MPI Transitional Facility Operating Manual Guide & Template

Operating Manual Guide
The following guide is to assist you to prepare your Operating Manual.
The Operating Manual must be typed & signed.
Handwritten manuals will NOT be accepted.
The Operating Manual MUST include a version number & page numbers – a
Footer format is included and can be edited on page 6 of this document using
the View option.
Replace all sections which are highlighted in RED TEXT with the details that are
relevant to your company and remove any irrelevant or unwanted RED TEXT.
Update the Table of Contents – go to page 5, highlight the contents lists, right
click the mouse, select Update Field, select Update entire table then select OK.
The manual must include a map or floor plan showing (recommend A4 in size):
a. location of significant other buildings or features (for example roads,
b. general layout of the facility clearly identifying work areas, offices, exit and
entry doors etc.
c. sea container hard stand or devanning area (the MPI area)
d. MPI inspection area
When you have completed updating the manual.
Do NOT forget to save a copy of your new manual.
Print a copy of your new manual for your records.
10. A copy of your manual should be forwarded to MPI prior to the
Audit/Assessment of your facility.
========== TEMPLATE BELOW ==========
Enter your company logo here
Enter your company name here
Facility Code: enter code here
Ministry for Primary Industries
Approved Transitional Facility
Version #
Date: (enter the date in format dd mmm yyyy)
FACILITY CODE : enter details in this table
TSW Organisation Registration Number :
Registered Company Name :
Company Trading Name :
Transitional Facility Operator :
Physical Address :
Postal Address :
Telephone Number :
Fax Number :
Email Address for MPI Correspondence :
Transitional Facility Operator (TFO)
TFO Name : Enter details in this table
Telephone :
Mobile :
Email :
Alternative Contact Person (i.e Deputy TFO)
Contact Name :
Telephone :
Mobile :
Email :
After Hours Contact
Contact Name :
Telephone :
Mobile :
Email :
Reviews / Amendments to this manual must:
be given a consecutive number
have an amendment date
include the amended section(s) number
Review / Amendment Detail
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6
MPI Contact Details......................................................................................................... 6
Scope .............................................................................................................................. 6
Transitional Facility Location ........................................................................................... 7
Site Access and Security................................................................................................. 8
Access ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Security ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Transitional Facility Approval........................................................................................... 8
General Provisions and Requirements................................................................................................ 8
Changes to the Transitional Facility .................................................................................................... 8
Transitional Facility occupying Leased Premises ................................................................................ 9
Change of Transitional Facility Operator (TFO) .................................................................................. 9
Cancellation or Suspension of TF Approval ........................................................................................ 9
Cancellation or Suspension of TFO Approval ................................................................................... 10
Roles & Responsibilities ................................................................................................ 10
Transitional Facility Operator (TFO) .................................................................................................. 10
Deputy TFO(s) .................................................................................................................................. 11
Accredited Person(s)......................................................................................................................... 11
Biosecurity Awareness Training .................................................................................... 12
External Training ............................................................................................................................... 12
Internal Training ................................................................................................................................ 12
Health and Safety .......................................................................................................... 12
10 Inspection Facilities ....................................................................................................... 13
Designated Hard Stand (Devanning) Area for Sea Containers ......................................................... 13
Designated Holding Area .................................................................................................................. 13
Designated Inspection Area .............................................................................................................. 14
Equipment ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Provision of Labour ........................................................................................................................... 15
Utilities .............................................................................................................................................. 15
11 Procedures .................................................................................................................... 16
11.1 Hygiene ............................................................................................................................................. 16
11.2 Transportation ................................................................................................................................... 16
11.3 Receipt of Uncleared Risk Goods ..................................................................................................... 16
11.4 Transfer of Uncleared Risk Goods .................................................................................................... 17
11.5 Goods received without MPI Authorisation ....................................................................................... 17
11.6 Unclaimed Risk Goods Directed to TF .............................................................................................. 17
11.7 Containers requiring MPI Container Audit or Supervised Devanning ................................................ 17
11.8 Container Handling ........................................................................................................................... 18
11.9 Security of Goods.............................................................................................................................. 19
11.10 Segregation of Uncleared Goods ...................................................................................................... 19
11.11 Inspection of Uncleared Goods ......................................................................................................... 20
11.12 Treatment of Uncleared Risk Goods ................................................................................................. 20
11.13 Records............................................................................................................................................. 21
11.14 Waste Management .......................................................................................................................... 22
11.15 Pest Management ............................................................................................................................. 22
11.16 Weed Management ........................................................................................................................... 22
11.17 Internal Audit ..................................................................................................................................... 23
11.18 Use of a Transitional Facility for other Purposes ............................................................................... 23
12 Signage ......................................................................................................................... 23
13 Contingency Plans ........................................................................................................ 23
Resignation of Approved Operator .................................................................................................... 23
Unauthorised Release of Uncleared Goods ...................................................................................... 23
Break In / Burglary ............................................................................................................................ 24
Weather Damage .............................................................................................................................. 24
General Emergency, Fire or Power Cut ............................................................................................ 24
Site Plan .................................................................................................... 28
Handling of Wood Packaging Material ....................................................... 29
Current Approved Personnel ..................................................................... 30
Internal Audit Check List for Transitional Facilities .................................... 31
Internal Biosecurity Awareness Training .................................................... 33
Biosecurity Awareness Training Register .................................................. 34
Pest, Weed, Waste Register...................................................................... 35
Terms and Definitions ............................................................................... 36
References and Useful Links ................................................................................................ 39
Enter your company name primary business function is enter details of your business here.
MPI Contact Details
 Emergency contact number to report live insects or animals 0800 80 99 66
For reporting of contamination found i.e. live insects or animals and contamination found
 Log sheet fax number (09) 909 8556 or online at:
To be used by Accredited Persons for submitting container log sheets where contamination has been reported
 Facility Enquiries 0800 222 018 select Option 5 or email
For all general enquiries regarding transitional facility approvals
 MPI Target Evaluation General Enquiries (09) 909 3030 select Option 2 Option 1
For all general enquiries regarding applications for importation of Risk Goods
 MPI Cargo Inspections
For requesting a booking for an MPI Inspector to conduct an inspection of Risk Goods
 Auckland Only - (09) 909 3030 select Option 2 Option 2
 All other regions – Contact the local MPI Office on enter your local MPI Office contact no.
