A Warmer World - Auburn University

A Warmer World?
An Engineering Teaching Kit developed by:
Bridgette Baugher
Nick Justensen
Devin Mai
Luke Scruby
Sean Yein
December 15, 2006
MAE 491
A Warmer World? is a five day lesson plan which teaches basic heat transfer and
engineering design by studying the causes and effects of global warming. The lesson
culminates with a design project in which students try to control the temperature of a
system set up to mimic earth’s atmosphere by applying the principles of heat transfer.
Key Concepts Covered:
 Engineering Design Process
 Conservation of Energy
 Heat Transfer
 Greenhouse Effect
 Carbon Cycle
Mission: Teach students how engineers change the world by teaching the science behind
global warming in conjunction with an engineering design project.
Luke Scruby
Bridgette Baugher
Sean Yein
Nick Justesen
Devin Mai
Table of Contents
Virginia Standards of Learning Covered
Lesson Plan Overview
------------------------- 4
----------------------------------- 5
Materials List - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Day 1 Lesson Plan – The Greenhouse Effect - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Keeling Curve Handout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Greenhouse Effect Worksheet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ice in Jar Experiment Procedure
Day 2 Lesson Plan – What is the Carbon Cycle?
-------------------Five Fun Facts Handout
-----------------------------Is Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Really Linked to Earth’s Temperature? Business as Usual Handout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Earth’s Atmosphere: What it is and What it Does - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Day 3 Lesson Plan – How is Earth Like a Greenhouse? Thermodynamics of Earth 18
How is Earth Like A Greenhouse Handout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20
How is Earth Like A Greenhouse: Luke’s Answer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21
The Greenhouse Effect: Earth’s Atmosphere - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22
Radiative Forcing Handout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23
Predictions for the Future
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24
Day 4 Lesson Plan – Design Project - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keeping and Blocking Radiation Assignment
-------------Design Experiment Handout - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Design Experiment Handout, Teacher Copy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Day 5 Lesson Plan – Grading Design Projects and Conclusion - - - - - - - - - - - Evaluation of Design Spreadsheet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Additional Resources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
References and Citations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Virginia Standards of Learning Covered
SCI.CHE.1 The student will investigate and understand experiments in which variables
are measured, analyzed, and evaluated, produce observations and verifiable data.
SCI.CHE.3 The student will investigate and understand how conservation of energy and
matter is expressed in chemical formulas and balanced equations.
SCI.PHY.1 The student will investigate and understand how to plan and conduct
investigations in which:
the components of a system are defined
instruments are selected and used to extend observations and measurements of
mass, volume, temperature, heat exchange, energy transformations, motion,
fields, and electric charge
information is recorded and presented in an organized format
Metric units are used in all measurements and calculations
the limitations of the experimental apparatus and design are recognized
the limitations of measured quantities through the appropriate use of significant
figures or error ranges are recognized; and
data gathered from non-SI instruments are incorporated through appropriate
SCI.PHY.6 The student will investigate and understand that quantities including mass,
energy, momentum, and charge are conserved.
SCI.PHS.6 The student will investigate and understand states and forms of energy and
how energy is transferred and transformed. Key concepts include: potential and kinetic
energy; mechanical, chemical, and electrical energy; and heat, light, and sound.
SCI.PHS.7 The student will investigate and understand temperature scales, heat, and heat
transfer. Key concepts include: absolute zero, phase change, freezing point, melting
point, boiling point, conduction, convection, radiation, vaporization, and condensation.
SCI.PHS.9 The student will investigate and understand the nature and technological
applications of light. Key concepts include: reflection, refraction, particle theory, wave
theory; and the electromagnetic spectrum.
Lesson Plan Overview
Day 1: What is Global Warming?
Difference between Engineering and Science
What is Global Warming? Class answers
What is Global Warming? Our presentation
Questions and Discussion
Homework: Write 5 sentences explaining what Global Warming is. List sources. Give
them 3 source websites. Fill in “The Greenhouse Effect” Worksheet.
