Name: Frederick M. Enright Education: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK DVM 1970 Veterinary Medicine University of California, Davis, CA PhD Comparative Pathology 1974 Recent Professional Experience: July 2010 – present. Professor Emeritus, Department of Veterinary Science, LSU Agricultural Center 2007. Doyle Chambers Distinguished Professorship 2006- 2010. Interim Director of the Louisiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory February 2001 – 2010. Coordinator of the LSU Agricultural Center’s Biotechnology Laboratory (ABL) August – October 2000. Fulbright Research and Teaching Fellow, INTA Argentina July 1994 – 2010. Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Science, LSU Agricultural Center November 1993 to June 1994. Acting Head, Department of Veterinary Science, LSU Agricultural Center July 1984 to November 1993. Professor of Veterinary Science, Department of Veterinary Science, LSU Agricultural Center July 1981 to June 1984. Associate Professor of Veterinary Science, Department of Veterinary Science, LSU Agricultural Center; March 1976 to June 1981. Associate Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Science, Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, and the Department of Veterinary Science, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center November 1973 to April 1976. Comparative Pathologist - Delta Regional Primate Research Center, Tulane University September 1970 to October 1973. Graduate Student - Department of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis June – September 1970. Practicing Veterinarian - Sherwood Forest Animal Hospital, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Publications closely related to wildlife health research: Enright, F.M. 1974. The pathogenesis of the inflammatory response in fetal lambs infected with blue tongue virus. Ph.D. Thesis, University of California, Davis, California. Thoen, C.O. and Enright, F.M., 1986. Brucella. In: The Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals, C. Gyles & C. Thoen, eds. Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA. pp. 160-171. Elzer, P.H., Schurig, G.G., Enright, F.M., and Davis, D.S., 1998. Evaluation of the vaccine efficacy of RB51 administered orally in elk. In: Brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Area, National Research Council, ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. pp 157-160. Enright, F.M. 1998. Issues in Vaccination for Brucellosis. In: Brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Area, National Research Council, ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC. pp 161-168. Rangan, S.R.S., Martin, L.N., Enright, F.M., and Abee, C.R. 1977. Herpesvirus saimiri-induced malignant lymphoma in rabbits. J Natl Cancer Inst. 57:151-155. Rangan, S.R.S., Martin, L.N., Enright, F.M., and Abee, C.R. 1977. Herpesvirus saimiri-induced lymphoproliferative disease in Howler monkeys. J Natl Cancer Inst. 59:165-171 Mateo, M.R., Roberts, E.D. and F.M. Enright. 1984. Morphological, cytochemical and functional studies of peripheral blood cells of young healthy American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Am J Vet Res. 45:1046-1053. Mateo, M.R., Roberts, E.D. and Enright, F.M. 1984. Inflammation induced by subcutaneous turpentine inoculation of young American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Am J Vet Res. 45:18701875. Elzer, P.H., Rotenberger, W.A., Schurig, G.G., Kopec, J.D., Enright, F.M., and Davis, D.S. 1996. The vaccine efficacy of oral RB51 in elk. Proc. U.S. Anim Health Assoc. 101:74. Cook, W.E., Williams, E.S., Thorne, E.T., Kreeger, T.J., Stout, G.W., Schurig, G.G., Enright, F.M. and Elzer, P.H. 2000. Safety of Brucella abortus strain RB51 in bull elk. J. of Wildl Dis. 36:484-488. Cook, W.E., Williams, E.S., Throne, E.T., Kreeger, T.J., Stout, G., Bardsley, K., Edwards, H., Schurig, G., Colby, L. A., Enright, F., and Elzer, P.H. 2002. Brucella abortus strain RB51 vaccination in elk 1. Efficacy of Reduced Dosage. J Wildl Dis. 38: 18-26. Bastian, F.O., Sanders, D.E., Forbes, W.A., Hagius, S.D., Walker, J.V., Henk, W.G., Enright, F.M., Elzer, P.H. 2007. Spiroplasma spp. from transmissible spongiform encephalopathy brains or ticks induce spongiform encephalopathy in ruminants. 56(9):1235-42. Bastian FO, Boudreaux CM, Hagius SD, Bulgin MS, Sorensen-Melson SJ, Enright FM, Elzer PH. 2011. Spiroplasma found in the eyes of scrapie affected sheep. Vet Ophthalmol. Jan;14(1):10-7.