The Transitional Facility (TF) is approved in accordance with section 39(3) of the Biosecurity Act 1993
(the Act) for the purposes of:
Receiving, holding, processing and/or treatment and inspection of uncleared risk goods
Receiving and checking of imported containers by an Accredited Person
The purpose of this Transitional Facility Operating Manual (TFOM) is to define the procedures and
systems that enter your company name have established to ensure that the TF operates in accordance
with the approval granted under the Act and the MPI Standard(s)1:
MPI-STD-TFGEN – Standard for General Transitional Facilities for Uncleared Goods
Add or remove any other Facility Standards for which approval has been granted – e.g.
PIT-GFP-ISR – Grain for Processing Import System Requirements
Copies of the above listed Standard(s) are kept on file and/or accessed via the MPI Website.
The procedures and systems documented are only applicable for the risk goods categories covered by
the TF approval. Categories approved are listed below:
Web Link to search for MPI Import Health Standards
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Remove this line and any of the below listed categories for which approval has not been granted – add
specific products you will be importing after each category name i.e. Seeds/Stock Feed/Stored Products
– Stored Products – Rice, Soy Bean
Air Containers and/or Sea Containers
Animal Products (for the purpose of holding only)
Biological Products (for the purpose of holding only)
Courier Mail and International Mail
Fresh Produce and Nursery Stock
Grains for Consumption/Feed/Processing
Inorganic Risk Materials (such as scrap metal, fertiliser, sand, soil or water)
Live animals
Personal Effects
Plant Products (such as bamboo or rattan)
Sawn Wood
Seeds/Stock Feed/Stored Products
Wood or Forestry Products
Wood Packaging Material
Used Machinery, Tyres and Vehicles
The company imports approximately (enter estimate of containers and/or volume of goods and indicative
number of risk good consignments) per year from the following countries:
list countries here
The Transitional Facility Operator (TFO) and all relevant staff are aware of and will comply with the
procedures and systems documented in the TFOM.
Transitional Facility Location
The TF is located at:
enter full address here
The TF is within the metropolitan area and is not on or adjacent to any rural land or adjacent to operations
which could effectively create a pest risk pathway into New Zealand. The premises has permanent connections
to services and amenities including town supply mains power, water and sewage.
Note: Where an MPI Approval Agreement has been granted for a TF which is located in a remote or rural area and outside serviced
areas the requirements of the agreement will be detailed in an Appendix to this manual.
A map of the premises showing the layout of the TF, including areas/rooms for MPI Inspection, designated
areas for biosecurity risk goods, entrances/exits and holding areas and other features of significance (for
example, buildings and roads) is attached to the TFOM - refer APPENDIX A: Site Plan.
The TFO will advise MPI immediately in the event of any changes to the premises, and will ensure that
procedures as detailed in section 6.2 Changes to the Transitional Facility of this TFOM will be adhered to.
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Site Access and Security
Only persons permitted by the TFO are allowed access to the TF whilst uncleared goods are present.
Visitors must adhere to access procedures and where possible be accompanied by a staff member while
in the TF.
The instructions of the TFO or MPI Inspector are to be followed at all times.
The TFO must provide access to the TF for an MPI Inspector at any reasonable time or where a request
has been made 24 hours in advance.
The TFO will authorise and maintain a record of any visitors to the TF.
Security of the TF is maintained using the following methods:
Remove this line and any of the below options which are not applicable to the facility
the premises boundary is fully fenced with lockable gates
access to the premises entrance is controlled by electronic security gate system
all entrances to and within the premises is controlled by an electronic access system
the premises has a CCTV system installed which monitored by enter details here
the premises has after hours security monitoring by enter name of Security Company
No pets or other animals are permitted in Devanning, Holding or Inspection Areas of the TF.
Transitional Facility Approval
General Provisions and Requirements
The Transitional Facility (TF) is approved in accordance with section 39(3) of the Biosecurity Act 19932.
The TF has an appointed Transitional Facility Operator (TFO) who is approved in accordance with
section 40 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
The TF is constructed and operated in accordance with the MPI standard – MPI-STD-TFGEN, as well as
any additional requirements specified in:
 relevant MPI Import Health Standards;
 where applicable, any relevant Permit to Import; and
 any notification from the MPI Chief Technical Officer (CTO) relevant to a specific risk good.
Changes to the Transitional Facility3
Changes to the TF may include but is not limited to:
Moving premises
Requests for approval to additional and/or new MPI Standards
Requests for approval for additional risk goods categories
Amendments to layout of premises, i.e. move devanning area, move holding/inspection areas
Web Link to Biosecurity Act 1993
Changes to a Facility - Refer to Section 3.1.1 MPI-STD-TFGEN Guidance Document Web Link to MPI-STD-TFGEN
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Change of TFO - will also complete section 6.3
Prior to making changes to the TF the TFO will contact MPI to discuss the changes.
Depending on the extent of change a new approval may be required.
When changes have been completed this TFOM will be updated and submitted to MPI for review and
Where the TF is moving to new premises then approval of the new premises is required and the following
documentation must be submitted to MPI:
Application form/s
Updated TFOM and Site Plan
Cancellation Form for existing TF - refer to section 6.5 of this manual
Where approval is granted the TFO will ensure that a copy of the MPI Approval is held and available for
MPI external audit purposes.
Transitional Facility occupying Leased Premises
Any lease agreements do not interfere with the TFO’s ability to meet the requirements of this TFOM or
the MPI Standard – MPI-STD-TFGEN.
Where the TF or part of the TF is leased, the lease contract (or non-gratia arrangement) with the owner of
the leased premises clearly identifies the business and the operational arrangements contracted with the
The operational arrangements with owner of the leased premises meet the requirements of the MPI
Standard – MPI-STD-TFGEN.
A copy of the lease contract (or non-gratia arrangement) is available for MPI external audit purposes.
Change of Transitional Facility Operator (TFO)
MPI will be notified within 24 hours of proposed changes to the TFO.
Prospective new TFOS will complete the TFO training course delivered by an MPI Approved Training
Prospective new Operators will complete an Application and Consent for Disclosure according to the
requirements of the MPI Standard - MPI-STD-TFGEN.
The Transitional Facility Operator and all relevant staff are aware that it is a breach of the
Biosecurity Act 1993 for a Transitional Facility to operate without an Approved Facility Operator.
Cancellation or Suspension of TF Approval
The approval from MPI to operate the TF may be cancelled or suspended in accordance with section 39
of the Act if the TF no longer complies with any of the specifications of this TFOM and the requirements
of MPI Standard – MPI-STD-TFGEN; or the Director-General of MPI is satisfied that the TF is no longer
used for the purpose(s) specified in this TFOM.
