NUS Meeting Minutes October 23, 2012

NUS Council Meeting: Tuesday October 23, 2012
Attendance: Lenita, Jill, Erin, Lisa, Emily, Caroline, Jena, Natalie T, Shannon, Jodi,
Melissa, Natalie L, Jennifer, Stella, Sarah, Verity, Cathy, Holly, Heather, Alexa
1. NUS Member of the Month Nominations
2. Alumni Faculty Liaisons (15 min) – Cathy & Sarah
- Sarah: works out of applied sciences
o Email:
o Alumni person for architecture, engineering
- Goal: Formalize an alumni plan
- Able to provide support and info regarding reunions, for example
- Events:
o Woodward lecture
o Alumni weekend
- Current students: anyone interested in being a representative to bridge the
gap btw current students and alumni
o Want to look at joint events with engineering
o Ex: mentoring, socializing
o Want to gain feedback from alumni/new grads: Tips on getting first
job, specializations, what it’s like initially in the working world, etc.
- Will students be interested in working with young alumni? Is this valuable?
o Maybe overlap with a career fair?
o Tentative date: spring (Jan or Feb)
- Connect with Cathy with any information, suggestions
- Looking for an external relations type of position
o Create this new position for upcoming elections?
- Alumni engagement committee
o Looking for new grads
o Meet loosely, not a big time commitment
3. Miriam Woodward Lecture Volunteers (4 min)
November 22nd, 2012 @ 1830-2200
- Will be a keynote address
- Way to celebrate research
- Volunteers @ DT Robson Square needed
o Email Sheila:
4. Halloween Social – Monday October 29, 2012 @ 4pm PUMPKIN CARVING
- NUS teams?
- Clean-up Volunteers: Verity, Emily, Jena
- Email Erin with your team!
5. Nursing Day (Natalie T)
- Date: Friday Oct 26 ~12-1pm start
- Location: Irving K Barber in main lobby
- Swag: bookmarks, community packets (condoms, etc.), Wellness Center stuff
- Wear ubc scrub top and bring BP cuff and stethoscope
6. Elections
- Month of November
- Nov 5 @ 1210: meeting with new cohort where we will introduce our role &
o People will be able to sign up for positions they are interested in
- Election Nomination form Due Friday Nov 9
- Elections Day: Nov 19 Monday
- Transition documents due January (handover information for new successor)
- CNSA won’t be part of elections because they have already elected their new
- Creating a new position: External Relations
o Nested under PR
o Keep website and PR under the same role
7. Grad Update
- Venue: Law Courts Restaurant (Downtown Smithe & Howe)
- Date: Saturday, April 27, 2013
- Time: 530pm – 1am
- DJ & Photobooth Confirmed & Booked
Grad Social
o Date: tentatively between Nov 9-11
o Location: TBD
8. UBC Lace-Up for Kids
Thursday November 22nd, 2012
- Erin wants to head up a team, let her know if you’re interested!
- Fundraising for BC Children’s Hospital
- 25,000 laps 6pm – 1am
9. Student Services Center (Ranna)
- Went through restructuring so now there is a team available to support
- Want us to use our connectedness to disseminate their info
- -- Ranna will receive these emails and
forward it along
o Inquiries to send to this email? If students have questions – prepping
for scholarships, getting in touch with faculty, anything we would
have sent to Dianne
Working on a better communication system
Working on an e-newsletter
o Different letters for undergrad and grad students
o Want NUS update
o Pictures can be inserted into these e-newsletters
o They will be able to provide stats as to how many ppl clicked on
certain links or read certain newsletters
If there were questions sent to Dianna, refer these people to this email
because it may not have been received
Take a look at the nursing matters email on their website
We will be able to see a sample and provide feedback
10. CNSA (Jodi/Emily)
- Conference happened over the weekend and was a success!
- Jan 23-26th National Conference in Halifax
- Opportunity to be on debate team, applications due Nov 1
o Topic: Why it’s good to have free post-secondary education in Canada
o Send Jodi ideas
- 2 $500 bursaries available to go to the conference in the West
o Name, Email & Why you want to go  Send to Jodi @
- Potluck lunch – how to disseminate all the info from the conference
o Proceeds to go towards CNSA’s new charity
o Nov 26th @ lunch
o Minimum donation will be implemented
- Please send ideas for quick fundraising ideas
11. ESN Info Session (Caroline)
- A lot of questions posed already
- Involve student services to address adminstration
- Tentatively Monday Nov 19th 4pm
- Email Caroline if interested in helping out
12. Social
- 2 engineering committees looking to do a joint event with nursing
o A rep will attend our next meeting
- Looking to do a Christmas soiree in Dec maybe Friday Dec 6th as a grad
13. Send your blurbs to Lisa for Code Blue!
Upcoming Important Dates:
Open Elections Meeting: Monday, November 5th @12:10pm
Election Forms Due: Friday, November 9th @ 4pm
Election Day (if needed): Monday November 19th @1pm
Grad Social Nov 9-10th Weekend
NUS Meeting November 20th @12pm
NUS Year-End Social: January TBA