1st-Ubd- Structure and Function

Unit Name: 1st: Structure and Function
BIG IDEA: Form fits function in both plants and animals
Explanation: Students will investigate the form and function of plants and animals to understand that the form
of external and internal parts plays a role in the survival and well being of all plants and animals.
ESTABLISHED GOALS (State and/or National Content Standard (s)):
a. Observe and analyze the external structures of animals to explain how these structures help the
animals meet their needs.
b. Make observations to explain that animals, including people, have body parts that they use to
obtain and convey information, which the animal responds to with behaviors that help them grow
and survive.
c. Make observations and describe that plants have different parts that help them survive, grow,
produce more plants, and respond to external inputs
d. Obtain and share information to explain that patterns of behaviors between parents and offspring
promote survival.
e. Ask questions to define a problem and design an object that replicates the function (use) of a
structure (part) present in an animal or a plant to address the problem.
EU1. Organism’s structures have set functions.
EQ1. How do organism’s various structures help them
with survival?
EU2. Organisms have various structures to help them
EQ2. How do organisms survive?
EU3. Groups of organism are important for survival
Students will know:
how certain structures help an organism
the main tools organisms need for survival
not all organisms of the same type look alike
manufactured objects can replace some
structures of organisms
ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: organisms, differences,
structure, function, offspring, manufactured
Students will be able to:
describe various structures and their functions
recognize differences in a population
share observations
design a model to replicate one structure of an
collaborate with groups during labs
Students will demonstrate standard by:
Various labs
Goal: Design an object that could replace the function
of a part in a human or animal.
In class conversations
Drawings/writings in notebook
Role: Students will be working for a new age prosthetics
company that works with people and zoo’s.
Audience: The president of the company
Situation: You have been approached to help design a
prosthetic for a person or animal.
Performance: The product that has been designed to
replace a body part.
Standards: See checklist- this will be expanded upon by
the students at the start of the project.
Prosthetic Design Checklist
Great Job
Ability to work in a team
Design of prosthetic
Presentation to class
Attention to detail
Needed redirection
W= Where unit is going H= Hook E= Equip R= Rethink/revise E= Evaluate T= Tailor O= Organize for deeper understanding
LESSON # 1: (1 day)
Hook: Watch a snippet of The Dolphin’s Tail
Intro what a prosthetic is and why might they be needed
LESSON # 2: (1 day)
Look at various animal parts and discuss their function.
What would happen if (in partners they pick an animal scenario and discuss ex: What if a squirrel had no tail?
How would it be affected?)
LESSON # 3: (1 day)
Talk survival- besides body parts what else helps an animal survive- guide them to family/group protection
Watch video clip/read books on group survival
Do an activity that requires the whole group to accomplish
LESSON # 4: (1 day)
In notebooks all write or draw on a set scenario- quick assessment
Do plants have parts that help them like animals do? Discuss, draw, dissect
Do straw activity (steps leading up to roof)
Finish with a time lapse of a flower turning into a fruit
LESSON # 5: (1 day)
In notebook draw parts and function of a simple plant
Blow air through a stem (piece of honeysuckle)
Sum up: plants have parts that all work together to help the plant survive
LESSON # 6: (1 day)
Have a prosthetics person come in and talk
LESSON # 7: (1 day)
Set up project- brainstorm [Design an object that could replace the function of a part in a human or animal.]
LESSON # 8: (2 days)
LESSON # 9: (1 day)
Present finished product