Where the approval of the TF is no longer required for any reason, a request will be given in writing to
MPI, using the required Cancellation Form4 and/or by way of a formal written request, by the TFO.
Web Link to Facility Cancellation Form
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The TFO will ensure that:
An MPI authority has been obtained to move any Uncleared Risk Goods to an alternative approved TF
Waste from the Biosecurity Bin has been disposed of by an approved provider
Biosecurity Equipment has been cleaned or disposed of by an approved provider
Provide evidence to MPI upon submission of cancellation request that items 1 to 3 above have been
Cancellation or Suspension of TFO Approval
A TFO’s approval may be cancelled or suspended in accordance with section 40 of the Act if the TFO is
no longer operating the TF according to the specifications of this TFOM and the requirements of MPI
Standard – MPI-STD-TFGEN; or is determined by MPI to no longer meet the status of being a fit and
proper person to operate the TF.
Roles & Responsibilities
Transitional Facility Operator (TFO)
The TFO will successfully complete the Transitional Facility Operator training course delivered by an MPI
Approved Training Provider5 and undertake the required refresher training in order to maintain approval
by MPI.
The TFO will be obtain approval by the MPI in accordance with section 40(6) of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
As per section 3.2.1 of the MPI Standard - MPI-STD-TFGEN, the TFO will ensure that:
The TFO is responsible for:
the TF meets the requirements of the Standards6 as stated in section 3(0) of this TFOM;
the TF is used for the purpose specified in this TFOM;
an Accredited Person (AP) is present at all times for the unpacking of imported risk goods;
resources are in place for maintaining the structure of the TF, and;
the requirements detailed in this TFOM and any Quality Management System can be met.
Making appropriate decisions about the devanning of containers
Liaising with MPI if any issues need to be addressed
Ensuring that the TF is operating in accordance with any relevant MPI Standards, any relevant
Permit to Import and any notification from the MPI Chief Technical Officer (CTO)
Completing an internal audit of the TF to identify and action any non-compliance
Authorising and maintaining the TF Biosecurity operating procedures
Ensuring that the Transport Operator places the containers in the designated areas. This may
include providing the Transport Operator with a site plan
Ensuring that all Biosecurity equipment and consumables required for Biosecurity work are
available at all times
Web Link to MPI Approved Training Providers
Web Link to MPI-STD-TFGEN and Web Link to search for MPI Import Health Standards
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Ensuring that MPI Accredited staff carry out the tasks associated with the arrival, devanning
and departure of containers and uncleared risk goods, including ensuring:
1. checks of documentation occurs
2. that an Accredited Person is authorised to open the container and is carrying out the
correct procedures
3. the required information is recorded and documents retained appropriately
4. that when contamination or infestation is found it is reported to MPI immediately
Deputy TFO(s)
The TFO may nominate individuals to be DTFOs.
DTFOs will undertake the same training as a TFO.
A DTFO will be appointed for the TF where the TFO with overall responsibility is located at a separate
location and cannot maintain direct control.
A DTFO will be appointed where it is the opinion of an MPI Inspector that one is needed due to the
complexities and particular operating factors of the TF.
A DTFO will be required where the TFO is likely to be absent for a long period of time, i.e. more than one
month. In instances where this occurs MPI will be notified.
A DTFO will have the authority to act as an appropriate manager of the TF at all times when the TFO is
Accredited Person(s)
The AP(s) must successfully complete an Accredited Persons Training course delivered by an MPI
Approved Training Provider7 and undertake the required refresher training in order to maintain approval
by MPI.
The AP(s) will obtain approval by MPI in accordance with section 103(7) of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
The AP(s) is responsible for:
Ensuring they are present on delivery or as soon as practicable after containers are delivered to
the TF
Being actively involved in checking the containers for contamination by:
Notifying the TFO and MPI immediately of any contaminations found
Ensuring the records for each container received at the TF are maintained. These records will
include details such as but not limited to:
conducting an external check of a container
conducting internal checks during unpacking of a container
conducting product and wood packaging checks during unpacking of a container
conducting a final internal check when container is empty
Arrival date of the container / consignment
Consignment identifier (e.g. container number, air waybill number)
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Date(s) of unpacking
Any pests, unwanted organisms or other organisms found and any control actions
The TFO and all relevant staff are aware of their responsibilities as detailed in this TFOM.
For a detailed list of current approved personnel Refer to APPENDIX C: Current Approved Personnel.
Biosecurity Awareness Training
External Training
The TFO and all Accredited Persons will undertake the required training and refresher courses delivered
by an MPI Approved Training Provider8 in order to maintain approval by MPI.
The external Biosecurity Training Provider is:
Provider Name : enter your training provider details
Contact Details :
Internal Training
The TFO is responsible ensuring that all staff, including non-accredited staff, involved with the devanning
of containers and handling of uncleared goods are aware of biosecurity requirements and have
completed Internal Biosecurity Awareness training.
Internal Biosecurity Awareness training will be conducted by enter name or position of person.
An outline of the internal training programme is detailed in APPENDIX E: Internal Biosecurity Awareness
A register of internal training attendance is maintained by the TFO - refer to template in APPENDIX F:
Biosecurity Awareness Training Register.
The training programme will be reviewed as a component of the TF Internal Audit.
Health and Safety
The organisation promotes the health and safety of everyone who works within the TF and will ensure that all
persons present on the premises will take all reasonably practicable steps, in circumstances they know or ought
to reasonably know about, to ensure their own safety and that of others.
Web Link to MPI Approved Training Providers
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Inspection Facilities
10.1 Designated Hard Stand (Devanning) Area for Sea Containers
The TF has a designated hard stand area as shown in APPENDIX A: Site Plan. This area meets the following
MPI requirements:
i. Surface construction:
a. Is a fully sealed, even and smooth hard surface e.g. concrete or bitumen
b. Is able to be easily swept
ii. Is kept clean and free of vegetation, soil and debris
iii. Has no vegetation within three (3) metres of any container placed within its boundaries, including
overhanging vegetation
Note: Where the TF has been granted approval by MPI for a Residual Insecticide Programme for the container
devanning area, then the requirement listed in (iii) above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved
programme detailed in an Annex to this TFOM.
iv. Has drain covers/mats in place over any drains located within its boundaries
v. Is large enough to ensure that there is clearance of three (3) metres at the front for unloading and one
(1) metre around the sides and back of each container
vi. Is large enough to ensure, where more than one imported container is being delivered, unloaded or
stored there is the ability to physically separate each container by not less than one (1) metre on all
sides boundaries
Note: Where the TF has been granted approval by MPI for an Approved Container Placement Agreement, then the
requirements listed in (v) and (vi) above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved agreement detailed in an
Annex to this TFOM.
