POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE: POLICY/PROCEDURE # Pre-Requisite Program E Sanitation & Pest Control E 2.1.1 Pest Control AUTHORIZED FOR USE AT: ISSUED BY: DATE ISSUED: Name July 24, 2008 APPROVED BY: SUPERSEDES: Name New Company XYZ SOP E03 Page 1 of 4 E 2.1.1 There is an effective written pest control program for the premises and equipment that includes: The name of the person at the manufacturer assigned responsibility for pest control. Where applicable, the name of the pest control company or the name of the person contracted for the pest control program. Outline how pests are controlled in the establishment. The list of chemicals used, the concentration in accordance with label instructions, the location where applied, method and frequency of application. A map of pest control devices which are monitored to ensure that the needs of the establishment are met. Standard - describes pest control program including controls for rodents, insects, birds, pets etc. Criteria must describe how monitoring is conducted by the establishment or outside contractor. Also includes applicable pest control devices and their locations (e.g. maps) and chemical application, if applicable. Frequency: All exterior and interior traps and fly lights are verified once a month by an outside contractor. QA Technician checks interior traps and fly lights every other week. Persons Responsible: Green Valley Pest Control Qualified Technician (every two weeks) QA Technician (every other week) Monitoring Procedure: 1. Pest control contractor inspects both exterior and interior premises for evidence of pests. Catch-all Traps are checked for pests. Green Valley Pest Control Qualified Technician and QA Technician shall check date and sign off on labels inside all traps. Bait station and trap location map and Copy of Applicators Certificate is provided. The Green Valley Pest Control Program includes the following: The name of the person assigned responsibility for pest control: QA Manager The name of the pest control company contracted for the pest control program: Green Valley Pest Control POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE: POLICY/PROCEDURE # Pre-Requisite Program E Sanitation & Pest Control E 2.1.1 Pest Control AUTHORIZED FOR USE AT: ISSUED BY: DATE ISSUED: Name July 24, 2008 APPROVED BY: SUPERSEDES: Name New Company XYZ SOP E03 Page 2 of 4 List of chemicals used, the concentration in accordance with label instructions, location where applied, method and frequency of application: Bromone or Ratak A map indicating the location of pest control devices: (see Green Valley Pest Control Program). 2. The following are company standards for catch-all traps, bait stations and electric flying insect eradicators: *NO POISONOUS BAITS ARE TO BE USED IN THE INSIDE PREMISES OF THE BUILDING.* Inside of the buildings Rodent control: a. Rodents are controlled by catch-all traps. Interior mechanical traps shall be positioned at 6.5 – 13.0 meter / 20 – 40 feet intervals along the interior perimeter of the building, especially near entrance leading to the building exterior b. Traps are inspected every week, unless a need for increased inspections occurs. There are X traps in the plant (this could be increased). c. When emptying traps, take small garbage can and dispose of mice directly into the outside dumpster. Traps are scraped and cleaned periodically. Traps should be inspected and tested to ensure they are functioning properly. If they have been used, rewind them- but not too much, as this will damage them. d. While doing the inspection, check to ensure the 18-inch border next to the wall is clear of material. If not, remove material to maintain. Fly control: a. Insects controlled by electric flying insect eradicators. All lights remain on 24 hours a day. Catch trays should be emptied under electrostatic units weekly while sticky pads should be monitored and replaced when needed. Outside perimeter of the building a. Rodent control procedure: All exterior bait stations contain poison. Bait stations should be secured to the cement block to prevent them from blowing away. Bait stations are to POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE: POLICY/PROCEDURE # Pre-Requisite Program E Sanitation & Pest Control E 2.1.1 Pest Control AUTHORIZED FOR USE AT: ISSUED BY: DATE ISSUED: Name July 24, 2008 APPROVED BY: SUPERSEDES: Name New Company XYZ SOP E03 Page 3 of 4 be placed tight to wall with opening parallel and nearest to wall. Only registered poisonous bait may be used and only on exterior premises of the building. Bait stations should be inspected every two weeks, unless a need for increased inspections occurs. When inspecting bait stations, take a small garbage can to dispose of old empty packages immediately. Then dump directly into outside dumpster. All half full, or less than half full, packages should be disposed of and restocked with new packages. Be careful when removing the top as not to detach it from the cement block. Also, when putting the top on, make sure it is secured down. Always monitor that the 18-inch path is maintained. b. Bird control: Monitor the activities of birds; any bird activity is prohibited near and around any food, containers, and process areas. 3. Pest control contractor records all findings on Contractors’ Report. QA Technician records all findings of interior traps in Pest Control Log. 4. Rodent Activity Limits: - Interior mechanical traps shall all be free of rodent. - Fly lights and pheromone traps shall all have less than 1 moth per trap. - Exterior bait stations shall not all simultaneously be free of bait and the deceased rodent count for the exterior premise shall not exceed 3 simultaneously. 5. Pest Control Devices Servicing Procedure: - Green Valley Pest Control Technician shall re-set the mechanical trap, change glue boards in the fly lights, change pheromone traps and re-bait exterior bait station as needed. All activities shall be documented in the “Service Report” and “Rodent Control Report” kept in the Green Valley Pest Control binder. - Quality Assurance Coordinator, an assigned QA Technician, Maintenance Supervisor or an assigned maintenance technician shall re-set the mechanical trap only. The re-baiting of exterior bait station and changing of glue boards, pheromone traps shall not be engaged due to licensing restrictions. Corrective Action: 1. The QA Manager will change companies if the program is not effective. POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE: POLICY/PROCEDURE # Pre-Requisite Program E Sanitation & Pest Control E 2.1.1 Pest Control AUTHORIZED FOR USE AT: ISSUED BY: DATE ISSUED: Name July 24, 2008 APPROVED BY: SUPERSEDES: Name New Company XYZ SOP E03 Page 4 of 4 2. Pest control Technician will increase the rate of monitoring if there is evidence of activity add additional catchalls or bait stations if required replace broken of lost catchalls or bait stations 3. QA Technician and/or Pest control Technician will record the description of deviation, the cause of the problem, and the corrective action taken for the affected product with the date of action on Pest Control Log. 4. If there is presence of rodent activity, QA will immediately call Green Valley Pest Control and determine next course of action. 5. QA Department will retrain employees found not following the procedures in this SOP. Verification: The QA Manager will initial and date completed Contractors’ Report and sign off twice monthly to verify completion of work. Once a month the QA Manager will accompany Pest Control Technician to ensure the work is done. Records: Green Valley Pest control program Pest Control Log Contractors Report Annual Verification of Certificates