Day 2: What is the carbon cycle?
Recap of Global Warming
What is the carbon cycle? Class answers
Candle in Jar experiment
Presentation on Carbon Cycle
Questions and Discussion
Demonstration: Candle sealed in jar which goes out.
Day 3: Greenhouse Effect Thermodynamics
How does the Greenhouse effect work?
Introduction to Thermodynamics
Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Presentation on Earth’s Heat Transfer
Radiative Forcing of the Atmosphere
Day 4: Design Project
Discussion on the experiments and materials
Questions and Discussion
Day 5: Test and Present Projects
Redesign, test, and present designs
Evaluate Designs
Questions and Flex time
Materials List
Day 1: What is Global Warming?
Two identical glass jars
2 cups cold water
10 ice cubes
One clear plastic bag
Day 2: What is the carbon cycle?
jar with lid
Day 3: Greenhouse Effect Thermodynamics
Day 4: Design Project
Two 2Liter Bottles
Two Ball of Clay
5 Thermometers or a thermocouple with five leads
Cotton Ball
Aluminum Foil
1 lb dry ice
1 can compressed gas duster
Tape (Scotch)
Day 5: Test and Present Projects
Same materials as day four
Day 1 Lesson Plan:
What is Global Warming?
Introduce students to engineering as a discipline
Discuss the difference between science and engineering
Introduce the topics of Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect.
Introduce ourselves
Tell them the subject of the lecture series: “Global Warming”
Tell them what they will learn:
o Global Warming
o Carbon Cycle
o Conduction, Convection, Radiation
o Engineering Design Process
Difference between Engineering and Science
A scientist is an expert in at least one area of science. Engineers use creativity,
technology, and scientific knowledge to solve practical problems.
Material Scientist studies different properties of materials: strength, ability to bend,
ability to conduct electricity, ect
Mechanical Engineer – develops new products using the information the scientist found.
Have an obligation to make things better for all of society.
Discussion Points:
Discuss everyday objects in the classroom and how scientists and
engineers were involved in making them.
What kind of people are engineers?
See: http://www.guidemenacme.org/guideme/likeyou/
Why is it important for women to become engineers?
Statistics: Women comprise 25 percent of the technology work force, while men
make up 75 percent. Women hold 10 percent of the nation's top technology jobs,
while men have 90 percent, according to the National Science Foundation.
"The differences between men and women in science and engineering education
programs and careers are not due to men being better or women being weaker," says
William Newman, a math and science education professor at Chicago's Illinois Institute
of Technology. "In fact, girls tend to earn higher grades than boys in science and math
courses. However, they are not pursuing science and engineering in college or as careers
at the same rate as boys. The difference is instead tied to societal expectations of men and
women, and roles colored by gender stereotypes."
For more information consult:
What is Global Warming? Get answers from the class
Specific Questions to ask:
What is it?
Where is it happening?
Who causes it?
Why should we be concerned?
How can we help to fix the problem?
What is Global Warming? Explain in more detail.
Clips from An Inconvenient Truth – segment from where he describes sun and
how it affects the earth, and cartoon.
Show how its is affecting earth – through pictures
Incorporate experiment
Experiment, Questions and Discussion
Conduct “Ice in Jar” Experiment
Assign “The Greenhouse Effect” Worksheet as homework
Discussion and Questions
Homework: Write 5 sentences explaining what Global Warming is. List sources. Give
them 3 source websites. Fill in “The Greenhouse Effect” Worksheet.
The Keeling Curve
The figure above shows the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas in the atmosphere
as measured at the Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii. The data is collected contiunously,
then averaged for each month before being plotted. This curve is known as the Keeling
curve because Dr. Charles Keeling was the first to notice that atmospheric CO2 is
relatively uniformly distributed throughout most of the atmosphere and that, while it
varies each year it is also increasing. Dr. Keeling also helped discover that the annual
fluctuation is because of forests in the northern hemisphere store more carbon in summer
and release more in winter. Other measurements from all around the world show the
same trend.