In the event of any changes to the designated hard stand area, the TFO will ensure that the procedures as
detailed in section 6.2 Changes to the Transitional Facility will be adhered to.
10.2 Designated Holding Area
Special Notes:
Where the TF is approved for Containers and Non Risk Goods only, then this area is to be established
as a contingency area for the holding and inspection of contaminated goods, such as wood packaging
material, which have been reported to and are awaiting clearance from MPI.
This area may utilised for other purposes as detailed in item iii below.
The TF has a designated Holding Area as shown in APPENDIX A: Site Plan. This area meets the
following MPI requirements:
Is indoors
Has a sealed hard surface constructed of concrete
Is kept clean and free of contamination and debris
Is large enough to contain all Uncleared Risk Goods
Has a clearance from its perimeter of not less three (3) metres from any domestic or cleared
imported goods
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Is not more than ten (10) metres from the designated Inspection Area
Is clearly defined and identified with signage
1. Where the TF has been granted approval by MPI for an Approved Holding Area Agreement, then the requirements
listed above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved agreement to be detailed in an Annex to this TFOM.
2. Where the TF has been granted approval by MPI for a Residual Insecticide Programme for the Holding Area then the
requirement listed in (e) above will be replaced by the requirement of the approved agreement detailed in an Annex to
this TFOM.
In the event of any changes to the designated Holding Area, the TFO will ensure that the procedures as
detailed in section 6.2 Changes to the Transitional Facility will be adhered to.
This area may be used for the storage of domestic and/or cleared goods when no Uncleared Goods are
present. When used for these purposes it will be cleared immediately and cleaned prior to arrival of any
Uncleared Risk Goods.
10.3 Designated Inspection Area
Special Notes:
Where the TF is approved for Containers and Non Risk Goods only, then this area is to be established
as a contingency area for the holding and inspection of contaminated goods, such as wood packaging
material, which have been reported to and are awaiting clearance from MPI.
This area may utilised for other purposes as detailed in item iv below.
The TF has a designated Inspection Area as shown in APPENDIX A: Site Plan. This area meets the
following MPI requirements:
Is indoors
Is a sealed hard surface constructed of concrete
Is kept clean and free of contamination and debris
Is large enough to contain all Uncleared Goods
Has a clearance from its perimeter of not less than three (3) metres from any domestic or
cleared imported
Appropriate lighting which provides the required level of illumination
Is clearly identified with signage
Has the required equipment as detailed in section 10.4 Equipment
1. Where the TF has been granted approval by MPI for an Approved Inspection Area Agreement, then the requirements
listed above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved agreement to be detailed in an Annex to this TFOM.
2. Where the TF has been granted approval by MPI for a Residual Insecticide Programme for the Inspection Area then
the requirement listed in (e) above will be replaced by the requirement of the approved agreement detailed in an
Annex to this TFOM.
The Inspection Area also meets the requirements of the Standards as stated in section 3(0) of this
TFOM. Where this is in addition to the requirements listed above it shall be detailed in an Annex to this
In the event of any changes to the designated Inspection Area, the TFO will ensure that the procedures
as detailed in section 6.2 Changes to the Transitional Facility will be adhered to.
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This area is used for the storage of domestic and cleared goods when no Uncleared Risk Goods are
present at the facility. When used for these purposes it will be cleared and cleaned prior to arrival of any
Uncleared Goods.
10.4 Equipment
The following equipment is available at all times and:
Devanning Area
All items are labelled “Biosecurity Use Only’
Working Torch - which provides ability to see to rear wall of a container
Dual Action Insecticide
Broom, Dustpan and Brush
Biosecurity Bin - with a secure lid and bin liner
Drain Covers and/or sieves for drains with a maximum hole size of 2mm (where applicable)
Bleach for treatment of water contamination (where applicable)
Inspection / Holding Area
Inspection bench (where applicable)
Disposable gloves (where applicable)
Hand sanitiser
Disinfectant for cleaning of inspection bench
Disinfectant for cleaning the floors, walls and ceiling of inspection rooms (where applicable)
Lighting (must meet required illumination rates as per the Standard)
Sieves for drains with a maximum hole size of 2mm (where applicable)
Insect screens with a maximum mesh gap of 2mm (where applicable)
Inspection Area Biosecurity Kit - all items are labelled “Biosecurity Use Only”
 Broom, Dustpan and Brush
 Biosecurity Bin - with a secure lid and bin liner
 Dual Action Insecticide
 Disinfectant
 Mop and bucket (where applicable)
Note: Where the facility approval requires equipment in addition to the requirements listed above the equipment shall
be detailed in an Annex to this manual.
The equipment meets the requirements of the Standards as stated in section 3(0) of this manual.
The TFO is responsible for ensuring the equipment is available and in good working condition.
10.5 Provision of Labour
The Transitional Facility will provide labour and tools to assist the MPI Inspectors with the handling and
inspection of uncleared risk goods.
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10.6 Utilities
Hand washing and toilet facilities are available for use by MPI Inspectors.
11.1 Hygiene
The facility will be kept clean at all times and the following regimes are established.
Devanning Area:
 Is swept clean prior to arrival of container/s
 Is checked for weeds and sprayed with a herbicide prior to arrival of container/s as required
 Is swept clean after the removal of container/s
 Any debris is placed in the Biosecurity bin
Inspection/Holding Area:
 Is swept clean prior to each inspection
 Where applicable - Inspection bench(s) will be disinfected prior to and after each inspection
 Where applicable – walls, floors and ceilings will be disinfected on a regular basis
 Is swept clean after each inspection
 Any debris is placed in the Biosecurity bin
Biosecurity Security Kits:
 Will be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis
The TFO is responsible for ensuring that cleaning equipment is available and in good working condition.
The TFO is responsible for maintaining any required cleaning records.
11.2 Transportation
Any containers and/or uncleared goods being transported to the Transitional Facility will be transported in
a manner that secures the cargo within and prevents any spillage from occurring during transit to the
Transitional Facility.
Any spillage or leakage of uncleared goods will be reported immediately to MPI on 0800 80 99 66.
If spillage occurs, it must be immediately contained and access restricted.
Containment and management will be under the direct supervision of MPI.
