Secure Data Transmission for Cluster based WSN using Identity based Signatures Thaznim Thaj M.Tech Student, School of Computer Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University Abstract—Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) provides a bridge between the real physical and virtual world which monitors physical and environmental conditions. It contributes a wide range of applications to industry, health-care, science, utilities and area monitoring. Data security and authentication are the crucial security requirements in Wireless Sensor Networks. Clustering method effectively distributes network energy and applies aggregation technique in the network. Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks can greatly contribute to overall system scalability, lifetime and energy efficiency. Secure and efficient data transmission can be achieved by using Digital Signature. The main Principle is to authenticate the encrypted data packets, by applying signature, which are efficient in data transmission and applying the key management for security. Keywords— Cluster-based WSNs, ID-based digital signature, I. INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks provide efficient methods of collecting valuable data from the surroundings for use in different applications. Hence the popularity of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is increasing continuously in different domains of daily life. The network is composed of randomly deployed sensor nodes, which are able to collect data of various types from the deployment field. Sensed data are then, communicated to the base station (BS) through wireless link. The BS represents a downstream of all information coming from the sensor nodes. Routing in WSNs is the vital functionality which allows the flow of information generated by sensor nodes to the base station. WSNs suffer from many constraints, including low computation power, limited energy resources, small memory and the use of secure-less wireless communication channels. These constraints make security in wireless sensor network a challenge. According to the network topology, there are two categories of Wireless Sensor Networks: flat and hierarchical WSNs. In flat WSNs, all sensor nodes are in the same level of privilege; they are all charged of sensing and communication tasks. Also, data messages are communicated in a multi-hop policy. However, in hierarchical WSNs (HWSN) the network is organized in clusters. Each cluster contains one special node called cluster head (CH), and its member nodes. Clustering is an energy efficient method which divides sensor nodes into many clusters. For each cluster there is a cluster-head. The routing is from cluster-head sensor nodes to the base station (BS).CH is the router of data sent by its members to the BS. In Cluster based WSN, member nodes Shyni S.T Assistant Professor School of Computer Sciences Mahatma Gandhi University sleep the most of time to save energy. Clustering algorithms for sensor networks improves network scalability by handling the important problems regarding the size and mobility of the network. They vary according to the overall network architecture, node deploying methods and based on the characteristics of the CH node. The number of cluster members will vary according to the application. A cluster head is a node which is very rich in energy resources. The Cluster Heads perform data aggregation, and transmit data to the base station directly with comparatively high energy. In addition, all the sensor nodes and the BS are time synchronized with symmetric radio channels, the nodes are distributed randomly, and their energy is constrained. In Cluster based WSNs, sensing, processing, and transmission consume energy of the sensor nodes. The cost of data transmission is expensive than that of data processing. Thus, the method that the Cluster head node aggregates data and sends it to the sink node is preferred than the method that each sensor node directly sends data to the BS. For energy saving, sensor node switches into sleep mode when it does not sense or transmit data. This is based on the time-division multiple access (TDMA) control used for data transmission. The low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol [2] is an effective and widely known protocol to reduce and balance the total energy consumption for CWSNs. To reduce the quick energy consumption of the set of CHs, LEACH randomly rotates CHs within all sensor nodes in the network, in each round. LEACH results an improvement in network lifetime. Providing security in leach protocol is a tedious work. Secure and efficient data transmission can be achieved by using identity based Digital Signature. The main Principle is to authenticate the encrypted data packets, by applying id based digital signatures which are efficient in data transmission and applying the key management for security. In Identity based Cryptographic schemes nodes uses their own ID information as keys. ID based schemes eliminate the need for certificate and ensure security and authentication. This reduces the expensive computation and verification process required. II. RELATED WORKS An exhaustive literature survey has been conducted to identify related research works conducted in this area. Abstracts of some of the most relevant research works are included below. A. An Application Specific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Microsensor Networks LEACH, protocol architecture for microsensor networks combines the ideas of energy-efficient cluster-based routing and application-specific data aggregation. This provides good performance in terms of system latency, lifetime and efficiency. In LEACH there is a distributed cluster formation technique which enables organization of large numbers of nodes, adaptive clustering algorithms and rotating cluster head positions to distribute the energy load evenly among all the nodes. Also there are techniques to enable distributed signal transmission to save communication resources. In LEACH, the nodes themselves create local clusters. In each cluster one node acts as the cluster head. All non-cluster head nodes send their data to the CH, while the cluster head node collects data from all the cluster members, performs data fusion, and transmits data to the remote Base Station. Therefore, being a cluster head is much more energy intensive than being a non-cluster head node. B. PEGASIS: Power Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems PEGASIS protocol is based on the chain structure. Cluster head is selected randomly from the dedicated chain and accountable for data transmission to the BS. Major drawback of this algorithm is that it needs the global knowledge of the network, based on which chain can be constructed using greedy algorithm. There is a proper load matching as a sensor node receive the data from its neighbor, available in the chain, aggregate the same with own data and send to the another neighbour node which is the part of chain. Another drawback of PEGASIS is the significant delay. It is due to the fact that the data have to be sequentially transmitted in the chain and the cluster head waits until all the messages are received before transmitting to the BS. C. Identity-Based Cryptosystems and Signature Schemes The idea of identity based cryptography is to enable a user to use any arbitrary string that uniquely identifies him as his public key. Identity based cryptographic scheme