Impact of Land use change on Wetland in Lake Victoria Basin, Tanzania Shadrack Mwakalila Department of Geography, University of Dar es Salaam P. O. Box 35049, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA Tel: +255-713-271299; Fax: +255-22-2410393 *Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT This paper attempts to address how the land use change has resulted in degradation of the wetlands in Lake Victoria basin in Tanzania. The analyses drawn upon the use of remote sensing data coupled with some field data for assessment of wetland resources: land, forestry, agriculture settlement, grazing, and wetland management, and highlight the physical and technical characteristics of the resource. Landsat images used for vegetation mapping and land use/ cover change study were from: 1985, 1995, 2001 and 2005. Landsat satellite images were used to inform landscape qualities over broad areas under the study area. From interpretation, broad classes of land use/land cover were established and maps prepared. After ground truthing (field verification) was carried out, the broad classes of land use/land cover established by image interpretation were digitised and georeferenced to UTM co-ordinates Zone 36 using ARC/INFO and then fed into ARC/VIEW software for spatial analyses. Both supervised and unsupervised interpretation methods were used to extract different land use/land cover classes from the images. Visual interpretation was performed to discriminate those uses/covers which were spectrally inseparable. The area of each land cover type was calculated for each data set and the difference in aerial coverage between the various land cover types over time was then determined. The results indicates progressive depletion of wetland size as seen from changes in biomass cover on the floodplain drained by Simiyu river and its tributaries. There is progressive degradation of land resources in the Lake Victoria basin that the bare ground increased from 11.4% in 1985 to 37% in 2005. Keywords: land cover, Landsat satellite images, degradation of the wetlands. INTRODUCTION The riparian countries (Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania) in the recent years have seen the Lake Victoria drainage basin (LVDB) as a resource that requires rational management to protect it from pollution and degradation (Klohn and Andjelic, 2001). For this reason they have joined to assess the resources and the problems of the Lake, to develop management tools and to establish adequate institutions and capacity. With the growing population the multiple activities in the lake basin have increasingly come into conflict. This has contributed to rendering the lake environmentally unstable. The problems have arisen in the surrounding basins due to human activities. Subsistence agriculture is the major activity within the Lake’s watershed, but there are significant industrial developments. Fishing activity has exacerbated population pressure on the lake’s ecosystem. Ownership and management jurisdiction of the lake’s aquatic resources has caused concern. Pollution levels from farms and industries, and reclamation of wetlands for agriculture raise concern. Poverty levels are pushing the landless to the ecologically marginal wetlands. Therefore, the need for up-to-date and timely information on the Lake Victoria basin’s environment for sustainable development planning is crucial. Tanzania being a country that largely depends on its natural resources base for economic development, comprehensive information on its resources dynamics is key in implementing the poverty alleviation strategy, improving the human condition and preserving the biological systems upon which the country's population depends. Wetlands of LVDB can benefit greatly from satellite imaging because of the presence of particular biotic assemblages that are characteristic of particular conditions of growth. The application of Remote sensing to fully address the human aspects of land-cover change is well documented (Running, et al., 1994; Asrar, et al. 1992; Meyer and Turner, 1994; and Myneni, et al. 1995; Anyamba, et al., 2001; Anyamba, et al., 2002; FAO, 1995; Ojima, et al., 1994; Houghton, 1994). THE STUDY AREA Although the entire area of the Lake Victoria drainage basin (LVDB) is over 184,000 km2 (Kohln and Andlejic, 2001) this paper focus on Simiyu drainage basin of Magu district, Mwanza region. The basin is a sub-basin of LVDB (Figure 1). This case study is purposively chosen because it bears excellent examples of activities that threaten the sustainability of the LVDB wetlands. The Simiyu drainage basin comprises of a diversity of habitats, including a swampy area, riverine areas, ponds, seasonally inundated grassland, and bush land. The swampy area is dominated by Cyperus papyrus, and is associated with sedges, reeds, cattails and other plant species. The floodplains and drawdowns are used for agricultural purposes especially for cultivation of rice. The Simiyu Wetland is within the 242 Km² area, the focus of this study, and extends between 33º22'30" to 33º32'00"E and 2º31'00" to 2º38'00"S. The wetland is within a east-west extending trough (depression) and receives run off from mainly the highlands to the south. Magu Township is the main administration center in the area. Figure 1. The locational map of the Simiyu basin METHODOLOGY Landsat satellite data of 1973 (1973, 1985, 1995, and 2005 and topographic maps at a scale of 1:50 000 of 1978 constituted the input data for this study. Landsat image data were acquired from the Regional Mapping Centre for Research and Development in Nairobi, Kenya. Remote