11.3 Receipt of Uncleared Risk Goods
The TFO is responsible for all uncleared risk goods and must have authorisation from MPI to do the
Receive risk goods;
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Transfer risk goods to another approved TF; and/or
Re-ship risk goods from New Zealand back to origin (as directed by an MPI Inspector)
Upon arrival uncleared risk goods will be unloaded in a controlled manner, within the MPI Approved
Devanning Area and then placed in the MPI Approved Holding Area until clearance is granted by MPI.
The TFO will obtain authorisation from MPI prior to the transfer of uncleared risk goods to another
approved TF, or for re-shipment of from New Zealand.
All documentation must be kept and maintained for each consignment.
The TFO is responsible for maintaining records for each consignment.
11.4 Transfer of Uncleared Risk Goods
The TFO will obtain authorisation from MPI prior to the transfer of uncleared risk goods to another
approved TF.
Transfer of uncleared risk goods will conducted in a secure and contained manner to prevent spillage or
contamination of the container, external environment, transporting vehicle, or other cargo.
The TFO will report immediately, or as soon as possible, to an MPI Inspector any spillage or leakage of
uncleared risk goods (that constitutes or is likely to constitute a biosecurity risk) .
If spillage occurs during transport, the transporting vehicle or container will be cleaned and risk material
managed under direction of an MPI Inspector.
11.5 Goods received without MPI Authorisation
The TFO may only receive risk goods within the scope of the TFOM approval and which have a valid
direction (i.e. BACC, Transfer or Customs Delivery Order).
The TFO will be notified an MPI Inspector immediately if unapproved risk goods arrive without MPI
authorisation or documentation.
All unapproved risk goods will be held securely inside the TF or locked in an empty container (if one is
available) until a direction is received from MPI.
11.6 Unclaimed Risk Goods Directed to TF
The TFO must report to an MPI Inspector any risk goods which remain unclaimed after 30 days.
For risk goods held at the TF under MPI direction that are awaiting an importer’s or import agent’s
decision on biosecurity management options, the TFO must update MPI as to the status of the risk goods
if they are still being held for more than 90 days.
Failure to report to MPI in a timely manner will be regarded as a major non-compliance (in the first
instance) and may result in further MPI intervention.
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11.7 Containers requiring MPI Container Audit or Supervised Devanning
Note: An MPI Approved Container Placement Agreement is not applicable for these containers
The TFO is responsible for all containers upon arrival and must have authorisation to receive the
containers prior to accepting delivery.
The TFO will contact MPI to arrange a booking time for the required MPI Inspection.
Upon arrival the container(s) will be placed within the MPI Approved Devanning Area.
A clearance of not less than three (3) metres at the front of the container(s) for ease of unloading and one
(1) metre around the sides and back will be maintained.
Three (3) metres around the entire container(s) will be kept clear of vegetation, rubbish or debris.
The container(s) will be secured using padlocks and/or signage restricting access.
The container(s) seal will not be removed until an MPI Inspector is present.
AP checks and unload of the container(s) will not commence until an MPI Inspector is present.
In the presence of the MPI Inspector the Accredited Person will proceed with check and unload of the
container(s) as per section 11.8 Container Handling of this manual.
11.8 Container Handling
The TFO is responsible for all containers upon arrival and must have authorisation to receive the
containers prior to accepting delivery.
Prior to container arrival the MPI Approved Devanning Area will be cleaned and where required drain
covers will be placed over drains.
Upon arrival container(s) will be placed in the MPI Approved Devanning Area.
A clearance of not less than three (3) metres at the front of the container for ease of unloading and one
(1) metre around the sides and back will be maintained to enable check by Accredited Person.
Three (3) metres around the entire container will be kept clear of vegetation, rubbish or debris.
Where the facility is been granted approval by MPI for a Residual Insecticide Programme for the container devanning
area, then the requirement listed in point 0 above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved programme to
be detailed in an Annex to this manual - this is not applicable to containers requiring MPI Container Audit or
Supervised Devan.
Prior to opening and unpacking, an Accredited Person will check the BACC and/or Customs Delivery
Order to ensure the container received is the correct one and if there are any MPI requirements.
Accredited Person will ensure that the Biosecurity Kit is present prior to proceeding with container check
and devanning.
Accredited Person will conduct a four-sided exterior inspection of the container, ensuring that the
container if free of any contaminants such as insects, eggs, snails, soil, and plant material.
If any contamination is found MPI is notified immediately.
MPI will provide direction and/or authority for any actions required.
Accredited Person will remove the container seal and open one (1) door of the container to check for live
insects or animals and contaminants.
A can of dual-purpose insecticide will be on hand to mitigate risk.
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If any live insects, animals or contaminants are found the container is closed and MPI is
notified immediately.
MPI will provide direction and/or authority for any actions required.
Accredited Person will supervise the unloading of each container to ensure that:
a. Cargo is as stated on shipping documents
b. No contaminants are present - if contaminants are found MPI will be notified immediately
c. Wood packaging material meets ISPM15 Standards
Where wood packaging does not have an ISPM15 stamp and/or is contaminated, MPI will be
notified immediately.
MPI will provide direction and/or authority for any actions required.
Upon completion of devanning, the container is swept out using the “Biosecurity Use Only” cleaning
equipment. Sweepings are placed in the Biosecurity bin and will not be put in general waste.
The container is removed from the devanning area and the area where it has been standing is swept
using the “Biosecurity Use Only” equipment. Sweepings are placed in the Biosecurity bin and will not be
put in general waste.
The Accredited Person will complete a container log sheet for every container received and devanned
within the Transitional Facility.
Any contaminants found will be recorded on the container log sheet.
Log sheets which record contaminants will be submitted to MPI by fax or submitted online via the MPI
NOTE: If any live animals including spiders and insects are found, the container will be closed
immediately and MPI contacted on 0800 80 99 66 for guidance.
11.9 Security of Goods
Prior to inspection and clearance, Uncleared Goods will not be moved from the Transitional Facility and
will remain secure and intact (parts or items will not be removed) unless authorisation is obtained from
Uncleared goods will be held in the MPI Approved Inspection/Holding Area, in such a manner that
organisms (e.g. insects) cannot escape from the Transitional Facility and that other goods will not
become contaminated.
The Transitional Facility will maintain a system for tracking uncleared goods in and out of the Transitional
Facility that can be audited by MPI.
Records of the movement of goods in and out of the Transitional Facility will be maintained by the TFO.