serves as an efficient alternative to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based systems. An identity-based scheme resembles an ideal mail system: If you know somebody's name and address you can send him messages that he can read, and you can verify the signatures that he could have produced. It makes the cryptographic aspects of the communication almost transparent, and it can be used effectively by a user who knows nothing about keys or protocols. ID based encryption is a type of public key encryption in which public key of a user is some unique information about the user. Any party to generate a public key from known ID, Private Key Generator (PKG) generates corresponding private key. To operate PKG, first generate a master public key and retains a master private key. If master public key is given, any party can compute a public key corresponding to ID by combining master public key with ID. To obtain private key, the authorized party use PKG which uses master private key to generate ID. In the case of ID-based signature (IBS), verification takes only the identity together with the message and signature pair as input and executes the algorithm directly. This is different from the traditional public-key cryptography, in which an extra certificate verification algorithm is needed which is equivalent to the process of two signatures verification. Identity-based cryptography could particularly be suitable for WSN. The absence of certificate eliminates the costly certificate verification process. D. Design and Implementation Issues of Clustering in WSN Clustering offers a wide range of advantages for a sensor network but it has some drawbacks, issues and challenges. Issues related to Node Mobility, Traffic Load, Overlapping Clusters, Load Balancing, Dynamic Cluster Control, Intercluster Coordination, Data Aggregation, Fault Tolerance, Scalability, Number of Clusters, etc. are to be considered. The decision of a sensor node to become cluster head or to join an existing cluster is typically based on the following metrics. 1) Time: A node may become a CH on a time dependable basis. For example a CH may be the first node in its neighborhood that declares itself as a CH. 2) Probability: A node may become a CH depending on a probabilistic measure. The probability may depend on the number of nodes in the network , global aggregate energy, local residual energy, number of times the nodes has been a CH, cluster size etc. 3) Weight: A weight is an application specific number assigned to every node in the network. The weight may depend on multiple measures such as the node degree, distance to neighbours, movement speed, and energy left capabilities. A node in the sensor network may become a CH if it has the highest weight among a group of nodes. 4) Semantics: Semantic refer to the relationship between pairs of nodes or among nodes in a group. Semantic properties include distance between nodes, paths available between nodes, relative mobility, and event type or location attribute detected. Clusters are formed based on similar semantic properties of nodes. The decision process may depend on more than one of the above metrics. The nodes are grouped based on the semantic information and the CH is chosen depending on the weight. E. On-Line/Off-Line Digital Signatures In order to reduce the computational cost of signature generation, online/offline signature is preferable in WSN.A new type of signature scheme is introduced which consists of two stages. The first stage is off-line, before the message to be signed. The second stage is performed on-line, after the message to be signed is known, and is supposed to be very fast. In WSN, the offline stage is activated at the base station, while the online stage is activated in the WSN node. The online stage is comparatively very fast, and hence can be efficiently executed. III. CLUSTER BASED WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK A. Architecture In clustered wireless sensor network, sensor nodes are grouped into clusters, and each cluster has a cluster Head (CH) as shown in fig 1. The Cluster Head is elected autonomously. The CHs executes data aggregation, and transmit data to the BS straight away with reasonably high energy. Fig.2 Protocol Operation This property avoids the requirement of using certificates and associates an implicit public key (user identity) to each user within the system. In the case of IDbased signature, verification takes only the identity together with the message and signature pair as input and executes the algorithm directly. Fig 3 illustrates the process of encryption and decryption using the keys generated. Private Key is generated from nodes ID and the mask (msk) function of Base station (BS). Similarly, public key is generated from msk function of Cluster head. Security can be provided by applying keys to the data.This can greatly reduce computation cost and communication overhead, which is an important factor in the design of WSN. Fig.1 Cluster based Wireless Sensor Network B. Cluster Formation Nodes that are decided to become CHs in that round broadcast an advertisement message (adv) to all sensor nodes in the network, which is concatenated with the digital signature. Then the nodes that decide to be leaf nodes pick a CH to join in, which is based on the largest received signal strength of adv message. It is then communicated with the CH by sending a join request (join) message. After that the CHs broadcast an allocation message to their cluster members. The communication between CH and leaf nodes takes place during the steady-state phase. C. Protocol Operation Each round consists of a setup phase and a steady-state phase shown in fig 2. Let all sensor nodes know the starting and ending time of each round because of the time synchronization. Setup phase is for constructing clusters and a steady-state phase for transmitting data from sensor nodes to the BS. In each round, TDMA control divides the timeline into consecutive time slots. Sensor nodes transmit the sensed data to the CHs in each frame of the steady-state phase. Leaf nodes send their data to the Cluster head. Cluster head then aggregates all the data and is transmitted to the BS. IV. IDENTITY BASED SIGNATURE In an ID-based cryptography, public key of each user is easily computable from a string corresponding to the user’s identity. Fig.3 Identity based Signature V. SIMULATION NS2 is an open-source event-driven simulator designed specifically for research in computer communication networks. NS2 can be used for simulating wired as well as wireless network functions and protocols (e.g.,routing algorithms, TCP, UDP). NS2 provides users with a way of specifying such network protocols and simulating their corresponding behaviours. Design of NS2 is illustrated in the fig 4. This system can be extended such that CH node can transmit data to the BS by forwarding its data to its neighbour nodes, in turn the data are sent to the BS. REFERENCES [1] Huang Lu, Jie Li, and Mohsen Guizani, “Secure and Efficient Data Transmission for Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks,”IEEE Trans. Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 25, no. 3, March 2014 [2] W. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, “An ApplicationSpecific Protocol Architecture for Wireless Microsensor Networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 660-670, Oct. 2002 [3] S. Lindsey and C. S. 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