The figure is from the Scripps Institute CO2 Program. To read more about Dr. Keeling’s
work or to find the graph online, go to http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/
The Greenhouse Effect
Information Sources:
Using what you learned today and the websites listed above, write 1 or
2 sentences IN YOUR OWN WORDS to answer the following questions.
1. What is the greenhouse effect? ____________________
2. What types of activities increase the amount of
greenhouse gases in our atmosphere? _________________
3. Do you think that it is important to reduce the amount of
greenhouse gases we send out into our atmosphere? Why or
why not? ________________________________________
4. What is one thing that you can do to reduce the amount
of greenhouse gases you or your family uses? ___________
On my honor as a student, I have looked at least one of the websites
or books listed above, and I have neither given nor received aid on the
writing portion of this assignment.
Name: ____________
Date: ______
Experiment – Ice in Jar
1. Two identical glass jars
2. 2 cups cold water
3. 10 ice cubes
4. One clear plastic bag
5. Thermometer
Take two identical glass jars each containing 2 cups of cold water.
Add 5 ice cubes to each jar.
Wrap one in a plastic bag (this is the greenhouse glass).
Leave both jars in the sun for one hour.
Measure the temperature of the water in each jar.
What you will discover:
In bright sunshine, the air inside a greenhouse becomes warm. The greenhouse glass lets
in the sun's light energy and some of its heat energy. This heat builds up inside the
greenhouse. You just showed a small greenhouse effect. What could happen if this
greenhouse effect changed the Earth's climate?
Another version of a greenhouse is what happens inside an automobile parked in the sun.
The sun's light and heat gets into the vehicle and is trapped inside, like the plastic bag
around the jar. The temperature inside a car can get over 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49
degrees Celsius).
For more about Global Climate Change, visit the State of California's Climate Change
Portal at: http://www.climatechange.ca.gov.
Day 2 Lesson Plan
What is the Carbon Cycle?
 Students will understand that carbon is critical to the biosphere and must continue
cycling to support life on earth.
 Students will understand and be able to identify carbon sources, sinks, and release
agents in the carbon cycle.
 Students should know the good and bad effects related to the balance of carbon
Recap of Global Warming
 Give a brief introduction on Global Warming/ Ask the students what they
know about Global Warming after they have done the homework.
 Go over the homework questions “The Greenhouse Effect”
What is the carbon cycle? Class answers
What is the carbon cycle? Presentation:
The movement of carbon, in its many forms, between the biosphere, atmosphere,
oceans, and geosphere is described by the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is one of the
biogeochemical cycles. In the cycle there are various sinks, or stores, of carbon and
processes by which the various sinks exchange carbon.
Candle in Jar demonstration
Candle in Jar Demonstration:
Demonstrate that combustion consumes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.
Materials needed:
 a jar with lid
 a candle
 lighter
Before the experiment: ask the student to explain what they think will happen to
the lighted candle in the jar when we close the lid?
Put the lighted candle in the jar close the lid and notice the light goes out.
During the experiment: Ask the student to observe and notice what happen to the
After the experiment: Ask them what do they think happen to the candle now that
they have seen what have happened.
Presentation on Carbon Cycle
Power point presentation and animated movie clips on carbon cycle.
Questions and Discussion
Pass out Five Fun Facts Handout.
For more information on carbon cycle experiment go to: http://www.promotega.org
How to save the world:
1. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs everywhere and turn off any light when
not in use.
 Less energy use result in less CO2 emissions.
 Bulbs will last a long time (10 years)
 Slow down global warming
2. Recycle everything you can.
 Less energy use to recycle than to make the same thing again
 Reduce CO2 emissions
 Reduce amount of toxins released in the community
 Slow down global warming
3. Turn your thermostat down in the winter and up in the summer. Even 1 or 2
degree will reduce a lot of CO2 in long term.