NOTE: Live animals or plants, domestic or otherwise are not permitted in Devanning, Holding or
Inspection Areas of the TF when uncleared risk goods are present.
Web Link to Online Container Checks
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11.10 Segregation of Uncleared Goods
All Uncleared Goods requiring an inspection by MPI will be held in the MPI Designated
Inspection/Holding Area until the inspection has been completed and an authorisation/clearance has
been issued by MPI.
The MPI Designated Area is clearly identified and defined in the map located in APPENDIX A: Site Plan.
Other Uncleared Goods will be held within in the import container and/or MPI Designated Holding Area
until clearance from MPI has been obtained.
No domestic or imported goods which have been cleared for unconditional importation will be kept within
three (3) metres of Uncleared Goods unless they are separated by an insect proof wall.
Note: Where the facility has been granted approval by MPI for an Approved Holding Area Agreement, then the requirements
listed above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved agreement to be detailed in an Annex to this manual.
The Transitional Facility will maintain a system for tracking the movement of uncleared goods in and out
of the facility that can be audited by MPI.
Records of the movement of uncleared goods in and out of the Transitional Facility will be maintained by
the TFO.
Cleared or other goods that become contaminated or are suspected of being contaminated from contact
with uncleared goods will be regarded as a biosecurity risk and will be handled in the same manner as
uncleared goods and will be reported immediately to MPI on 0800 80 99 66.
11.11 Inspection of Uncleared Goods
The TFO will ensure that an authority has been received from MPI directing the Uncleared Goods be held
for inspection by MPI.
The TFO will contact MPI to arrange a booking time for the required MPI Inspection.
The TFO will ensure that prior to an inspection:
a. The inspection area is swept clean
b. Where applicable - inspection bench(s) are cleaned and disinfected
c. Biosecurity equipment is present and in good working condition
d. Lighting in the inspection area is in good working condition and meets MPI requirements.
Prior to an MPI inspection the TFO will ensure that all Uncleared Goods requiring inspection will be:
a. located in the MPI Designated Inspection Area and;
b. clearly identified
Labour will be provided to assist the MPI Inspector(s) during the inspection.
Post inspection any actions will be as per the direction and authority of the MPI Inspector.
No goods will be released from the facility without an authorisation from MPI.
11.12 Treatment of Uncleared Risk Goods
Any goods requiring treatment are either treated on site or transported to an Approved Treatment
Provider10, in an insect proof manner, upon authorisation being granted by MPI.
Actions for contamination identified during container devanning:
 Container will be locked immediately
 MPI will be contacted immediately
Web Link to MPI Approved Treatment Providers
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Any containment strategy and/or treatment will be carried out as per direction from MPI
Contamination found will be recorded on the container log sheet which will be submitted to MPI
by fax or submitted online via the MPI Website
Actions for contamination identified on goods being held in the inspection/holding areas:
 Goods will be secured
 MPI will be contacted immediately
 Any containment strategy and/or treatment will be carried out as per direction from MPI
All treatments will only be conducted upon receipt of an authorisation from MPI.
Our preferred treatment providers are as detailed below.
Fumigation in contained area ONLY
(i.e. in a sea container)
enter your provider details
Contact Details:
Service Provided:
Where goods are directed by MPI to be treated
at the premises of an Approved Provided
enter your provider details
Contact Details:
Service Provided:
Container decontamination ONLY
enter your provider details
Contact Details:
Service Provided:
Records of any treatments will be maintained by the TFO.
11.13 Records
Records retained include:
Copies and/or access to all relevant MPI Standards
A copy of this Operating Manual
Customs Delivery Orders / Import Delivery Orders for all containers received
Permits to Import (where applicable)
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Phytosanitary Certificates (where applicable)
MPI BACC’s (Biosecurity Authority Clearance Certificates) for all consignments
MPI Transfers for all relevant consignments
Treatment records (where applicable)
A completed Log sheet/inspection record and/or Register for all containers received and/or devanned
Pest and Weed Management Programmes
Records of Disposal of Waste from MPI Quarantine Bin
Fresh Produce – Inspection Room Hygiene Log (where applicable)
Fresh Produce – Specimen Transportation Log (where applicable)
Internal Audit Checklists
MPI Audit reports and letters/correspondence
Records of Internal and External Biosecurity training
Copies of Operator(s) and Accredited Person(s) Certificates of Training
Copies of Certificate of Approval
11.14 Waste Management
The contents of the Quarantine Bin will be held for collection by an Approved Provider.
Where applicable a direction will be obtained from MPI for the destruction of waste.
Our elected Approved Provider is detailed below.
Provider Name :
enter your provider details
Contact Details :
Service Frequency:
Records of waste destruction will be maintained by the TFO.
11.15 Pest Management
Pest control at our facility is maintained as detailed below and records of service are held by the TFO.
enter your provider details
Contact Details:
Service Frequency:
Service Provided:
11.16 Weed Management
Weed control at our facility is maintained as detailed below and records of service are held by the TFO.
enter your provider details
Contact Details:
Service Frequency:
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Service Provided:
11.17 Internal Audit
An Internal Audit of the facility will be conducted by the TFO or nominated delegate.
The Internal Audit will include an assessment and review of all Biosecurity items and records and will be
conducted every e.g. twelve (12) months
(Where applicable Facilities importing Animal Products must conduct an Internal Audit every 6 months)
Records of these audits are held by the TFO.
A check list template is located in APPENDIX D: Internal Audit Check List for Transitional Facilities.
11.18 Use of a Transitional Facility for other Purposes
This facility is used for the devanning and storage of imported cargo. When the Transitional Facility is not
being used for the purpose of the approval we may use it for other purposes between consignments as
listed below:
Enter details - i.e.
Devanning Area - Car Park
Inspection/Holding Area - distribution of goods
We will ensure that this will not compromise the ability of the facility to meet the requirements of the MPI
Standard - MPI-STD-TFGEN.
12 Signage
A sign identifying the premises as an Approved Transitional Facility and restricting access is displayed at enter
details of where signage will be located - include any signage used to identify specific areas i.e. inspection area.
