CLOCK HOUSE FARM LIMITED FARM POLICY STATEMENT RECYCLING & RE-USE OF MATERIALS WASTE MANAGEMENT It is the aim of the farm to manage and recycle waste in the most environmentally friendly manner possible consistent with the economical production of good quality fruit. The staff trained to use pesticides on the farm have access to and have read the DEFRA Pesticides Code of Practice for using plant protection products, adherence to which limits waste production to a minimum. The amount of pesticides and fertilizers being used is reduced to the minimum required for adequate yields of good quality fruit and containers controlled as specified in the relevant pesticide policy documentation. In line with the current code of practice wind direction is always checked prior to spraying, LERAPS mapping is reviewed annually. All top and soft fruit production is carried out in accordance with the appropriate Assured Produce and Tesco Nurture Protocols and is based on a fully integrated crop management system (ICMS). This minimizes pesticide and fertilizer use and thus limits the amount of used containers and packaging material produced. All used chemical containers are washed out at least three times, punctured and stored in a safe compound pending disposal by Born Again Plastics. We are currently recycling all cardboard and paper, tunnel polythene, metal and waste oil. Scrap metal and other non-biodegradable material is recycled and a reputable recycling contractor collects waste oil. Wherever possible it is our policy to re-use materials such as irrigation pipe, trickle tape, fencing materials and tree stakes. The use of Peat has been reduced in soft fruit production in favour of Coir, which is in itself a waste product. Coir also lends itself for use over a longer period than Peat so this supports our waste management targets as well as our recycling programme. The management reviews the Defra Saving Money by Reducing Waste manual annually to consider any further waste minimization steps which could be considered. We are constantly striving to identify methods of reduction and this year we have installed an automatic turn off switch for the Games Room lighting to avoid students leaving lights on all night and put up reminder notices to Turn off Lights. Following the installation of the water run off collection system at Clock House we are presently extending this system at Warnham Farm, Teston. This will mean that run off water will be collected and recycled for trickle irrigation on the raspberries, enabling us to reduce fertiliser wastage and water usage. R. K. PASCALL February, 2012 CLOCK HOUSE FARM LIMITED