 Saves money
 Reduce CO2 emissions
 Slow down global warming
4. Plant lots of trees
 Offset CO2 emissions (tree absorb CO2 and give off oxygen)
 Slow down global warming
5. When ever possible, walk, bike, use a carpool or mass transit. If you plan to
buy a new car, buy the one with high gas mileage.
 Save you gas money
 Less energy use
 Reduce CO2 emissions
 Slow down global warming
*For more information on how to save the world, please visit the following reference.
Is Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Really
Linked to Earth’s Temperature?
Figure 1 plots both the global average temperature (blue) and the concentration of carbon
dioxide gas in the atmosphere (red). The time scale (y axis) is in thousands of years
before present, which is why the recent rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide as a result of
humans burning fossil fuels since the industrial revolution appears to be a vertical line.
Figure 2 shows the temperature over the last 2000 years in more detail. Human fossil
fuel use, and thus carbon dioxide emissions have increased dramatically since the mid1800’s. Scientists agree that this is at least partly responsible for the steady warming
trend of the last 150 years. The different color lines represent different methods of
calculating the temperature.
Source: Figure 1 was created by A.V. Fedorov and others for publication in the journal
Science 312, 1485 (2006). Figure 2 is from Surface Temperature Reconstructions by the
National Academy of Sciences. Both are available online on the Environmental
Protection Agency’s website: http://epa.gov/climatechange/science/pastcc.html#causes
Business as Usual
“If the rate of fossil-fuel burning continues to rise on a business-as-usual trajectory, such
that humanity exhausts the reserves over the next few centuries, CO2 will continue to rise
to levels of order 1500 ppm. The atmosphere will not return to pre-industrial levels even
tens of thousands of years into the future. Unless serious efforts are made to reduce the
dependence on fossil fuels, it is clear that we are on a threshold of a new era of geologic
history, one with climate very different that by of our ancestors.”
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
“To slow the rate of anthropogenic-induced climate change in the 21st century
and to minimize its eventual magnitude, societies will need to manage the
climate forcing factors that are directly influenced by human activities, in
particular greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions.”
-National Oceanagraphic and Atmpospheric Administration,
Earth System Research Laboratory statement on Climate Forcing.
The graph above is from the Scripps Insitution of Oceanography and is available
at: http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/program_history/keeling_curve_lessons_4.html. The Earth
System Research Laboratory website is http://www.cmdl.noaa.gov/about/climate.html
Earth’s Atmosphere:
What it is and What it Does
Composition of Earth's Atmposhere
Carbon Dioxide
Earth’s Atmosphere contains 0.035% Carbon Dioxide gas. Compare this to Mars, which
has virtually no gaseous Carbon Dioxide and an average temperature of about -50 C. The
atmosphere of Venus has about 96% Carbon Dioxide and an average temperature of 420
C. The distance a planet is from the sun also has a strong effect on its average
Without the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere the Earth’s average temperature would
be -20 C instead of 15 C.
Sources: picture of earth and sun, http://science.howstuffworks.com/global-warming.htm
Atmospheric cross-section, http://curriculum.calstatela.edu/courses/builders/lessons/less/les3/layers.html
Atmospheric temp. profile: http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/highlandsprings/meunier_j/atmosphere.jpg
Day 3 Lesson Plan
How is Earth Like a Greenhouse?
Thermodynamics of the Earth
How is Earth Like a Greenhouse?
Ask the students to explain how a greenhouse works. Is it warmer than outside or
colder? Why? Pass out How is Earth Like a Greenhouse Worksheet and give them 5
minutes to write down their answers.
Introduction to Thermodynamics
What is Energy? Ask the class for answers, then provide:
The ability or capacity to do work. Alternatively: The ability to make something happen.
