
4. block of ice from a glacier
6. a large body of snow and ice formed by the accumulation and compacting of snow and firn
10. material deposited by debris-laden meltwater from a glacier
12. glacier with lower edges pushing outward due to accumulation
13. covering of a large region of a continent by a sheet of glacial ice
15. glaciation in a mountainous area
18. a coastal inlet that is a glacially carved valley
19. streamlined hill made of till
1. point where accumulation and ablation are equal
2. long, sinous ridge of settlement deposited by glacial meltwater
3. loss of glacial ice by melting, evaporation, or breaking into icebergs
5. boulder transported by ice
7. a sharp ridge separaing two glaciers
8. entire glacier sliding along its base as a single body
9. a sharp peak formed by glacial erosion
11. lakes created by depression left by glacier
14. steep-sided, amphitheatre like hollow at the head of a glacial valley
16. open fiddure in glacier
17. ridge oftill piled up along the front edge of a glacier
20. a body of till left behind by a glacier
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ablation loss of glacial ice by melting, evaporation, or breaking into icebergs
arete a sharp ridge separaing two glaciers
basalsliding entire glacier sliding along its base as a single body
cirque steep-sided, amphitheatre like hollow at the head of a glacial valley
alpineglaciation glaciation in a mountainous area
advancingglacier glacier with lower edges pushing outward due to accumulation
continentalglaciation covering of a large region of a continent by a sheet of glacial ice
crevasse open fiddure in glacier
drumlin streamlined hill made of till
endmoraine ridge oftill piled up along the front edge of a glacier
equilibriumline point where accumulation and ablation are equal
erratic boulder transported by ice
esker long, sinous ridge of settlement deposited by glacial meltwater
fjord a coastal inlet that is a glacially carved valley
glacier a large body of snow and ice formed by the accumulation and compacting of snow and firn
horn a sharp peak formed by glacial erosion
iceberg block of ice from a glacier
moraine a body of till left behind by a glacier
outwash material deposited by debris-laden meltwater from a glacier
tarns lakes created by depression left by glacier