Tasks: 1. Isolate a particular biome on a map using the latitude and longitude coordinates provided in class 2. Research the biome following the steps outlined below Step One During study hall or for homework, located the following vocabulary words and their definitions. Write the definitions on the paper provided. A. Latitude L. Scavenger B. Longitude M. Consumer C. Biotic N. Primary Consumer D. Abiotic O. Secondary Consumer E. Symbiotic P. Tertiary Consumer F. Parasitism Q. Producers G. Commensalism R. Adaptations H. Mutualism S. Food Web I. Competition T. Herivores W. Energy Pyramid J. Predator U. Carnivores K. Prey V. Omnivores ______ Done Step Two 1. Draw the coordinates of the biome you’ll be researching from the box. 2. Write the coordinates on the page labeled “Coordinates and Biome.” 3. Using the coordinates and black and white world map that is provided, plot the location of your biome 4. Identify your biome by finding the plotted location on the biome map 5. On the “Coordinates and Biome” page write The name of your biome The continent from which you’re working ______ Done Step Three Use the provided URL’s or ones of own to research your biome and complete the following requirements: 1. Abiotic factors. Using the provided graph paper….. Plot average monthly precipitation for a year on a line graph Plot the average monthly temperature for a year on a bar graph List seven abiotic factors found in your biome on your Biome Spreadsheet ______ Done 2. Biome Spreadsheet Complete the Biome Spreadsheet with plants and animals that fit into the listed categories ______ Done 3. Adaptations Choose any 4 of your organisms and complete “Adaptations That Enable the Organism to Survive in This Biome.” ______ Done 4. Energy Pyramid Using the supplied template, copy and paste pictures of animals from your biome into each section of the pyramid Complete paragraph on back of pyramid ______ Done 5. Symbiotic Relationships and Competition Research your biome on the internet to find pictures of 2 organisms that display specific examples for 2 of the following: Mutualism Commensalism Parasitism Competition Then write a couple of sentences that explain how your organisms are involved in a symbiotic relationship or competition ______ Done Step Four 1. Design a cover for your book. The design should reflect your biome and: o Fill the entire page o Contain color sketches of a scene you would find in your biome and a minimum of three types of vegetation, three types of animals, and two abiotic factors found in your biome The cover should contain the name of your biome, your name, and mods. URL’s You Might Find Useful A. library.thinkquest.org/.../ habitats/habitats.htm B. http://www.marlborough.la.ca.us/depts./science/biomes.html C. www.enchantedlearning.com/biomes/ D. www.radford.edu/~swoodwarmain.html E. www.worldbiomes.com F. http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/biomes.html G. thinkquest.org/library/site_sum.html?tname=11234&url=11234/index.html H. www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Laboratory/Biome/ I. wwwmea.lkwash.wednet.edu/users/library/biomes.htm J. http://mbgnet.mobot.org/biome/map.htm K. http://www.paydirt.net/files/pfiles/genl/wldlat.stm L. http://www.tesarta.com/www/resources/libary/biomes.html M. http://www2.kpr.edu.on.ca/cdciw/biomes/research.htm N. http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/adapt.html O. http://www.thewildclassroom.com/biomes/index.html P. http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/world_biomes.htm Energy Pyramid Directions: 1.Construct an energy pyramid using organisms from your biome. Cut and paste pictures of your biome onto the pyramid below. 2. Write a paragraph on the back to answer the following questions. What is happening at each level What is happening between levels What level is the largest and smallest and why World Map with Latitude and Longitude Lines