--------------------------------------------Kentucky Core Content:
Biological Diversity Over Time
6-3.5.1-Students will explain that biological change over time accounts for the diversity
of species developed through gradual processes over many generations.
Biological adaptations include changes in structures, behaviors, or physiology that
enhance survival and reproductive success in a particular environment.
1. I can describe how small differences between parents and offspring can over
time result in a wide variety of organisms very different from their ancestors.
2. I can generate questions about the diversity of species, then collect
information from a variety of sources to create explanations supported by
scientific evidence.
3. I can explain that biological change over time accounts for the diversity of
species developed through gradual processes over many generations.
6-3.5.2-Students will understand that regulation of an organism’s internal environment
involves sensing the internal environment and changing physiological activities to keep
conditions within the range required to survive. Maintaining a stable internal
environment is essential for an organism’s survival.
homeostasis- keeping internal conditions within the range required to survive ( fat
metabolism, adrenaline release, perspiration)
1. I can explain how various organisms sense things like hunger, fatigue and
temperature and respond by controlling their internal environments to help
with their survival.
4. I understand that regulation of an organism’s internal environment involves
sensing the internal environment and changing physiological activities to
keep conditions within the range required to survive. Maintaining a stable
internal environment is essential for an organism’s survival.
Biological change
Introduced ( into an area)
Best adapted
Members of a species
Internal environment
genetic variation
natural selection
genetic change
poorly adapted
well adapted
unfavorable traits
similar characteristics
maintain relatively stable environment
structures behaviors
What are adaptations, and what are they for?
How do organisms get adaptations ? Natural Selection
Adapting to changes in the environmentHomeostasis
Boehm’s Targets ( work above vocabulary into that below)
What are adaptations, and what are they for?
1. Adaptations are traits which help an animal survive in their environment.
2. 3 types of adaptation: structure= body part, behavior= things the organism does,
physiology= how the insides of the organism work (example: sloths heart rate
and slow digestion rate)
3. The organisms in different ecosystems have different adaptations to help them
compete for or deal with the different biotic and abiotic factors in that ecosystem.
Desert, artic, rain forest, deciduous, aquatic
How do organisms get adaptations ? Natural Selection-Survival of the fittest.
4. The organisms with the best adaptations live, reproduce and have offspring.
5. Gentic variation = not all organisms of the same species look exactly alike,
they have different shades of fur, sizes of feet and so on. Some may even carry
genes which can help them survive a disease that would kill others of the same
species. These variations are passed on through the genes.
6. Mutations- Some organisms get a gene that makes them have something very
different like an extra leg, or really long fingers. Usually organisms with
mutations die. However, sometimes the mutation helps them. If so, the mutation
is passed on to the offspring by DNA.
7. Genetic change = changes in the DNA code that make future generations of
offspring look different than their ancestors
8. The surviving adult organisms pass on the genetic change when they reproduce
and give their DNA to their offspring.
9. The organism looks different today that it did 1,000 years ago because of genetic
change. It takes many generations for genetic change to occur. Each generation
looks a little different from the last. These differences accumulate over time so
that many generations later, the organisms look very different than their ancestors.
Adapting to changes in the environment1. Ecosystems can change slowly or very quickly such as climate change, or the
building of a subdivision.
2. Some species adapt to changes in their environment. Species that don’t adapt
become extinct.
3. A organism can change its behavior to adapt to the environment, but it cannot
change its genes.
4. Genetic changes happen to a species of animal, not to the animal.
5. Genetic changes happen only over time when the genes of the best adapted and
surviving organisms are passed from generation to generation.
6. Some species change so much that they become a new species. The old species
may become extinct. I f the old species still exists; members of the two species
cannot mate and produce offspring.
7. Environments change and the genes of the species change over time to create an
organism which can survive in the new environment.
Homeostasis- plants and animals must control the environment inside them.
This environment is the internal environment.
They control the internal temperature, the amount of water, and the amount of energy
I can explain how various organisms sense things like hunger, fatigue and
temperature and respond by controlling their internal environments to help with
their survival.
Maintaining a stable internal environment is essential for an organism’s survival.
AdaptationsTypes- structures ( body parts, plant parts, physical), physiological ( internal workings,
ex. Heart rate), and behaviors
Functions- survival, reproduction
Rainforest examples
Research project
Change over many generations has caused the diversity of species
Natural Selection- genetic variation
Activities- peppered moth, pretzel lab, spooners and grabbers, Darwin’s finches
Forming new species
Squirrel Island
Whale Evolution
Beak activity
Polar bears and cactus