Judging A Play

Judging A Play
Writing Informed, Useful Evaluations of Dramatic Works
There are many elements to consider
when evaluating a play.
 Turn to page 1152 in Book Three
 Also, remember that theaters impose
some conventions.
◦ Classic Greek Theater uses a CHORUS
◦ Many Shakespearian plays use SOLILIQUOY
◦ Some plays are MUSICALS.
Evaluating a Play
How well does the play fulfill its own
◦ If the play is a tragedy that wants you to feel for
the protagonist, has it done that?
Are the main characters fully rounded and
◦ Do their actions follow from their personalities?
Does the play rely on some deus ex machina
What is the theme?
◦ Is it universal? How easy is it to apply to the real
world outside of the play?
Aspects for Critique
What are your own reactions?
◦ It is impossible to truthfully judge a work
without involving our own reaction to it.
Be careful to distinguish a production
from the play itself.
◦ It is important to distinguish between direction,
acting, setting, etc that are elements of
production and the script itself.
Aspects for Critique
What type of play is it?
 What are the conventions of this type of play?
 How well does the play fulfill those conventions?
 Are the main characters fully realized?
 Do their actions follow from their personalities,
or do the actions seem imposed on them?
 Do any symbols stand out? What are their
 What emotion does the play evoke?
 What is the play’s theme? Is it universal?
Checklist for Evaluation
Please turn to page 1164 and answer
questions 7,12, and 14 about the play
 HINT- Reading the analysis of the play on
pgs 1164-1168 may help answer some
(AKA “ A Jury of Her Peers”)