13 Contingency Plans
13.1 Resignation of Approved Operator
RISKS: Suspension or Cancellation of Transitional Facility Approval
 MPI is notified within 24 hours on 0800 222 018 (Option 5)
 Succession plan established
 Where applicable request approval for dispensation from MPI
13.2 Unauthorised Release of Uncleared Goods
RISKS: Biosecurity incursion
Loss and/or damage of Uncleared Goods
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Contamination of cleared or other goods
Suspension or Cancellation of Transitional Facility Approval
 MPI is notified immediately on 0800 80 99 66
 Uncleared Goods will be located and secured
 Contaminated cleared or other goods will be located and secured
 Directions and/or authorisations will be obtained from MPI
 Regular scheduled reviews of in-house procedures
 Staff training and awareness programme established
13.3 Break In / Burglary
RISKS: Biosecurity incursion
Loss and/or damage of Uncleared Goods
Contamination of cleared or other goods
Unauthorised entry
Damage to facility which impacts ability to operate
Suspension or Cancellation of Transitional Facility Approval
 Emergency services notified immediately
 MPI is notified immediately on 0800 80 99 66
 Goods and/or containers will be secured
 Stock take will be conducted to identify any missing goods
 Directions and/or authorisations will be obtained from MPI
 Facility Security Management Plan established
 Regular scheduled reviews of Facility Security Management Plan
13.4 Weather Damage
RISKS: Biosecurity Incursion
Damage to Uncleared Goods
Contamination of cleared or other goods
Damage to facility which impacts ability to operate
Suspension or Cancellation of Transitional Facility Approval
 Emergency services notified immediately
 MPI is notified immediately on 0800 80 99 66
 Goods and/or containers will be secured
 Where possible, a stock take will be conducted to identify any missing, damaged or
contaminated goods
 Directions and/or authorisations will be obtained from MPI
 Emergency Plan established
 Regular scheduled reviews of Emergency Plan
13.5 General Emergency, Fire or Power Cut
RISKS: Biosecurity Incursion
Loss and/or damage of Uncleared Risk Goods
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Contamination of cleared or other goods
Damage/loss to facility which impacts ability to operate
Suspension or Cancellation of Transitional Facility Approval
 Emergency services notified immediately
 MPI is notified immediately on 0800 80 99 66
 Goods and/or containers will be secured
 Where possible, a stock take will be conducted to identify any missing, damaged or
contaminated goods
 Directions and/or authorisations will be obtained from MPI
 Emergency Plan established
 Regular scheduled reviews of Emergency Plan
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Note: This Operating Manual will be reviewed annually and when
updates are required the TFO will submit the updated version to
MPI for assessment and approval.
This Operating Manual is authorised by:
Name of Transitional Facility Operator
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Contact Details
Specimen ID’s :
Approved Lab
Inspection Facilities
Internal Audit
Transport & Route
Pest Mgmt
Site Plan
Waste Mgmt
Approved OP / APs
Weed Mgmt
Appendix(s) and/or
Manual Review
Annex Review
Approving MPI Inspector:
ID Number
Approval Date:
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Site Plan
It is recommended that this be approximately A4 size
A site of the general layout of the transitional facility must include:
Inspection / Holding Areas
Container Areas
Location of Garden Areas and drains
Location of Biosecurity Equipment
Adjacent buildings
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Handling of Wood Packaging Material
Refer to the MPI Import Health Standard - Importing Wood Packaging Material from All Countries11 for
Handling on Arrival at Transitional Facility
All imported wood packaging material will be checked by an Accredited Person during the devanning of
containers to ensure that it is:
Free of regulated pests
Free of extraneous material (e.g. leaves, soil)
Treated to the ISPM 15 standard
Non-Compliant or Contaminated Wood Packing Material (WPM)
The Accredited Person or Transitional Facility Operator will notify MPI immediately of any non-compliant
or contaminated WPM identified during devan of containers by contacting:
Auckland Only - (09) 909 8530
All other regions – the local MPI Office
All non-compliant WPM will be held in the MPI Designated Area in an insect proof manner until
authorisation/clearance is received from an MPI Inspector.
The MPI Designated Area is clearly identified and also defined on the Site Plan (refer Appendix A).
No domestic or cleared imported goods will be kept within 3 metres of the non-compliant WPM in order to
prevent possible cross contamination.
Note: Where the facility has been granted approval by an MPI Inspector for an Approved Holding Area Agreement, then the
requirements listed above will be replaced by the requirements of the approved agreement to be detailed in an Annex to this
Web Link to Import Health Standard - Wood Packaging
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Current Approved Personnel
Certificate Number
Expiry Date
Deputy Operator
Accredited Person
Accredited Person
Accredited Person
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Internal Audit Check List for Transitional Facilities
Use the following checklist to help assess if your facility continues to comply with your MPI TF approval. Internal checks should occur
once every 12 months or as advised by your MPI Inspector. Note any required actions in the ‘comments’ column, and upon
completion of the actions tick the ‘resolved’ box at the end and note the date resolved. Items should usually be resolved within 2
ATF number:
Objective evidence
Objective evidence
1. Are Operator and Deputy Operator(s) (if required)
present and is their training valid?
2. Are staff aware of the biosecurity requirements and
are they trained?
3. Is the Accredited Person(s) training valid?
Are checks carried out in accordance with the
operating manual? Do container checks include:
 Container documentation
 Internal
 External
 Wood Packaging.
4. Has any contamination been recorded or reported to
Facility operations and paperwork
5. Is signage in the correct places?
6. Is public access to the facility controlled when
uncleared risk goods are on site (e.g. with a log
7. Is there a 3m clearance around the container area
from rubbish/debris/weeds? Is the hard stand area in
good repair?
8. Is the facility operating manual up-to-date and
available to staff?
9. Is a copy of current standard (TF Gen) available for
10. Are facility records kept and retrievable for 7 years?
Records kept include:
 copy of TF and Operator approval certificates
 waste disposal and treatment records
 staff training records
 all import documents for each container (BACC,
Custom Delivery Orders), etc.
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Equipment checks
Objective evidence
11. Does the facility have dedicated and labelled
equipment? e.g.
 Broom and dustpan (or vacuum)
 Biosecurity bin (lined if appropriate)
 Torch
 Dual-action insecticide
 Any other equipment required in the approval
Uncleared risk goods (if applicable)
12. Are uncleared risk goods held in accordance with the
procedures in the approved operating manual?
13. Do uncleared risk goods remain un-sampled,
unopened, and not tampered with unless there is
MPI authorisation?
14. Does the Operator understand that written
authorisation is required to transfer uncleared risk
goods? Have you notified MPI on receipt of any
uncleared risk goods?
15. Are there written releases on file for risk goods that
have not been MPI inspected?
16. Have any goods been treated? If yes describe what,
where, when.
