FUNERALS APPLICATION FORM FOR TOMBSTONE 1. DETAILS OF APPLICANT TITTLE MR MRS MS INITIALS : SURNAME : NAME & SURNAME : IDENTITY NUMBER : DATE OF BIRTH: RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: WORK TEL: HOME TEL: CELL: EMAIL: 2. DETAILS OF DECEASED SURNAME: NAMES: DATE OF BIRTH: DATE OF DEATH: DATE OF BURIAL: DATE OF INSTALLATION: PLACE OF INSTALLATION: GRAVE NO: 3.1 CASH PAYMENT TYPE OF STONE MATERIAL TOMBSTONE PRICE R R POLISH ALL FRNT CODE/SIZE LETTERING R HEAD STONE ACCESORIES R KERBS TOMBSTONE FEE R CHIPS OTHER R LEDGER SPECIAL REQUEST R FLOWER POT R STATUE R BIRBLE R PHOTO FRAME R ENGRAVED PHOTO TOTAL AMOUNT R R MESSAGE __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3.2. INSTALMENT PURCHASE 3 MONTHS+ 10% DEPOSIT AMOUNT 6 MONTHS R 12 MONTHS+10% Over 12 months Balance + 10% MONTLY INSTALLMENT R__________ + R__________ (lettering)+ R____________ (accessories) = TOTAL INCEPTION DATE PAYABLE MONTHLY R_________________ DATE OF AMOUNT REC NO RECIEVED BY PAYMENT BALANCE DUE 1ST PAYMENT 2ND PAYMENT 3RD PAYMENT 4TH PAYMENT 5TH PAYMENT 6TH PAYMENT 7TH PAYMENT 8TH PAYMENT 9TH PAYMENT 10TH PAYMENT 11TH PAYMENT 12TH PAYMENT FINAL PAYMENT DATE 4. TERMS & CONDITIONS 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Payment agreement must be kept according to agreement should a payment be skipped there will be a fine Installations exceeding 100km will be charged for transportation There will be no refund should you decide to cancel the tombstone before the end of the agreed period. Tombstone fee is paid by applicant to the relevant cemetery and is payable before tombstone is erected I___________________________________________________ Id No: _________________________________ understand and agree with the terms and conditions set out in this document, I have read and understood them, everything has been explained to me clearly in the language that I understand. I undertake to abide by these terms and condition. I therefore state that the information I provided is true and if false I will take full responsibility for it. _______________________ ________________________ SIGNATURE DATE ______________________________________ Kgatso Funerals (Sales Agent/Branch Manager) SPECIAL DESIGN SKECTH OR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FROM THE FAMILY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AFTER INSTALLATION REPORT PERSON CALLING: _____________________________ DATE: _____________________________________ PERSON CONTACTED: _________________________ PHONE NO USED: _____________________________ FAMILY COMMENTS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MEMORIAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT This agreement will become binding as soon as this document is signed by both parties. Only original receipts issued by Kgatso Funerals will be accepted as proof of payment. KGATSO FUNERALS GUARANTEES THE TOMBSTONE 5 years from the date of delivery against cracking of the tombstone. The purchaser acknowledging that Granite and marble are natural products and may vary in colour and grain structure. The guarantee excludes damage resulting from normal wear and decay as well as damages caused through vandalism, natural forces and disaster. This guarantee will lapse in the event of the memorial being removed by any party but Kgatso Funerals. Please note that the memorial is in no way to be touched before the cement has dried (1 day) in which case the guarantee will be also lapse. There will be NO REFUND, if the PURCHASER decides to cancel his agreement with KGATSO FUNERALS. BURIAL AND UNVEILING KGATSO FUNERALS will, from the instructions of the customer be able to erect the tombstone on the same day as the burial or on a grave considered to have already stabilized. And we will do our best to erect the tombstone of high quality and standard. However it must be noted that where the tombstone subside after sometime as a result of grave instability, KGATSO FUNERALS will accept no responsibility on repairs, damage or replacements caused by such. I, __________________________________________________________________ the undersigned hereby agree to have read and understood the above declaration by KGATSO FUNERALS, and I agree that I shall purchase and not put any form of responsibility on the damage, repairs and replacements caused by subsiding of stones erected on the same day as burial or on a grave considered not to have already stabilized. __________________________________________________________ ____________________________ NAME AND SURNAME followed by Signature DATE __________________________________________________________ ____________________________ KGATSO FUNERALS SALES PERSON followed by Signature DATE __________________________________________________________ ____________________________ WITNESS DATE