sensing technologies were applied in assessing (tracking) land use/cover changes at a temporal scale of a 10-year interval from 1973.The size of the farms and the vegetation cover changes mapped, coupled with the pixel size of the chosen satellite remote sensing data types, together provided the potential for accurate remote sensing assessment of the changes in land use and land cover in the four study sites. Image interpretation was made based on land cover types and supervised land cover classification computed from the various image dates. Tonal, hue values and image texture and structure were considered in making decisions on the land cover changes. The Landsat satellite data sets that were acquired and used for the analysis are given in Table 1. Table 1 Landsat satellite data sets for Simiyu Basin Mwanza TM P170/r062 Mar. 1985 TM P170/r062 Sept1995 ETM P170/r062 May 2001 ETM P170/r062 Jun2005 From interpretation, broad classes of land use/land cover were established and maps prepared. After ground truthing (field verification) was carried out, the broad classes of land use/land cover established by image interpretation were digitised and georeferenced to UTM co-ordinates Zone 36 using ARC/INFO and then fed into ARC/VIEW software for spatial analyses. Both supervised and unsupervised interpretation methods were used to extract different land use/land cover classes from the images. Visual interpretation was performed to discriminate those uses/covers which were spectrally inseparable. The area of each land cover type was calculated for each data set and the difference in aerial coverage between the various land cover types over time was then determined. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The land cover classification results from Satellite Images analysis, shows the area of land cover/use and the percentage (%) of those areas for each of the imaging date (see Table 2). Broad classes of land use/cover established by interpretation of Satellite Images of the study area were, bare ground, burnt area, clear water marshland vegetation, drained wetland, grassland, shrubland, riverine vegetation,farmland/cultivated areas, urban areas/settlement, forest and woodland. Forest is vegetation consisting of large and dense trees with definite bole or trunk can be natural or artificial, while woodland is vegetation consisting of trees and shrubs but not as dense as forest. Shrubs are trees that do not have definite bole or trunk. Farmland refers to land cultivated. Riverine vegetation is the vegetation along the river, which may be forest or woodland and urban areas or settlement is the area consisting of buildings where people reside. Table 2 Land Cover Classification Analysis Land cover/use Bare Ground Burnt Area Clear Water Dense Marshland Vegetation Drained Wetland Grassland Open Shrubland Riverine Vegetation Silted Water Small Scale Farmland Large Scale Farmland Wooded Shrubland Marshland Vegetation Urban Areas Indigenous Forest/vegetation 1985 Area (km2) 150.0 12.0 190.0 85.0 18.0 17.0 310.0 71.0 100.0 65.0 0.0 63.0 150.0 27.0 1.5 1995 2 % Area (km ) 11.4 261.9 0.9 18.7 14.5 158.6 6.5 14.9 1.4 9.8 12.8 185.8 23.4 193.5 5.5 66.5 8.0 135.8 5.0 63.7 0.0 32.9 4.8 44.1 3.6 81.3 2.1 10.5 0.1 0 2001 2 % Area (km ) 20.5 241.1 1.5 114.1 12.4 208.3 1.2 19.6 0.8 5.3 14.5 180.8 15.1 300.2 5.2 3.3 10.6 84.2 5.0 61.2 2.6 37.4 3.4 62.8 6.4 72.7 0.8 12.9 0.0 0.0 2005 2 % Area (km ) 16.6 473.5 7.8 16.5 14.3 45.1 1.3 18.4 0.4 6.3 12.4 166.9 20.6 21.4 0.2 97.9 5.8 244.9 4.2 19.7 2.6 36.2 4.3 48.1 8.4 67.2 0.9 15.4 0.0 0.0 % 37.0 1.3 3.5 1.4 0.5 13.1 1.7 7.7 19.2 1.5 2.8 3.8 5.2 1.2 0.0 All images were geo-referenced and enhanced to facilitate interpretation. The following were interpreted/extracted from the image data/information (see also Figure 2- 6). From 1985 to 2005 indicates progressive depletion of wetland size as seen from changes in biomass cover on the floodplain drained by Simiyu river and its tributaries. There is progressive degradation of land resources in the Simiyu basin as it can be observed in Table 2 above, that the bare ground increased from 11.4% in 1985 to 37% in 2005. Also due to land degradation, indigenous forest has been disappeared completely. Beyond the valley of river Simiyu (northern side) it shows that, there was initially some settlement which has disappeared. There is observed increase in erosion, presumably due to increased density of cattle (livestock) as it was confirmed during the ground truthing. The river’s tributaries have reduced with time probably due to grazing which leads to high evaporation faster. Initially the flood plain had high water table in the valley (evidence from decrease in area covered by clear water, marshland vegetation density). In 1985 there was high water-level on flood plain seen from the flooded flood plain. In 2001 there was increased human settlement along the levees. 2005 cultivation takes places in the wetland and there is complete drainage of wetland. Settlement is extended to the levees and cultivation is extended to the flood plain. There is reduction of cultivation on the higher slopes of the flood plain and the people have moved to the levees of the river system. Figure 2. Land cover classification for Simiyu basin-1985. Figure 3. Land cover classification for Simiyu basin-1995. Figure 4. Land cover classification for Simiyu basin-2001. Figure 5. Land cover classification for Simiyu basin-2005. CONCLUSION The application of Remote Sensing Technique has shown to be instrumental to assess the impact of wetland resources utilization. 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