Energy has many different forms:
Kinetic – Energy of motion
Potential – energy of position
Chemical – energy in molecular structure
Thermal (a.k.a. internal) – energy of molecular motion
Radiant – energy of electromagnetic waves
Electrical – either kinetic and potential energy on an atomic scale
Have class provide an example of each type. What is a machine? Answer: a device that
transmits or modifies energy. Or any mechanical or electrical device transmits or
modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks.
Explain the use of the Fahrenheit, Rankine Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales.
T(R) = 1.8T(K)
T(C) = T(K)-273.15
T(F) = T(R) – 459.67
Conduction, Convection, Radiation
Present the three methods through which heat is transferred from one body or
system to another.
Conduction is energy transfer within a body. Q = k*A*(T2-T1)/L
The rate of heat transfer between two points is equal to the area, A across which the heat
is being transferred times the temperature difference from one point to another (T2-T1)
times the thermal conductivity of the material, k. An example of heat transfer through
conduction is the handle of a cast iron skillet being hot while cooking.
Convection is energy transfer between a body and a moving fluid.
Q = k*A*(Tb-Tf)
The rate of heat transfer by convection is equal to the heat transfer
coefficient, k times the area in contact with the fluid, A times the difference between the
temperature of the body and the temperature of the fluid. An example of heat transfer by
convection is the cooling effect of blowing on a hot drink.
Radiation is energy transfer by electromagnetic radiation. Q = ε*σ*A*(Tb)4 The
rate of heat transfer is equal to the emmisivity of the body, ε times the Stefan-Boltzman
constant, σ times the Area of the body, A times the temperature Tb raised to the fourth
power. An example of heat transfer by radiation is the warmth you feel under a bright
Radiative Forcing of the Atmosphere
Pass out handout on Radiative Forcing and How is Earth Like a Greenhouse:
Luke’s Answer. Talk about factors which can effect the temperature balance of
the earth.
Albedo is the ratio of (reflected light/incident light) for a given body. This
provides a measure of how much of the energy that hits a body as light bounces
off and how much is absorbed. The Albedo effect is the change in reflectivity of
the earth which results because of melting polar ice, which reflects more light
than the ocean, thus lowering the earths total Albedo and making the earth
Introduce the rough outline of the design project so that students can have time to
think of ways to control the temperature of their systems through modifying the
atmosphere, albedo and radiative forcing.
How is Earth like a Greenhouse?
Explain in your own words how it is that the gases in the Earth’s Atmosphere are like the
walls of a greenhouse: _____________________________________________________
Do all gases in air contribute to the greenhouse effect or only some? Which gases
contribute? ______________________________________________________________
How is Earth Like a Greenhouse?
Luke’s Answer:
The Earth can be thought of as a closed system. Almost no mass enters or leaves the
Earth’s atmosphere. The same can be said of a sealed greenhouse.
Energy on the other hand does enter and leave the Earth. Almost all of the energy
coming to Earth comes from the sun as sunlight or solar radiation. All types of radiation
can be classified by wavelength. The radiation from the sun has short wavelengths
mostly in the visible spectrum of light, meaning that it can be seen by the human eye.
The Earth radiates energy with longer wavelengths then solar radiation. The figure below
shows the amount of energy carried with respect to wavelength.
Most of the solar energy from the sun passes through the atmosphere and is absorbed by
the earth, causing the earth to warm. Simultaneously some the sun’s energy is absorbed
by the atmosphere, and some is reflected off. Earth also emits energy to the atmosphere,
and the atmosphere reflects some of that energy back down to the Earth. This insulating
effect of keeping the surface of the earth warm by trapping energy in the atmosphere is
what is known as the greenhouse effect.
Blank to add gh effect handout
Radiative Forcing
Radiative Forcing is the amount which a given change effects the incoming or outgoing
radiation of energy from the earth. For example doubling the amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere relative to its current value causes a shift of between 1.5 and 4.5
Celsius. The forcing effects of carbon dioxide and methane are shown in the table below.
