, 4.4) The candidate showed advanced understanding of the collaborative process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, including needs assessment data, and authentically involves families and the community in the decision making process. The candidate showed adequate understanding of the collaborative process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, including needs assessment data, and authentically involves families and the community in the decision making process. The candidate showed limited to no understanding of collaborative development articulation implementation, and stewarding a shared vision of learning for a school. Look for: Use of a needs assessment data from families and caregivers Use of needs assessment data from community partners Communication process to respond to, build and sustain positive school relationships with families, caregivers and community partners Collaboration with families and community partners in the decisionmaking process of the school The candidate showed limited to no skill in developing and formulating a comprehensive plan for communicating the school vision to appropriate school constituencies. Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 6 Standard and Critical Elements Above Standard (3pts) At Standard (2pts) Below Standard Rati (1 pt) ng Candidate understands and can monitor and evaluate school management and operational systems (ELCC 3.1) The candidate showed advanced understanding in collecting and using data for learning, organizational effectiveness, strategic program planning, implementation and evaluation of school improvement and variables that affect student achievement. The candidate showed adequate understanding in collecting and using data for learning, organizational effectiveness, strategic program planning, implementation and evaluation of school improvement and variables that affect student achievement. The candidate showed limited to no understanding in collecting and using data for learning, organizational effectiveness, strategic program planning, implementation and evaluation of school improvement and variables that affect student achievement. Look for: Analysis of school processes and operations to identify and prioritize strategic and tactical challenges Identification of school operational policies and procedures to be implemented to meet challenges; Plan to implement and manage long-range plan for the school The candidate showed advanced skill in developing and using strategic planning processes, schoolbased strategic goals, collaboratively developing plans to achieve goals. The candidate showed limited The candidate to no skill in showed adequate skill in developing and developing and using strategic planning using strategic processes, planning school-based processes, strategic goals, school-based collaboratively strategic goals, developing plans collaboratively Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 7 developing plans to achieve goals. to achieve goals. Standard and Critical Elements Candidate can understand and promote school-based policies and procedures that protect the welfare and safety of students and staff. (3.3) Look for: school wide safety and security measures for students, faculty and visitors school wide discipline policies and plan including evaluation of plan itself Above Standard (3pts) At Standard (2pts) Below Standard Rati (1 pt) ng The candidate showed advanced understanding of how to efficiently and effectively apply principals of management and operational systems to support schools in reaching their goals, specifically in the areas of fiscal and budget allocation and planning, human resource allocation and development, facilities, safety and security, and building staff capacity in a distributed leadership model The candidate showed adequate understanding of how to efficiently and effectively apply principals of management and operational systems to support schools in reaching their goals, specifically in the areas of fiscal and budget allocation and planning, human resource allocation and development, facilities, safety and security, and building staff capacity in a distributed leadership model The candidate showed limited to no understanding of continual and sustained improvement models and process, school change processes, and the role of professional learning in supporting school improvement. The candidate showed limited to no skill identifying strategies to promote school improvement, designing transformational change plan Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 8 Standard and Critical Elements Candidate can understand and develop school capacity for distributed leadership. Candidate can understand and ensure that teacher and organizational time focuses on supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning. (3.4, 3.5) Look for: staff assignment, use of time and professional learning needs development of leadership capacity of staff involvement of staff in decision-making and leadership (distributed leadership) Above Standard (3pts) At Standard (2pts) Below Standard Rati (1 pt) ng The candidate showed advanced understanding of how to efficiently and effectively apply principals of management and operational systems to support schools in reaching their goals, specifically in the areas of fiscal and budget allocation and planning, human resource allocation and development, facilities, safety and security, and building staff capacity in a distributed leadership model The candidate showed adequate understanding of how to efficiently and effectively apply principals of management and operational systems to support schools in reaching their goals, specifically in the areas of fiscal and budget allocation and planning, human resource allocation and development, facilities, safety and security, and building staff capacity in a distributed leadership model The candidate showed limited to no understanding of continual and sustained improvement models and process, school change processes, and the role of professional learning in supporting school improvement. The candidate showed limited to no skill identifying strategies to promote school improvement, designing transformational change plan Total p Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 9 Grading Guide (aligned with Hunter College grading scale) Assignment G (Total pts. divided by 18, x100, converted to grad grading guide b Above Standard At Standard Below Standar Develop A, A+ (92.5B, B+, A- (82.5Below C, C, 100% or 3.8-4.0) 92.4% or 3.0(0-82.4% o A+ = 97.5-100% 3.7) 2.9) = 4.0 A- = 90.0-92.4% B- = 80.0-8 A = 92.5-97.4% = = 3.7 = 2.7 3.8-4.0 B+ = 87.5-89.9% C+ = 77.5-7 = 3.3 = 2.3 B = 82.5-87.4% = C = 70.0-77 3.0 2.0 D = 60.0-69 1.0 F = 0.0-59.9 0 Key Assessment 6, Standards 3 & 4, Course 721 | 10