Researching Pre- and Post-Colonial Nigerian Culture

Researching Pre- and Post-Colonial Nigerian Culture
- Whitling English 10
This is a modified version of the first Embedded Assessment in Springboard for Things Fall Apart. You will
choose an aspect of Nigerian culture and compare and contrast how that cultural aspect changed from precolonial to post-colonial Nigerian culture. You will prepare a document that presents this research, with a
summarizing paragraph that highlights the most interesting and relevant facts and details about your topic.
-Choose your topic. It can be a topic from the culture wheel, or something else, as long as there is enough
information about your topic.
-Create research questions to guide your research.
-Create a Google document with the following naming conventions:
Last Name & First Initial, Class Period and Topic and share it with me, also enabling me to edit:
Example: WhitlingJPeriod9NigerianGenderRoles
Note: If you created a document already, you must rename it to follow the naming conventions.
-Your document will present information about your cultural topic before and after colonialism in Nigeria. If you
can find information specific to the Ibo culture, that is even better, but you can focus primarily on Nigeria as a
whole. Cut and paste research, pictures, and other information about your topic. Make sure it is clearly
organized, and every source or website you use is cited, either next to the information or on a separate works
cited page. It should be formatted in a way that is easy to follow, visually engaging, and should reflect
understanding of how that aspect of the culture changed. There is no minimum or maximum length, your goal
is to present a document that provides the audience with enough information to have an understanding about
how your topic changed.
-When you are finished with the research, at the end of your Google document, write one paragraph
summarizing how your topic changed. Your paragraph should highlight the most interesting and relevant
facts and details found in your research. This must use your own words, but the rest of your research
presented may be directly pulled from your sources, just make sure you credit the source.
Grading: This assignment is worth a total of 35 points.
10 points for organization of information and visual presentation
10 points for depth, clarity and validity of content
10 points for summary paragraph
5 points for crediting your sources & following naming conventions
I am not going to show you exactly what these should look like – impress me, take some creative liberties, and
do your best to make them interesting, appealing and informative. I will choose a few of the best
documents and present them to the class. If your document is chosen, you receive 5 extra credit
points. This assignment falls under the standards-based category in the gradebook, which makes up the
biggest part of your grade, so it will significantly impact your grade, and getting extra credit on this assignment
is an excellent way to boost your overall grade in the class.
Due Date: Your document is due Tuesday 10/20 (Even Classes) or Wednesday
10/21 (Odd Classes). Be sure you enable the ability for me to edit the document,
as I will be writing your grade and comments directly on the document.
To turn it in, your finished document must be shared with me by the beginning of class on the due date.
If you are having any technological problems, you may also turn in a hard copy.