Trace Element
Carbon Dioxide, CO2
Methane, CH4
Forcing Function
ΔF = αln(C/C0)
ΔF = β(M1/2 - Mo1/2) - [f(M,No) f(Mo,No)]
Constants involved
Α = 5.35, C0 = 278 ppm
Β = 0.036, M0 = 700 ppb,
N0 = 270 ppb
For more information on the Radiative forcing effects of greenhouse gases see:
Figure 1. Radiative forcing effects of various factors and the current
level of the scientific knowledge about their impact.
Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, The Scientific Basis, 2001.
Available online at: http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/index.htm
Predictions for the Future
The top left graph shows projected carbon emissions, in Giga tons ( 1 giga = 109 =
1000000000), from human sources over the next hundred years. The biggest sources are
burning fossil fuels for heat, electricity, transportation and industrial uses, agriculture and
construction. The graph at the top right shows how these emissions are projected to
accumulate in the atmosphere. The graph on the bottom show the projected change in
global climate which will result from the different scenarios.
Source: United Nations Vital Climate Change Graphics, February 2006. The source data
is from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. For more information go to:
Day 4 Lesson Plan
Design Project
Discussion on the experiments and materials
The project will be a demonstration of greenhouse effect
The experiment will be a simulation of Earth and the atmosphere
Conduct experiment mentioned below
The objective for this experiment is to simulate two environments, one
that will trap the most radiation and the other trap the least radiation
The students will be building their simulation of Earth and the atmosphere. If
time allows, students can re-design their environment
We will test the bottles and observe the temperature difference of the two clay
Questions and Discussion
Discuss the results of the testing
Homework: Think about other possibilities of trapping more radiation and losing more
radiation by using different materials and come to class tomorrow prepared to modify
your experiment. (See homework sheet below)
Keeping and Blocking Radiation
Using what you learned today write 1 or 2 sentences to answer the following questions.
1. What material(s) did you and your group use to trap the radiation in the
2. What materials given to you today do you think would trap the most radiation?
3. What material(s) did you and your group use to block the radiation in the
4. What materials given to you today do you think would block the most radiation?
5. What other materials can you think of to bring from home that would help trap
or block radiation in the experiment?
6. Think about the experiment you and your group have done today at home. Bring
in new materials for modification to your experiment tomorrow.
Student Copy of Experiment
A Warmer World?
Design Experiment
1. Two 2Liter Bottles
2. Two Ball of Clay
3. Two Thermocouples
4. Cotton Ball
5. Dirt
6. Aluminum Foil
7. 1 lb dry ice
8. 1 can compressed gas duster
9. Tape (Scotch)
To create a simulation of Earth and its atmosphere. Each team will have enough
materials to create two simulations. For one simulation of Earth, the objective is to create
an environment that would trap the most radiation, and for the second simulation, it
would trap the least radiation
What to do Cut a 2-Liter bottle from the middle as shown in figure
Place materials inside both the top and bottom half of the bottle, such as cotton ball,
dirt, aluminum foil, gasses
Place a thermocouple in the clay ball just slightly beneath the surface
Place the clay ball in the bottom half of the 2-Liter Bottle
Tape the top half of the bottle back onto the bottom half
Repeat step 1 through 5 with the 2nd 2-Liter bottle but with different insulation
Place both bottles under a radiation source, such as a light source
A Warmer World?