17. Have any transfers of risk goods been conducted
Items to follow up (use numbers)
Date resolved
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Internal Biosecurity Awareness Training
The TFO is responsible ensuring that all staff involved with the devanning of containers and handling of
uncleared goods are aware of biosecurity requirements and have:
Read and understood this Operating Manual
Completed Internal Biosecurity Awareness training
Internal Biosecurity Awareness training will be conducted by enter name or position of person.
A register of internal training attendance is maintained by the TFO - refer to template in APPENDIX F:
Biosecurity Awareness Training Register.
The training programme will be reviewed as a component of the Transitional Facility Internal Audit.
Enter details of the facility biosecurity training programme, i.e. content, topics covered
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Date of
Biosecurity Awareness Training Register
Training delivered
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Pest, Weed, Waste Register
Facility No :
Address :
Register For:
(tick appropriate boxes)
Pest Control
Weed Control
Waste Disposal
Other (state here)
Action Taken
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Terms and Definitions
Accredited Person (AP)
A person who has undertaken a MPI approved Accredited Person training
course for biosecurity awareness of container unpacking. Facilities for sea and
air containers must have an Accredited Person present at container unpacking.
Biosecurity Act 1993
Means approved by the Director-General.
A systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which specific criteria are
Biosecurity Authority/ Clearance Certificate
Biosecurity clearance
A clearance, given under section 26 of the Biosecurity Act 1993, for the entry of
goods into New Zealand.
Goods given biosecurity clearance by a MPI Inspector are released
to the importer without restrictions.
Biosecurity direction
Written authority from a MPI Inspector, given under section 25 of the
Biosecurity Act 1993, to move uncleared goods from a Transitional Facility or
biosecurity control area to another Transitional Facility, containment facility or
biosecurity control area, or to export those goods from New Zealand.
Chief Technical Officer
The persons appointed by the Director-General as chief technical officers under
section 101 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
The application of procedures that effectively remove surface and built-up dirt,
as appropriate to the equipment/facility. These procedures may vary according
to the nature of the equipment/facility they are applied to.
Animals, insects or other invertebrates (alive or dead, in any life cycle stage,
including egg casings or rafts), or any organic material of animal origin
(including blood, bones, hair, flesh, secretions, excretions); viable or unviable
plants or plant products (including fruit, seeds, leaves, twigs, roots, bark); or
other organic material, including fungi; or soil or water; where such products are
not the manifested cargo being imported.
Corrective Action Request
A request for a corrective action to rectify non-compliance.
The chief executive of the Ministry for Primary Industries.
The application, after cleaning, of procedures intended to destroy agents of disease
Environmental Protection
Authority responsible for administering the Hazardous Substances and New
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Authority (EPA)
Organisms Act 1996.
External audit
An audit carried out on behalf of the Ministry for Primary Industries to measure
compliance of the facility against this standard.
Import health standard
A document issued under section 22 of the Biosecurity Act 1993, which
specifies the requirements to be met for the effective management of risks
associated with importation of risk goods, before those goods may be imported,
moved from a biosecurity control area or a Transitional Facility, or given a
biosecurity clearance.
Inspector / MPI Inspector
Inspectors are appointed by the Chief Technical Officer under section 103 (1) of
the Act for the purposes of administering and enforcing the provisions of the
Biosecurity Act 1993. Under the Act, Inspectors have the power to give
directions regarding Transitional Facilities or risk goods.
Internal audit
An audit carried out by the company or organisation to evaluate its own
performance in relation to the standard or prescribed criteria.
International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures
Horses and other equine species, cattle and other bovine species, alpacas,
llamas, sheep, goats, deer and pigs.
Non Compliance Report
Nursery Stock
Whole plants or parts of plants imported for growing purposes, e.g. cuttings,
scions, budwood, marcots, off-shoots, root divisions, bulbs, corms, tubers,
rhizomes, and plants in vitro
Transitional Facility Operator - the person or organisation, approved by the
Director-General, who has overall responsibility for a facility, under section 40
of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Under section 2 of the HSNO Act 1996, an organism:
a. does not include a human being:
b. includes a human cell:
c. includes a micro-organism:
d. includes a genetic structure, [other than a human cell], that is
capable of replicating itself, whether that structure comprises all or
only part of an entity, and whether it comprises all or only part of the
total genetic structure of an entity:
e. includes an entity (other than a human being) declared to be an
organism for the purposes of the Biosecurity Act 1993:
f. includes a reproductive cell or developmental stage of an organism.
Permit to Import
A written order issued by the Director-General or delegate authorising the
importation of risk goods to a specified facility.
An organism specified as a pest in a pest management strategy, or an
organism that could cause the spread of biosecurity risk material in or around a
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Transitional Facility (e.g. rodents, insects, etc.).
Confinement of organisms or organic material that may be harbouring pests or
unwanted organisms.
Restricted organism
Any organism for which a containment approval has been granted in
accordance with the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996
(including any approval deemed to have been granted under sections 254(1),
25493), 254(80(a), 25591), 255(2), 256, 258(1), and 258(3)).
Risk good
Any organism, organic material, or other thing, or substance, that (by reason of
its nature, origin, or other relevant factors) may constitute, harbour, or contain
an organism that may:
a. cause unwanted harm to natural and physical resources or human health in
New Zealand; or
b. interferes with the diagnosis, management or treatment, in New Zealand, of
pests or unwanted organisms.
Transitional Facility
a. Any place approved as a Transitional Facility in accordance with section 39
of the Biosecurity Act 1993 for the purpose of inspection, storage, treatment,
quarantine, holding, or destruction of uncleared goods; or
b. A part of a port declared to be a Transitional Facility in accordance with
section 39 of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Uncleared goods
Means imported goods for which no biosecurity clearance has been given by
These goods may require treatment, further processing or inspection prior to
clearance being issued.
Unwanted organism
Any organism that a Chief Technical Officer believes is capable or potentially
capable of causing unwanted harm to any natural and physical resources or
human health (Biosecurity Act 1993).
Organisms that are to be excluded from the facility, e.g. rodents, birds,
invertebrates etc.
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References and Useful Links
Standard for General Transitional Facilities for Uncleared Goods and the associated guidance document
can be found at:
Import Health Standards search function on the MPI Website:
A list of MPI office contact details can be found at:
More information on requirements for Transitional Facilities can be found at:
The application forms for Transitional Facility and Operator approval can be found at:
Information on the requirements for Operators can be found at:
Information on approved biosecurity treatments and treatment providers can be found at:
A list of approved disinfectants is available at:
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Study collections