Design Experiment: Teacher Copy
1. Two 2Liter Bottles
2. Two Ball of Clay
3. Two Thermocouples
4. Cotton Ball
5. Dirt
6. Aluminum Foil
7. Various gases
8. Tape (Scotch)
To create a simulation of Earth and its atmosphere. Each team will have enough
materials to create two simulations. For one simulation of Earth, the objective is to create
an environment that would trap the most radiation, and for the second simulation, it
would trap the least radiation
Before the Experiment
Teacher should make sure that every student is in a group, with the materials provided
ready on the table
What to do 1. Cut a 2-Liter bottle from the middle as shown in figure
Teachers should walk around and make sure students are using scissors or cutting
tools properly to prevent injury
2. Place materials inside both the top and bottom half of the bottle, such as cotton
ball, dirt, aluminum foil, gasses
3. Place the temperature sensor in the clay ball just slightly beneath the surface
4. Place the clay ball in the bottom half of the 2-Liter Bottle
5. Tape the top half of the bottle back onto the bottom half
Using scotch is preferred over using glue. Students need to make sure when they tape
the bottle back together, there’s no air leak between the bottle
6. Repeat step 1 through 5 with the 2nd 2-Liter bottle but with different insulation
7. Place both bottles under a radiation source, such as a light source
Day 5 Lesson Plan
Grading Design Projects and Conclusion
Students will redesign their soda bottles based on what they thought about the
night before.
Redesign, test, and present designs
Students finish up their projects and as they are completed we begin to test them.
The groups that are finished can draw their designs on a piece of paper and
explain the reasoning for each item in front of the class.
Students are asked what they learned from the week and why.
Write the concepts learned on a large piece of paper with colorful markers using
words or pictures, have the teacher or the students do this. Hang the banner on the
Evaluate Designs
During this time the results of the testing are confirmed and presented using the
evaluation sheet (see excel file).
The teams should be ranked by performance in both categories and overall.
Questions and Flex time
We ask the students what they liked and didn’t like about the week. For teachers
this time can be used to allow more time to the review and evaluation time
We thank the class and say goodbye.
Design Evaluation (Teacher Notes)
The Evaluation Sheet is based off a 1 to 5 scale, with 5 being the best score that
can be obtained on a specific area.
The different areas are weighted according to importance in the design.
The provided excel spread sheet will calculate the values automatically, but the
teacher must use their best judgment for grading, using the best and worst groups
as measures for 5s and 1s respectively.
A word format copy of the spreadsheet is provided below, but the excel format
copy should be used since it will automatically calculate grades.
Additional Resources
http://www.usgcrp.gov/ - US Global Change Research Program
- EPA Climate Change Site
http://magma.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0409/feature1/ - National Geographic Site,
lots of great links at bottom
http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/ - Scripps CO2 Program, background about Dr. Keeling
http://scrippsco2.ucsd.edu/publications/keelling_tellus_1960.pdf - Keeling’s 1960 article
first warning of the accumulation of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
http://www.ftexploring.com/energy/definition.html - Discussion of the definition of
http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/212.htm - United Nations Environmental
Programmes Vital Climate Change Graphics, lots of good pictorial explanations of
science behind global warming.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/12/photogalleries/global_warming/ Pictures from a warmer world, before and after pictures showing the effects of Global
Climate Change.
http://science.howstuffworks.com/global-warming.htm - How Stuff Works explanation of
Global Warming
x.html#greenhouse – University of Michigan explanation of Planetary Temperature
http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/015.htm - IPCC information on radiative
Sources of Pictures and Figures
Not Cited in Text
http://www.geodesic-greenhousekits.com/Images/General/New/GrowingSpaces_colorkitL.jpg - drawing of greenhouse
http://science.howstuffworks.com/global-warming.htm - drawing of earth and sun
http://www.grida.no/climate/vital/03.htm - Greenhouse Effect Earth’s Atmosphere
http://curriculum.calstatela.edu/courses/builders/lessons/less/les3/layers.html - crosssectional diagram of Earth’s Atmosphere
http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/highlandsprings/meunier_j/atmosphere.jpg temperature profile of atmosphere
http://www.learn.londonmet.ac.uk/packages/clear/visual/daylight/sun_sky/sun.html fspectral distribution of sunlight